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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the w and who's coming to live from berlin, waiting for an answer from us, america's top diplomats, anthony blinking the purchase from us to accept what he called a generous, expired, to go from israel. lincoln who has been holding talk to in the region, is expected to travel to israel in the coming days. also coming up, ukraine stops issuing passports to military age men in an effort to boost truth numbers. this as keeps suffers setbacks on the battlefield, plus tensions flare in the dispute itself, trying to see after chinese coast guard ships. homo philippine vessels with water
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cannon and kenya, struggles with flash flooding, and land slides. the torrent plains thousands of lives further devastating of regions suffering after weeks of heavy rain. the hello, i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. we begin with hopes for a truce in gaza. diplomats are waiting for a mazda is reply to what us secretary state anthony, blinking is calling an extraordinarily generous ceasefire offer from israel from us . the group many countries have designated as a terrorist group is said to have reacted positively to the offer, but they haven't formally responded yet. secretary, blanking has been holding talks and saudi arabia and is expected to travel to israel in the coming days. the arrows in western foreign ministers are meeting and
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saudi arabia with the war and gaza on their minds. this is the us secretary of state 7th visit to the middle east since the october 7th attacks. and he's urging home us to accept this deal. a 40 day cease fire and the release of palestinians imprisoned by israel in exchange for more than 30 is rarely hostages. held by him, us from us has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of his room. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly, conditions and goss, i have worse. and in the past 2 days, dozens of people have died in east where the air strikes on the southern city, a for alpha. among the victims, members of the do to her family. one was just a small child the believe was sitting in the homes and then the house was
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gone and we didn't know anything. everyone was sleeping in their bed. the displays, those wouldn't on displays come on in the most of these models will displays. in addition to the family living here, that members of the family and the displays will care and they have nothing to do with anything. all of them are both and women. it's elizabeth, i'll get the control. israel still plans to invade wafaa to route out what officials say or how modest militants hiding in the city. the new seas fire on the table is only an extended post. israel has at once it's over, it will resume its a solid on gaza, potentially worsening. the scale of a humanitarian crisis, nearing its 7th month, was springing know me by a coffee or she is an associated fellow with the international security program at chatham house and, and experience international negotiator and mediator her. so thanks for being with us, the ceasefire. negotiations between is real and come us are extremely complex. what
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are your expectations at this point? my expectation is and my hope is that they will be able to reach an deal. this is the 7th visit us secretary of state and the blinking. the objections of stepped up . i mean the guitar is rejections and the americans have been go shaking pain say since the 7th of october, 2023247. and um, now the, it's harvey's, it's like the step back from the jewish news send a very high level certification, led by major jen miller, abbas comm mode to israel. he was there on friday and saturday. um total square footage is gone extremely well. and now the pool is in her moss is old, and we're all waiting a very anxious to hear um that was given to your experience as an international mediator. how would you describe the main challenges facing blinking in the other
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diplomats in these thoughts? the main challenges that last would like um a ceasefire. that would be a uh, final ceasefire and end of war and the complete withdrawal physical of his rated trips from across the street. and um, these way the government would like to see it started the approach i think at the moment on the table is a 6 week ceasefire with um the release of the 30 hostages. hopefully. and once you there is a ceasefire. it is possible to negotiate a service expires in place. so the hope is that it would lead to eventually an end to the war and peace and stability in the region, but that those negotiations have to continue to go. and they're extremely, extremely complex. as mentioned with every prison to being released, they all have a sitting president being released the teams. it says to discuss names,
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numbers. the numbers should be agreed as part of the deal, the names, some of the more complicated decisions in category. so on the table amendments example of a 100 i listed in the $1000.00 student prisoners altogether, maybe thousands, maybe more. but the quite big question to israel is of those who are setting like sentences and specifically specific needs such as being mentioned like my booty. when it is, will he be released and at what stage? and what else will it it'll have to do in return. so on the table is agreeing to withdrawal from vanessa. reading a renewal of allowing the other students who displays to return to the knows the other concessions and then many concessions that is. busy it was not contemplating agreeing to india, which is why said the amendment to the forms. so you can go back to school because they've been concession is one on top of the other. and the big question is, how many of the prisoners are still alive and guessing a list of oral them?
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so that is really no that has not been so long. just as you point out, it's taking multiple rounds of negotiations to get this point uh, negotiated, been working for months. so what do the negotiating teams need to keep in mind at this delegate stage that they need to keep in mind that they know the time isn't on anyone's side. you have this on both sides. you have um, with every attack on the strip in um, in gaza is collateral damage the citizen. this over 34000 debts are reported by the i'm also, i'm industry of health. that's a huge number of clips to 80000 wounded. they've got a vast number of the whole from the children separated from the parents at least 17000 and most of the 1000 populations living in the south and 10. so that's no technical uh, visuals assignment. i mean, you have a very serious,
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a very serious meditating situation, especially this time and in the north. so that needs to end at the same time prison of the hostages of dine other health and problems, deep underground with 30 of full conditions. home offices just released a tape of 3 men. that's uh, 2 different types of with 3 hostages. pleading to be released, you would assume that they are such a been told exactly what to say, but the sign of life and the fact that they are still alive means that it's absolutely urgent because many of the hostages have died. so what that keeping in mind is not only the situation of the hostages and also but the whole reach and the whole reasonable flare up it almost is this issue is result stopping the war and getting the hostages out is, is one objective. clearly the main one at the moment, but there's the idea of what becomes of guys after the war is over the whole issue
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of governance. is that on the table with these negotiations as well as well? i think it's very clear that the needs to be an end of the end game needs to be clear. so, so yes, everything is being discussed of correctly you states and 1000 in the game and without knowing what, um, where we're hitting the will go on. so yes, it is being discussed with the mediators themselves concentrating on the ceasefire and hostage release of president. exchange your monetary aid that those are the main issues that are being discussed in the cx. 5 associations, including of course, the different phases. the 2nd phase would be the release of the soldiers, which would entail an end of war. so the 1st stage you will have the women and children and wounded an elderly. and then the 2nd phase, you will have, the more valuable investment comes for the most of the soldiers and what is going
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to happen to that, those female. so just like you to be released the 1st space that's part of the negotiation. but without the appeal in the game and without knowing exactly what kind of governance you will see all because the strip and when the palestinians are going to get that long. isn't you state without knowing how that's going to happen when that's good to happen? the ceasefire tools are likely to hit more and more so yes, it is being discussed at the same time, but that yes, that is is yes, but as being discussed, not only by the 3 media, it is not only by cats are ad egypt of the us um, for example, a saudi arabia is very heavily involved in um, those negotiations because of a ton of hosting will be, is really normalization with saudi arabia and other states. so what has it, okay, listed fixture, i suppose, yes, the also is yes, box is broad. newly by yeah,
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associated fellow with the international security program at chatham house. thank you very much for talking with us a thank you. let's take a quick look at a couple of other stories making headlines around the world today who the rebel say they have attacked to us. navy bustles into merchant ships off the coast of yemen. the western military source has confirmed that one merchant vessel was damaged, but continued on its course. there who the rebels are backed by ran and described their actions as support for the palestinian people. and the buzz is warning of the large scale massacre ensued at the best and best route to the united nations as an attack is being planned on the city of l pasha in the dar 4 region were ruptured incident one year ago, creating the world's largest displacement crisis now to the war and ukraine, where at least 4 people have been killed in some 30 injured in a russian missile attack on odessa bible port city on the black sea authority said
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the striped damaged residential buildings as well as this law school, popularly known as the harry potter castle of odessa, the attack came as nato chief in stoughton bag made an unannounced visit to keep the acknowledge that political foot dragging among nato members had played into russia's hands on the battlefield. with the front line situation worse in the ukraine has been stepping up recruitment efforts. that's part of a new mobilization lol keep has stopped issuing passports and providing console services for military age men. our next report looked at what this means for you craniums abroad, including those here in germany or the q outside the ukranian passport service in cologne, germany, ukrainian man hid their faces from the camera, trying to get their documents before the new law on mobilization came into force without success, the passport office said it was experiencing
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a technical failure. that meant that not only draft invaders, but all ukrainians of military age could not obtain documents. so he left the country legally before russia invaded ukraine, his son will soon be 17 and plants, the study of how the family would like to go back, boss, but they defeated both my sons and my passports are ready, but i cannot get them in ukraine. they say your passport is in germany and in germany they say we're not giving it to you while we are one of the name of the technical problems that ukrainian passport services abroad coincided with the for an ministry's announcement that man of mobilization age would be able to obtain passports only in ukraine, starting on may 18th, all male citizens, if you crane who are abroad, will be required to register for military service. however, it's not yet clear exactly how to do this outside the country, and what documents they'll have to submit. meanwhile,
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lawyers say all mail ukrainian citizens, including those who have lived abroad since birth, are subject to the draft. the german government has not commented on keith's decision to stop providing these consumer services. but the interior ministry has said that you crania and man would not be deprived of refugee status in germany. it's mine, as the tennessee says, i'm confident that this will not affect the status of refugees from ukraine who need protection, regardless of whether they are women. who are the vast majority of such refugees or men. that's what this state is valid directly throughout the european union, precisely because of the flight from the russian war of aggression. so it should not affect it speak. the house disposition is the task. but when dw asked whether ukrainian man could receive german documents with an expired, ukrainian passport, ministry said this would be announced later. ukraine's government meanwhile says that ukrainian men have note only rights, but also responsibilities,
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including protecting the state. and key of says it is necessary to regulate the situation when many men of military age live abroad. on the other hand, poland says it will help return ukrainian men of conscription age when their passports expire. if key requested ease of use, eastern europe editor roman gunshot echo is following a story roman ukrainian consul, it say they are experiencing technical problems issuing passports. is that just an excuse? what do you make about as well, it looks like um your credit is indeed in a very dire situation. um, so the russian army is advancing and ukraine is not having enough ammunition and those are enough men to stop that. and in this situation, the pregnant government is improvising this is obvious. so there is this new conscription law that we have heard that will come into force in may. and there is
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a and this stop of all legal services. no, just, no, just issuing passports. and for your brain in men of construct, conscription, age and uh that are also some changes changes. um we've heard that the, those who applied before april 25th, they will get the passport. so this is a sign of improvisation. this will be regulated, i think in the coming weeks because there are hundreds of thousands of your pregnant men of conscription, a conscription age leaving abroad. but um, a lot of them. um, i have absolutely legal reasons not to go to fight. uh so uh they lived here or they have more than 2 children, 3 and more. uh, some of them uh may, may have him illnesses. so um that they, it will take time to regulate this issue. but you claim has no time at the moment because the situation is upset is very, very dangerous. but stopping to provide legal services to your citizens abroad.
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that so that's quite a, quite a move uh is it legally acceptable remedy for a country just off issuing passports to men of military age because this sounds like it could be your basic rights issue, other no international regulations on this? oh, absolutely. so um you planning a site that day and they they have suspended um, issuing a passport. so providing legal services to ukrainians. you can men leaving abroad. i think they will change that regulation so that it is in compliance with international law. at the moment it is, it is an issue of debate between lawyers in your grand itself and abroad. what is possible? what is not possible? it could be problematic that they know this. a suspension came before they knew mobilization law came into force. so we will see in the coming days, if there are any current claims, legal claims against the crime and government. so where does this leave all those
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ukranian men living abroad? what options do they have in this situation? well the, the, all these options are um the, basically what you great in government wants them to do is to register to register in the registry where the parent and government can see if those people can be called up to fight or they cannot. so if they do that, they can just continue living as they live before it may be they will be drawn to fighting the army. but on the other hand, some part of them could be pushed into illegality. we don't know how many roland. thank you very much. that was the w. eastern europe editor, roman, going to write code to the philippines, says chinese vessels have fired water candidate to philippine coast guard birds in disputed waters in the south china sea. according to philippine authorities, one of their boats was damaged in the incident on tuesday. the confrontation
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occurred after trying to put up a barrier around fishing waters traditionally used by the philippines. china claims most of the region has its own dismissing rival claims by the philippines and other countries. they accuse beijing of ignoring maritime laws in the area are correspond to james chase or is following the story for us from taipei james. what more can you tell us about this incident? as well as you mentioned, a really dramatic pitch as emerging from the south china see what we saw there is a philippine coast called vessel surrounded really on both sides by 2 chinese coast guard vessels firing. what we understand was pretty high water pressure canons at the philippine vessels. and as you mentioned, we understand about philippine coast con russell has sustained some damage. now we know that this incident took place near the scarborough show. this is
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a rock formation or a reef in the south china sea, which has really been front and center of these ongoing marathon industries between china and the philippines. no country has silver and see over the scarborough show, but it's been the center of ongoing maritime disputes, given the china claims, the scottish shoulders within it. so code 9 dash line. this is a stretch of water, almost the entirety of the south trying to see which china claims as its own. despite the 2016 court ruling that it had no legal basis to do so, the philippines for it upon its pod says, these wants as the positives of it's exclusive economic zone. and say that china as a growing assertiveness in this region impinges on the rights of its fishermen. and raises their prospects of confrontation in the south trying to see a critical, what's the way for global trade. this of course, is not the 1st time we've seen this kind of incident to what message is being trying to send with these confrontations in the south. china st. james of the
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2416 calling sizes a. this is in a sense of income that the u. s and the philippines are undertaking the largest annual military drills about the time exercise is always a cold shoulder to shoulder with some $16000.00 personnel taking calls in those drills, which for the 1st time this year includes maritime drills, taking place outside of the philippine territory. awards as we have in its exclusive economic zone and conducting drills very much with altercations, with badging like this in mines. the critical context that goes on depending on of this. so is it washington is a mutual defense, tracy ally of the philippines and so as tracy balance that comes to the defense of many law, should it come under type by 4. and 4th, this is something that philippine president found that marcus julia has reiterated recently saying that if the filipinos service mean is killed in an instant like like this, this could be something that triggers the mutual defense tracy with washington. and
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so really poll concerns that this latest escalation, this ongoing solver of maritime disputes, could be what brings washington and beijing into direct conflicts, real flash pointers or a james traitor and todd pay. thank you very much. i let's, let's look at a couple of other stories in the news today. indonesia is mount wrong. volcano has erupt it again, spewing lava, rocks into the air, and peppering nearby villages with debris. is the volcano 2nd, the ruptured in 2 weeks. the civil wasting island is on high alert. authorities have 1st residents to evacuate warning, a possible further explosive eruptions for police officers been killed and for others injured. as they tried to make an arrest in the us state of north carolina, one shooter was killed in the 3 hours stand off that followed. but there's no word
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on the face of a suspected 2nd gunman. and at least 25 people have been killed in more than a dozen injured in a bus accident. him to route bus was traveling in the north of the country when it plunged more than 200 meters from the road. authorities are investigating whether the bus was road worthy. now to can you know, or at least 45 people are dead and dozens more are missing. after a flash flood in the south west of the country, the raging waters swept away houses and cars at a time and large parts of the country. they've already been inundated by weeks of heavy right. people try to salvage what they can as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flood and, and suing landslide, submerged roads and homes. authorities warren,
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the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the water spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society? we search and rescue efforts a new language. many people have died quite as we have saved around a dozen people this morning to our wants to come. i mean that there are more victims, but we don't know if the data that you're welcome to have been taken to hospital when it always be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead of night. those recovering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night almost done. i mean, you know, my youngest daughter was holding onto my back while we were in the water. and she was begging me not to leave her, come on duty at,
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i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing debris. well, i know, fortunately she's gone now that was done. my eldest daughter was in the hospital, gave me all the rest of the children the disaster took place in the town of my mile, some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi. police initially blamed the flooding on a burst them. it's now believed a debris clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons and recent weeks. the government says health is on the way. we are having a meeting to be able to discuss 4 additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims of the kind of change to today, somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up stuff an
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investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flashlight now to if you very lucky people in the us a mess at 1300000000 dollar law for reprise has been handed over to 3 winters, including a man who has cancer originally from los prize winner chang safe in had his latest round of chemotherapy just last week. he and his wife are now set to receive a cool $422000000.00. the rest will go to a friend who chipped in to buy the batch of tickets that included the winter safe and says the money will provide for his family and his health. the father of to says he wants to find a good doctor. are you watching? dw noticed just a reminder of our top story, secretary of state has any blankness, purging him, us to accept a quote, extraordinarily generous ceasefire offer from israel. lincoln who's been holding
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tops and the region is due to travel to israel in the coming day is coming up. next we have a documentary ford here looking at how drought conditions been been needing or causing conflicts for no match there. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the
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people are fighting over water. in the mean, the struggle has increasingly hidden herders against farmers. everyone needs this precious resource to survive the day as a no man who wants to mediate these disputes. to stop the vicious cycle of violence and 3 and residents before or it's too late. next on d, w, people in india are fighting over fish the money and the economy or the economy.
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it's very important i will survive, but he allows the company to incentive since a chinese fish mill factory opens here, everything has changed. now, an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihoods of fishermen. what can they do? because in 60 minutes on d, w, the in many countries, education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind troughs. instead of going to class others can attend classes, the minions of children, of the wills, collins going to school. we also want
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because education makes the world make up your own mind. made for mines the, [000:00:00;00] the left and we're doing this is where the stream used to be and yeah,


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