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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the the, the, the news life and delaying the medical stuff to provide says a ceasefire is the best way to really stop putting in because you are a secretary of state anthony blinking is back in the middle east on another push foot piece for the 1st time in weeks, isabel and her boss signals momentum for a truce, including the release of hostages, the bitterest vanity, welcome us, fee of state antennae blinking is holding talks and solve their a be a with out of gulf states, officials. it's part of
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a new push to broker sees 5 d between israel and how much lincoln has told me does gathered and be all that a ceasefire. is the best way to relieve the humanitarian crisis in gaza. it's expected a truce. would also include the release of hostages, held in god's us as to how mos net that are attacked on the 7th of october. at the same time, a mazda, indigo. sion is expected to meet the different officials in keitel for adults aimed at securing an agreement. the negotiations are taking place as the price of a ground invasion continues to new overall thought. but over half of guys us population is tempting of the, the city of rafa has been the last refuge. the families fleeing the financing and got the previously deemed a safe zone by israel, meaning he is still struggling to get by now you're also looking for we have 10 people living in the same tent and we suffer from the sheets and mosquitoes. we did
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everything inside the tent cooking cleaning basing. the children have sick children who cannot tolerate the sheets, and we have prompt inside the tent. rarely going outside the classroom model, mary amino israel says, rasa is a strong home for home us militants, and plans to launch a ground invasion. everyone totally speaking and saudi arabia with palestinian president in judged against a transfer of the palestinian people. we believe we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the restful operation. because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from committing this crime. he does, yeah. the math us has previously said it could not support a russell operation without a credible humanitarian plan. israel sees it is scaling up a deliveries into gaza with plans for
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a new ocean delivery car door together with the united states central command. we're working on a temporary, merry time peer known as j lots, which stands for joint logistics over the shore. a deliveries via air continues to bring some desperately needed supplies. she met a cherry anne groups, one. it's not enough. with hung a wide spreads and a looming risk of famine for many in gaza. from all now joined by the deputy correspondence rebecca raters in jerusalem. rebecca, us secretary of state anthony blinking is in saudi arabia right now. what has he said so far? so well, very lincoln just spoke as he was at the other putting all of that us gulf cooperation council meeting, which is one of the reasons why he's in saudi arabia. and he said that the united states has a measurable progress in the humanitarian situation. even garza in recent weeks,
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that's oscar. u. s. has been pushing israel to allow for more humanitarian aid to go through. but he felt like those comments to say that the best way to alleviate the humanitarian situation in gaza is full. i say 5 to allow for that situation to, to better itself on the ground for the loss of the allowance of more a to go through. um, you know, that probably gives you an indication of what the top priority of this visit to saudi arabia into all the parts of the region is really about this is his 7th trip to saudi arabia, a, sorry, his 7th to the region. but he's faced to saudi arabia since october 7, he's been doing the shuttle diplomacy trying to get all sides tool king. and he's been bringing with him each time this message of say, saw it. and of course the release of the hostages. and, and the indication here from his words, is that so it means helping the agenda. but all the topics on the agenda will be discussing with all the arab leaders and all that are officials about
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a post will goals are and just what that will look like me and garza but also around the region. and of course, he'll also be trying to revive or continue these. the discussions of a potential saudi is around normalization deal. that's something that is by an administration has been pushing since the beginning. but the major sticking point remains of israel. no, not really willing to look into a pathway to a palestinian state. so rebecca, well actually blinking is talking about the ceasefire. and so there may be a ceasefire talks odd, expect it to happen in egypt as well today with from us delegation about inter still we've been seeing some progress on these tools that it has been, you know, up and down since really for months now, since the last positive talks that was successful in allowing a 100, a moving a 100 hostages out of gaza. but we've been saying these talks ebb and flow. we've made saying recent days, some success with a, an egyptian delegation here in israel last week to discuss just where israel is
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willing to, to give, you know, give way on these deal, where we, where they could meet in the middle with a mazda now accounts a proposal from israel has been taken back to egypt and as you say, a mazda officials do that today. we may well be hearing a response from them. yeah. if pain use agency suggesting that how much the official saying that they don't really see any major issues with this counts of proposals. so that could indicate a positive response. but there is always a division often between the pilot 0 and the the militant side of a mouse headed by. yeah, you often want and gaza or, and whether or not they, they're going to be able to agree to just exactly what the as riley stipulated in that agreement remains to be seen will hopefully have more information throughout today. we leave the to the, for the time being did have those rebecca data joining us from jerusalem. thanks so much that quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. thousands of for testers in georgia, have a gain rallied against
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a controversial foreign influence bill. if it bosses, organizations that get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad would have to reduced as part of agents to fix up compared to, to a russian law or used to crush to send. i work you know, fast. i was going to see who has blocked access to southern international news media outlets including dw, it's also they reported on a human rights sports report that accused the ministry of cutting out marketings. the home garbage depart in 2022 has pulled the claims based this french newspaper lamond, as well as the british publication. the gall jim are also among those blocked for an indefinite time. a peaceful people have been killed and dozens injured off the tornadoes. 5th to oklahoma homes were leveled and cause of a ton. the states governor has declared a state of emergency in 12 counties flood warnings remain in place.
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here in germany, 9 people suspected of being part of a violent followed by the plot. to over told the government are going on trying to prosecute to save the ring. the, the was the businessman prince high and wish on royce, a german edis deprived the united conspirators face charges of tenant ism, and high treason. it's claim there and go on, wants to install drawers as a model date and put all this was the moment prince kindly slices. fairytale came crashing down. his alleged plan was simple, storm parliament and overthrow the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could unfold. more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history. at its heart, hind legs, lice, a business man and self sailed. german aristocrats, he is accused of leading the plots at his hunting lodge. he and dozens of others
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are alleged to have hatched a plan to violently overthrow the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremist, a vice, the movement or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince hinesville, as emperor among its members, former police officers, soldiers, and the former politician for the far right. if the party prosecutors alleged the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons, the whole affair is really a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping and uh, what went wrong. that they could operate so long without having been seen. now, prince hind wish and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand. trial charge was planning an act of treason and membership of
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a terrorist organization. the douglas, but it covers funding just identity is following this story for us and as more now on the backgrounds to this case as well. investigators and prosecutors believe that they the plans were really concrete. we've seen from the investigations that they had already plans to over throw the government with violence. one thing to storm the parliament arrest ministers and politicians. and they were even prepared to take into account that there would be people killed in this operation. they had already started setting up a regional local military units to carry out this kind of violent overtake of the states. and they also had a huge arsenal of weapons ready to be used up to over a $300.00 fire arms they had started collecting. and they also had to pump plans in place to set up a government once this violence part of the plan had been carry out. and prince
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hydration wise was meant to be the head of this government and also a former member of parliament for the far right. a is the party was meant to take over the justice ministry. so investigators and prosecutors believe these plans were quite concrete. and this was not just a group of conspiracy theorist, coming together with vague plans, another 2 trials, and also planned, i believe, including one for prince hines which reuters the man it's claimed the group hopes to install in germany's new lead. uh, what more can you tell us a lot? yes. so the trial starting today is looking at what investigators have defined as the military arm of the group. this includes 9 people and then there will be 2 more proceedings starting in the next few weeks. one in a couple of weeks in frankfort, which will include the those that investigators have defined as the ring leaders, including kindly device. but these proceedings are considered, ma'am, of
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a mammoth case case in germany with hundreds of witnesses being called to the stand thousands of documents having to be looked at. and this is a trial that prosecutors have the one of the biggest states security cases in postwar, german history. and it is believe that the proceedings will go on through the 2025 independently. this is just a one group out of the largest. so called rice boot the movement to what more can you tell us about them? yes, exactly. the broader, loosely defined, the high speed of the movements counts according to german intelligence services, up to 23000 people. these are people who don't recognize the current german democratic states as the legitimate form of government. and they believe that the legitimate form of government is the highest, the empire. that wasn't place until 1945, a parts of them have 4 right. extreme is leadings up to 5 percent. and there are
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also parts of the tax build. the movement up to 2300 people were believed to be ready and capable of violent actions. also because a few 100 of them have legal permission to own up to one a firearm, one weapon. so investigators keep keeping a close look on the general and broader movement to, to the political correspondent juno, suddenly thanks very much for their. a spot next into milan have taken to the streets to celebrate the 20 upset of your on the title in the top to offer doug and football jubilant into play as played it through hordes of funds. often a straightforward to and then we overall the, you know, 6 days of proceeding the party in adobe victory over city rival ac milan. the city's iconic cathedral was mixed up with flags and fireworks to celebrate the
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newly crowned champions. a quick reminder now of the top stories. you're a secretary of state, anthony blinked at headset. the best way to really be at the humanitarian situation in does is to get a ceasefire. lincoln was speaking and so the area of his bus stop in the middle east to out to broke a ceasefire game between israel and from us. and the trial of 9 people suspected of wanting to over throw, the german government is beginning the ledge to ring me. the thought i'd group is a german at us depressed prosecutor said, the accused had an austin, a weapons and plans to seize the german parliament. that's page for the moment, but coming up next off to the break existence to find the services of students in mont, across europe. that's on a documentary series. a quick reminder. as always, there's more news on our website, speed up, new dot com,
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and you can always follow us on youtube and other sorts of media channels. i'll have them is at the tempter news. i've finished managing a land. thanks so much for watching your buck. a game here in about 45 minutes. see you then, bye bye. the. the big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal casual funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal as a stats may said on dw.


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