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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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and the, this is the w news live from button in america's top. diplomats. so just come us to accept a ceasefire deal from israel. us secretary of state hans may blinking is back in the middle east on another push for peace in gaza. for the 1st time and weeks is ro and come off appear open to a truce. also coming up from the program in germany, a fall rights conspiracy stops and its trunks unintelligent. stadium, members of the far right group who allegedly plotted to seize palace go on trial, but it is unclear if german intelligence services know the extent of who was
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involved. and there was little escape from a key to waive in bangladesh. it's one of several countries in asia being hit hard like stream temperatures like to climate change, the money to just making in welcome to the program. us secretary of state helps me blinking is ramping up the pressure on homos to accept a ceasefire also from israel. lincoln has described the terms as extraordinarily generous during his visit to saudi arabia. he's the adults with gulf states officials as possible, a new push to secure a truce between israel and come off, which carried out the october. the 7th attacks lincoln says a ceasefire is the best way to relieve the humanitarian crisis in garza how must delegation is also due to me, suggestion officials in cairo,
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so talks aimed at securing an agreement. speaking in the saudi capital, lincoln said he hopes on us will accept the deal as a major effort that's been made um over the last couple of months to get to that cease fire to get the hostages out. and right now, as you said, how much has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly. so we're, we're looking to that and i'm hopeful that they will make the right decision. and we can have a fundamental change in the, in the dynamic. so hope the from the us x ray of state, but the deal can be done. but what about in egypt? what homos is also due to a whole tools over a truce agreement, john list kareem,
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outgo hurry has the lights has now from cairo, where this has to be really a new momentum because this is also what we hear from us. it says there was a higher ranking of muscle fishing who said the to the french shoes agency a if p before the talks here in cairo a starting is that the, there are no major issues any longer. and he said that thomas is looking positives me at the new is where 80 proposals, there was also egyptian security delegation. israel last friday in the when they come, came back there was also from egypt, your sources to talk that there. are you concessions from the israel? 80 sites. now we have what we just hear. it's from the u. s. secretary lincoln same, does a generous proportion. so, and this seems to be some movement right now on the top. mm hm. can you tell us
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anything more about the proposal? this being discussed today in egypt with a how much delegation it was important. there's no simple fish laws from any sites right now. no, definitely these really side no, from hama, so details very sketchy. but the, we all know that the, some of the bulk of the snow was the minds by how much for a permanent ceasefire in exchange for releasing the hostages. something that was fun to know or was rejected by is really know. we have reports from you as media. this is where it is as a proposing i quote, sustainable. com, whatever that means. and to this even talking, these are in, in the issue that there's a proposal for one year ceasefire. educators also talk to that there is progress in the questions of the displaced part of students and being able to come back to the customer to know that causes street is something that this of course links to is.
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is there any presence in the gaza strip and it, but as i said, all this has to be seen with care because there are no fish and stickers. okay, so nothing official. and yet the addictions are administer said today that egypt also feels hopeful about a proposal for truth. and for the release of hostages, he talked about, you know, a momentum earlier. how do you think this momentum in the talks has come about? or what i see, all the sites are under enormous pressure, how much is it under any circumstances wants to avoid? and is there any military offensive in the hot in the that's the pressure that they under to come to some kind of dealing it on the other hand, that is right is under enormous international pressure. the northeast by the u. s. a. that is saying that the fall offensive might be not really and that there should
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be some kind of ceasefire blinking emphasize this again during his trip. and so the radio right now. and i think also that the us present joe biden, the hands down some of the pressure he's on the him since it's through the process at the you as soon the rest is and the so, and besides that, and by this on your is on the pressure is home to bring the hostages home. all this create the new for the degree she is just as we see if it wouldn't be to to some kind of conclusions of the talk is the near future or the car email go. how are you in? kyra kareem, thank you so much for that analysis. you're welcome. let's take a quick look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world and spanish prime minister, padre essential, says he will remain in office despite corruption allegations against his wife. sanchez announced his decision in a televised address. he says an opposition campaign against his wife is based on
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false. it's thousands of functions. the ford has demonstrated in madrid over the weekend. the 1st minister of scotland homes, yusef has announced his resignation. now this comes just days also he tore up his policies coalition with the scottish greens use of had tried in vain to find enough support for the scottish national policy to win a vote of no confidence in parliament is now 28 days to appoint a new fuss minister, the french media are reporting but the actors you have to do or has been arrested for questioning. the sexual assault allegations by 2 women. the 75 year old was separately charged with rape in 2020. he put his career on hold last autumn as allegations of sexual harassment and a sold mounted against him. he did not have any room doing and they said it's extra generally interesting, isn't keith to meet with the ukrainian president loved him, is zalinski at
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a joint press conference don't bug method nato allies have failed to deliver on the promises of military aid in good time but he said it was not too late fee trying to win the war. lensky wound the russian was taking advantage of delays and urge washington to speed up. speed up, arms deliveries from 4 instead of rushes will in ukraine is well into its 3rd year now. and the next report follows the journey of ukrainian soldier who was wounded and captured by pro russian forces and then traded in a prisoner exchange. he's free now, but he's still learning to take his 1st steps towards a new life. despite some severe challenges. every step is a fight for a vicious love, but he's proud he can stand up by himself now. a small triumph that seemed a far off dream until recently. i couldn't move without my hands, but my knee would work. he lost both his hands and legs after being severely
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wounded on the battlefield and neglected in russian captivity. before the war issues left work as a mechanic and a driver, he volunteered for the army in march 2022. he fought for almost a year and house on him and their f dba until he almost lost his life in january last year in a russian assault, which didn't show you that of the study of what the educated blessings i tried to retreat. i thought i'd make kids and were burnett that was shot, so i was hit, i screamed, didn't passed out. they thought they'd finished me off. when i came to, i no longer had my gun, so i got shot through here. and one leg was shot. when i got hit head to if so that's why the laces along the him like this intended shot to the bone. yeah. i lost the muscles for a while. the cost of blue and we're still on the 1st $7.00 days of vicious love
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crawled on what was left of his legs trying to get out with the conflict. so it was then captured by militants from the rush or backed, have done yet the people's republic issues love says he was mentally and physically abused in captivity. i didn't know there's no problem. at 1st, they put a poker into an oven. defeated up, they wanted to torture me. they drank me on this chair towards the door and there they beat me. you know, i got bruises everywhere and my nose swelled up later was gerald calling, blah blah. now latrice thrill was it's on most of us glasses. i couldn't stand it i just gave in. after that he said he's done. put him in the grade. can you read this a little bit? okay. all right, side of the why do? why have you just love, spend 3 months in captivity in chechnya. his frostbitten hands and the injured legs had to be amputated after gang green set in who was exchanged on june 11th. 2023.
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currently adventurous love is undergoing rehabilitation. he's been fitted for prost pcs. you can walk on a treadmill, does puzzles, and does re learning to swim. at the more i thought that the new i'm afraid of every step when i woke because crutches are not reliable with the will current spec to today i had trouble but i managed to hold on it so it was a bit scary on crutches. before adventurous love dreamed of opening his own garage and repairing motorcycles. now he says he's thinking of what his next steps will be . here in germany, bavarian authorities are investigating the circumstances around the depth of 2 ukrainian men allegedly stopped by a russian citizen over the weekend. police say the men were members of the ukrainian on forces and what and jim needs some medical rehabilitation. ukrainian government has a gemini to fully investigate the crime, dw,
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and chief political editor that mckayla customer has more on the staffings. we know some details, this happened and more now which the small town less than $13000.00 inhabitants an hour drive from munich. so basic in the middle of nowhere in bavaria. and that is too many ukrainian soldiers who were in germany to recover from injury sustained in the war against russia. they was found the older one of the 2, a 36 year old, died at the scene. the 23 year old died on the way to the hospital and the mind who was arrested at whose believe to be the killer is a 57 year old russian national. so that sounds very much suspicious that they could be a political link, and that's also why the state prosecutor of the value of the state where this happened within gemini, has taken over the investigation because the political link cannot be ruled out, but isn't proven at this moment in time. okay,
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and the ukranian government has reportedly also off drum and prosecutors to pay particular attention to this case. how unusual is that as well? this points towards ukraine, suspecting some political involvement. dimitri cool, eva, ukraine's foreign minister science the german or forward to use for the swift arrest . so we do expect to the ukraine, and so the uh, to feel pretty so that the russian mine was acting on behalf of an authority of the boston side in this war. but this is speculation at this moment in time. and i got the tons to put this very question to the spokesman for the germans . hans, that will have sold to today through a regular press conference. he too, was saying that these are ongoing investigations, but it's intolerable for such killings. to happen here in germany, we expect ukrainians who are fleeing the will to be safe on
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t 2 pointed towards those investigations which will be following very closely indeed. show you that thank so much for that and that's d w as chief political editor. let me show you like us now and stay in germany. 9 people suspect the suspected of being part of a violent fall right group, which allegedly profit to of the through the government ongoing on trial prosecute to say the ring leader was a business man. and jim and aristocrat called prince hind like twice the alleged conspiracy has faced charges of terrorism and high treason explained the goal was to install voice as a modern day and pro this was the moment prince handling devices. fairytale came crashing down. his alleged plan was simple, storm parliament and overthrow the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could unfold more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history. at its
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heart, hind legs lies a business man and self sailed german aristocrats. he is accused of leading the plots at his hunting lodge. he and dozens of others are alleged to have hatched the plan to violently overthrow the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremist, a vice, build the movement or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince hinesville, as emperor among its members, former police officers, soldiers, and a former politician for the far right a if the party prosecutors and legs the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons. the whole affair is really a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping and uh, what went wrong. that they could operate so long without having being seen.
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now from time to reach and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand, trial charge was planning an act of treason and membership of a terrorist organization. and we joined now by professor chi outside of whose from the you on is gutenberg university in the gym and city of mines. welcome to the w. thank so much for your time today. the members of the far, far right group on trial today, a positive. what's known as this guy's book, a newsman, tell us how dangerous this movement is and how concerned germinal receives should be. or, yeah, it's quite a heterogeneous movement. we estimate that it has about 20000 men, but many of them are just cranks, just people who have a brief with the state, not very much into um, organization. but then again,
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they're on structures emerging structures in the high school. the movement and the plot is that go to quote, today, today, a probably the biggest such structure. it's about 27 people i think who are going to spend to try it. or they had arms, they had concrete plans to open the road. a couple of men, so german authority. so right for the concerned about these guys and how does this movement fit within the rise of right wing policies across here of me? they used to be at the margins of the french if you wish, bought. they have to come more popular and especially during the corona locked down, spend too many people spend too much time on the internet and so then now forced to be reckoned great. and there's a certain degree of overlap between them and d, h d party and more traditional arriving experienced actors in general. um, also there is a link to the american conspiracy said so many of them who can to try it today.
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also, both into the q and conspiracy they believed in children being kept on the ground for the benefit of the leads and so on and so forth. so it's becoming slightly more mainstream within the sector for right politics. and it is a movement that seems to attract the thoughts of people, doesn't that? i mean, we've got form the police office sold as a form, a judge and aristocrats, which begs the question, to what extent has this movement is infiltrated drummond? society? i mean, is it even more than we might suspect the facts difficult to say, hey, what's going on on the surface? but i think we're rightfully worried about their influence in the security at the right. so form the policeman form that lead. so just that's very concerned because these people have weapons training that changed for special operations and age that can infiltrate the very structures of the state. then i think there is ample
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concern. should that concern? okay, so the next question should obviously be what needs to happen to stop, you know, the spread of, of this kind of movement, these kinds of ideas. yeah, i think before we start stopping the idea, is this the very basic task officer failing this movement off, having strict to secure the checks on police offices on so to his own people into public administration. smart hi. um, sympathies for that i'm having said that as i said it's, it's really a french movement in terms of it's already all, it's a, it's not mos movement. it's more about people getting into critical positions that we need to identify. okay. and so do you see, you know, the recent crap downs being effective in stopping the growth of this movement or do you see the potential for it, guessing bigger and more mainstream?
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and i think it was quite an effective operation and it's very reassuring patio socrates fondly taken to serious. i mean, scientists research has been going on for years that this is not just the movement of homeless, not us, but people who have really want to of a throw to give a man who really do not accept the authority of the state. so it's reassuring that the state is funded, coming down, hold on them. all right, thanks so much for that. i was profess that guy off time a from the you, hon. this gutenberg university in mines. thank you so much for your time today and your insights. thank you for having me. now at least 4, see people have died and thousands of others are missing. officer down booked in weston, kenya, which swept away houses and castle f. roads. the can. your red cross says it has retrieved 2 bodies after a boat capsized blades on sunday,
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and the toner river in east and kenya is guerrilla county. the laces death bring the toll from heavy rains and flooding since last month to more than $200.00 hope to find survivors fades as night falls and rescuers return empty handed. they've been looking for missing passengers. the boat, the capsized on sunday, carrying dozens across kenya's tunnel river. the survivors are recovering in hospital and some blame the government for being unprepared. the people are dying. how many people today have survived? only 25 of us were able to be rescued. wherever the rest at why did they die? because of the negligence of the government slash floods of some merged roads and
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neighborhoods in parts of the country. more than 130000 people have been displaced . many of them in the capital nairobi, similar down pores are affecting neighboring tens, nia, flooding large areas, and leaving many people stranded people who came with that? yeah, i mean you've got to them all. they used to be a bridge at this site, but now the bridges underwater because of the floods oil, which op, it's very risky to cross this area. when one of the many of us rely on boats now to get from one place to another, why you can buy and sell products in the eastern africa was also hit by record floods. during the last rainy season, scientists have linked to stream weather events to human induced climate change. warning that the worst is far from over leaving many communities battling the consequences from kenya to bangladesh,
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where a court has ordered the schools nationwide to reverse course and shut down again as the country faces it's longest ever. a heat wave schools reopen for one day on sunday, off for a week long closure. but temperatures are continuing to sol. scientists have linked the severity of heat waves to climate change. no windows on the ground space. the stalls quickly heat, separate them on nice thomas kitchen and the temperature for around 40 degrees in tucker. her small apartment is stifling. every year's summer comes but the heat has become too much in the last few years. and especially this year, it's unbearable. i can't stand by the stove when i cook. i don't feel like cooking, but i have to because i have children. i swear when i cook my head start spinning, i feel like fall into the ground. the in the modest family cannot afford air
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conditioning, and fans provide little relief into scorching heat. or i can go to that my children can sleep. they are restless due to the heat waves. when there's a power outage, i need to found them with a homemade fan, and they often become sick. what i owe was the bundle of dish is the grape of a heat wave directly affecting the likelihood of many residents learn what i'm the now due to the heat. i can barely keep my eyes open in the sun. i feel like leaving everything and returning to my village, but i know it's not practical. it feels better to sit in the shade of a tree. i can't work much in this situation. situated on the world's largest delta, the ganges bundle dish unique geography mix it budgeted by doing stream weather events. and even though it emits less than one percent of global greenhouse gases,
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bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. the government spends roughly 7 percent of it and was budget on climate dish and international assistance for far short of the country's needs too many done to defeats daily, but the disastrous consequences like these worshippers praying for rain. finally, we've got some sports news for you. and inter milan have taken to the streets to celebrate the 20th, say the title and the top. 10 of italy and football jubilant into play is paraded through. hordes ascends off to a straightforward to know when to renew 6 days of to ceiling. the title in adobe victory over city. rival ac, milan, cities. i clinic cathedral was list help with flags and fireworks to celebrate the newly crowned champions. a. here's
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a quick reminder of i told stories for you, us x ray of state, and to me blinking has said america hopes come off will accept a quote, extraordinarily generous ceasefire. also lincoln was speaking of the world economic forum events and saudi arabia. he's on a tour of the middle east to broke teresa agreements between israel and come on the trial of 9 people suspected of flossing to over throw. the german government is on the way it is. the 1st of 3 trials of the alleged fall right scheme, prosecute and save. you kings had an awesome will of weapons and plan to seize the gym and we have time full. but don't forget you can always get the w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the license news from around the world as well as any, as well as push notifications for any breaking. coming up
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next to me, all right, today looks into the future of k get big with the health improvements stick around so that if you can, i'm on. you can just look in and i'll be back to the top of the hour with more international headline. take me can join me so that the,
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[000:00:00;00] the new advances in medicine, custom tailored drugs are saving children living with cancer, dancing, health street, parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis and robots are cheating breakthroughs and providing care and telemedicine research projects that are supporting and healing patients. tomorrow today, next on d,
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w, is he merely an invention of the middle ages? not some even today very seriously, believe we and they're casting him out. what really happens in an exorcism? what are the symptoms of evil? what does modern medicine make of it all? dangerous dealings which the devil in 45 minutes on d w. the name cassandra re determined that has was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency
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they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world a. why did the us government's suddenly shut down project cassandra? in 2016. 03 pod documentary series on ma skiing. has paula starts may 4th on d. w, the more and more children and young people who have been diagnosed with cancer are surviving it. according to the world health organization for out of 5 children can no be cured. a lot of current research just trying to home in on white standard therapy don't help them kids and why they don't respond to 1st line treatment. at a pediatric kansas center and southern germany. experts are working on new ways to help pick exactly the right medication. for their young patients that


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