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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, america's top diplomat or has from us to accept a ceasefire deal from israel. anthony lincoln saying, the offer is generous and the time is running out on a possible break through. lincoln is back in the middle east as both israel and tomas signaled their interest and interest. also coming up, the head of nato acknowledges the west has been too slow delivering weapons to ukraine in stoughton, berks, as russia has used the delays as an opportunity to advance on the battlefield. he insists, but it's not too late for you crate to win the war and kenya struggles with flash flooding and land slides. that's where claiming dozens of lives further devastating
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a region suffering from weeks of heavy rains. the hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing goodly in berlin, and we'd begin with hopes for a truce and gaza. the us secretary of state is in the middle east urging him off to accept what he calls an extraordinarily generous offer. from us leadership, meanwhile, has sent a delegation to cairo, seeking assurances that a gradual release of all hostages will bring a complete into israel's nearly 7 month assault in gaza. the arrow been western foreign ministers are meeting and saudi arabia with the war and gaza on their minds . this is the us secretary of state's 7 visit to the middle east since the october 7th attacks. and he's urging him us to accept this deal. also that a 40 days,
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the fire and the release of palestinians in prison by israel, and exchange for more than 30 is really hostages, held by him on a most has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. conditions and gaza have worse than overnight. 3 separate is really attacks killed 22 people in rasa. heating, 3 houses, including that of the blue top i family. there's small child died in the attack. the bottle and then we were sitting in the homes and then the house was gone and we didn't know anything. everyone was sleeping in the bed. the displays, those wouldn't on displays come on in the most of these models will displays. in
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addition to the family living, you know that members of the family and the displays will care that way. they have nothing to do with anything. all of them are goals and women. it's elizabeth, i'll get the looking for israel still plans to invade rasa. to route out what officials say or how mos militants hiding in the city. the new cease fire on the table is only an extended pause or israel has said once it's over, it will resume its assault on gaza, potentially worsening the scale of a humanitarian prices. nearing its 7th month, we spoke with cairo journalist kareem. oh, go hungry and asked why diplomats are speaking so optimistically about a possible deal? well, i think one would pressure pressure on old sites. i mean how much is under pressure to avoid any kind of military offensive in the off? these are easy government is the international of the initial pressure, not at least by the most important ally as the u. s. to agree to
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a cease fire and to put the alpha offensive, at least on to the back burner. i think it also, we have a case where the was present, joe biden himself is on the precious with the protest in the us in the verses and is heading down to pressure now onto and it's on you all in addition to that, that's and you always from the pressure at home, because people see that there's a failure that he didn't bring back the hostages in the last 6 months. all that a created a movement in this negotiations receipt. if it was the to, to the conclusion or of this, talk the talk specially before the awful offensive. because if this offensive happens, of course, all the deck of cards with the read shuffled to get into the war and ukraine, now we're at least 4 people have been killed and more than 30 injured in a russian missile attack on odessa. a strategically critical port city on the black sea to the regional governor. they're saying strike damage residential buildings,
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as well as this law school, popularly known as the harry potter castle of odessa. the attack came as nato chief installed in bag, made an unannounced visit to keep a joint news conference with you. training president stilton beg, acknowledge that political foot dragging among nato members had played into russia's hands on the battlefield may fall on the from united states. spend most of the greeting and packaged for your brain on you to penalize the note delivered to the amount of i'm a nation. they promised on this, on how to see this consequences on the box with the lack of a nation costs enabled the russians to push forward around the phone line. lack of a defense house made it possible for more russian. besides, to get the targets on the lot over the side to encompass this power. so it made it possible for the russians to concentrate more forces and we see the consequences of
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to his chief correspondent nit connelly was more on those remarks renewals. i have his host pulled him with a lensky not trying to get a cell from the blow and say, you know, it's all going to be fun in the end he's actually saying, i'm not seeing much of a change even though of to joe biden, st signed off on this a package, it's old arriving yet, even though we would like to believe that was something that was in the press of lots, lots of sources from the us saying that lots of description was ready and about to be dispatched from poland and germany. he was saying, we don't see it on the front lines quite yet. so it definitely was unimportant me, you great perspective called station from the nature of general 6th street. and there is a real sense here that these get a move on. the russian side is trying to take advantage of this gap for this help arrives. we're seeing extreme pressure on the same positions in the east. and when you talk to a kind of expert to they say, if it does arrive as promise, it will be enough to keep the russians back for this year to stabilize the
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situation to provide the to prevent the front from being broken and collapsing. but it will allow ukraine to really go back into offensive and reject territory. they say they are convinced that the west needs develop with the trust you and have a long, long game plan and a roadmap, not just react to things as they come up. new connelly, they're in chief. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world for police officers have been killed and for others injured as they tried to make an arrest in the us state of north carolina. once you to was killed in a 3 hour stand off the followed. but there's no word on the face of a suspected 2nd government. at least 25 people have been killed and more than a dozen injured and a bus accident in peru. the bus was traveling in the north of the country when it plunged more than 200 meters from the road. authorities are investigating whether the bus was road with us as warning of a large scale massacre. institute done us in bassett, or to the united nations,
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saying that an attack is being planned on the city of l for share in the dot for region or a ruptured ensued on one year ago, creating the world's largest displacement crisis, photos and toko have cast their ballot in the country's 1st legislative elections since the approval of a controversial constitutional reform. the new system. let's parliament pick the president. instead of voters directly. critics say it's tailored to allow current president ford not sing bay to avoid term limits, and to stay in power. at least 45 people are dead and dozens more are missing. after a flash flood in southern and south western, kenya rather the raging waters swept away houses and cars at a time when large parts of the country. i've already been inundated by weeks of heavy rains. people try to salvage what they can
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as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flooding and suing landslide, submerged roads and homes authorities warren, the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the water spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society with search and rescue efforts? a new ranges. many people have died quite as we have saved around a 1000 people this morning to our wants to come. i mean that there are more victims, but we don't know if the data that you're welcome to have been taken to hospital when it always be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead of night. those recovering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved
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ones into the night almost done. i mean, you know, my youngest daughter was holding onto my back while we were in the water. and she was begging me not to leave her, come on duty at, i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing debris. well, i knew the fortunately she's gone now. that was done. my eldest daughter was in the hospital like the rest of the children. the disaster took place in the town of my, my, you some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi. police initially blamed the flooding on a burst of them. it's now believed a debris clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons and recent weeks. the government says health is on the way. we are having a meeting to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is
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going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims of the kind of change to today, somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up stuff and investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flash blood. our no robi correspondence. felix. my ringo is in my my you and he's finished this . look at the devastation there. the floods have continued to ravage different parts of the country within my my here in the roof, the valley region of can now the floods have come with so much destruction. this is one of the chalk does that from us. why using for the funding activities. it was brought down and it got stuck on other trees from us know that no way that they will be able to use that truck. so again, for the funding activities, now this area is predominantly agricultural area. so some of the plans that have
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from us had on the farm lands will actually slipped by the floods. this is one of the household uh that was slots into by the floods. this is i was that was flat 10 by the floods. one part of that gate was also destroyed and some of the items will actually just been covered by the floods to different places. things were being collected uh, some of them so far away from where they moved from. now a lot of household items, uh, clothes, shoes, um and pro puts you of a known value has been destroyed by this particular deludes. and uh, the government has said that to, to intervene and help the people within the area come bucks with their lives. but then all being has a different show to as if everything, taxes are we'd be in school. most people who sustained injuries or taken to hospital,
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they recuperating the government has just announced about 60 of us 60 people that have actually lost their lives. this particular didn't know just here. there is a house that was felt by the floods. what does kim brought down the house? you can see people's clothes and some of the children's closing is actually all over the place. now, government officials came to the area during the day and the problem is that they will be the infrastructure, excessive rewards that had been destroyed. they said they would be rebuilding badging the costs of time. but right now they ask the residential, the area to stay safe. however, this evening we have met with women and children running from the area. they're seeing the fia, the flags would come again, and they've cost much more destruction as to what they're running for their lives in the nearby towns and the men nearby villages by their residents. some of them
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who have spent over 40 years in this area, seeing that this type of flooding that is taking place this time around, is different from anything that they've ever seen in their life time. so much destruction and taking place and people continue losing their lives even as the money in the country save that their rates will continue for another $2.00 or 3 weeks in the country. few exploring it there at the sight of those devastating floods in kenya. a massive $1300000000.00 lottery prize in the united states has been handed over to 3 winters, including a man who has cancer. originally from loss prize winner chung safe and had his latest round of chemo therapy just last week. you and his wife are now set to receive a coal, $422000000.00 after taxes. of course, the rest will go to a friend who chipped in to buy the batch of tickets that included that winter safe and says the money will provide for his family. and his health father too says that he wants to find a good doctor. they should be able to afford it now. all right,
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that's all we have time for. we'll be back shortly with more headlines in the meantime. checks out a line to w. com. i'm seeing beardsley in berlin. thanks for watching the . the big ocean view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does mess a tv review industry. the illegal as a stock may said on dw, like buying new clothes, don't worry, you're not alone and shopping. it's never been easier. fashions gotten faster and more disposable every year, roughly what.


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