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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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and tantalizing, why all zation talk, columbia is so popular. these stories and more coming up on your own macs the are you familiar with the core? um, it's a traditional west african instrument with a history that goes back centuries. senegalese musician sake who k to has brought this instrument into a european context. while many musicians play the core as a solo instrument cater composes pieces for cora and orchestra, the sick ok to is a virtual 2 of the cora, a traditional west african stringed instrument. but how does sic will bring it into a completely different musical context?
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and what challenges does he face in the process? the what i come from that is the music isn't by member, still remember buttons and then have to, when he writes it, that have to stick with the right thing. that's the challenge, bit the sake of work hard for 15 years to find a connection between the cora and european classical music. the result is the piece, african rhapsodies that he and the bbc concert orchestra performed in the royal concert hall. and nothing in the, the audience was moved. his music just fills your full address. con putting to a very seldom though i have
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a go to some way better. i'll try all the way through what it was had been like say, who was born and seen a gallon came to britain in 1999 for he's been trying out the course potential in various genres like jazz, pop, and world music. now he's moved on to classical musical traditions may stand far apart, but sequel focuses on the connections back in the days that was a bicycle double impact so that the kings used to older, they come persistence. they ask, so good i play will compose a special social event. and i find that to me that it in fact i broke just right as back in the classical boss or whatever. they also have this system there. somehow there's a similarity happening different part of this world. i think here we've got something really special and there's a, there's a real sort of team vision of what we're trying to do. we're always learning from
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each other's background. so use of this music kind of thing. that's a wonderful looking to you for legal came from the family rios, the professional poets, singers and historians that have passed on traditional knowledge for centuries, essentially to west african bards. so good to so so, so do say who's been living in nursing in, in england's east midland since 2004, i was wanting the southern part of senegal, political cause a most a town close. you get a show. so girl, david, my grandfather, my mom's father, who's my mental so age of 7, mother and father told me how to build my 1st instrument age of 14 his thoughts and ended up at twice. i'm practicing those songs that dated back in century with a story behind the age of 18 and i left the family. the
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cora originated in west africa, likely in the 13th or 14th century. it's made of a calabash gord covered with an animal skin with a long wooden neck attached. it's played using only the thumbs and index fingers. so that's the best and the middle. one is the truth of the testing that's out for you to play. improvise i understand that that is the . ready ready the. ready the what makes a fusion of cora and classical, especially tricky, is that while music is written down on paper in europe sake who learned his craft
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by ear when i was young, ask as well. so i wanted to learn how to read and write music. and he said no, and i was very disappointed because he said to me, you don't need to go to this. so if you open this thing in the middle, is that okay, lovely line numbers. why the so i have the hearing me the premier and nothing improved. good sake who can successfully integrate the cora into classical works a mix of traditions that simply enriches the music. how much do you know about the average german to get a better idea? we're going to show you how a typical in german behaves when they fall ill. today we're seeing what happens when we say the,
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an average german gets sick when he goes to the doctor. what kind of weird and wonderful home remedies will he try out? and what happens when he turns up fluids like this, the, let's find out the what started as a tickle in the back of my sales rep. it seems to have evolved into a full blown cold. and german work culture values efficiency and efficiency means not getting your colleagues sick. we chose colleagues, diana encourages him to go home. in 2023. the average german took 26 days with respiratory illnesses like coals flew in from kites as being the main culprit. luckily michelle isn't worried about taking time of sick. he receives 6 weeks of fully paid, sickly from his employer. an office 6 weeks can claim even more pay sick leave from
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a health insurance and his woozy state. michelle has forgotten the income by most promising vehicles and supermarkets in germany. medicine left people in the pharmacy. the can in the morning, the conservative side when it comes to taking medicine. in fact, many a big fans of home remedies 60 assessed to leave that hubble tease, and help treat cold the alongside a selection of teas. michelle also asks for a package of ibuprofen if his headache gets really bad. it can always take off the top of it. the one thing to recover quickly is trying out
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a range of traditional gem and remedies who's drinking horses with honey and lemons make sense? the germans also try drinking boom. be eating a clove of pool garlic. putting shopped, onion in a salt and holding it against the ears and apply unclean compresses, made a clock to bring down a fever. the in germany, if you'll put some more than 3 days, you usually have to provide a sickness. michelle bill isn't fully recovered, so he's going to the doctor. it's customary to say hello when you enter the waiting room.
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but you might have to wait a little while for the top. the visa impaling mathematical times in 2021. every german went split up to 10 times the money for how to attack and germany. doctors appointments have paid for by the health insurance. michelle is leaving with a doctor's note and a prescription for cough medicine. in case that pesky tickled in his throat caught me cued withdrawal, called after 5 days of recuperation. and michelle is finally ready to get back to us. what's it like to get sick in your country as always like and surprise them all? advert sherman,
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the popular austrian region of jobs come and go towards the title of european capital and culture. 2024. in arch 2, part series will show you what highlights a wait guess from all over the world. the 1st part of our journey takes us to house that one of austria is tourist hotspots. let's explore the austrians as come a go to reach and beautiful, which is the 2024 european capital of culture. there's so much on offer here from gorgeous mountain scenery, local delicacies, a plethora of cultural offerings, and lots of history and tradition. the remote time of hash that is world famous. it's literally tucked into the mountain side, but easily accessible by train and then a short ferry right across the lake. there are no cars allowed inside the time itself. high shots has less than $800.00 inhabitants, but around
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a 1000000 visitors a year. instagram and a korean netflix theories have made the place world statements. okay, absolutely gorgeous. i get the height. yes, it might be, but knowing that there are quite a lot of people here. but i mean, can you blame them this time is the perfect place to just take it all in and wonder 3. there are so many beautiful little lanes in alleyways. the church is a highlight, built into the rocks as is the time square here with its old buildings, many of which date back hundreds of years. the well, it doesn't matter where you are in this time. you don't get, so could they be and you can even see the time from above. this going to lot, fix you up into the mountains for
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a magnificent view of hash that's from the air. it also gives you access to the times of salt mines which have a huge historical significance here. patch that was named unesco world heritage sites in 1997 the world heritage views. but seem is worthy of its title. okay, admittedly did pay $22.00 euros to take the gondola ride up here, which does feel like quite a lot heavier you kind of walk takes about 2 hours because it's up to you to decide what's more valuable your time or your money. either way to be at the top is definitely worth the well, since i paid the money to get up here, i might as well walk a little further to take a look at what the region is actually famous for bold, salt mine,
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that's kind of good. so right, 3 translates to salt domain. this area has 7 diaries into years of salt history and my name began in the bronze age. but the mines do have a pretty tamadrius history. the nazis also used on to hide lucy darts during the 2nd world war. before my time in high comes to an end, the mayor has kindly agreed to talk to me about over tourism in the area. you seem to feel that there were too many people. we only have one street in the narrow pass that runs about the houses and through the village and everything else is situated around it. and of course, people are curious about how god moves and they want to know if people actually live in these houses. how many people have originally believed or still believe that the houses are just for shorter than that? no, it lives there. no knock on a window. do you think it's a good thing that the read is no a cultural capital? i'm so we have to be, as always, is ticonda mentioned a cultural region like sounds kind of good without the town of hosta a. but we also see that we need to make it work with meth, tourism,
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while conversing over tourism and all the traffic feed. and we also have to prevent major all of us from taking place in the village. what's happened because how big is the problem with over tourism here in high start device that most people in the company for one day take a quick look around the place and move around quickly. we've improved it as a bit. there's a big problem with 2 responses. now there are slots bit slow buses, reserved a slot, then come visit. that approach has made things a bit common see step. you have to stay for a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes. take payment. that's when he, if that is made things a little better, but it's still too much in the month of july and august. mudy august is just a matter of time to try some local cuisine by the water. this is like ultimate $910.00 come for food. for all with cheese dumpling and pancakes. so. so good, more main, comforting, the best that you can eat here. in
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part 2 will show you bought ition. so be sure to tune in. have you ever eaten top from bait? it looks like it's been pizza, but with no tomatoes instead, it's tough with come fish, bacon and onions. this is a popular meal in eastern france, especially in elza square. it will show you how it's made the hops stuff. talk to somebody is the french answer to it. tell you in the pizza. but what's the difference of somebody's been up when preparing this chris b, crunchy, the light of course the ingredients are key. but when it comes to getting the perfect text or there is one thing you can do without any, so what fine of what 100 percent good and good company
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touching base, a dish that you only together. so you might share one with 6 people on the phone and order several but how do you make a profit or talk to somebody? how is it traditionally served and showed you eat the burn fits. we went to france to find out we're in the east of the country. it's possible and outside us throughout its history size has seen its fair share of political change, sometimes belonging to germany, sometimes to france, since world war one, it's belongs to the latter. this is where the top slumber known in the us as the german pizza was born in restaurants like la t clause there baked in wood fired ovens the from the apple define is what gives the talk to somebody that smoky flavor. and that'd be useful golden color. if we used a gas or electric oven,
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we would never get that golden cross the lodge. i mean an equal to if you want to do it. so back to the beginning, just while about starts off by making the go. i don't need the phone most in the cellar to use to do it out of you. sunflower oil during the time sold. you said these are sounds like the ingredients to of bread though you'd be right in some villages. people used to get together weekly to bake bread, as there was often only one of the thin tops from the health to check the temperature. if they were done too quickly, the bread would have to wait. but why did they use beer in the dough? and let's see, can that be a problem? have the means, we don't need as much to use and it gives the dough a distinct, smaller authentic flavor is up while rolls out the dough paper said
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natalie after the french frames those about 2 millimeters thing. fortunately, that's the 2nd, that's the one that may have a new pittsville doesn't mean it comes like this all fits. it allows us to bank the top from a very quickly you can preserve up depending on the temperature. it can take a minute or a minute and a half for you to total. for the classic cream base, egg yolk, salt starch, pepper and not meg are combined mix thoroughly with cream fashion clark, which is similar to cream cheese. the cream is been spread evenly over the rolled out though and in classic outpatient fashion topped off with onions and dice to bacon. not more, not less. so what about cuz it really is a very simple, this is always from the countryside. a pharmacist in addition to people like together, and that means everyone, regardless of social status, and it really is the quintessential outside root of your professional. no one's in
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the oven. timing is key at 380 degrees celsius. it's ready and just over a minute we'll take that out for me. we can turn to the task. somebody is ready when the i'm the side is nice and crispy with a small bubble. and a beautiful golden color, a icon to, to put to do a root canal and see if this, if that to buffet ready to enjoy such a degree stood beside the bacon and onion classic. there are plenty of other variations. must stare cheese and ham. a sweet version with apple and send them in for dessert. for one with mushrooms. traditionally, tom from bay is served on wooden boards. the fact that this may not meet the latest hygiene standards really doesn't bother anyone here. instead, the idea is to enjoy them altogether,
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preferably by hand. i love the cream and the bacon. it's also very cozen here, a great opportunity to get together with the whole family fair. i make it really is a very popular additional as us. i like it a lot. it's easy to and it's a social affair with friends or family and it's just lovely. so next time you're in as us make sure you give the task somebody a try. and finally, we are off to a divided town. we're thankfully, there are no border controls, otherwise, the residence of the village of barlow would constantly have to show an id. that's because it's half belgian and half done. this looks like a perfectly typical european town, but there's more to this place than meets the eye to it. there's 2 opponents, every thing to police units, pretty large churches to post offices,
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to town homes, and to the and insides on people's homes. they're even 2 countries, but my live is cooking value and when we eat it's here and that's how long wait, what's going on here? well, come to bonham town divided between 2 countries in a confusing puzzle. todd, so that belong to the netherlands. that's bonded at nasa. and the other comments belong to belgium by a hassle, but it's still one town. the community of 7000 people struggled supported of those countries. like green pot belongs to the netherlands, like pink spots, a built in enclosed tops of a country, surrounded by another country. 12342 in the 2
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pieces of belgium in the netherlands, filled them fund, cool ones headed, the tourism office, but then the story is no town. that's because all we have also 7 that spots into the bells in english worldwide. they are 64 english show. we have almost a half, which makes us real capital bank legs. but how does that happen? long story, short and 1198, to jukes the great to divide some land into chunks, creating this crazy quilt of tower trees. but it's not that hard to figure out where you are. if you keep your eyes open, you can see and what's currently all on the floor in the street. we have the names and on the sidewalks, we have the process. people use the front door to know which country they live in. your house is registered way. your front door lies. but sometimes this happens. that phone is divided in and search box. yes,
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you can see them in the house and on those by the flag in the other homes. the board is, can be just as tricky as moment. i'm in belgium and now i'm for it. how long it deluxe lived in 2 countries. at the same time for the 40 years in the house and the expiry and all and for the belgium box we are paying decks in, in belgium. its not so much about the we paid decks in belgium. police work in this town can also be quite tricky. criminal doesn't stop at the border. meet adam pascal who shared one office but need permission. so when he has something he wants to know, so think he could ask me because he called look in my computer. i can look in his copy of the terms to pots have to work together and find compromises. they won't
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get to do that. i'll be able to do this. this is the minute of bother had talk friends the bolt. and then we have to talk a, we have to communicate like it is like an american guys. one example june the corona pandemic at the belgium measurements were different from the dutch measurements my in the home van and top is made responded and i saw some shops were allowed to stay open during the colona fanatic own, for example, belgian premises. and on the dutch premises, they had to be closed. that was a sort of a part of as ation that took place between uh, belgium, that community that was very thankful. speaking of shops, this liquor store is right on the border as well. we are for the store in belgium because the cash register in the, from the runs in belgium, meet time. she's a stool cook and we do are still telephones one for the belgian people, one for that. so we have 2 numbers of clothes that are also to drinking. i does invalid in the netherlands. it's 18. and in belgium it's 16. despite the
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differences by lions know on which side of the florida the grass is green of the midlands. it's cheaper and the like super markers beer is cheaper in belgium, cigarettes for cheaper and valid serious like the best of both spot no matter what side of the board of their own people see a loss and lives together as one community and that wraps up another edition of your own max things for tuning and remember to follow us on social media for more fun stories from the world of european lifestyle and entertainment. until next week. it's good bye and i'll be that same the
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i think i got stuck on a piece here. somebody who knew, but i would just go out of the millions of people around the world can't attend school even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how clover next on d, w. people are fighting over water in the struggle has increasingly fitted herders against farmers. everyone needs the precious resource
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to survive the day as a new man who wants to mediate these disputes. to stop the vicious cycle of violence and 3 and residents before it's too late. the that in 45 minutes on d. w. the we did, you force it on anyone, but we did sell them such a product to us and buy agreed in the 2000 storage of bank engaged in various high risk business practice discharge. the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. world wide range for ever higher process. if you made money, that was pressure to make more money. and then the minds of the german institution,
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the george of back story may 2nd. definitely the reasons for spend. some people treat us as it were inferior because we can't read or write to the but i see it this way. human we, we are all the 1st nice comments about not being able to do your abc times tables is no measure of intelligence. it's about having proper access to education. millions of people worldwide miss out from school. and yet education is a human rights. the in 2020 to 215000000 children.


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