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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the, the business deduction use allied from berlin. the press are groups on these are all to secure the release of all hostages in gaza. testers, demand action on the streets of tentative, as i'm honest with these, is a video streaming to show to men still being held ease. ralph foreign minister suggest any hot speech deal. let's see. tom defensive on rough by suspended. also. i had to rush in gentlemen detained in russia after being charged with extremism. it's alleged the work for you, bound onto corruption group, founded by the lead, the russian physician leader, alex saying around the face. yes, deal if convicted joe biden takes his wife. but donald trump on the white house
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correspondents dinner, but there's no mention of the boy and gaza. hundreds of protesting in protest this outside condemns us. reports of these relatively treat. i'm paying the i d. michael junior. you are welcome to the program there with ease of a new video by have my screen to show 2 hostages being held in gaza. is when you impress that one. these are all as governments to secure their release of all those still being held. israel's foreign ministers are all cats has suggested a planned assault on rough. i could be suspended if a hostage deal can be struck, but how mass which carried out the up to about $7.00 to $10.00 or attack. and that reports that such a deal maybe close us public on our gross of a sea of white and blue slacks on the streets of tel aviv thousands of his re lease
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demanding that the government brings a compact for you at home. but after almost 7 months of war, many are turning their fury on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his wife wouldn't government's failure to secure a deal. families of the hosp is gather to call upon the cabinet members get out of government. if you can't secure the hostage the now this is your number, one of the government of israel jump number one and they failed dramatically. they should go on the government, all the 60 full members. the protest was further inflamed by a video released by hamas that appears to show 2 hostages, taken on october 7th, their families at queen calls for the government to act mazda mazda. from the stage i appeal to all these really decision makers, including ben,
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give here and some woodridge to loosen the rope for the shoes of the negotiations. on the eve of independence, the roots of a approve a deal and bring the hostages back. i should go to, it's gone for once, just once. bizarre show leadership. by my luck by heart, got new money, who i'm speaking from her home. the daughter of us is rarely citizen, keith siegel made a similar appeal. a lot of i'm seeing my father today only emphasizes to all of us how much we much street to deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. i demand that the leaders of this country watch this video and see a father crying out for help. the little now and he's government insist that securing the release of all the hostages is their top priority,
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but many are losing faith. that is really, leaders are really doing all they can as how mosque considers israel's latest proposal for a cease fire in gaza. negotiators have hinted that a hostage deal might be close, but that's a message. these protesters have been hearing for months and their patients is running out of correspondence in jerusalem, rebecca riches has been following developments, and i asked the whether the latest hostage video from us could influence the debates. and these rel, overseas 5 deal. why do you say any, this is the 2nd video to be released this week, and the timing is no doubt, no coincidence. it is the possible holiday week. where is res get together? they spend time with their family. it's a week of reflection and celebration. although this is somewhat more muted, and you can imagine that the events of october 7 and certainly the hostages, very firmly in the minds of those families that have been gathering israel,
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maintains that these videos, a psychological wilfredo, really saving, played on any, is writing media. and there's little doubt that they are an attempt by her mouth to try to put pressure on the government just how effective though that they are when the government is already under so much pressure already to, to try to strike some kind of see side deal that would allow for the hostages to be returned or at least some of the hostages is already very high. they, of course, these videos do add to that noise. and in the aftermath of that video being released yesterday, we heard from the hostage families who sit in a state meant that israel has to choose between a russet incursion or a hostage deal and to see their loved ones come home. so you can understand the sentiment there and you heard from some of those hostage families in that paste. just the and of course we also saw as you, as you did in the paste, tens of thousands of people take to the streets across the country. again, last night, demanding for a more work to be done on a hostage deal and even for the government to resign,
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you talked about the possible rafa offensive as all sides tried to reach a hostage deal. what is the likelihood of israel suspending its plum defense have been rafa. well, that is something that the foreign minister israel cats who said in a, in a speaking to his riley media that should a deal be struck then the rasa incursion. crew would likely be suspended, but i, i think that is of course, very true. very likely. i think of suspension, whether that's a temporary suspension or for it to be completely taken off the table is, would be a prerequisite for a deal to be struck. the, the big question is really whether or not a deal can be struck. we've seen the talks a bit and flows and look like they're coming to some success and then fail. we're seeing a revival of those talks in the last couple of days. and chips and delegation here in is around on friday to talk to his riley officials about what their demands all they have now taking
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a counter offer and is ready counter offer back. it is now with her mouse and we're waiting to hear what they have to say about it. but the stalemate really potentially remains. we have been hearing a good, you know, from the, from the egyptians were very close to these talks and a party to these talks they've been speaking very positively about this particular deal. and i think it could likely come to fruition. but the style might that exist between the 2 sides remains and it, you know, it's, it remains to be seen whether or not we can bridge that style night to actually reach dealing me and right, rebecca with us in service that i'm thank you. let's look at more stories making headlines around the world for francis has made his 1st trip outside of room since last september, after a series of help and mobility skaggs doing the half day visit to ben is the upon to mad at us then prisoners attending the cities the another ops festival before for sizing of a mass with more than $10000.00 faithfuls in attendance. the un security council
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has expressed consent over an imminent attack on the city of al vasta, incidents not for region. they, upon military rapids support forces and allied militia have swept through major cities in the area and accused of ethnically driven kennings un officials born some 800000 people in great danger. schools in bangladesh have reopened, despite the ongoing heat wave got forced them to close last week. maximum temperatures of average, $45.00 degrees celsius effects year high for the same period. the countries whether the room is wanting, the heat will continue for at least the next 3 days. that's on eto has switched to the timing of the city of quanzhou, getting at least 5 people and leaving thousands inkjet state media reports. that's a needle, talk to more than 140 factories. no homes have been damaged. it comes less than
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a week out to the industrial region experience as west flooding in the west. 70 s know authorities in the roster. i have detained to russian generalist on charges of extremism, accusing them of working for you. bond group funded by the lead to position lead lexi and a bonnie, the 2 men sat again, kyle and and constantine got both, both denied the charges and could face the as in prison if convicted, they both westphal dates, a better dw, before the tunnel was found and expelled from russia to bonnie's movement is designated by russian authorities as an extremist group meeting is stuff and supporters can face prosecution. from all of this, i spoke to sir j, like a substitute head of the andre side of health sent out for human rights in berlin. he told me more about the significance of these arrest to yes, it is unfortunately very important because uh, it is a next step for of, uh,
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uh, alterations, uh, against, uh, the people who uh, supported on actually know why and against, uh, political activist and against jonas because uh, in fact, so these are excellent news. uh could mean any connections or any contacts waived or somebody or uh nobody team and it is uh, saturated back, substantial for national center just today to proclaim any, any community without. so any form on board us. uh, our claim, the claim is them have some use and austin its, uh, any context any um, any way to get a a, could it be nice by that? drones is next to museum and uh, uh you can b r s because of it. right. i mean, generalist uh, repeated me,
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i rested in russia. how dangerous is it for independence generalist in russia as uh for today's the independent journal, these last phase, in fact uh maps. they are pushing visits because, oh really my, the only uh, independent media have to have some, a broad as to where as an example, of course, the most to you to today a lot of people who are helping us open jonas nowhere. and as a journalist uh, collected information, uh and so, and collect and materials about what, what, what happens in the, in the country. but uh, um, the normal where is that a good start to the ends of the only the only possibility with which to is today is the way off. uh, international media at least media today. uh,
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on the brands uh, sounds as to the most important part of the case. i'll see you on the exclamation part of association with the carrier and then gama. uh, is that the there so i understand. so um, the situation that would be coming brought in, brought in the level of danger res escalate? yes. so what punishments uh, weights, these journalists that are being held now, or unfortunately the jews ation that those has tried to to, to make against them means that that they would be punished maximum for a total of 2. 06. yeah. so it's pretty easy. and unfortunately, a very soon very low data to that, so the sentence will be um,
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not saw for blaming them as x rays. okay. so again, like assessed, sky imbedding. thank you. us presidents, joe biden has taken shop a met his presidential election arrival. donald trump, the annual white house correspondents, dinner, or the gutter, enough for the positions and journalist he spoke about some of the big issues that good shape november election. he also highlights at the work is administration is doing to secure the release of us journalists detained overseas. there was no mention of the war in gaza. i cried hundreds of pro palestinian protest as agreed to that 10 days of the event outside the venue. calling for them to play confident enough about us, of course, with these routes for gas, a gas, and instead of what president biden have to say inside the white house. and you, the free press play critical role and making sure the american people have the information they need to make an informed decision at the feet of former president
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has made no secret of his attack on our democracy. he said he wants to be a dictator on day one. so much more. the child support or he is the revenge. and retribution when a gosh man ever heard about the president say something like that. and the promise of blood back. when he loses again, we have to take this seriously. this is a reminder about top stories. these are how's government is facing the renewed press. ok to secure the release of all hostages in gaza as public on god groves process. how can help the intent of the of us on mass pieces of video claiming to show to men, still food and cognitive stories in russia. i have the teen to, to russian generalist on extremism charges, surrogate carlton and constantine capital by accused of working for the bond onto corruption foundation sets out by the late russian, a position politician. i'm actually in a found the deny the charges and you're up to date up next shift
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focus and this time on cyber security, deep face. and what happens when voice of systems like cv and alexa gets emotional? sure, you would not want to miss that stage june. we have more news coming on top of the all the code names project, cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug cart. not somebody normally theaters, organization, the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean, as well as another whole left. they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people. why did
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the us government suddenly shut down.


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