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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from ballad, ukrainian troops under pressure in the east caves, commander in chief says, troops have withdrawn from free villages, nieto nets. meanwhile, he called a wes thing of the situation that at a new push for guns, a ceasefire. you a secretary of state lincoln, heads to saudi arabia for talks with our leaders, fuss for the 1st time in weeks, both israel and tom a signal of willingness to talk about a truce, and a deal to release hostages and prices. the
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aven physical and welcome ukraine's top general says funding has wes and on the eastern front in posts on social media are on sunday. the commander in chief of the forces alexander seal ski wrote, keeps position, has deteriorated. he said his troops have for teresa to you positions for the to the west of occupied of steve co, or russian forces advance towards both coral and holcroft to ski said russia is now attacking your brain alone, be entire frontline. and his achieved tactical success is by concentrating efforts military analyst prank language, just got back from keith. i asked him if this is a reality check and if so, just how bad it is. a good day the by and i'm not. so it's reality check is the right to this has been all these study guides have been happening now over the last 2 months. so, so since the full of, of the, of costs i to less expense of the last few months. but undoubtedly,
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the momentum of the russian said sort of stepped up, i think over the last month or so, particularly west of optic, and in the north, towards the trust, it'd be a name. we're going to hear a lot more often. so yes, it's not critical. we mustn't believe that this is some sort of decisive moment. it isn't the general say escape is simply accepting the way things are not. so that's that's, that's exactly what he should do at this moment. frank, can i just point out last time the commander in chief spoke out like this and was so frank, he was fly. it was the wrong message sent to the west in the past. the don't as think you claimed was doing better than it really was. yes. i think there's so there's some truth about and western officials, i've spoken to present to the picture, which is frankly incredible. now whether they got that picture from the ukrainians or the wrong with all the information, i don't know. but of course, the us, as you said, the reality is beginning to set and it has done over the last month or so. and you
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mentioned the dismissal of general sellers. me who made comments quite similar to dental serious cases. the point of a few months ago, just before he got fired and in late february or the march, it was saying that the dental was obviously, is essentially paid. well, he hasn't yet taken up his appointment. he was appointed. i would say pops into eggs. all his it was, uh so you can bust of it. i don't think it's left yet, but there is no, i think it's fair to say, oh, there remains a risk within the ukrainian meaning the political nation. so how to approach what's going on in the battlefield? is that what's getting in the way here, primarily, or politics also holding back you kinds of military successes or no, don't think so. there is the realities on the battlefields which have been again developing over the last few months. first of all, that is to teach at level the lessons learned. you know that history shows like some organs defends the date that the germans enough down a style in chechnya,
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they look like every other medication. bonnie does co generals have been dismissed and of course have been tactical, that they've learned tactics on the battlefield, which i proved and i'll continue to prove effective and not please also to, to your claim. so no, it's not. but the rifts at the higher end, a causing these trouble saw from it that also on the battlefield. what we're also seeing is the luck of the defenses. ukrainian supplies of a defense massage and system. so it's essentially pulling off the cliff as one x minutes to put it to make of the last few months. and the result has been a russian aviation, as i call it, has been deployed hunters. indeed thousands of bones on to us. you see that on to your primary lines and can now in fact this guy cannot, in fact conduct close. i support against ukrainian positions that there is also considerable evidence that the russians to take advantage of the ability to control or k. so hope some element of control and you kind of space to or to improve that
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recognizance capabilities. so these are topical issues, the russians of learning kinds of learning to of course. and the result is that the pregnant, so having to step by step was maintaining cohesion. withdrawal and retreat from untenable positions. and is this now more about manpower or emulation, the new mobile ization efforts, for example, come a couple of years into this for now. so yeah, that's absolutely essential. this is a war of attrition and that's where the center of gravity, the operational level, is not in power. the russians have the manpower they mobilize, they've caused quite early on in the war. i mid, mid 2022, and an old man to adopt by paying the soldiers, excuse me. well, by uh to it's about 4 or 5 times the national salary. so no, no problems with recruitment, their group. i think it's commonly accepted but to try to $30000.00 people a month. that's not the case with ukrainians. they did that for several months over
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that mobilization. it's questionable whether they have to kind of touch with the scale of a quiet amount due is they should also take into focus rather than on high end kids . not the top comes on what have you, but on the quickness, so just pop the front of all the better than they do not particularly the ability of body on what have you been the day we have it. uh no, this is um, this is a very serious matter to the ukrainians. let's hope they stop now to begin to, to mobilize those who haven't yet been mobilized. those who are due to be passing. they use some of the finances they've got to improve the alpha to credit itself is not just on the line, but those of course have come off the line open ended. when did all of that helps with recruitment is the central gravity. and this was a war of attrition. the premiums need to need to mobilize on a scale stimulus about that. the russians great to get your take as always, military analyst, frank language. thank you. can just see you again. thank you. thank you. a secretary of state and to the blinking is on his way to saudi arabia as part of a new push to broker a ceasefire between as well. and thomas,
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he said to meet with leaders of golf arab states on monday, they've been mediating a plan for a true send. the return of hostages held in gauze us into the homeless lead terrorist attacks on october 7th is well faces renewed pressure to strike a deal with the as the most militant group. if at least the videos this week showing free hostages alive thousands of his wiley's have rallied again until the beef they calling on they government to do more to bring their loved one time of a sea of white and blue slacks on the streets of tel aviv thousands of his re lease demanding that the government brings the compact for you at home. but after almost 7 months of war, many are turning their fury on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his wife. when government's failure to secure a deal. families of the houses will gather to call upon the cabinet members get out of government if you can't secure the hostage data. now this is
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your number one of the government of these rail jump number one and they failed dramatically. they should go on the government, all the 64 members. the pro just was further inflamed by a video released by hamas that appears to show 2 hostages, taken on october 7th, their families at queen calls for the government to act mazda mazda. from this stage, i appeal to all these riley decision makers, including ben, give, or in some mode rich to loosen the rope for the shoes of the negotiations. on the eve of independence, i feel they approve a deal and bring the hostages back. i shall go to it's gone for once, just once, visible show leadership. by my luck. but i've got new my me who
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i'm speaking from her home. the daughter of us this way. the citizen keith siegel made a similar appeal. a new one does. i've seen my father today only emphasizes to all of us how much we much street to deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. i demand that the leaders of this country watch this video and see a father crying out for help. the team comes up now and he's government insist that securing the release of all the hostages is their top priority. but many are losing faith. that is rarely leaders are really doing all they can as how mass considers israel's latest proposal for a cease fire in gaza. negotiators have hinted that a hostage deal might be closed, but that's the message. these protesters have been hearing for months, and their patience is running out. authorities in russia has attained to russian journalists on challenges of extremism. accusing them of working for
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a bench group founded by the late opposition leader like say, novelle, me the 2 men. so it a coffee and, and konstantin gone both both deniva charges and could face use in prison if convicted. they both worked for dw, before the channel was banned and expelled from russia. around these movement is designated by rational authorities as an extremist group, meeting his stuff and support his can face persecution, and the center of center. so again, lucas shift skate told us why these arrests so significant me. yes, it is unfortunately, really important because uh it is a next step for of uh, i'll take the actions against the people who uh, supported uh and actually know why me and against, uh, uh, political activists and the gains jarvis because uh, in fact of these uh,
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extra news uh could mean any connections or any contact with somebody or uh nobody team and it is uh, saturated back, substantial for accidents that are just today to proclaim any, any community without so any far on board as a claim, the claim is m f samouce and after that, uh, any context, any um, any way to get a, a, could it be nice by that though is next to museum. and uh, uh, you can be arrested because of the schools in bangladesh have reopen to spinal warning that severe temperatures could continue till tuesday. the countries facing its longest teeth wave and 75 years its record. at the highest temperatures and decades, scientists have linked the severity of heat waves to climate change just to quickly heat central minus thomas kitchen. and with
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a deb fidgeting for above 40 degrees celsius and tucker, her small approximate is stifling the alaska every year. summer comes, but the hate has become too much in the last few years. especially this year it's on bearable. i can't stand by the stairs when i cook. i don't feel like cooking anything, but i have to as i have children, i sweat when i cook my head start spinning. i feel like i'm full into the ground of how i to the family cannot afford air conditioning. and fans provide little relief, the scorching heat or of my children caught sleep. the rest was due to the heat wave. when is a power outage? i need to sign them with a hand made sign and they often get sick. but blood beast has been clipped by stating the bridges for weeks. although the heat alert has been expended,
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the government has re open schools after posting them for a week. it says the students have to prepare for exams, but the position heat varies many bids. and it will tell them was the temperature is high now the children are more likely to fall sick than savvy. it's too hot in the sun. not every child can tolerate this hate. situated on the world's largest, the, the, the ganges, bangladesh is unique, geography mix advisor. they both dig stream, read the events, and even though it's less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundled issues, the ones the most affected by climate change. the government spends is roughly 7 percent of its on with budget on climate deposition, international assistance for far short of the countries needs too many done to defeat,
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to deal with the disastrous consequences. like these worshippers bring for the the olympic torch has been making its way to france, from its sense, as procurement, grace and 19th century sailing ship and carrying the flame carefully navigated its way through greece's career canal. it's bound for the boat city of must say in france, upon arrival, 10000 torch berries will carry the flame and a relay across the country to paris. it will be the centerpiece of a new opening ceremony that will see teams sailing down to send on a slip to the roof. but a quick reminder of our top story. steve's commander in chief says, troops of withdrawn from 3 villages, nato nets. i mean, it was, think of the situation. the one's ross was now attacking ukraine along the entire front line. of next on dw, a documentary about exhaust is a dangerous dealings with the devil. i've been physical and i'll be back with more
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world news next hour. stay with the do, big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost awesome comes from illegal capital funds in the m as in yet the supply chains don't mess a to the deal industry. the illegal as a stats may said on dw good
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can you see that the.


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