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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the don't need use live from balance, wasting full an onset from some of america's top diplomats and to me blinking judges come off to accept what he calls a generous spell. i also from israel, lincoln is now in jordan where he's expected to discuss the ways of boosting a deliveries to gaza. also coming up tensions flare and the disputed south china sea of the chinese coast guard shits pommel philippine vessels with was economy plus ukrainian men living in europe. worry about the future off to keep stumps issuing passports. a new lot of loops. mobilization comes as ukraine software
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setbacks on the battlefield and can yes, such as for thousands of people missing off to flash flooding, the death toll continues to rise off the weeks of extremely heavy boats in right the minute cubes. mckinnon. welcome to the program. we begin with hopes for truce and goals of diplomats all white think full time us to reply to what the us secretary of state anthony blinking is cooling, an extraordinarily generous ceasefire. alpha from israel. lincoln has just arrived in the jordanian capital, amman, where he is expected to discuss the ways of increasing a deliveries to gaza. thomas, which many countries have designated as a terrorist group, has not yet fully responded to the sci fi proposal, but is reported to have reacted positively. and for more we can go
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straight to cairo, now to speak to john list kareem outgo hurry kareem. is that a realistic chunk of a deal soon? it was, it was a couple of pieces of this year yesterday is sufficient saying there's no major issues in the way. also with which you have to say that the important is really a concession smell. that how most indication lift kyra in order to negotiate this is really proposed in the service that these are you, the indications that was originally planned to come to kind of today at the, for this visit on 10 days or with an answer the phone. so when you comes to substance to the media, we don't have very superficial. it seems that these are really proposing agrees that if i must release this. so these 3 hostages, that will be already release of hundreds of part of students in prison and uh,
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40 dates rules. but they talk about separate phases, which is where this comes from. the 2nd phase, how much wants to have guarantees for a permanent since, via and that is really ami was draws from because as you know, it seems like if it is ready, the proposal is all about space. com what they, what this means. but the problem is this, the months of how much of a permanent ceasefire and deliveries to one of these rated armies from the causes to. because this only directly contradicts is really walk, walk, just destroying how much of this is the reason why this is made very clear that how many details, how many nuances are involved in these negotiations, yet? diplomats all being fairly open about that optimism. where is this something momentum coming from us? it gets pressure on both sides, the pressure on how much of course they want to avoid the under any circumstances,
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it is really, really to offensive stuff and it's really permanent. so anything else is under pressure also for based on the u. s. to a d a to some kind of ceasefire? no, the police because serious place which advises, instead of under pressure by the closest, this is the d. s. and all this leads to that there's some movement here. okay, us secretary of state antony, blinking is now in jordan. he is expected to visit as well. next will he be able to push from wage full garza while he says it is more 8 coming into the law states. but he says it's by pondering enough, and he says something psyched to improve the be conflicting for humanitarian workers. and i know i love america semantics, i think to try to say this, this is basically we need to make sure that these really doesn't came to many terry, to work as well as the agents will make sure that the gets to all the people. i
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talked to and she's been both of us have initially was working with the issue to get a few. and she's saying that to get to that improved in the last the week. but the problem is that lots of this, it doesn't, we should also street accessibility. it's been a big problem in the she's saying the only things that can solve this problem at the end he's going to be a ceasefire. that would be the relief for terry association. because carrying, thank you so much. that's kareem elder hurry and kyra. now the united nations relief agency for palestinians. honora says more aid is guessing into gaza. thoughts as we just heard, that it is still not enough. his under a chief sleep as a renay speaking a short while ago. we believe that the much more needs to be done. it is true that there has been more supply entering things and wants to offer
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a print. but this is to, from nasa to reserve a to, to be the, the biggest div trend we have seen are now adding to laurie's warnings that any is randy ground incursion into rough uh, with some 1000000 displays to gauze. and this have been sheltering could further complicate distribution efforts. these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said today that the army will enter rough uh, regardless of whether or not a cx 5 deal is reached. the crossing at rafa a vital lifeline for guidance that could soon be under threat. the famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here. the un estimates billions of dollars in aid are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days.
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the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered cause of the land at the air off and using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced. it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out the us and other countries have been air dropping a for months now. and for us is building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex,
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especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough trucks. so under the current circumstances where we don't have safety, where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and thousands, a like a t cry. now where at least 2 people had been killed and several wounded in the latest russian s strikes on hockey's ukraine, 2nd city is close to the russian border and has increasingly being the target of attacks in west and ukraine. at least 5 people were killed and fussy, wounded, and a russian missile attack on the key blacks. the ports of the desa, one of the buildings badly damaged, was this law school,
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commonly known as the hiring pulse, that costs a little bit desa. and with the front line situation with us and, and ukraine has been stepping up recruitment assets as part of a new mobilization. loyal keith has stopped issuing passports and providing conchella services. the military age men on x report looks at what this means, the trainings abroad, including here in germany. the line outside the ukranian passport, service and cologne, germany, ukrainian men hid their faces from the camera, trying to get their documents before the new law and mobilization came into force without success. the passport office said it was experiencing a technical failure. that meant that not only draft of eaters, but all ukrainians of military age could not obtain their documents. say, i had left the country legally before russian van to do grain. his son will soon be 17. in times to study in ukraine. the family would like to go back for us,
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but the feelings to both my sons and my passports are ready, but i cannot get them in ukraine. they say your passport is in germany, and in germany they say we're not giving it to you. we are one of the name of the technical failure and ukrainian passport services abroad coincided with ukraine in ford, ministries announcement that men of mobilization age would be able to obtain passports only in ukraine. the starting on may 18th, all male citizens of ukraine who are abroad will be required to register for military service. however, it is not get clear exactly how to do this outside the country, what documents to submit. meanwhile, a lawyer say all mail ukrainian citizens, including those who have lived abroad since birth, are subject to the draft. the german government has not yet commented on keith's decision to stop providing these council their services. but the interior ministry assured that ukrainian men would not be deprived of refugee status in germany. as
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mine, as extremely says, i am confident that this will not affect the status of refugees from ukraine who need protection, regardless of whether they are women. who are the vast majority of such refugees or men? that's what this state is valid directly throughout the european union, precisely because of the flight from the russian war of aggression. so it should not affect it speak of this disease just need also. but when dw asked whether ukrainian men could receive german documents with an expired ukranian passport, the ministry said that this would be a noun. slater. ukraine's government meanwhile says that ukrainian men have not only rights, but also responsibilities, including protecting the state. and it is necessary to regulate the situation when many men of military age live abroad. on the other hand, pulling says it will help return ukrainian men of conscription age when their
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passports expire, if cubes requested. alright, let's get some analysis for military expos, frank language. hi frank, good to see and tell us is this new mobilization low the answer to boosting ukraine's military to helping it defend itself more effectively in the morning on you? it's not the on sir, it's a component. the onset is another component, the major component would be to encourage more volunteers and that means improving the offer for those who have not yet volunteered for the flag. it's worth remembering the pre set that one uh volunteers with 10 pressed man of the kind you see now not on that report. one of the oxidation i'd like to make as well is that i was in key of last week and it took me about 10 minutes to comp equivalent to a rifle company and one of the welfare areas of k a. and it's very clear that 30 many people know that c h people not might not with, with children,
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didn't complex to people less than 10 minutes. i counted those people that should be the talk. it's perhaps before trying to press unwilling people outside the country. so there's a whole package of measures. this has been this mobilization last taking a long time to go through an i suspect it's gonna take a few months to, to, to get into into some kind of routine as you, as you see. and, and one part of this move lies ation low, is the fact that the age of mobilization is being reduced from 27 to 25? let me just a quick question about that aspect of it. is that going to make a big difference? a lot of people talk about the, the, the fact that $1825.00, which acosta usually they, they operate, takes off of combat soldiers. those people are not subject to mobilization. the reason it's not, it's very simple on you. not is because you can't, has a real demographic problem at that age,
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but eventually they'll fall within the that the 25. yeah. mobilization a limit, but i've just come back to it. there are plenty people in ukraine who are not yet mobilized. can we? you kind of look at those and encourage them to volunteer the best way to do that stuff. them good conditions, good training, good pay. i'm good cash that they'd be willing to very few of those things apply right now. you know, i mean, i saw one of the to brigades on advertise in key of individually and one brigade without the causing the fact as a competitive edge that they offered 60 days training. everybody should get that kind of training. it shouldn't be something that's uh, you know, that there's also some kind of an edge. and the moment things look to be on this talk to it from the outside, a little bit disorganized to put it mildly. yeah. and we are in our port. obviously there are a good number of ukrainians, a broad will of the countries actively support ukraine's and mobilization efforts. so for example, if you have a ukranian, mine has a broad as possible, has expired,
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will the country he's in send him home again? let's wait. he is in the polls as, as the report indicates that said they will. but look, it's not a good look. is it deporting man who came as refugees? that it's called fight. and in terms of the console piece of construct streaming on very possibly dial got seriously injured. that's not a good look. and it is, was saying that, i mean, i know people who are you crazy and people who are overseas and not one can understand that position. i'm not one of those who say well, you must go and fight for your country. there are plenty of people within the voters who are not yet touched by the are you planning on forces on particularly pops in the uh, let's put it this way, the middle classes. mm hm. frank, he said that there is a sort of an air of disorganization about all of this looking ahead. i mean, does ukraine have a clear strategy for achieving its goals and this will well,
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there's a lot skews 10 point plan which includes the return of crime a at on boss and puting in the international criminal coal. so relevant tribunal. and candidly, none of these things are going to happen. so the answer at this point is, you know, i think the credit needs to be under the pups, even more importantly, the west. i've been knocking this now for the 18 months to develop a strategy and, and, and advocate. so the strategy is realistic and attainable. there are precedents historically for the, it's worth remembering that ukraine has already won this war to the extent that it's preserved software. and the question is, the extent to which territory will be, will be ukranian. and right now the 10 point struck, it is simply not achievable. and that's an unfortunate fact, and it's very, it's very difficult to say, but that's, that's the way it is. currently, always appreciate your analysis. thank you so much. that's millet treat x, but frank led, which thank you. going to take
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a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and persons king charles has marks his return to public duties by visiting accounts of charity with his wife's queen camilla. today, it's the monex 1st public engagement since buckingham palace announced that he was facing his own baffle with an undisclosed type of cancer. in early february. at least 6 people have been killed in a shooting at a. she ain't most in weston, afghanistan. the taliban government says a gun man store the mosque in the herat province. no group has come claimed responsibility for the attack, but the so called as lumnick state. the radical is when this group has frequently targeted. she writes sites in the region of kenya's interior ministry says at least 46 people were killed by flash flooding in the country. south west on monday, school is more remain missing. the raging voices swept away houses and cars at
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a time when large parts of the country have already been inundated by weeks of heavy rain. kenya is president william route. so on tuesday, chad, a special cabinet meeting to discuss the emergency situation. the government promised helps thousands of people who have lost everything. people try to salvage what they can, as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flood and, and suing land, slide submerged roads and homes. authorities, warren, the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the waters spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society? we search and rescue efforts. no new ranking. many
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people have died quiet and we have saved around a 1000 people this morning and we want to come, i mean that there are more victims, but we don't know if the data that you're welcome, they've been taken to hospital when they don't be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead of night. those recovering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night almost done. i mean, you know, my youngest daughter was holding onto my back while we were in the water. i did, she was begging me not to leave to come on duty at. i reassured her and told her to hold on to the nearby flushing debris. well, i know, fortunately, she's gone. now let me stand. my eldest daughter is in the hospital. give me all the rest of the children. the disaster took place in the town of my, my,
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you some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi police, initially blame the flooding on a burst of them. it's now believed a debris. clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons in recent weeks. the government says health is on the way. we are having a company that committee to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims of the kind of change to today uh somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up stuff an investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flashlight. the w correspondence alex, my ring essentials, this update on the situation in the flood side. well, the situation is still by the people's faces as feels shocked at what heats their
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community. these lots of activities going on just behind me. series that's had lots of barricaded the roads. i've been caught to just clear uh, traffic was um, was blocked and now it's flowing easily on lucas oil over there. just trying to see what happened to that area. we'll just have a shelter where people who are rescued being held in a lot of them sad face. these people are being offered cycle. social supports by they cannot red cross and families. i've asked some people are praying some people i just hoping that keen would be received as, as the hospital getting a treatment. so the situation is quite wide and uh then what has the teams for loading? uh, this is just uh, part of the what does that walk slowing down through n v k with a lot of destruction. so people are just trying to clear the destruction. a lot of people have been hired to ensure that the debris is clear. and the big place is
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much clearer. this morning the president has a copy of his meeting and he has problems. i'm going to address seal firestone. nope. i recently, in boy reeves, anybody all food stuff, the more you see i didn't feel very so. we'd also be coordinating rescue for the remaining people who i actually found. a lot of families have said that they came out missing. so the only thing i didn't see a virus on is the responsible for the rest you, they, we have also seen a lot of tens that are coming where people can now be able to sleep blankets like i mean. and the government has, is that they will provide food and shelter temporarily show for the people as they look for a long term plan. the president has said that the government will be setting aside money to ensure that the victims actually taken care of. so in the long run, victims could be hopefully that's something we come out of. what i'm going to go to
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and see what parties on comes up with and that was, and i wrote the correspondent and felix miranda with an update the now the philippine says what chinese vessels have fired was the canons of 2 philippine coast guard boats in disputed horses in the south china sea, according to filipino authorities, one of the boats was damaged in the incident on tuesday. the confrontation of code off the china blocks access to the scarborough show. that's an area of fishing which is traditionally used by the philippines, china plains, most of the region has its own, and dismisses rival claims by the philippines and other countries. dw correspondent james traitor is following this story from type type pay. he has the latest now on this maritime flash as well, as you mentioned, really dramatic page has emerging from the south china. see what we saw there is a philippine coast called vessel surrounded really on both sides by 2 chinese coast
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going vessels firing. what we understand was pretty high, what the pressure canon's at the philippine vessels. and as you mentioned, we understand about philippine coast con russell has sustained some damage. now we know that this incident took place near the scarborough show. this is a rock formation or a reef in the south china sea, which has really been front and center of these ongoing marathon industries between china and the philippines. and our country has over and see over the scarborough show, but it's been the center of ongoing maritime disputes, given the china claims, the scottish shoulders within it. so could 9 dash line. this is a stretch of water, almost the entirety of the south china sea, which china claims as a song, despite the 2016 court ruling, that it had no legal basis to do so. in the philippines for it upon its pod says, these wants as a positive it's exclusive economic zone. and say that china as a growing assertiveness in this region impinges on the rights of its fishermen. and
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raises their prospects of confrontation in the south trying to see a critical what's the way for global trade. this, of course, is not the 1st time we've seen this kind of incident to what message is being trying to send with these confrontations in the south. china st. james when for for key contacts is a, this is incident comes as the u. s. and the philippines are undertaking that logic site technical hips. their apologies for that and alpine town in northern italy is hosting is annual festival, which is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. the c of the focus is data, the regions hot, melting felicia's office from 17 countries descended on breast and on a to create thousands of light installations, shedding lights on the topics that affects us. so the theme of the bricks and water light festival is melting. lacy is
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the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by large installations that the altar type put in spite people to reflect on this global challenge. and we tried to combine these to was the i will with that climate change and i will we though the climate change. so right now we change to the i will we though the climate change the hour? i'll be a then we think that the, these i know they'll be over the weekend try to get there. it is an issue that is close to him for this small city, nestled in the outs and know the net to me x, but predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nearby glazes could be gone within the next 3 decades. visitors to bricks and
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say they found the public all show illuminating, etc. and that is all we have time full thanks so much for watching dw, i hope scene of the next hour, the
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