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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the israel vows to go into rasa, norma. so was prime minister, then you mean this, and yahoo says the army will end to be something 1000. and 15 with or without a sci fi i deal with a mouse. but as well as civilian casualties, it is said in advance in so rough up hold on, so severely disrupt bicycle age distribution. also coming up on the program kenya, such as for thousands of people missing offices, plus flooding, the death toll continues to rise up to weeks of extremely heavy. i'm assuming right, [000:00:00;00]
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the menu is mckinnon. welcome to the program. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing that his country's army will enter the southern garza city of rough, regardless of whether a sci fi deal is reached. with some us. speaking of the meeting with the families of israeli hostages. nothing yahoo said israel would not to end the war until all of its goals had been achieved, including illumination come off battalions in rasa. many had hope to cease fire agreement. what are the so rough ground incursion? which is rails allies, including the united states and germany, have one against let's get moved from the w's correspondence in jerusalem. tenea claim atanya is then you mean that's and you know,
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who's stance on rasa. capitalizing the possibility of reaching any kind of deal as well. that's also being discussed in israel, between those who are supporting a such a deal that is currently being worked on through many datas, katara and egypt in cairo. and where a responds by how mazda is actually a way to, to of, for at the moment. uh so, and those of course, who are opposing to end the war and those who have set, that is why should not be guided by international impression among them are also members of his own cabin that some of the far right members of his covenants bought a prime minister benyamin antonio has such a time and time again himself that he, as he thinks that the military needs to go into russell to destroy him. us as he puts it in, also to achieve
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a full victory in this war. something that many israelis are not actually believing in any more at this point in time. and his critics have said he should not have said that. now as a public statement, as it is a closer time why those mediators are a trying to get such a deal a together. and of course it's also devastating for the families and relatives of those hostages that remain in garza. and of course, we should not forget, it just comes a couple of hours before a us secretary of state antony blinking is expected to revise and it's around his priorities also to push for such a deal. uh, as you say, uh lincoln will be in israel or is expected to visit israel soon. does the us have enough leverage to pressure israel not to attack rough? uh what, what influence can he bring as well. i mean, his main goal is,
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as he had said, is to bring both sides 1st and foremost together to engage in directly, obviously, and to come to a deal and you know, to get to a, at least a temporary a ceasefire. this is actually to prevent as such an operation on ground operation in a golf off in the u. s. and other countries you said it has made it very clear that the pose of such a uh, a ground operation in rough software over 1000000 palestinians that have been displaced multiple times are seeking some sort of shoulder. they said that needs to be at least a credible plan to bring those people to some sort of safety. there's also the question of age because most of the 8 is still going in through the roof of crossing. this is another very important point on a blinking agenda that more humanitarian
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a needs to go into gaza. it's still not enough, although it's really official saying that it has been increased, but 8 organizations say it's not enough. and also we will see him certainly talking more about on a regional level, he just came from a saudi arabia and to prevent any for the escalation, also in the region and let them use the jury. some correspondence on your claim, atanya. thank you. now sam rose is with the you and release and works agency for palestine. refugees on wright. he tells me what he thinks about israel is really prime minister of statement. yes, that's the only thing we're hearing that is a lot of this, as you all, as just breaking news, know cx extremely, extremely concerning. a few minutes our could be a single best and the only, so the people all got, i'm the people off rough uh, in the 6 you love that has been a little sense and a desire to over the past few,
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few days as this deadline has called close, close, and if indeed these were both confirmed, we are extremely concerned about the immediate and the longer some future host of people at some your in ross. so can you give us a sense of what the issue is like that the conditions you spoke about, the sense of anxiety, how people coping with now? the shadow of this plan, defensive hanging, either them this is our best friend. the conditions have been desperate here for several months. we know one of the 1000000 people living in a sine, he's lived out long and most of us has lost every race. many of them are living in his hands or a nuisance to get uh, you know, tense made of bikes, of sly. they and they have almost nothing. we're living through extremely low sanitation conditions. extremely more health conditions. there are regular bobbins
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that the other day that happened the 9 comes in sound of drones. drones, drones is riley drugs. i have to just for many people who have already been through so much i, i don't top of this that dealing with the most uncertain future. we already know the situation is catastrophic hit or the incursion and the operation goes i had, it will be, fall, saw was well wide scale destruction and really a multitude of casualties that on the, on the ground here for people inside rough. and then we have major questions about whether you go space for them to just show us on how we're thinking that's are introducing will be able to assist for 2nd summaries, laughter. monro equipment now, some of the stories making headlines today and in the united states pro palestinian demonstrates as of escalated that protest at columbia university. they bark hated hamilton,
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who well known so being occupied during demonstrations against the vietnam war. in the 19 sixty's, columbia has begun suspending activists who refused to take down attempt incumbent on campus and in the protest. on demand wielding a sword has killed a senior, old boy in a london suburb, with ortiz say for all those including 2 police officers, were injured. police say they arrested a 36 year old man at the scene. the incident is not being treated as tara related or a targeted attack. now, kenya's interior ministry says at least 46 people have been killed by flash flooding in the country south west. on monday schools more remain missing. the raging waters has swept away houses and cause at a time when large parts of the country has already been updated by weeks of heavy rain. can use president william russo on choose a chat, a special cabinet meeting to discuss the emergency situation. the government
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promised helps with thousands of people who have lost everything. people try to salvage what they can, as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flooding and suing land slide submerged roads and homes. authorities, warren, the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many trees as the waters spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society? we search and rescue efforts. no new ranking. many people have died quiet and we have saved around a 1000 people this morning to come. i mean, not your amo victims, but we don't know if the data that you ok this thing taken to hospital when they don't be tardy. the disaster struck in the dead of night. those recovering at the
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local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night almost done. i mean, you know, my youngest daughter was holding onto my back while we run the water. and she was begging me not to leave her. come with me, i did. i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing debris. well, i know, fortunately she's gone now that was done. my eldest daughter was in the hospital, gave me all the rest of the children the disaster took place in the town of my maya, some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi. police initially blamed the flooding on a burst of them. it's now believed a debris clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons in recent weeks. the government says
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health is on the way. we are having a company that committee to be able to discuss form additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that citizens who uh, victims of the kind of change to today uh somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up to an investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest flashlight to the democratic republic of congo. now, whether un peacekeeping mission menace go is leaving the country off to 25 years of departure requested by the congolese authorities. that's worrying some people, especially in remote areas, like the high class of south keys of what in security persists, the w's pools, or the reports from east and the see. now it looks like the communities armies of file
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d. c is in the fight with one of the many groups. so bearing thinking says cable but this is an exhaust size. the name was again from pakistani. please keep pearls before the app to continue to hold. ready around that a 3rd to show us my man are learning from a new sco, alimony sco eh, we're preparing from a noose goes departure, and i put in the budget. i'm so we're learning what we'll have to do after they leave it. i think it depends on what and they've run through many basic techniques together. and by the end of april, the 120 basically for us will leave their bathing the village of them. you can get to the communities military like what was the repeat, the sign includes accusation. so as the payments up sort of just said, i read, but the departing team c's and, but they do, we are getting the, if you already see troops, we've been conducting the training for about 15 days. now we have bring them in the
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basic one bedroom, basic uh for the, uh, uh, normal safety precautions and did our turn link handling with the locals. and they are already since the, the locals. and if you already see it blows their locals and they are better than most and with a little bit of customs and traditions since it's a before leaving. and this can pulls up by just any contingent has been you have to protect since 2020 now some 2500 to year. is it for the kids or coming that conflict which found up again in 2019 with fresh violence between differential cause groups. so then i've been forced from that homes and mainly in the camp. i'll scab just use the peacekeepers defaults minnesota fema. visually, we are very sorry. what was that? what we're sorry to seem a new sco leave for about, but they need to see because we're worried that in security will return a little excited to see if there is a way fled here,
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even though the congolese military was in our village punk or lot. so we have no assurance that they will be able to protect us. like i'm a news go, did a bundle with dish, but it does look like you think you saw joe. so leaving these relates to the chevy for a base for the know when you score he's leaving, come go because the government ask them to go. so you need that schifflet's or these by to more than 20 years, things the country. so you install jail. so it'd be gone from south cable by the end of april and from the rest of the country, by the end of the year, the dw spoke with the democratic republic of congo as newly elected president felix just the katy who was in berlin for 2 weeks. last week and one of the issues discussed was the exploitation of his country's vast natural wealth is some of what he told the w and an exclusive interview. to just, you know, the b as it's about the plundering of resources in the democratic republic of congo . i think so, obviously certain amounts of national companies in industrialized countries,
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it were complicit in this. it don't and it's up to the countries. but most of these multinational would be good up to them to put the pressure on those companies to start with this. and this is the trade shows as we'll see a table at the comes of it so, so can, that's a nice it. and that's more of that interview coming up here on the building and off for a full breakdown. the driven by greed in the 2000 is georgia bank, engaged in various high risk business practices, race for ever higher profit. and then the ethic, the mind of a determined institution. the dodge of bank story starts may seconds on the w, enjoying the views and come to take


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