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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin, waiting for an answer from us, america's top diplomat, anthony blinking urges from us to accept what he called a generous, expired deal from israel. lincoln is now on his way to jordan, where he is expected to discuss ways of boosting a deliberate. it's 2 guys. also coming out, ukraine stops issuing passports to military age. men in an effort to boost truth numbers. this as keeps suffers setbacks on the battlefield. and tensions player in dispute itself, trying to see after chinese coast guard ships humbled philippine thousands with water cannon plus kenya,
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struggles with flash flooding and land slides. the torrent claims thousands of lives further devastating of regions, suffering after weeks of heavy rain, the l. o m terry martin, good heavy with us will begin with hopes for truce in gaza. diplomats are waiting for a mazda is reply to what us secretary of state anthony, blinking his calling an extraordinarily generous ceasefire offer from israel. lincoln has just left the saudi capital re, it is now on his way to jordan, where he is expected to discuss ways of increasing a deliveries to guys of home us, which many countries have designated as a terrorist group has not yet formerly responded to the cease fire offer but is reported to have reacted positively to the deal. the arrow,
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some western foreign ministers are meeting and saudi arabia with the war and gaza on their minds. this is the us secretary of states 7th visit to the middle east since the october 7th attacks. and he's urging home us to accept this deal. a 40 day cease fire and the release of palestinians imprisoned by israel in exchange for more than 30 is rarely hostages. held by him, us from us has before the proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly, conditions and goss, i have worse. and in the past 2 days, dozens of people have died in east where the air strikes on the southern city, a for alpha. among the victims, members of the boot on her family. one was just
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a small child the bottom and then we were sitting in the homes and then the house was gone and we didn't know anything. everyone was sleeping in their bed. the displays, those wouldn't on displays come on in the most of these models with displays. and in addition to the family living here, that members of the family and the displays will care that they have nothing to do with anything. all of them are goes and women. elizabeth, i'll get the looking for is was still plans to invade rafa to route out what officials say or how mass militants hiding in the city. the new seas fire on the table is only an extended pause. israel has at once it's over, it will resume it to solid on gaza, potentially worsening the scale of a humanitarian crisis. nearing its 7 months to a while ago, i spoke about this with our tourism correspond atanya kramer. she gave me this update on the ceasefire tops to why it's really hard to tell until it really
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happens. and as you said, uh we're waiting now and as well as waiting now for the onset by a honda. so just expect it any time soon could be today, could be in the coming days, and then we understand now that is really delegation within travel to cover to hang out more details. but there's some courses optimism. and i have to say, we've been here before of a thing that, uh, how much is that? uh, they are looking at this positively and also that is well, has apparently, according to reports here. and there is really media revised or soft and uh, it stands on several issues. now. there has been, no, it has really officially published, but it says here that a 1st phase could see the 33 hostages being released. and exchange pul palestinians imprisoned in is where the presence for a, a longer pause in fighting and also the return of the palestinians at the house
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being displaced to the cells, to return to the north without a direct inspection. um, but it is really soldiers. uh, there was a demand by hum us, but also this know took about a possible uh, you know, restoration of a. com. uh, that seems to be in the wording his interesting, more in line to uh, seen as a demand behind most full time and then sees 5. you've seen that in previous conflicts, or was a com for com. but again, these are personal days. know ahead and we have to see what, how much is going to say there's great concern tanya, as you know about israel's plan defensive on the city of rough. uh we're more than the 1000000 people are sheltering there and southern gaza if a deal is reached. some sort of pause and the funding would that mean is real, would not proceed with the ground operation and wrap them. i mean, what is there any officials you have said and it came also from a prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that he's insisting on this round
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a operation uh, in rough up. and that has been also used, or it's in us being used as a pressure tool on uh, on us. and as the right you said over 1000000 of people that have been displaced, multiple times are seeking some sort of show to of course, as we seen in the report as strikes are continuing across calls and also in a rough last. but of course, we also have seen strong opposition to such plans by as well as closest all those united states and other countries. they have said if there is no credible plan to relocate or to bring people to safety, this should not go ahead as well as when it comes to 8 that is mainly still coming in through the rafa crossing. and also egypt as one of the menu to as has an interest to void such an operation as a, as this would happen as a, as it's store steps basically just briefly to on the us secondary stages in the
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region in jordan today expected to visit israel next, what message does he have for israel as well? he's here on the, on a, a tour, again in the middle east is been here a many times before. so he would push again for a both sides to engage in directly to come to a deal. he also has said that how most of the court is the goal is know, and how most his court are waiting for this. and so basically, but also calling on israel a to increase humanitarian age a to cause a, although is really officials have said it has been increased, but it doesn't meet the needs. and of course, is also a lot of pressure now ramping up on the government in israel itself, with relatives and families. also hostages saying there's no more time for their relatives being housing carson, and the deal needs to be made almost tanya, thank you very much. that was our jerusalem. correspond antonio kraber now to the
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war and ukraine, where at least 4 people have been killed in some 330 injured in a russian missile attack on odessa. a vital port city on the black sea authorities, the strike damaged residential buildings, as well as this law school, popularly known as the harry potter castle of odessa. the attack came as nato cheap and starting back bathing, unannounced visit to keith. he acknowledge that political foot dragging among nato members had played into russia's hands on the battlefield. with the front line situation worse and a new crane has been stepping up recruitment efforts. as part of a new mobilization law, steve has stopped issuing passports and providing consular services for military age man. our next report looks at what this means for ukrainians abroad, including those here in germany, to the queue outside the ukranian passport service in cologne, germany,
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ukrainian man hid their faces from the camera, trying to get their documents before the new law on mobilization came into force without success, the passport office said it was experiencing a technical failure. that meant that not only draft invaders, but all ukrainians of military age could not obtain documents. sarah had left the country legally before russia invaded ukraine. his son will soon be 17 and plants to study at home. the family would like to go back. but the feelings to both my sons and my passports are ready, but i cannot get them in ukraine. they say your passport is in germany and in germany they say we're not giving it to you. we are one of the name of the technical problems that ukrainian passport services abroad coincided with a foreign ministry is announcement that man of mobilization age would be able to obtain passports only in ukraine. starting on may 18th, all male citizens,
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if you crane who are abroad, will be required to register for military service. however, it's not yet clear exactly how to do this outside the country and what documents they'll have to submit. meanwhile, lawyers say all mail ukrainian citizens, including those who have lived abroad since birth, are subject to the draft. the german government has not commented on keith's decision to stop providing these consumer services. but the interior ministry has said that ukraine young man would not be deprived of refugee status in germany. was mine as a team just because i'm confident that this will not affect the status of refugees from ukraine who need protection, regardless of whether they are women. who are the vast majority of such refugees or men. that's what the status is valid directly throughout the european union, precisely because of the flight from the russian war of aggression. so it should not affect it speak. the house disposition is the task. but when dw asked whether
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ukrainian man could receive german documents with an expired, ukrainian passport, ministry said this would be announced later. ukraine's government meanwhile says that ukrainian men have note only rights, but also responsibilities, including protecting the state. and key of says it is necessary to regulate the situation when many men of military age live abroad. on the other hand, poland says it will help return ukrainian men of conscription age when their passports expire. if keep requests that i spoke earlier about this with dw eastern europe editor a roman gunter rank of i asked what he makes of ukrainian console is saying they can't issue passports due to a technical problem as well. it looks like um your plan is indeed in a very dire situation. um, so the russian army is advancing and ukraine is not having enough ammunition. and those are enough men to stop that. and in this situation,
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the pregnant government is improvising this is obvious. so there is this new conscription law, this with her that will come into force in may. and there is a and this stop of old legal services and they'll just, um, they'll just eastern passports for your brain in men of construct, conscription, age and uh that are also some changes changes. um, we've heard that the those who applied before april 25th, they will get the passport. so this is a sign of improvisation. this will be regulated, i think, in the coming weeks because there are hundreds of thousands of ukraine in men of conscription, a conscription age, leaving abroad, bought a lot of them. um, i have a absolutely legal reasons not to go to fight. uh so uh they lived here or they have more than 2 children, 3 and more. uh, some of them uh may, may have illnesses. so um that they, it will take time to regulate this issue. but you kind of has no time at the moment
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because the situation is upset is very, very dangerous. but stopping to provide legal services to your citizens abroad. that so that's quite a quite a move uh is it legally acceptable? roman for a country, just off issuing passports to men of military age because this sounds like it could be a basic rights issue, other no international regulations on this. it absolutely. so um buchanan is saying that they, um they, they have suspended, issuing a passport. so providing legal services to your grandsons, you can men leaving abroad. i think they will change that regulation so that it is in compliance with international law. at the moment it is, it is an an issue of debate between lawyers in ukraine itself and abroad was as possible once it's not possible, it could be problematic that the know this suspension came before they knew mobilization law came into force. so we will see in the coming days,
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if there are any color claims, legal claims against the crime and government. so where does this leave all those ukranian men living abroad? what options do they have in this situation? well the, the, all these options are um the, basically what you great in government wants them to do is to register to register in the registry where the parent and government can see if those people can be called up to fight or they cannot. so if they do that, they can just continue living as they live before it may be they will be drawn to fighting the army. but on the other hand, some part of them could be pushed into illegality. we don't know how many roland. thank you very much. that was the w, eastern europe editor, a roman going to write code. so you look at a few other stories making headlines to the us is warning of a large scale massacre ensued that us and buster to the united nations says and
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attack is being planned on the city of health puncture in the door for region here, war erupt, incident and one year ago, creating the world's largest displacement crisis. indonesia is mount wildly. volcano has erupt it again, spewing lava and rocks into the air and peppering nearby villages with debris. it is the volcanoes, 2nd to rupture in 2 weeks, a sort of ways. the island is on high alert. authorities have urged residents to evacuate warning a possible further explosive eruptions. the philippines says chinese vessels have fired water cannon at 2 philippine coast guard boats and disputed waters in the south china sea. according to the philippine authorities, one of their boats was damaged in the incident on tuesday. the computation occurred after china blocked fishing waters traditionally used by the philippines. china
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claims most of the region has its own dismissing rival claims, while the philippines and other countries, they accuse beijing of ignoring maritime laws in the area. the w correspond, james trader is following the story for us from ty pay, he has more on this latest maritime clash as well. as you mentioned, a really dramatic page has emerging from the south china. see what we saw. there is a philippine coast called vessel surrounded really on both sides by 2 chinese close going vessels far. and what we understand was pretty high. what's the pressure cannons at the philippine vessels? and as you mentioned, we understand about philippine coast con vessel has sustained some damage. now we know that this incidents are placed near this convers show. this is a rock formation or a reef in the south china sea, which has really been front and center of these ongoing marathons. the streets between china and the philippines. no country has silver and see over the
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scarborough show, but it's been the center of ongoing maritime disputes. given the china claims, the scottish shoulders within its circle, 9 dash line. this is a stretch of water, almost the entirety of the south china sea, which china claims its own. despite the 2016 court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so in the philippines for it upon its pod says, these wants as a positive it's exclusive economic zone and say that china as a growing and so it's in this, in this region, impinges on the rights of its fishermen and raises their prospects of confrontation in the south trying to see a critical, what's the way for global trade. this of course, is not the 1st time we've seen this kind of incident to what message is being trying to send with these confrontations in the south. china st. james william for, for key contracts is a, this is an offensive income, the u. s. and the philippines are undertaking the largest annual military drills,
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the ballot time exercises with a cold shoulder to shoulder with some $16000.00 personnel taking calls in those drills, which for the 1st time this year includes maritime drills, taking place outside of the philippine territory. awards is with in it's exclusive economic zone and conducting drills very much with altercations, with badging like this in mines. i'm the critical contacts that goes on depending on if they so is it washington is a mutual defense tracy ally of the philippines. and so as tracy balance, it comes to the defense of minute law. should it come under type by 4. and 4th, this is something that the philippine president, the marcus junior, has reiterated recently saying that if the filipinos service mean is killed in an instant, likes like this, this could be something that triggers the mutual defense treaty with washington. and so really poor concerns that this latest escalation is ongoing fog or of maritime disputes. could be one, brings washington and beijing in suited to write conflicts, real flash pointers or
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a james traitor and ty, pay, thank you very much. out of 10 year we're $45.00 people at least are dead and dozens more missing. after a flash flood in the south west of the country, the raging waters swept away houses and cars of the time when large parts of the country of already been in and dated by weeks of heavy right. people try to salvage what they can as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flood and, and suing land, slide submerged roads and homes. authorities, warren, the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the water spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society?
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we search and rescue efforts. no new ranking. many people have died quite often and we have saved around a 1000 people this morning and they want to come. i mean that there are more victims, but we don't know if the data that they've been taken to hospital when they don't be tardy of the disaster. struck in the dead of night. those were covering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night. almost done, i'm weak. you know, my youngest daughter was holding onto my back while we are in the water. and she was begging me not to leave her, come on duty at, i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing debris. well, i know, fortunately she's gone. now let me stand. my eldest daughter was in the hospital like the rest of the children. the
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disaster took place in the town of my, my, you some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi. police initially blamed the flooding on a berth of them. it's now believed a debris clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons and recent weeks. the government says health is on the way. we are having a company that committee to be able to discuss for additional mission that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims, full time of change to today, somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up to an investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flashlight or nairobi correspond that felix miranda is in my mind. you in send us this,
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look at the devastation there. time slots have continued to ravage different parts of the country within my my here in the roof, the valley regional can now the floods have come with so much destruction. this is one of the truck does. that's almost why using for the funding activities. it was brought down and it got stuck on other trees from us know that no way that they will be able to use that structure again for their funding activities. now this area is predominantly agricultural area, so some of the plans that have from us had on the farm lands well, actually swept by the floods just here. there is a house that was filed by the floods. what does kim brought down the house? you can see people's clothes and some of the children's closing is actually all over the place. now, government officials, tim to the area during the day and the problem is that they will rebuild
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infrastructure, excessive rewards that had been destroyed. they said they would be rebuilding that in the costs of time. but right now they ask the residential the area to stay safe . however, this evening we have met with women and children running from the area. they're seeing the fia, the floods would come again, and they've cost much more destruction, so they're running for their lives in the nearby towns. i mean, many nearby villages by their residents. some of them who have spent over 40 years in this area. i've seen this type of flooding that is taking place this time around is different from anything that they've ever seen in their life time. so much destruction taking place and people continue losing their lives even as the money in the country sees that they're reading. so we'll continue for another 2 or 3 weeks in the country. a couple of other new stories, making headlights in germany. here, 9 people suspected of being part of the far right plot to over throw the government have done on trial. prosecutor say the ring leader is a businessman,
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an aristocrat called finally, prince royce, the alleged conspirators, face charges of terrorism and high trees. and french prosecutor se screen legend do will stand to trial later this year on charges of sexual assault, of 2 women least questioned the 75 year old actor earlier on monday before releasing him to do put his career on hold. last autumn is allegations of sexual harassment and assault mounted against him. he denies any wrong doing. the group of 7 industrialized nations has agreed to phase out coal power plants by 2035. the pledge made of the meeting in touring typically comes after a report reveal the g 7 nations are falling behind, emission reduction targets. groups, climate energy and environment ministers hope to issue a final declaration on tuesday. and alpine town in northern
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italy is hosting an annual festival dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. and this year the focus is near and dear to the regions, heart, melting, glaciers artists from 17 countries to send it on breast and on it, which is called bricks. and by the towns german speakers to create dozens of light installations, shifting lights on the topics that affects us to the theme of the bricks and water light festival is melting. lacy is the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by larger installations that the all to, to put in spite people to reflect on this global challenge. and we try to combine these to was the i will with that climate change and i will we though the
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play might change. so right now we change to the i was without the climate change, the hour i'll be uh. then we think that the visa know to be over the weekend, try to uh, get there. or it is an issue that is close to him for this small city nestled in the alps and know that to me x. but predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nit bike lacy as could be gone within the next 3 decades. you're watching dw news coming up in just a few moments. we have uh, the co op for code for you taking a look at coastal communities in gambia, struggling with the effects of over fishing and pollution and navigate. you can get all the latest news information anytime he wants on our website. that's the w dot com. i'm terry martin for me of all of us here at dw news,
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thanks for watching the,
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the people in cuba are fighting over fish the money and the economy or the economy . it's very important i will survive, but he allows the company to him. so i know since a chinese fish meal factory opens here, everything has changed. now, an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihood. the fishermen. what can they do? the co operative next on d. w. and the wing sis of prosperity, luxembourg looks something is wrong behind the chic facade. housing is affordable
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for many poverty and homelessness are rapidly growing. and n t o is trying to help with politicians are standing by and doing nothing. poverty and europe. wealthiest country closed out in 45 minutes on d w. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from the house. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals of edible and all the rest they
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classify as disgusting. w series about a complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know, on youtube dw documentary, the, the environmental education is not the child display, but sometimes we can approach climate issues in a ways that appeals to people of every age. that's really important as to look to the future. hello, and welcome to a new edition of echo africa. i am present land and legal side, syria. and i am sandra co homes that we know gil hosting from counselor right here in uganda. and this week we have another balance of exciting we.


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