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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST

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tips for your package and the zip code is spots affinities. check on some great cultural memorials to boot the w travel. we go the past towards sustainable mobility will in many, many, many use cases be an electric. what the is this the new best value for money v, the volvo e x 30 will find out right now. welcome to read the x, the she is
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a compact tv that the swedish call make. it has a squarely it models like the v w i. d 3 equals ask her electric and the test them upholstery. the entry level of price for the mobile ex $30.00 is just around $36600.00 euro. what do you get? well, 1st of all, you get a bunch of assistance systems, almost anything you could wish for blind spot us is oncoming traffic mitigation. it will recognize pedestrians, bicycle spike or is so in the safety sense, you get everything you need is also an meet cost and tricked vx. the c features, the latest generation of all those go to my take parking system, which can handle both power low and perpendicular, mending vince empty spaces on either side of the call or detected when driving it speeds on to 22 kilometers per hour and then displayed on the touch screen, as soon as the drive that is selected to spot the pockets,
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this pilot stays the vehicle into place by take care of the steering gear, shift to accelerate, to pedal and brakes. the drive to get continuous progress updates. while i had the display, what else do you get? a $200.00 kit, a water wheel driven cart with a 51 kilowatt hour battery that will achieve around 350 kilometers off range. if you compare that to, for example of the, in the compact segment, let's say opal off dry electric vw id 3 or test the model 3. and then all of these will start at around $4142000.00 euros. and even though. busy some of these will have more range than the volleyball. some will also have less range and also weigh less power for price. it is way higher than that of the mobile and pricey of versions that the x, the c include the single night long range model with a bigger back tray, reaching out to 476 kilometers. and this 40 jewel motor with 315 kilowatts of power
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. so what are the down sides? what won't you get in the valuable e x 30? 1 of the things you won't get is an instrument cluster. so behind the steering wheel there is nothing. if you want to know how fast you're driving the speed limit or any other information, you will find all of that in the central display in the, in for payment system that takes some getting used to. but usually after a few minutes, you will have found yourself looking at the right spot instead of searching for your current speed behind the steering wheel. and just to be set and you have a safe journey, there's volvos on board computer keeping an eye on things. the general a driving impression in the. busy that is absolutely nice. what you would expect from a volvo. it is very comfortable. the loudness in the interior is k as well.
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nothing too loud, but also not to silence. seems to see traffic in for 6, you know, one pedal driving which is possible in old variance and shows great to come foot and increased range and other poles that you sent to them. the range from the on board heat pump, which comes standards, except in the single my to addition to all the way to put it to the interior of the ex 30 is to lean their opposite the no buttons summit, the steering wheel above. that's about it. leon for payment system is as usual with valuable our pulse, the cars oper, right? that's okay. it reminds you of your smartphone and it's also easy to operate above . the touch screen looks very good, it's quite bright. it's easily readable, even if the sunshine on it it has google maps on it. so if you plan to do along the
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trip, the car will automatically find charging spot along your route and then create the battery. so it's in that ideal state to get charged. the only thing is, if you plan to charge on your own, or if you don't use the navigation, then the battery won't be pre heated ends. in worst case, it won't charge as fast as it could. would you also can see the side doors uh clean as well. that's not even a level for the windows because this one is right here in the center console. and what you also have in the center console is to cupholders. and if you don't need the most cop oldest, for example, if you want to put anything else inside, then you'd just put that away and you can place whatever item you want to in that tray. that's pretty nice. the vehicle can be chad with friends and family via an
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apps that enables it to be moved without. the key is also a remote function for checking whether the vehicle is looks and the windows are closed. the same goes for free sheet, single cooling, the interior, activating the whole locating physical space in the back is definitely what you would call a compact. there is almost no leg room left. it's okay. you can put it in the middle because there's a little more space or at the sides. the head room is absolutely okay. also because of the huge panoramic glass roof. but the seating position is not exactly comfortable because as you can tell, the floor is quite high due to the battery of cause. and then you will have your legs bend quite a bit and that is not a position you will want to keep for a long distance trip. the seats, as such, are quite comfortable. no questions ask, but the position isn't
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the just as in the front you have no buttons in the door. instead, the window levers are here in the middle where you will also find 2 u. s. b c sockets for smartphone. charging that are also handy funding pockets in the front seat banks. while the front has a capacity of 19 latest. the trunk conflicting between 318, and 904 liters of comcast. the anything you want to adjust in the car is done via the central touched this site and that is also true for. busy the side view mirrors which by the way, look quite nice because they almost bought a list, but they need to choose the mirror adjustment from the menu indian for payment
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system. and then you do it with the buttons at the steering wheel. similar to what tests last. it is not intuitive, but to do it only one time. a scene. see the car has memory function, follow the different drivers. it is ok. this new stop button for the engine to get the vehicle going. the drive is simply presses the brake pedal and engages forward over. thus using the guess the funny up my volvo. x 30 experience. i like driving the car, even though i'm not a fan of su visa, it is quite nicely motorized, car, car figure other phenomenon with millions of unique stories that could be in a german coffin. we need you guys wherever you are. however, up here. right?
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but the question is now, where should we go? right to wherever you sent us, your stories and your crazy car into vs. let's catch up soon. unwrap the room or, or actually true. money was in trying not be the that the tv is going to die. because the traditional german legacy brands, like missy this on coal, cannot compete with the up and coming chinese even you make this. so they are not on the verge of storing the tone. i'm too young from the the rest. and you guys will show you, is that the case or not? are you i was the last 2 or 2, was your frontier told tooth you pointed venture, so your cost will be in general. so once you intend to watch you for that,
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of course the choose onto should go up the lease so that she to the grand junction to have a way to call when you talk to them. this left me who had already jump on the bunch vegan and purchased truly electric vehicles is set the buffers. what's going on? what's happening to see if it's the vision is clear, a purely electric portfolio portfolio. and yes, we firmly believe that the electric mobility is going to support the sustainable and so you are missing the future to disco was no longer costs. have to have massive investments in the electric vehicle sector. german also makers, including this is bmw and folks buying over the past decade. oh, gone to based when
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i heard that vast and ultimate curse represents the payment status. we're going to give up on the electric vehicles. i quickly check out the more serious germ of financial media, such as the reports in one of those blocks which said these what and vicious goals, according to the internal plans, mister spins am to achieve more than 20 percent of itself is fully electric cars in 2023. however, distilled, got based company only managed to act chief electric share of 12 percent of the approximately 12000000 costs delivered last year. given this pace, it seems i'm realistic for the traditional german ultimate garment status. to achieve its goal of fully electric sales by 2030. and so after our round of criticism from the supervisory board, the head of my status, ola colleen hughes has put an end to his to come presidencies, electric surprises,
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essentially housing the target. by the end of this decade, the sales ratio of my status hybrids and electric vehicles at most retail level of 50 percent. but from this news come, read concludes that me say this, and even german also makers as a whole, a balance of the box, electric vehicles, and stop competing these chinese manufacturers. even though they haven't given up at all, saying they've given up is completely nonsensical. there's no such thing. i think i would like to paraphrase the single markets, right? yeah. the reports about the desk of the electric vehicle, i'd greatly accelerate what we are seeing now. what you're seeing now is a slight and bright on the road to the electric field. we did each because to whomever you talk in the industry in the medium to the past, towards sustainable mobility. we will in many, many,
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many use cases be an electric requirement. and the industry is ready, willing and able to follow the pos for the majority of the vehicles. so the notion that invest in countries unable to compete of flipping the table collectively, giving up on your electric cars and leaving china to play along. come, therefore, only be described as some people being already anxious. not long after this claim was made, some of china's own social media voices stepped forward to clarify and set the right courts attract people to various reasons. people have been seen in very anxious. whether it's about the white, a volatile themselves, the one moment they think that being surrounded by the west and the country is doomed. the next the fee, i will replace humanity, i'm a doomed. such feelings are understandable, but not particularly helpful or being able to present friends or it's
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a leading technical consultant in the european automotive industry. and has also witnessed the growth of china's electric vehicle industry. i think at the moment there is a very high attention to any new step. according to the electric vehicles, they have the option of electric vehicles in bold market. the see the moment the, the situation. we have plenty of prices around to the political that come only plan so on. right. and people are really somehow in fear of change in some respect as those voices from china and europe mentioned. the uncertainty about the future of the electric vehicles may steam from the fact that we currently live in the all certain words. because so many of our previous understandings has been negated by new circumstances. we have started to become accustomed to engaging every scene. but when it comes to the future of
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ability, a highly important topic, what do the experts in europe sick? and while the electric will be used to choose some pos for the industry, so there is no doubt about that. every major we have many, many new and trend state. they have set their bits of electric community as to the main trends of the main form of motion for the future to come full scale, assess slice don't target x results. cracks minus thoughts on the end of the dream . i'm not entirely results foundation. they have also got their proponents in germany. the v is the future. do my but unfortunately our politicians have lost interest in the future. there's this professional 49 student who have, who used to be known as the godfather of the automotive industry in germany. as an academic, he pays close attention to and is optimistic about the development of trying to
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electric vehicle industry and is often a v i p as a professional chinese event. however, he's not optimistic about the future of electric vehicles in the european american markets. the reason stands from politics about putting on the political side, there have been significant changes and these changes are slowing down the electric car. the main reason why electric cars are now weakening in germany in the u, who is the lack of support from the political spirit. firstly, in terms of buyers premiums, and secondly, due to the general political attitude that internal combustion engines still have a future to the point of view that i need to talk. so this is the view of professional doesn't have a, as an academic of server. what have germany is major, traditional automakers has recently set about the future of electric vehicles. this is all kind of in your determine of my status. as we mentioned before,
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the phased criticism from the supervisory board, because piece of business planned for a fully electric line up by 2013, wasn't the chief of all. now here's chan she's narratives pushing back the deadline for completing this transition by another 9 years to 2039. so we want to achieve a net carbon neutral position by the end of the next a decade. the body in order not to wait for that to happen in 1516 years. we have also set ourselves at the interim target by the end of this decade, pen achieve up to 50 percent of the journey by 2030 the net 0 carbon target. it's mentioned by mistake, this is actually more vicious than the previous go off achieving a fully electric sales line up by 2013. this net 0 go means that the entire product life cycle of audio vehicles, including batteries, roll material,
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production, assembling, delivery, customer usage, and recycling with a chief carbon neutrality and the environmental impact of electric vehicles. so out your entire life cycle is also a focal point. for many critics in the long term factory electric vehicles will be the predominant tab, trying to think of them i could chat by 2027. know we'll be at a tipping point. so popped up for electric vehicles, flipping southern ice east. this was the volt tetra ration made by the c o of folks, but you can in 2023. furthermore, looking across other german automakers, including bmw and audi, achieving carbon neutrality is essentially a medium to long term goal for our often is only the timelines for achieving those
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goals. very seeing that german automakers are planning to execute the electric vehicle. race is therefore completely at outs. vista affects the needs. there are many voices in europe questioning the future of electric vehicles . for example, european countries including germany on friends sick. this attempt the reduce subsidies for electric vehicle buyers not long ago before the consolation of purchase subsidies buying electric vehicle in germany could have that it's, you a government subsidy of around 4500, still 6000 euros. imagine you had both a mid to high spec electric, meaning just the subsidy alone would have amounted for roughly 10 to 15 percent of the purchase price. for popular moses like the many,
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this level of discount was essentially the maximum manufacturer could offer. if you had bought a cheaper entry level, electric car, priced between 20030000 euros, the government subsidy. would that cost the $2.00 adults and even the advert per person off the cost? but now this money is gone. well, yes, it would have flies and now the price difference assessed significant, and this is the most important argument. customers are withdrawing and reverting to combustion engines. so it's the big price difference between combustion engines and electric cars. so by way of comparison, china is no, a power dies for e v buyers. you can get this for running about 27000 euro. this 432000 euros, and this for less than $17000.00 bureaus of cost cannot be considerations. undoubtedly the primary concern for most users besides the
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purchase price, however, the continuously raising electricity prices across europe. also a reason why many consumers hesitant to embrace the flood or more the 1st wave of trial and error of pioneers. oh, the so called early adopters have already terminated 1st time, positive and negative experiences. so years ago as someone for a credit on the electric car, i belonged to those early adopters. the experience of driving electric vehicle in europe these days isn't necessarily bad, but it's enough to fast track you into a mid life crisis. the experience is marked by all paid public charging stations on exorbitant electricity prices. the low compatibility of charging costs the incomplete or inc, i create information about talking stages and various false treating. charging
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experiences add to the audio coupled with range anxiety in her institute electric cars. all that reinforces my belief that the future of electric mobility cannot remain as it is now. i also understand better why many argue that the electric cars we see on the roads today, i'm early transitional products of costs. there are dissenting voices as well. because ninety's of my i don't agree because if you look at vehicles from the latest generations, for example, what are said he is doing with his ass and e class models. they have great range and one can manage quite well with them. well, not really a high over kind of forgot me say this s o e of calls. so we kind of hope that's a common curse. well, gradually democratize the battery a technology use today and talk more of this to more affordable motors that the masses cannot accept. regardless,
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the future of electric mobility will still depend on new technological advancements . the most important thing, what we see here a bit to raise this is that the commodity that starts right away and we will have plenty of improvements over the next 2 years in terms of price performance, dependability as well. so this makes me come and see that that and next to probably the 10 foot feed, it's promises to provide sustainable affordable mobility for society. again, different allison and we expect that battery technology will make significant liens forward in the next 5 years. unfortunately, it's not going to blink. we're talking about solid state batteries, some of the state, but only, i've also noticed that in germany, whether people are pessimistic or optimistic, i bought the car and states of electric vehicles. yes. do you believe that the future direction of outside will mess up? is electric. but kind of those traditional german comm acres which ones bone,
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beak risk conversion or internal combustion engine technology and has been criticized for moving too slowly and too late towards electrification. continue proving, they have a clear vision of the future and they are embrace in the future as that is electric, or at least high for the electric for the existing portfolio. so i wasn't boring too much if you're not able to to, to mask the cod godfather. of germany believes that the future of electric mobility lies and trying to see where optimistic that the breakthrough will happen in china and no question. and we think it will also spread to europe and the us. but the question always is, what will the politicians do? what do you think the politicians come back to the card guy or let it live? without it, you can't predict what politicians will do, where you got this message. you never did less as we have heard from it. say this
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folks log in and others eaves off from best. not even fading away. major comm acres in germany, just adjusting the pace towards full electrification and more automotive tales next time on or as the, the, the
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