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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the israel vows to go into rough on know, motto was prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the army will enter the southern gauze seat with or without the seaside deals with come, not that as well as civilian casualties that fit and advance center also would also severely disrupt vital age distribution will say coming up on the program. tensions flare and the dispute, south china sea, off to trainees coast guard ships, pummeled philippine vessels with horse accountant. and kenya, such as for thousands of people missing off to flush flooding, the death toll continues to rise off to weeks of extremely heavy monsoon rain,
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the many troops mccain. and thanks for being with us, israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu is vowing his country's army will enter the southern gospel city of rasa, regardless of whether a sci fi deal is reached with some of speaking at a meeting with the families of is randy hostages, nothing yahoo said israel with notes and the war until all of its goals had been achieved, including illuminating hamas battalions in russia. many had hoped agreement on a ceasefire could have but a rough ground incursion, which is rails allies, including the united states and germany, have one against the united nations release agency for palestinians will unreal ones that well, more aid has been getting through any rough military operation. could severely
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disrupt vital distribution efforts. the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat. the famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here. the un estimates billions of dollars in aid are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered cause of the land and the air often using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced. it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas
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and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out the us and other countries have been air dropping a for months now. the and the us as building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount
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a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like. and i'm joined now by some rows from on raw. that's the you and relief. lux agency, full palestine. refugees, welcome to the www. thanks for your time. israel's prime minister netanyahu, then you mean nothing. yahoo is saying the plans are offensive on rough. what will happen? know, my. so what can i ask for your reaction to that statement? the yes, that's the only thing we're hearing that is a lot of this as you all as just breaking news and all the cx x stream leave extremely concerning other humans or it could be a single best and only so the people all got, i'm the people off rock, in particular, that has been a little sense of anxiety over the past few, few days as this deadline has called close trends that and if indeed these were both confirmed,
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we are extremely concerned about the immediate and the longer some future host of people. yeah, some your and ross, i can you give us a sense of loss issues like that the conditions you spoke about, the sense of anxiety, how people coping with now the shadow of this plan defensive hanging over them. this is our best friend. the conditions have been desperate here for several months . we don't want in a 1000000 the mall. lydia, that's fine. a split up line and most of us have lost the x rays. many of them are living tenants or a nuisance to get uh, you know, tense made of boxes of slot. they and they have almost nothing. we're living through extremely lowest and essentially conditions extremely more health conditions. there are regular bobbins that the other day that happened the 9 comes to the sound of drones. drones, drones is riley drives. i have to just so many people who have already been through
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so much i, i don't top of this that dealing with the most uncertain future. we already know the situation is catastrophic hit or the incursion and the operation goes, i had it will be, fall saw was well the wide scale destruction and really a multitude of casualties that on the, on the ground here for people inside rough. and then we have a major questions about where to go space for them to just show us on how we are thinking that they're introducing will be able to assist for section on that point is riley is saying that is preparing to evacuate palestinians from ross. so can you talk to us about the logistics of vass? i mean, would it even be possible? are we seeing what's happening in northern gulf? and we saw what happened in, in eunice lease several, several months ago. now, when it comes to it's an old and northern gauze of the situation here is,
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is completely different. the incentives of the scale of the order of magnitude movie long ago was 1500000, the people who are living here and also the destination. uh, you know that the, if indeed this, this does come to pass to be pushed into areas that have already been subjects to salvage on comments over the past several months. and the other important facts. the reason that a has been getting any sick or uh, volumes and we would like a rough uh carriage along the border area. a has been a lifeline for the trip of a we know that it is in no fix legs or was deterioration. and so we secure some conditions any way, seeing it in the well, in the recent past and was out of meetings instead of people going to that area when we cannot secure a, we cannot provide for it just as bad thinking about what the consequences of
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something like that would be, it is very, very uh, if not impossible to see how it can be done safely without major casualties without major loss of life. some of the us is putting pressure on israel to increase 8 to gaza. but again, what happens to a deliveries if there is this event offensive? we're talking about literally, i mean as we know, rather terms of law has been the main entry point. it was a new and complementary terminals and the entry point is being set. so they are yes of the to be open. this is an errors and all of the peer to j. c. a. see they are yet to be fully functioning. we have yet to see use just to receive dates of the pallet function and sense of how the a guy from the shares safely in the, the organizations that needs to distribute to around god. and we know we're also not seeing one cities and the volume of a that immediately to absorb,
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to meet the needs of all the people will be free and who will be on the run it if this and he happens and let us know. again, it's not just about trucks in a coming in it's about to fuel. it's about was a, it's a not electricity is about the basics of like that go beyond what you can put on a truck. some roads from monroe in ruffin. so thank you so much for your time. now, ben, you mean us and you know whose comments come as hum us, which is designated as a terrorist group by many countries considered as its response to israel flights a ceasefire alpha. the us x ray of state has ne, blinking who has arrived in jordan, head of unexpected visit to israel, as judge thomas to accept what he is cooling, the extraordinarily generous tons of the deal. a. okay, let's take a quick look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world and in
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the united states, pro palestinian demonstrates as have escalated that protest at columbia university by occupying a historic building. a barricade should have hamilton hall, which is well known for being occupied during demonstrations against the vietnam or in the 19 sixty's. columbia has the guns suspending activists who refused to take down a 10 encampment on campus and end of that protest. at least 6 people have been killed and a shooting that a she liked mosque in west in afghanistan, the taliban government says a gunman, student the mosque in her right provence. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. but the so called as lumnick state has frequently targeted, she had sites in the region at least 25 people have been killed and more than adults injured in a box accident in peru. the boss was traveling in the north of the country when it plunged more than 200 meters with our seas on now investigating whether the box was
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right worthy. the philippines says, but chinese vessels have 5 horse accountant to philippine coast guard boats and disputed horses in the south china sea. according to filipino authorities, one of the boats was damaged and the incident on tuesday, the confrontation of cut off the china, blocked access to the scott threshold. that's an area, or fishing, which is traditionally used by the philippines. china claims most of the region as its own and dismisses rival claims by the philippines and other countries. the w correspondent, james traitor, is following the story for us from taipei and has more now on the slightest maritime flush waiting for us to quay calling sizes. this is a defensive incomes as the us and the philippines are undertaking. the largest annual military drills the ballot time exercises with a cold shoulder to shoulder with some $16000.00 personnel taking cause in those
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drills, which for the 1st time this year includes maritime drills, taking place outside of the philippine territory. awards is with in its exclusive economic zone. and conducting drill is very much for adults occasions with aging like this in mines. the critical context that goes on depending on of this. so is it, washington is a mutual defense treaty ally of the philippines. and so is tracey bound to come to the defense of many law. should it come under type by 4? and 4th, this is something that the philippine president, the marcus junior, has reiterated recently saying that if the filipinos service mean is killed in an instant like, like this, this could be something that triggers the mutual defense tracy with washington. and so really poor concerns that this latest escalation is ongoing. solver of maritime disputes could be one, brings washington and beijing into direct conflicts. the ws change tray to the non alpine town in northern italy is hosting its annual festival, which is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. and the caea. the
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focus is dia to the regions hot, melting relations office from 17 countries of defended on breast, and on a, which is called rickson by the towns, drum and speakers to create thousands of lights, installations, shifting lights on the topics that affects us to the theme of the bricks and water light festival is melting. lacy is the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by larger installations that the altar type will inspire people to reflect on this global challenge. and we tried to combine these to was the i will with that, could i change and i will we the climate change. so right now we change to the i
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was without the climate change, you our, i'll be a then we thing that the, these i know they'll be over the weekend try to get there. it is an issue that is close to him for this small city nestled in the out in northern italy x, but predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nearby places could be gone within the next 3 decades. visitors to bricks and say they found the public all show illuminating. it's a totally different way of approaching these very important topics. and especially from my personal point of view, i think it's, it's easier accessible if it's just transform it's uh or if you communicate it in the way of art, i think kind of change and also the why they're like so important for us also for the future so i really, really like this to rates as if the outdoor exhibition. so they hope that the
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festival in spies action to tackle climate change with that you are up to date. i'm and you can just make a note thanks so much for watching dw, the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d, w to sleep swear.


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