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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the newer life, somebody in a new porsche, for guys us, these files us equity of c times me blinking a spec to arrive, and saudi arabia for talks with adibly to this as for the 1st time. and we is brianna thomas, signal of willingness to talk about it shows, including the exchange of hostages for prisoners. also coming up you created forces, all under pressure, and the keys commander in chief test troops have withdrawn from 300 is near to net . i meant what he called a was the name of the situation best the
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i'm the massage as well. thank you for joining us. us extra curio stereotype. new blinking is expected to arrive in saudi arabia in the coming hours as fall to for new force. triple a ceasefire between is read and hum us lick and a set to meet with leaders of costs out of states. on monday, they've been mediating a plan for the tools and the costs. it just hasn't garza since the hallmark led to the attack on october 7th. at the same time, a mazda allegation is expected to meet at jefferson officials and cargo, put all also aimed at secure to make sure it was you also know that us president joe biden spoke to address by mr. benjamin netanyahu on the phone. that's russell, were to of washington correspond, correspondent benjamin out of it is true, but for more then it's good to see you. do we know of what was discussed in the call between the u. s. president and benjamin at the national as well. we know is a phone call between president vine and prime minister netanyahu is happening on
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the same day. as you mentioned, is a trip of a secretary of state antony blinking for his latest trip it to the middle east and both the phone call and the trip. or of course it related what we saw. and when we ran to also in the white house, press release, if there is a sentence about ongoing talks to secure the release of hostages, that will be one of the main topics of secretary blinking trip to saudi arabia where he will meet egyptian and also have tare officials to assess and send tim and aries with him as and cease fires and hostage talk. and it was announced by the state department as it was already en route to saudi arabia. that he would also stop in jordan and israel to meet with both jordanian and it's really official. so we can expect to hear more on this efforts to on one side to release the hostages, but also secure a long term ceasefire between is reading come us and why we talk about hopes for the choose. we also know that the head of the palestinian authority mahmoud abbas, has been wanting often is rarely attack on jocelot in god's,
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in the coming days that stick listen, emilio sort of law. we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the restful authoration, because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from committing this crime. uh, the, i just, yeah, the, my strong, what's the ben? can we expect the us to jump in successfully? that's that's what many has been wondering and has been asking, and i've also, i've been asking in the us to do 4 months now. we. but unfortunately, washington is just not using it to leverage it, provided by the fact that washington is, israel's main military is supply as suggesting that washington could limit military aid has had little effect as we've seen this so far. and that's a concern here in washington that the white house has that israel will keep forward pushing with is offensive in the rough. how we know that both present by an improvement in san antonio, discussed it rough and according to the white house statement bite and razor rated
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what he, what he called was a clear it position. because there is a growing concern for the more than 1000000. a police teeny and so sheltering and then washington has made it clear many times that it opposes the invasion. but we know that this really government is not only under intense pressure from its allies worldwide, but also from protest within is rather demanding for months now. and that is, well the government, which is a deal to release the hostages. so the us seems to be failing to exert this pressure so that our protests and the threat. but we also know that a huge profile afternoon to test in the us as universities of cost would be even for some of the corresponding dinner last night. how much pressure is by and under that's right, he's under a lot of pressure. you just mentioned this white house correspondents dinner yesterday. we covered the arrival of the presidential motorcade at the hilton hotel here in dc with his dinner. it took place. they needed to take an alternate route to avoid the crowds of demonstrate,
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as they gather to you. there is frustration and it's something we're seeing on. so many college campuses here in the us protest is calling for attention to the community, tearing crisis in gauze, asking the want us to asking presidential by and to do more. and we also hear in more and more a people from within the democratic party criticizing him today. another democratic senator joined same question. also whether the by the administration is actually probably assessing whether it's rarely is comply with international law. following a report from you as medias saying that some senior us officials did not find israel's assurances. credible a report that was published by reuters the found some senior state department official advising is secretary blink and saying that what they're getting the assurances and from israel that it's using us applied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law and not credible so we can expect tops on that too, and secretary blinking needs officials in his role after his trip to a saudi arabia and to the region that he is now also as started
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a few hours ago. so allies on the us board domestically as well as in the middle, the spending and all of us out of its group. well, thank you so much for covering all of that for us. now, ukraine stopped. andrew says his forces have suffered several setbacks on the battlefield. and russian troops are advancing in the eastern doughnuts treatment, and forces lead or it's on the fisk. he says moscow is now attacking ukraine along the entire front line. and is that you've tactical successes by concentrating its efforts the russian strikes near or to d. today. a village in ukraine's eastern the nets region west pointing has been raging for days. most code planes that locally now controls the area. russian forces have advanced through at least half a dozen villages on the east in front since capturing the town of of d as in february. that taking advantage of the superior troop numbers and munitions
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stokes. well, t waits for fresh supplies. ukraine's army leaders have conceded that must go has had, quote, tactical successes and posts made on social media. the armed forces come on during chief alexander the escape, said. ukrainian troops had retreated to new positions for the west, as russian forces rapidly approach corvette and poker. off elsewhere in the country, you claim you unofficial se russian drug and struck the black sea city of nicko tonight setting a hotel a blaze and damaging energy infrastructure. russian media claims the spike target to the shipyards where drones are assembled. president, below the me, is the lensky. find the us congress for the billions of dollars worth of new weapons. that's all finally on the way to ukraine, while also issuing a fresh key for more defense is actually could even you saying what we are interacting with upon the tool level socrates, the level of efficiency and assistance that is needed?
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no. telling me to hold off position oscar, but also to disrupt the russians. work samuels. very hard to resist. keep blinding me is great. i emphasize the need for patriot systems. they are needed as soon as possible. switch, strong demands for a desperate situation with ukraine in full states vastly outnumbered and keep struggling to recruit to move found just the landscape is counting on fresh us supplies. to turn the tide of the will no rush of games. com is ukraine to seeing more of the shortage of new so we chose as well as weapons. we also military analysts prank, lead rich rebels. the outcome of the war now depends on men follow or ammunition. yeah, thoughts absolutely essential. this is a warning successfully enough for the central gravity. the operational level is not in power. the russians have outbound power. they mobilize a cause quite early on in the war, i mid, mid 2022, and an old man to die by paying the soldiers. excuse me. well, by, uh,
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it's about 4 or 5 times the national salary. so no, no problems with recruitment, their group, i think it's commonly accepted but to try to $30000.00 people a month. that's not the case with ukrainians. they did that for several months over them organization. it's questionable whether they have to kind of touch with the scale of a quiet among viewers. they should also begin to focus rather than on high end kids . not the top comes on what have you put on the quickness. so just off the front rather better than they do not particularly with mobility and body on what have you been the day we have it. uh no, this is um, this is a very serious matter to the ukrainians. let's hope they stop now to begin to, to mobilize those who haven't yet been mobilized. those will do to be a positive. they use some of the finances they've got to improve the offer to your credit itself is not just on the line, but those of course have come off the line open ended. when did all of that helps with recruitment is the central gravity. and this was a war of attrition ukrainians need to need to mobilize on a scale stimulus about that. the russians interferon with frankly,
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adverse them as go across to bundle. very small risk with have reopen despite a warning that's of your temperatures. could continue till tuesday. the country is facing it's longest heat wave and 75 years for got it recording the highest temperatures in decades. sounds fine. just something to the civility of heat waves to climate change in the store. quickly he'd supper, my nice slums, kitchen and with the temperature of about 40 degrees celsius and tucker, plus mon apartment is stifling every use. summer comes, but the hate has become too much in the last few years. especially this year, it's on bearable. i can't stand by the store when i cook, i don't feel like cooking anything, but i have to, as i have children, i sweat when i cook my head start spinning. i feel like i'm full into the ground of how a family cannot afford air conditioning,
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and phones provide leakage relief in this car to heat. my children can't sleep, the restless due to the heat wave. when does a power outage? i need to send them with a hand made fat, and they often get sick. the mungo dish has been clipped by feeding temperatures for weeks. only do the heat load has been extended. the government has re open schools after closing them for a week. it says the students have to prepare for exams, but the punishing heat varies many been what's happened, glass, the temperatures high. now the children are more likely to fall sick than savvy. it's too hot in the sun. not every child can tolerate this hate. situated on the world's largest data, the ganges bundle of dish unique geography mix it budgeted between stream weather
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events and even though it emits less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. so the government spends roughly 7 percent of it and was budget on climate dish and international assistance for far short of the country's needs many done to their feet to deal with the disastrous consequences. like these will ship us bring funding that's what the end of the us briefly us president joe biden has taken shop and met us presidential election drive. and donor trump at the and move lighthouse correspondence spit out at the gathering the fall additions and on the lists. he spoke about some of the big issues that good shape november's election while outside demonstrate us cold for a boy quote of the didn't know when us support for the stress war and god. so ladies and gentlemen, please rise a chance for joe biden to show
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a lighter side of his personality an evening to acknowledge his own advanced age, but also to take a swipe. but his rival, donald trump, of course 2024 elections in full. so he and yes, age is an issue. i'm a grown runner, they guess the 6 year old and with the former president currently on trial for an alleged hush money payment to adult film star stormy daniels. the punch is kept coming at a great stretch since the state of the union for don was that's your tough days lately you might call it stormy weather. 2 meanwhile, outside the venue in washington, pro palestinian protestors demonstrated in recent months spite and has been under pressure over his handling of the war and gaza. and as guests arrived,
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protesters called on them to boycott the dinner. later back inside there was no mention of gaza put bite and kept his focus on other matters. move past the horse, race number's got your moments in the distractions. the side shows that the company dominates, essentially wise, are sensationalize our politics. focus on what's actually stake. i think and hearts, you know, it was a state and lots of stake is whether american voters choose to reenact joe biden or bring back donald trump when they go to the polls in just over 6 months time. to. and before we go, some news coming in from book, you know, fossil, the west african countries suspend several international media organizations. and some of them for an indefinite period of time. dw is among the effective media. outlets will also include the distance before the guardian and the french paper. lamont, the suspension is, comes off to the report from human rights watch that accuses the authorities of
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attacking and executing. so again, we'll have more for you on that for you as it develops. but for now that's a lot from us. thank you so much for watching. i'm number such as far as the, every jenny is surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive, your guide to the professional recognizes where exactly.


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