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tv   The Kim Dynasty  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 3:15pm-4:00pm CEST

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usually how about this? i'll stop next. documentary focused on north korea is ruling tim dynasty. remember, you can always get us on line d, w dot com, also in our social media platforms. i am eddie micah junior. we're back with more news at the top of the out the do you big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains does massa tv, automobile industry? the illegal as a starts may said on dw good april 2022. a ministry parade celebrates the 90th anniversary of the north korean
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people's army. the with great fanfare dictates came joan own, presents the west song, 17 intercontinental ballistic missile, a weapon with several nuclear warheads. north korea can use it to attack almost anywhere in the world. it is a clear warning with an unmistakable message to the us, an old enemies of the kid dentist, date the
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the, every year on the 1st of january, the people of pyongyang gather at the moon, showed a monument. together they commemorate the deceased president's king assume, and his son, kim jong il, and wished them
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a happy new year. the on january, the 1st 2018 carr instead of state came jump on use is the occasion to make a special speech. it is a clear message from north korea to the well, especially the us we do not have the model number, you're using words, how much media entering the world with using it to obtain needs from was what is pretty good is a new part of that was wait for me, which is the,
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the church to the should be like that at the end of 2017 came drum and celebrated north korea's nuclear weapons program as a success. in his new years address a month later, he made it clear that this development had taken place on the instructions of his predecessors to me. in this new year's day speech came joan on the class that the country has now achieved its ultimate goal of becoming a nuclear power and is practically unassailable. even for the us, the it is the fulfillment of a loan. hell, dream of that came in as the north korea's nuclear program began back in the 1950s with kim il some the founder of the
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democratic people's republic of korea and self proclaimed it tunnel presidents in the 19 such as came l, so old as a nationalist activist against japanese colonial rule, he was trained by the chinese communist party and later by the soviet union where he lived for a time during the 2nd world war. 1945, atomic bombs dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki. japan surrenders and gifts korea back itself into the team ill so immediately recognizes the power of this new weapon the
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. it defies you all ponds. what you're thinking through this adult book on the ultimate that you've reached the incidentally, the fall of japan was also relatively important for the nuclear program. because we know that the 2 atomic bombs in her rush them on august 2nd. you on august 6th, the 9th 1945 ultimately forced upon to surrender. with nick reinstalled this overpowering colonial power because they had little power to oppose. it indeed brought to his knees by 2 bombs as it turned out to these this dog. as this led to the conclusion, you could spend you clear with and this more important, altman, done off this list, by the way up, because i that those are to him. buffering these dixon off to here, ashima. japan withdrew its troops from the korean peninsula. but the country was still far from free. korea continued to be ruled by foreign powers,
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as it had since 1910. the soviet union controlled the north, while the us control the south. similar to germany after the 2nd world war, the country was divided into occupations, ends in the north, kim il sung, consolidated, whose power with stallings health in the south. the white house installed, seeing monterey as president a division intended to be a temporary solution, became permanent. the in 1950 under kim, also north korean troops across the board at the 38th power. lo to re unite the country by force and so began the korean war, the many historians, one of the most brutal wars of the 20th century,
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the around 4500000 people died within 3 years. the us commander in chief of the united nations combined in south korea. general douglas macarthur publicly called for the use of nuclear weapons. and once again came, it also recognized the strategic importance of the bomb, the kind of one to the north korean nuclear program. again, early on, long before the collapse of the soviet union, north korea wanted to develop its own nuclear weapons. but the soviet union wanted to prevent this. the stucco danielle,
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the bomb became north korea's obsessions. the country had to support his china and the soviet union. the latter designated its 1st nuclear bomb back in 1949, the kim il sung, did everything in his power to obtain the 2 communist states nuclear weapons plans . the cut, the china on the side of the union, off against each of a. sometimes he's supposed to vision, sometimes most got the choose north korea rigs, which is the rivalry between the 2 superpowers when it comes into cedar. cuz i
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don't want, i was in 1963 with the help of the soviet union. north korea built a nuclear research center and the research reactor in young beyond a 100 kilometers. know the film yang, the north korea huts sites. north korea has been working on it nuclear program since at least the 1970s are 1960. so i'm not sure if i can confirm this for my own personal experience or state. taken by my father was a nuclear physicist. i'm. we lived in russia and the 19 seventy's was done where there was a nuclear research center in the north koreans, scientists were already working there at the time of the day. it is the us by planes observe the construction of the facility at this point.
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however, the international community was not concerned the, it still seemed unlikely that north korea would ever oppose a serious threat to the west. the in the communist world, however, joan gang was seen as a shining example, relying on a policy of friendship. kim l. so allied himself with heads of state and policy leaders who were also not on good terms with the us the it maintained close relations with other communist states, especially the g. d, a and romania,
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the at the end of the $198.00. as these friendships came to an end, the eastern blog collapsed. the soviet union disintegrated. germany was through unified and the romanian dictator, child cascoo, was ousted from power and executed. joan gain suddenly found itself alone. the thoughts of intelligence school by the death of cho shift school in the fall of 1989 cisco. i think it was in december. this was a very dramatic signal for the north korean leaderships, acknowledged. so do not go and i believe it was also one of the reasons they decided to vehemently against reform and the reform cause. and she's the,
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the soviet was a patriot of north korea provided a lot of material assistance. but with the collapse of the soviet union that was gone. and you add that up with the willingness of china to have diplomatic relations with south korea. they felt isolated betray, and they felt they had to take their security into their own hands. and they began to pursue in earnest. this nuclear weapons program came, it also expanded his nuclear facility and young beyond attracting the attention of the international community. in 1992, the international atomic energy agency carried out its 1st inspections the west turn to diplomacy and compromise to prevent north korea from building a nuclear bomb producer
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. because at any time during the day, then you will. i hans blix, let be an inspection to as i can get on there. like pm young. the inspectors had to change planes in beijing because there was no direct flight. they were the 1st foreigners to enter the young gun facility. north korea trying to hide the true extent of its blue tonia and program. the full inspection was not accepted. the radio chemical level rotatory in accordance with the agreements we had as a result, we cannot exclude that this radio, chemical blonde 3 processing font has been operated between february last year. and this year we're not saying that it has to be, but we cannot exclude that it has been operate
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the during his visit to south korea in 1993 us president, bill clinton sent a clear message. the point was washington, the threatened consequences. the we believed that was a place to stop, stop them before they made the sick nuclear box. and so a secretary defense design, i made a public statement that we would not submit north korea to reprocess the fuel and
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making a new claim to make the degree of bonds. we are prepared to take some form of military action to keep that from happening. at that time, no grants past referred to me as a war maniac. by 1994, the dangerous seem to have been a voucher for the time being. for the 1st time, north korea signed an agreement, the country pledged to pursue its nuclear program exclusively for energy production . i was involved in this from the early nineties to the present and i looked back a number of critical coins the united states and in north korea headed agreed in 1994 to something called the agreed framework. and that kind of put a lid cap on their program, especially no more production of plutonium for weapons. and that was working
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pretty well. pretty good. how do you look at it? in reality, however, north korea had long since found another clandestine way to carry on. talk to pakistan had offered kim is assume uranium enrichment technology in exchange for a long and medium range, missiles for good tech on hold, talk to set up to kind of go. so while kim assume negotiated with the us on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons, he was developing a new secret weakly, a program is all right, we're sure when this was discovered, america broke off negotiations with north korea. now it was up to china to put pressure on the came regime in the past, china, it was helpful in dealing with north korea. our assumption was that china
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shared the us few, that north korea should not have to be weapons. and there should not be instability on the korean peninsula. and because of this assumed shared interest between the us in china, the 2 countries worked well together on north korea during the 2 thousands. the so called 6 party talks in the after less than 2 years, north korea whole tape negotiations. and went on the offensive. the on february, the 10th 2005, the government declared that it was already in possession of nuclear weapons, snapping its chinese neighbors. the ocean is as easy
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as the chinese perspective, and our 3 are really, is a very, very difficult partner in a certain problem. and so the, the armament of the countries are running north korea, japan site 3 as well. and of course, the presence of the us and the region is heatedly justified by the threat of north korea whole north cause it was relatively clear that the whole thing is actually directed against china in tomorrow, at least partly against china. and she's not listed the despite the disagreement, is it a nuclear program? north korean leadership regularly traveled to beijing. the communist parties of both peoples republics were officially brother potters. each came generation cultivates these friendship, at least outwardly to both countries. this is a necessity. history since the collapse of the soviet union, china, as the north,
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korea's only allied, the a china does not really have north korea under control. i'm getting. a chinese proverb says that with our lips, teeth are cold. with north korea, china would have problems, which is why the government and john yang try take immense liberties with beijing mom to her scope. so you don't even have to kind of go to the car. during the north korean famine, the chinese cent rice, china is keeping north korea alive because korea is a buffer zone for china. 2 the united nations repeatedly imposed economic sanctions against north korea, if it did not comply with international rules. officially,
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china supported this approach unofficially, however, trade with north korea continued the tim jones. good. you've cut me off that kim jong came to power cortez north korea launch 2 satellites in 20122013 international sanctions followed with the china seems cooperative foot. so that's a few months later due to much the trade of the boat out now goes continuing almost on change as you go from that. why not didn't, but because this one that would be good cool, which we really show when the colors and cars approval, crude alliance of china and russia, north korea ever form against the us. and this could create a completely new security zone from the on. yeah. and when the 2 large nation, the tunnel china and russia gift the country, a large survival space of the community restrictions imposed by the un security
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council months, which would then be just as ineffective as us. i'm going to give you more chicago, we will get to such a constellation, could contribute to north korea, becoming a nuclear power type, jeff guns, and i'm calling the it was important for china to keep the us at a distance. so it tolerated north korea's political missteps. and showed solidarity with its brother states the around 30000 us soldiers stationed on south korean soil, south of the d mon cation line, at the 38th power level ship, north korea ever collapse. china would lose its profit. those soldiers would be at its stool. something the aging wants to prevent at all costs
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the government states mean which of the d. p. a it is to us that disturbs peace and security on the cutting condition and leads the situation to dangerous. today, the bush administration has designated our country is the target of pre emptive nuclear tech, which means an opening declaration of a nuclear war against our country. to north korea to us is public enemy number one is the us trick is often rule on the slang. our army and people will destroy the land of the us up to the environment, a little tough, even more on this plan. that came dentist, a convinced that only the us poses a threat to its regime paints a picture of america as the enemy. that is the way to read,
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respond via aggressive will never avoid the in the country one. no one could you upset one on north korea sees the us, it's greatest threat to settle to move. it was unknown. but always some new korean propaganda claims to have been continuously victorious against the us and the korean war between 19501953. well, well sometimes you don't go through which is okay. well, i think i don't good people get as well on the one hand, they provoke washington military, they go to parts, all i so cool. well, but they have not forgotten that go, people can get his own commercial toy,
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helped him with one of the peace agreement sometime during the establishment of diplomatic relations with washington. you don't lose that is all on the title. i'm to get on on a 12000 on please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i donald john trump do solemnly swear. donald john trump do solemnly swear. so help me. god. so help me. god, congratulations. mister crest, january 2017. donald trump became the 45th president of the united states. he was open to diplomatic relations with kim jong on body. squander is john's the we begin with north korea late today, launching a new missile. north korea has announced it successfully tested a nuclear capable, intercontinental ballistic missile capability. the world has news. korea would
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never reach a child from north korea says it's made just a ballistic missile test demonstrates budget now has the capability to strike anywhere in the united states. the in july 2017, north korea tested ballistic missiles with inter continental range, the the threatening gesture directed primarily against trump and the us. the rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. now north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world. the united
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states has great strength and patience. but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. north korea's response was downing his guns. well there's some way. sometimes we don't go even to include the onion. essentially what i have the much, the secret chick on you do you get? she don't get to kim john own is just a small dictator from a small country. he was threatened by the most powerful man in the world in a bizarre verbal exchange. but it was not an easy win for donald trump. yeah,
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he's that they respect either their own citizen, donald trump, had to respond to north korea's publication. to not confront is decided to take an unexpected pos. and despite the objections from his advises, he gets ready to meet with came joan own a few months later, the 2 met on neutral ground. the . this is a leader pull really is an unknown personality. people don't know much about him. i think that he's going to surprise on the upside, but i've said it many times who knows? you know, the way they say that, you know, if you're gonna like somebody in the 1st 5 seconds, well i think that very quickly,
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i'll know whether or not something good is going to happen. the the us, the mere find, the president donald trump met just came young. luna's equals is considered diploma and legal interest. but this does not solve the nuclear problem question. it was a unique opportunity for the dictate to kim jones on would you like to say we have said to be the result was primarily symbolic. the thank you very much. it's been assigned agreement did not sent a deadline to north korea's nuclear disarmament. the details which would be
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determined at another meeting. the 2019. at the 2nd summit in high noise, came joan put all his eggs in one basket. cape joan gun made a proposal, which was cited proposal. it was to close down to facilitate young young clothes at down in exchange for the removal of all important us sanctions. it was one sided and the trump administration correctly rejected it. i think if the trump administration had counter with a realistic proposal, maybe we could have made some progress but came shown on the left hand or a humiliated, embarrassed right. he was advised that the americans would accept his proposal, but they rejected it out of here. and since i know i, which was in 2019,
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there has been no productive engagement. and in fact, the north has refused every us efforts to try to engage with the door. for north korea. this was proof that's an understanding with the west was not possible. the country sealed itself off again behind the demilitarized zone, which forms the boda with south korea to fall kilometer wide. no man's land is heavily guarded on both sides. it is the last remaining border of the cold war. the
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in some places south koreans and tourists can see the north, the well, they couldn't see. joan yang had apparently deposited a launch arsenal of weapons behind the mountains. the government and so estimates, but thousands of missiles are aimed at the city, which is just the 30 kilometers away the day on per pad for an emergency. the sol, subway stations have shelters, mosques, but chemical attacks and food rations in north korea,
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mandatory protection against the western style, south korea, as always guarantee survival or even before it had a, an active nuclear weapons program. it had the kansas, you know, $10000.00 artillery tubes within range of so, so if there were ever efforts to intervene military to stop their program, they would be in a position to cause massive death and destruction in so and so they've been real relentless. they've been single minded in pursuing the spouse the in the face of the french, south korea vacillated between 2 strategies. on the one hand, it was seeking close ties with the us, with joint military exercises. the,
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the us was demonstrating its determination to defend south korea against the north, at all costs danica it strategy against a nuclear power, which seemed ready for anything i should be able to find. so i knew of career spanish developing it, sends continental massage. what will be left eye on the washington is unlikely to give up to new york to save. so she was coming to respond directly threatening the silence of nuclear weapon. no since 2022. they have even passed the law justifies of pre emptive nuclear strong and where there are signs of possible attacks when the sound does sound like these are signs of an increasing the aggressive nuclear delta transfer to the 100. and when i go ahead and give it to him to the north korean problem is not so, and you guys, south korea will also one equal your width and then japan. good command taiwan.
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nuclear domino, head formulation. second thing is that what's called a nuclear domino effect. in northeast asia, you have to, it says when i knew the south could be a 2nd, strategy was dialogue with the north countries heads of state match for the 1st time in june 2000 since then left leaning south korean presidents of salt, a diplomatic relationship with a kim dennis date, the in 2018. the olympic games took place in kiln trying south korea. a good opportunity for a renewed attempt at talks between north and south. made them limits. you ladies
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and gentlemen, the president of the republic of korea, moon j for the 1st time in history, athletes from both countries entered as one team. under the, of course of moments of elliptic history as the north and south reno athletes and serve as one team onto the flag of the korean peninsula. it was also the 1st time that a member of the king dentist had set foot on south korean soil. came jo john the dictates his youngest sister presenting herself to the public in a friendly and diplomatic manner. the news i'm going to use out of so you're kind of probably soon got old bava hasn't
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latan, couldn't you would you can give me your junk is considered the 2nd power in the country hunt. it is a call you let me talk to them. there was nothing like this before under the rule of chemical song and kim jung. is it a k? hi, i see in just says to me and they wanted to go now. power is divided between the siblings system, which includes only the binder and then the criminal. josh had something happened to kim jung own. him, jo john couldn't take over as number 2. he's a, a kind of funny in the day the 2 months off to the olympics. a summit meeting was held between kim jump on and south korean president moved j in right on the border in the demilitarized zone, the,
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the, the, the atmosphere was relaxed, came, joan was respectful and even demonstrated a sense of humor. this went over well with a south korean media, the north korean solutions that you know,
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i'm just going through this for hooton's offices. i think north korea has already taken a very close, looked at the relationship between east and west germany, which they are fully aware of. that as long as north korea is economically weaker than sized 3, i think was a good sized korea will always be a major threat to the north reading strategy towards the ice cream is 1st of all to establish something of a violent disease to off to ball even chief this in the military field, especially with nuclear weapons, a lot of investments about them, but not yet economically. and which of these and provides you bought the nation, but hopes of peace. what quickly dashed the jo. yeah. let me choose the under the leadership of our beloved comrade, kim jong, to the new intercontinental ballistic missile of our great military power was launch. i just need a kim jones own continues his nuclear program and propaganda unabated. although north
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korea is one of the poorest countries in the world, it invest a large part of its gross domestic product and its nuclear us know the every military exercise and every new intercontinental ballistic missile, all celebrated on state television, came joan own stages, his military strength for his people, sometimes as a general, sometimes in the style of the top gun. illiterates has heads, that it will be the most agree is goal is no different from that of other states, a flourishing economy or power, a good social system. the nuclear energy seems to be a good way for them to achieve. there's lots of these things that if they hold out for a while longer, everything will be fine, no race against time, you can control kind of can more time passes, you can, the more north korean nuclear weapons that will be kind of the more difficult it
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will be to negotiate with north korea. it is often said the time is working against ice cream, the system because the economy and politics are on stable. she's done, we paid a warrant because if we look back over the last 30 years, so it's walters, it brought us the regime is not collapsed. it's nuclear will is getting stronger. international sanctions, less effective by 800 con children and things seem to be moving in north korea's neighborhood. she doesn't want to come to speak to the the tv again to always end the same way with a successful rocket launch towards the us. the
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the tell you what you when you to want to ease of it. it was putting your money in place. i don't you go to tell you, i'll just keep all of the month. i need to get it paid double, and i dropped the engine on his sofa and managed to send his country against the rest of the world. his main goal is to continue the kim tennessee as post center of power in north korea. to achieve this, it needs military strength, but it also needs to succeed economically, to end its countries, poverty, and hunger, the
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business needs in use of live from berlin. the press are groups on these are all to secure the release of all hostages. and gas that puts us as demand action on the streets of tentative us. i'm honest with these is a video gaming to show 2 men still being held. israel's foreign minister suggest any hot speech deal. let's see, plan defensive, one. rock by suspended. also, i had to rush in gentlest, detained in russia. after being charged with extremism. it's alleged the work for you bound onto corruption group founded by the lead, the russian physician leader, alex saying around if he's yes, the deal if.


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