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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw dues live from berlin, americans top diplomat urging him off to accept a ceasefire. deal from israel and today, blake and says, and the offer is generous and that time is running out for a possible breakthrough. he is back is a bit, at least as it appears, both israel and her mazda are open to a truce. i'll say, coming up tonight, the head of nato admitting the west has been too slow delivering weapons to ukraine against. don't and back says russia has used this as an opportunity to advance on the battlefield, but he insist. it's not too late for ukraine to win this war. and looking for answers in germany, a far right conspiracy stopped in its tracks or a failure of intelligence. the whole affair is really
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a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping? what went wrong that they could operate so long without having been seen members of a farm, right group who allegedly plodded to to overthrow the government have gone on trial, but do we even know who exactly was involved and a damn bursting its banks and then yeah, the torrent played dozens of lives further, devastating your region, suffering after weeks. heavy rain and massive flush, the bird golf to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin tonight with hope of a true soon gauze. the us secretary of state is in the middle east,
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urging her last to accept what he says is an extraordinarily generous offer from his real am. us leadership have said a delegation to cairo seeking assurances that individual release of all hostages will bring a complete and israel's nearly 7 month assault in golf era. been western foreign ministers are meeting and saudi arabia with the war and gaza on their minds . this is the us secretary of state's 7th visit to the middle east since the october 7th attacks. and he's urging him us to accept this deal. also that a 40 day cease fire and the release of palestinians in prison by israel, and exchange for more than 30 is really hostages, held by him on a mazda has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and
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a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. conditions and gaza have worse than overnight. 3 separate is really attacks killed 22 people in rasa. heating, 3 houses, including that of the blue top i family. there small child, died in the attack. the done with them. we were sitting in the homes and then the house was gone and we didn't know anything. everyone was sleeping in their bed. the displays, those wouldn't on displays come on in the most of these models with displays. and in addition to the family living here, that members of the family and the displays will care that they have nothing to do with anything. all of them are both and women is what i was talking to looking for . israel still plans to invade rasa to route out what officials say or how mos militants hiding in the city. the new cease fire on the table is only an extended pause of israel has said once it's over to resume its assault on gaza,
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potentially worsening. the scale of a humanitarian price is nearing its 7th month. so is there any movement towards a deal? here's what journalist kareem alga harvey told me from kyra, what do we have basically for positive science? the 1st sign is said that even before this meeting in cairo took place in the higher ranking, how must will fish and said that there are no major issues any longer in the way there will positively to the new is really proposals. and the 2nd sign is that there was a delegation of the egyptian security in history. last friday, they came back and we have heard some sources of the egyptian side that there are concessions on the is right. you side, the searching is what you already mentioned. this is what the us generate and what the use form is, the blinking said the general proposal of cause it's
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a way to also put pressure on i must put something is moving and that seems to be there's also a force point. there is a straight, the line of communication seems to be that the as either ship of how much in casa is not able to do the decisions on their own before this was always from the political issues. and it also had to go back so that you choose to the cause of and it took days because the, the shipping of gaza is under cover to the onset cubic so much straits, a line of communication which is of course importance and coming. do we know what is being asked of the home of delegation in egypt as well as if nothing new. it said to release the hostages and to keep a ceasefire once once it's agreed on and all the other questions, questions or issues of the posts for order. and that seems to be up to no, no, no cool here in plans on either side of both. this time, can we say that there had been any concessions made by israel in this agreement?
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this offer? yeah. the, this is some movement this i'm print on one of the key to months of the how much they talk about the face release of hostages in stages and exchange respondents been in prison us and at least to the 2nd phase. that should be in agreement for permanent ceasefire. well that's a key the month, the permanent ceasefire, also homeless. and now we hear through us media as well. and us us network infectious saying that in the new is really proposal. there is the term of restoration of sustainable. com which is not a permanent ceasefire, but moving into this direction. this also talk about displace processing. it's got to be able to go back to the houses of the north and gaza. that is also, of course,
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related to the notes presence of these really all mean because us to, you know, something we're seeing that we have not seen is diplomats, are now rather open with their optimism about what's about to happen. what do you think is behind this mentioned for a deal at this point to well, i think one would pressure the pressure on the old sites. i mean, how mazda is under pressure to avoid any kind of military offensive in the head off . these are easy government is it will take the initiative of the initial pressure not at least by the most important i like as the us to agree to a ceasefire. and to put the offensive, at least onto the back burner. i think it also, we have a case where the was present, joe biden himself is on the precious with the protest in the us senior verses and these handing down depression all onto and it's on you all in addition to that, that's and you always from the present at home because people see that there's
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a failure that he didn't bring back the hostages in the last 6 months. all that a craig is a movement in this negotiations received if it was the to, to the conclusion or of the talk, the talk specially before the off office. just because if this offensive happens, of course, all the deck of cards with the read shuffled to get journalist can e mail go, how are you with the latest from cairo to night? 3, miss always thank you. this is a quick look down some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world space. prime minister pedro sanchez says he will remain in office despite corruption allegations against his wife. sanchez announced his decision in a televised address. it says an opposition campaign against his wife is based on watch. thousands of sanchez supporters demonstrated in madrid over the weekend. the 1st minister of scotland, who's that yourself? as announced his resignation. this comes just days after he tore up his parties.
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coalition with the scottish greens yourself had tried in vain to find enough support for the scottish national party to win a vote of no confidence in parliament now has 20 days to appoint a new 1st minister officials in ukraine. se russian missile strikes have killed at least 4 people, including 28 others in the southern port city of desa. the regional governor said civilian buildings were badly damaged, including this legal academy on the social ends. at stoughton berg, the head of nato says that native has failed to deliver weapons to ukraine in good time. he made that remark during an unannounced visit to keep on monday. they didn't. secretary general says that russia has explored to do crane's battlefield disadvantage as a result. but he insists it's not too late for ukraine to win this war. a war that is now in his 3rd year, creating the president. volume is zalinski urged washington to speed up its weapons
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deliveries to his country. now, here is more of what stoughton back had to say. after the meeting today, they saw a lot of the problems. they're not the states spend most of the greeting and package for your brain on your team, otherwise have an alternative which of the amount of i'm addition, they promised a nissan has a serious consequences on the about the lack of, of a nation caused enabled the russians to push forward around the phone, fine like of a defense house made it possible for more russian. besides to get the targets and the over the started to get this house. i made it possible for the russians to closing faces and more forces. and we see the consequences of that now. but why is our corresponding economy in key to tell us more about the native sheets, remarks, remarks? it were a self indictment of sorts that brent but he also had his host fully mister lensky
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. not trying to get a cell from the blow and say, you know, it's all going to be fine in the end. he was actually saying, i'm not seeing much of a change even though of to joe biden, st signed off on this a package. it's on arriving yet, even though we were led to believe that was something that was in the press of lots, lots of sources from the us saying that lots of descript them was ready and about to be dispatched from poland and germany. he was saying, we don't see it on the front lines quite yet. so it definitely was unimportant, migraine perspective consultation from the day to general 6th street. and i think is a real sense here that these get to move on. the russian side is trying to take advantage of this gap for this help arrives. we're seeing extreme pressure on the same positions in the east and when you told so kind of expensive, they say if it does arrive, as promised, it will be. busy enough to keep the russians back for this year to stabilize situation. provide the to prevent the front from being broken and collapsing, but it would allow ukraine to really go back in to offensive and reject territory.
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they say they are convinced that the west needs develop the trust you and have a long, long game plan and a roadmap, not just react to things as they come up. yeah, and we know that more weapons are on the wage to ukraine. nick, but from the ukrainian perspective, the way they see it, is it going to be enough particularly when we're talking about moving into late? 2024, early 2025. so definitely i think there is a little white list to be the last big package. if we see a nutrition coming back into the white house in the autumn, in terms of the actual results, easy to go back into offensive, they're quite different. so kind of analysis of what is needed down. and also some of these packages. we don't really know what is arriving in what timeframes, but certainly that is a kind of pretty kind of give us the monte, or the western countries need to do what russian has done, which is to move their economy to a will for thing. just trying to order stuff that will arrive in 3 or 4 years time or giving you credit. what's left in kind of store still,
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companies stop cupboards is not enough. they say they say, you know, russian ministry factors are working around the clock. basically, you know, 34 different shifts working. and we heard that was the so is german defense is really saying the rush, who is already producing more than it needs for this current will, is what do we supply and it's, it's storage units and preparing for potentially a bigger complex. there's a real sense here that the west just doesn't get point. how is it? because even is a really dangerous that out the plane, every time you place, don't think that you stuck in such a more russian results than the west gets complaisant and stops. you know, the kind of pipeline of new slides, and we've heard it from ukraine to talk general that his forces have suffered several setbacks. you were with soldiers on the front lines. tell us, what did you see? i saw a lot of people who are tired of say, lots of units. i have been there now for 2 years since the beginning of this world, this phase of rushes attacked on you. crane. i saw people who were released. i think most people were almost starting to doubt whether this help would have
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a common with this is the best mistake that it wouldn't come. so that was positive teeth, but most people say will believe it when we see it. we haven't seen it yet, but all the place people say, actually already this allows you crazy to start finding more shelves because they're not having to save every single cell in expectation that they're in this, on their own as well. they can start using their stokes, even before those american shells good for line. and there was a real sense that the russians. now there's a kind of dick tapped from moscow for the rest of chips to try and make some visible progress for the not to made up the 3 day holiday when she sample and to start in the foods and, and he's kind of keeps the rest of people about what his presidency is about for the real while you guys are looking to see a lot more casualties the next week or so to come and worry that you know, holding onto this. this is indeed that you think it's been holding 2014 to get a little difficult be for us was able to extend the like, just to go was, it goes with the logistics. so it's very mix pick jet jones have really, you know, come on a huge way just in the last kind of 4 or 5 months since we were last that you basically, you're off last to arrive under the cover of darkness,
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toward being seen and leave again. under the cover of darkness, there's sense that everything is being seen, not just 5 comes from the front lines between to take some of this further in. so it is getting ahold of all the for the bring aside. well that obviously now we're talking people are getting more use they're old and are in some ways of simple routine kind of a more professional than they might have been when they were pulled up like the start of corresponding economy. toby's witness to the front lines in the ukraine. nick is always thank you. we're here at germany. 9 suspected members of a violent for white group went on trial. today they're charged with trees, accused a party to overthrow the national government prosecutor said that the ring leader was a businessman in german aristocrat called high english. prince royce is believed that the group wanted to install royce as a modern date german m for this was the moment prince kindly slices fairy tale came crashing down. his alleged plan was simple,
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storm parliament and overthrow the german government. but all stories pounds before the plot could unfold. more than 3000 officers were involved in the december 2022 raids. it was one of the biggest anti extremist raids in german history. at its heart, hind legs lies a business man and self sailed. german aristocrats, he is accused of leading the plot at his hunting lodge, he and dozens of others are alleged to have hatched a plan to violently over throw the government. the group is linked to the right wing extremists, the vice build, the movement, or citizens of the rise. police say they conspired to establish a new german state based on the old empire from the late 19th century, with prince hinds. h, as emperor among its members, former police officers, soldiers, and the former politician for the far right a if the party prosecutors and legs, the network had access to a huge arsenal of weapons. the whole affair is really
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a big burden for our democracy and really, really needs transparency. who is behind this grouping? what went wrong, that they could operate so long without having being seen now from time to reach and his fellow suspected conspirators are set to stand. trial charge was planning an act of treason and membership of a terrorist organization. and who are more stories, male making headlines around the world. french prosecutors and se screen legend general and they probably do, will stand trial later this year on charges of sexual assault, of 2 women at least questioned the 75 year old actor earlier on monday, before releasing him. if i do put his career on hold last all, that is all again and sexual harassment and assault mounted against him, he denies any wrong. do the transgender, active is henry say, has received his new hong kong identity card after
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a long battle to change his gender. on the official document, he won his appeal against the government's refusal to change it a year ago. in hong kong public sentiment has become increasingly welcoming towards the l. g. b t. t plus community. but homosexual and transgender people still face challenges in daily life. at least 45 people are dead and dozens more missing after a dam burst in south western can. yep. the flash flood swept away houses and cars and comes as large parts of the region have already been inundated by weeks of heavy rain. people try to salvage what they can as the search for survivors continues and kenya's risk valley. the dam breach unleashed a torrent of water submerging roads and homes. authorities warn the death toll is likely to rise to the powerful flood up rooted many trees
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as the water spilled down stream, trapping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society with the search and rescue efforts? why? what do i need for now? many people have died that to me, i know we have saved around a dozen people this morning has to be to me to i want to come up there more victims . but we don't know if they're dead. after that you will come, i've been taken to the hospital. they don't be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead is night. peter mercy, windy and his wife were fast asleep. when he says he heard a loud noise at about 3 am, he describes the sound he heard very big out. oh, i have never seen me. i don't i get to come. i've never seen anything like this since i was born. i don't know, people come on,
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i'm 85 years old and i've never seen anything like this. i mean, i don't, i pay to come. i, you, the damn breach happened in the town of my, my, you some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol nairobi. flash floods and heavy rains have forced thousands of kenyans from their homes since march. the government has now ordered the inspection of all private and public dams to try to avert future disasters. with the w c legs maureen, good traveled to the scene of the disaster. he described what he saw there in this situation is quite, but we're just standing just next to one of the victims houses. this was somebody's house that was brought down by the floods and just on this side and they come in. i'm on, we'll be showing you this. so somebody is window that actually also got brought
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down what's out by and so also broken so that people in the area no longer have electricity, they no longer have at what time around them. and uh, this is just one of the hundreds of houses and that's how they look like on the other side, they've seen these i call that was brought down by the what size. and it is city hanging on the trees. several cars that below 2 different or nice and different homesteads, police is we have a, had the laboratories and everything. literally all of them brought down and people here i do my stated people saying they've never seen what have i, they've seen this is one of our kind. yeah, i mean what you're showing us is clear that they certainly had their time to prepare. they didn't see what was about to happen. do we know what authorities are? are offering, i mean, or the authorities themselves coping with this. so when
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the incidents took place, the low cost ads umpteen, instead rescuing their fellows later on police. and as i saw this man came in such a dress, getting that people, people who i rushed to hospital. i mean it's so for transport as well as the governor from this area. and kenya's, deputy president, all all visited the area and the victims. and they promised to support. uh they came with food stuff, but uh that is the model that was done today by they said they real kids. uh uh they would take care of the hospital bills. they will also. and so that if the victims of this particular flooding i taken care of, but that is just what they said, it's not started taking place, but at victims i felt i didn't different schools and such as around the area and village. we were to let our viewers know that you know right now is the rainy season in kids and in the rainy season, as has been a tough one. but are these range, are they different from what we've seen in past years?
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going by. what has happened in they will be in other places within the country. it is very different. we're seeing revised breaking bonds as so many people have died . so many people have been displaced from their homes and uh, schools will actually supposed to reopen today in the whole country. but uh they were not able to open because the roots have been set at and was have come down. this is one of the month sees that they ran. so we'll continue for the next about 2 weeks or 3 weeks. so people are being asked to face eve, but everywhere we go. people are saying that they've never seen this kind of destruction ever in the lifetime. database they'll exploring it with the latest ignited. felix is always thank you, singular dish. as long as ever a heat wave has forced courts to order schools across the country to reverse course and shut down yet again. they reopened for one day on sunday, after being closed for a week. the temperatures continue to soar. scientists have linked the severity of
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heat waves, the climate change, no windows on the ground space. the stove quickly, heat, separate them on nice toms kitchen and the temperature foot on 40 degrees in tucker . her small apartment is stifling. every year's summer comes but the heat has become too much in the last few years. and especially this year, it's unbearable. i can't stand by the stove when i cook. i don't feel like cooking, but i have to because i have children. i swear when i cook my head start spinning, i feel like fall into the ground. like one of those i always in the modest family cannot afford air conditioning, and fans provide little relief and discharging heat. or that my children can sleep . they are restless due to the heat waves. when there's a power outage, i need to found them with a homemade fan,
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and they often become sick. what i always bundle with dish is the grape of a heat wave directly affecting the likelihood of many residents to learn what i'm the now due to the heat. i can barely keep my eyes open in the sun. i feel like leaving everything and returning to my village, but i know it's not practical. it feels better to sit in the shade of a tree. i can't work much in this situation. situated on the world's largest delta, the ganges bundle of dish unique geography mix. it budgeted but like stream budget events. and even though it makes less than one percent of global greenhouse gases, bundle with dish is among the most affected by climate change. the government spends roughly 7 percent of its kind was budget on climate dish and international assistance for far short of the country's needs many done to their feet
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deep, but the disastrous consequences like these worshippers praying for rain. and finally, a giant panda called in russia is embarking on an exciting new stage of life. take a look at the 8 months old car, you should just moved into a custom built outside enclosure for the very 1st time. the last august, she became the 1st depended to be born in russia 4 years after her parents, dean, dean, and rudy were gifted to the country by trying to. this is the 1st time taught you show has had a chance to explore her wider surroundings and safety. and as you can see, the whole thing is proven rather exhausting for the little more here's reminding you all of our top stories, your secretary of state and to be blinking. has it said the us hopes from aust will accept a quote, extraordinarily generous ceasefire of lincoln is on a tour of the middle east to work for
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a truce agreement between israel and tomas and the head of nato admits that the west has been too slow delivery weapons to ukraine against stone. bear says russia has used it as an opportunity to advance on the battlefield, but he insists it's not too late for you. crane to win the war you. what you need to do is after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day stick around. we will be right back the,
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join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w, i hope video with unit the. so it is the closest, they have been to a lasting truth since this war began reports that israel and tomas could be close to a deal that would exchanges rarely hostages for palestinian prisoners. now the ceasefire would not be permanent and there would still be hostages. and gossip on tuesday in cairo, egypt, a home aust delegation will sit down to consider what the us is calling an extraordinarily generous offer. a possible window of opportunity for both sides. will they take it?


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