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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the americas top. diplomats just come off to except to see slide deal from israel. us secretary of state i'm to meet. lincoln is back in the middle east on another push for peace in gaza. for the 1st time and weeks. israel come off of care, open to a truce. also coming up on a program, there is little escape from a heat wave in bangladesh. it is one of several countries in asia being hit hard like stream temperatures linked to climate change and retreats on the eastern front t cranes, army come on, the says his out, none of the troops have full and back to new positions in the don't yet region as
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russian forces on thoughts plots in germany, it's all right. conspiracy stopped in its tracks or an intelligent stadium. members of a fluorite group who allegedly pulses to seize power, go on trial today, but it's unclear of german intelligent services. know the extent of who was involved the new cubes. mckinnon. welcome to the program, us x ray of state and sleep. lincoln is ramping up the pressure on from us to accept a ceasefire. also from israel. lincoln described the terms as extraordinarily generous during his visit to saudi arabia. he's left the torques with gulf states officials as part of a new push to secure a truce between israel and from splintering, says
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a ceasefire is the best way to relieve the humanitarian crisis in garza how must delegation is also due to meet addiction officials in cairo for talks aimed at securing an agreement of speaking in the saudi capital blinking said he hopes homage will accept the deal. a major effort has been made over the last couple of months to get to that cease fire to get the hostages out. and right now is you said, how much has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of his room. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly. so we're, we're look into that and i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision. and we can have a fundamental change in the, in the dynamic. okay,
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let's go straight to jerusalem and get the latest from a correspondent that rebecca versus rebecca mc blinking, appearing to be really bumping up the pressure on hamas to accept. and is there a new proposal for deal? how will those comments have gone down in israel as well that slicing? how many unless will view it on? yeah. that it is. and to me, blank and trying to put brush pressure on her mouse given the timing of when he's making these comments and to whom he's making the comments. you know, we were largely expecting and due to be either agreed to or rejected in the coming days. if not hours, so similar pressure has been put on israel and the pos we'd words like that a couple of weeks ago, president blink and saying that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to allow his negotiate his overall to empower his in go should negotiate is to come to some kind of breakthrough in these talks is not exactly clear watts blinking was
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referring to when he talked about it being incredibly generous. it does appear that israel has moved on a couple of the sticking points in his low at the number of hostages. that it has said they will accept in order to allow for this deal to go through. and they've also said that it's a, they're open to potential movement of civilians from the south, the north that was a major sticking point that her mouse wanted. but they haven't moved on some crucial other issues that potentially be misleading to a permanent se saw, and the complete withdrawal of israeli troops. so just how successful this new goes round of negotiations will be, remains to be seen. and also of course, whether blinking was we'll hit home with a mouse officials. okay, so as you say, nobody knows what is going to happen, but that has been a lot of back and forth in the last few months. isn't that to try to reach an agreement? does it feel that way any close to now to that happening? of all they suddenly has been a lot, a lot of back and forth. it's been painfully like groundhog day on room. certainly
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for the families of those hostages who were desperately waiting for a deal for breakthrough. you know, we've been se ups and downs, but in recent days it's certainly looking more positive than it has in the past. where is that as close to a deal? as i can remember in the last weeks and months of, you know, we had an addiction officials here. negotiate is talking to the israelis the right is really negotiate is here. they've gone back to agent with a counter proposal that homos is reportedly mulling over. now we did his son reporting through a, a p, quoting a mazda official saying that they didn't see any major issues with his counter proposal signaling that perhaps they would get a positive response from us. but there's also seen subsequent reporting to say that the public books denies that and the public very from how much that is that they're actually still mulling it over and not to get, you know, wanting people not to get too excited that they still haven't made any decisions so you know, it's not done until it's done and though it does look very positive, we have been in similar situations before and things are full in
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a pot. so definitely secretary of state and to the blink, and making that push to try to save this negotiation get over the line. rebecca, thanks so much for the update that c w w is rebecca versus interesting. okay, let's take a quick look mount. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and thousands of protests is in georgia, have once again rallied against the controversial foreign influence bill. if it policies organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad would have to register as foreign agents. critics have compared it to a russian girl used to crush to sent. the transgender activist henry c has received his new hong kong identity called after a long bank told to change his gender on the official document. he won his appeal against the government's refusal to change it a year ago. in hong kong public sentiment has become increasingly welcoming towards
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the l. g. b t q plus community that homosexual and transaction to people do still face challenges in the daily lives. in the philippines, schools have come sold in person teaching because of the continuing heat wave. it is hope online learning will bring some relief from crowded classrooms, many of which don't have air conditioning. the heat index which combines the effects of temperature and humidity has reached a record $45.00 degrees celsius. now extreme hayes is one of many factors that makes asia the most dissolves to prone continent in the world. now that is, according to a new report by the world, meet your logical organization. last year, extreme weather events across the region killed 2000 people and affected millions. the status report ones, climate change is intensifying. the severity of climate does offices floods, e mail senior places along with extreme heat remains. the major threats in asia and
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bangladesh is one of the country's most vulnerable to the impacts of the climate crisis. it's currently facing it's longest heat waves in $75.00. he has no windows on the ground space. the stove quickly, heat, separate them on nice toms kitchen. i attempted to the foot on 40 degrees in tucker . her small apartment is stifling. every year's summer comes but the heat has become too much in the last few years. and especially this year, it's unbearable. i can't stand by the stove when i cook. i don't feel like cooking, but i have to because i have children. i sweat when i cook my head start spinning. i feel like fall into the ground. like one of those i always in the modest family cannot afford air conditioning, and fans provide little relief into scorching heat, cold or not my children can sleep. they are restless due to the heat waves. when
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there's a power outage, i need to found them with a homemade fan, and they often become sick. the bundle dish is the grape of a heat wave, directly affecting the likelihood of many residents. learn what i'm the now due to the heat. i can barely keep my eyes open in the sun. i feel like leaving everything and returning to my village. but i know it's not practical. it feels better to sit in the shade of a tree. i can't work much in this situation. fixed rate it on the world's largest delta, the ganges bangladesh unique geography mix it budgeted by doing stream bridget events. and even though it makes less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. the government spends roughly 7 percent of it and was budget on climate dish and international
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assistance. for far short of the country's needs too many done to their feet deep, but the disastrous consequences like these was ship, us bring funding we can get more on this from the w reports of being a shot at high being as so we saw renewal report, the the effects on one particular family in bangladesh of the changing climate. give us a sense of how bangladesh as a whole is being affected. i'm. yeah, i'm not, this has been on the front lines of climate change for decades. the country has been repeatedly hit by 5 pounds by heat waves, by jobs and by flats, and just last 20 years. the country has been hit around 200 extreme, but the events and these weather events have caused a damage to livelihoods have destroyed homes, have displeased millions of people. there are people in bangladesh in their life
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has been displaced multiple times because of weather related incidence. so the country is a have been fighting climate change for, for a long time. and as i mentioned in the report that it's kinda clean with 7 percent of its annual budget on climate change. so at the my, my 2 levels, we've seen devastation uh to 2 people, the slice, but also the macro level. the country isn't getting you what you cannot make losses to fight climate change. okay. so people are being severely affected in the everyday lives. as you said, bangladesh, does this already spend the significant portion of its budget on climate adaptation? can you explain to a view? is he who may not be familiar with that time? so what does that actually mean? and yeah, if i'm having issues configured a was the to or when it comes to climate adapt, patient and resilience, and that is with these. and for this, for this and 1970 when bundled visual spark,
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the focused on the region was hit by a cycling that gets almost half a 1000000 people. so in 1971, when bundled, this was create that the country was forced and to invest into mechanisms to protect the people. and bundle of dish has for what ovary you've invested in developing a strong early warning systems for, for example, in nope, in laws in the local communities, people and the people that are given a know it's timely alert for that they can evacuate if a 5 to one is approaching, they have established housings of shelters with people along with the light stock and go because they want to prevent livelihoods of people. the country has also invested in indigenous solutions. so there, there was in local communities a to come up with digital solutions still, but i have, as i've mentioned that not the, the impact of climate change are so intense that the current policies are not
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enough. if it invest buckner, there's new equipment plus and if it's annually, the budget is need 7th dimes. the money to keep these bought to suspend these policies, which of course for the developing country is very difficult. so from what you're saying, bangladesh is doing an excellent job at adapting to the changing climate. it's investing a lot of money, but it's not nearly enough. so the question of course, is, should the international community, you know, what role should the an international, international community be playing to help find with ash not to mention all the vulnerable countries in the same situation? on the i, the rich industrialized countries that are responsible for a majority of the in house gas is not emissions, are not doing that, but they have pledged $700000000.00 at the u. n. time between france. that's a fraction of what these countries need a different sample of focused on just the flats of 2022 in got
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a bought this on and guard losses of $33000000000.00. so for these countries and, and i normally bundle dish a needs $3000000000.00. uh, just for us to, uh, restructure the happy date after a time, but disaster. so these countries need massive amounts of money and the international community. the pleasures are very discouraging. and also the pleasures are informed of loans, and these countries under the are in dire economic situations. and therefore, these countries ask for time of justice off for climate grants. and that, and what these, the international companies are or the western countries into the industrialized countries. when they are responsible for emissions and they also need to take into account that they are responsible to help developing country fight climate change, finish, java dw reports, and finish. thank you so much for that. a okay, let's take
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a look at some of the stories making headlines today, but keen of saucers, millet frequent uh has blocks access to several international news media outlets including the w and this comes off to they cover the human rights watch report that accuse the military of carrying out mass killings the one to which to power in 2022 has called the claims baseless the french newspaper. the moons, as well as the precious publication, the guardian among those blocks in definitely spain as prime minister, president petro sanchez, will remain in office despite corruption allegations against his wife. sanchez announced his decision in a televised address to the country after taking several days off to assess the situation. he says the opposition campaign against his wife is based on false. that's thousands assumptions. support has demonstrated in the debt trend during the weekend. well, sorry, season russia have detained to russian. john lists on charges of extremism. they're
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accused of working for a band groups that was set up by the laser position leda alexei navarro only so gay korea, lynn and constantine gulf who had both previously worked for dw denali. the challenges they face, he is in prison, if convicted, the ukraine's top general says his forces have suffered several set bucks on the battlefield, and the russian troops are advancing in the eastern don't yet region armed forces, leda arctic sound. the subspace says moscow is now attacking ukraine along the entire front line and has a chief tactical successes by constant tracing efforts. russian strikes now or to d today. a village in ukraine's eastern the nets region west pointing, has been raging for days. must go claims that luxury now controls the area. russian forces have advanced through at least half a dozen villages on the east in front since capturing the town of of d,
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you've got in february, the taking advantage of the superior troop numbers and munitions stokes. well, t waits for fresh supplies. ukraine's army leaders have conceded that moscow has had quote, tactical successes and posts made on social media. the armed forces commander in chief, alexander the escape, said ukrainian troops had retreated to new positions for the west. as russian forces rapidly approach cordova and poker off elsewhere in the country, you claim you unofficial se russian drug and struck the black sea city of nichol tonight, setting a hotel or blaze, and damaging energy infrastructure. russian media claims the spike target to the shipyard, where drones are assembled. president below to me is a lensky science, the us congress for the billions of dollars worth of new weapons. that's all finally on their way to ukraine, while also issuing a fresh plea for more defense is actually could even you same which we are
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interacting with upon the tools levels, socrates, the level of efficiency and assistance that is needed. no, telling me to hold off position oscar, but also to disrupt the russians. work samuels. very moderate. she's keep blinding . be me. it's great. i emphasize the need for patriot systems. they are needed as soon as possible. switch, strong demands for a desperate situation with ukraine and both is vastly outnumbered and keep struggling to recruit, to move some just so lensky is counting on fresh us supplies. to turn the tide of the will. monson as a war studies senior fellow at king's college london. and we often malia whether the new western supplies expected from the us will prove decisive in holding back the russian headphones. i think this is the missing ingredient. this big weapons packaged from the us for the last 6 months or 8 months or so has been the missing
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ingredient for ukraine. and i think we can see from the russian response to it's passing in the us senate. they've tried to take as much touch as they kinda in the last couple of days until as well. the supplies come fully online. so i think the russians also the way that these, this package is very, very important. so ukraine's ability to fight it's mike mountain from king's college london. here in germany, 9 people suspected of being positive, a violent fall right group, which allegedly plus it to of a through the government all going on trial prosecute is say the ring leader was a business man and german aristocrat called prince hyundai. she voice, the alleged conspiracy has faced charges of terrorism and high treason is clay. it's claimed. the goal was to install weiss as a modern day and pro this was the moment prince handling slices. fairytale came crashing down. the ledge plan was simple,
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storm parliaments and overthrow the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could and fold more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history. at its heart, hind legs lies a business man and self sailed german aristocrats. he is accused of leading the plot at his hunting lodge, he and dozens of others are alleged to have hatched a plan to violently over throw the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremists of ice build the movement or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince high and wish, as emperor among its members, former police officers, soldiers, and the former politician for the far right, a of the party, prosecutors and legs the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons. the whole affair is really
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a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping? what went wrong, that they could operate so long without having been seen. now from time to wish and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand trial charged with planning and active treason and membership of a terrorist organization. and we can get moved from a political correspondent, julia, south deli hi julia. so how close was this group to actually carrying out the the plan to store them the german parliament when the police arrested them as well. what we've heard from investigators and from prosecutors, what they think was going to happen was that the group was just waiting for the right moment to act. and that they actually had quite concrete plans ready to go. for example, the plan to take over power with violence to storm the parliament and take
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ministers and other politicians under arrest. and to then establish their own form of government with their own council, with a kindly slice a as the head of that government. but also with other members of the group taking part, for example, a former member of parliament for the far right. a of the party and their plans were so concrete that they had also started establishing local militarize units up to $300.00 of those so that they could carry out the violent acts to take over power not only in parliament but across the country. and they also had many weapons at their disposal up to $400.00 fire arms they had started collecting. so authorities and investigators think of this group posed a concrete danger and that they were not just a group of conspiracies here is coming together to talk about ideas. so there are
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another 2 trials plans including one full prince kindly choice the man it's claimed the group wanted to install his germany's new lead. does it tell us more about those trials? yes, so they're going to be 3 trials taking place. the one starting today and still god is looking at what investigators have the signed the military arm of the group that includes 9 people that are going to go on trial. and a 2nd and 3rd trial are set to start in the next few weeks. the one in concord is going to look at those that investigators have defined the ring leaders of the group that include highly advise and other members of the core group, let's say. and this is a ma'am, if a case with 3 trials, ongoing, hundreds of witnesses that are going to have to be listen to thousands of documents that has to be read. and the prosecutors themselves are calling them the biggest states security case in postwar,
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germany and the proceedings are expected to go on at least until 2025. okay. and the group we're talking about here is one of several belonging to the vice book got movement. can you tell us a little bit a little bit more about what that exactly is? yes, this is a loose movement of people who subscribe to the idea that the current, a german, a form of government is not legitimate to they don't respect the author already of germany's democratically elected government. for example, some of them refused to pay taxes or to pay fines, and they make their own. i did a dentist occasion documents, but this is a pretty loose group and hard to define jeremy's intelligence services. say that up to 23000 people subscribe to the vice feel goes ideas and that up to 10 percent of these are ready for violence also because they a lot of them have access to weapons. julia,
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thank you so much for that and see don't use political correspondent, julia sally or not. so nato is ripped through 3 states in the american midwest over the weekend, killing at least 5 people move in adults and twist has destroyed buildings and left thousands of households without power. the top town of sofa in oklahoma was especially hard. stateful power sees fear, the death toll might rise. so the as recovery efforts. guess on the way. this used to be the center of town in sofa oklahoma. but today the streets are eerily deserted. businesses are destroyed. multiple vehicles damaged and building, flattened deadly tornadoes and least have it going. the community of 5000 people
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sweeping away livelihoods in just one night. we will rise to rebuild and that will move forward will be here every step of the way with the soul for and the other communities across the state sweepers for the sake restoration. but before any restoration can happen, there's another man at the task to complete. clearing up the revel. emergency crews are still assessing the damage, trying to restore power to effective parts of silver. and ensuring the small town gets back on its feet. soon, the it is that you are up to date coming up next, teachers in 3 different countries take on the cloth rooms in crisis. we look at the
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solutions that they've come up with in global off the ground. so that if you can, i'm and you can just mckinnon. thank you so much for watching dw news. the
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i think i got stuck on a piece of bicycle on it. i guess somebody who knew, but i would scroll out millions of people around the world can't attend school even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how logo on next, on d, w. a poisonous price every day. many risk their lives working in indonesia as billie dole gold mine. but workers also face another
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terrible threats. mercury. it is used to extract cool evaporates seats into the ground and devastating people's life for ease and poverty. in 45 minutes on d, w, the world, a free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. hello dw global, easier for them 2024 in bunch of any register. now, lots dissipates from all over the world. are ready to share their solutions and to
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shape tomorrow and join us and register now for the d. w global media for in 2020, for the reasons for suspense. uh, some people treat us as it were inferior because we can't read or write to you. but i see if there is what you mean we, we are all the others are not being able to do your abc times tables is no measure of intelligence. it's about having proper access to education. millions of people worldwide miss out from school. and yet education is a human rights, the in 2020 to 215000000 to.


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