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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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as comfortable as it will accomplish that in this, it don't. so it's up to the countries that's hosting some multinational would be good up to them to put the pressure on those companies. to start with this, at least, to try to see if they book at the comes of it. so, so can, that's a nice it. and that's more of that interview coming up here on the building. it's off for a short break. the driven by greed in the 2000 this georgia bank engaged in various high risk business practices to raise for ever higher profit. and then the ethic, the mind of a determined institution, the darcia bank story, starts may 2nd on the double you enjoying the views and come to take a look at this out to the highlights every week in your inbox,
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subscribe. now. the get to him level months after his re election, the president of the democratic republic of congo, felix to security, came to belen look of 0 and occasion for the w to do an interview. mister president, welcome to appropriate for you to me. of the news. mfc made them. what was it look pretty don't nothing. yeah. gong lisa, your country has lots of wells, including strategic minerals, the so called 3 tees, cancel them, tungsten, 10, thought the then stopped just recently. your government's lawyers accused us tech giant apple of using the legally mines minerals and the products that you made. the roads that were alleged to be extracted from congo lease mines transporters and
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then longer it mainly via wanda upgrade. the accusation goes for the saying that all these alleged activities financed um groups in eastern p r c. that's even an ultimatum given why exactly nipple cause i says there's optima quite simply, so it may stop. it's been going on for 30 years. ever since the international community last us to open up voters to the influx of refugees fleeing the genocide in rwanda vision. oh, see the one to the small i'm on the at that point people involved in the genocide also slipped to see on the, on a fusion. and they entered the d l. c with the weapons because the oldest had been given from somewhere still within the international community and to let them in with that weapons that are going to know that the us under the list down 3. i think that is a press law. and down to that when to was given a writing pursuit inviting itself into the democratic republic of congo to hung
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down these people up the books just as a decision. no, see, their motto is my but unfortunately, blended didn't make the distinction. obviously, my so also massacred congolese we though, and since then domestic hasn't ended the meaning a new one that they have a very number one to discover that they will minerals in the deals. and we want to grow and to make contacts in the international community that enabled it to sell these blood minerals for the the sure. now i found out that found this, i mean i, you saw the night of minerals obtained by using finance against our populations to force them to leave the localities with these minerals and found the look at the dollar kid and not getting on to see me. and i will buy
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since then for linda has become the representative of these minerals for the international community for these multi nationals. luckily not that don't us on forces in minutes. the national not we're gonna need to. yeah, you just mentioned the 1990 is glen rwandan. refugees came today. you book a he was a already on the now it's 30 years later on or that plays off. do you have the, this is why i said this been going on searching is also due today and east, i'm congo. was seeing the presence of the m. 23 movement. which according to multiple statements by your government, is supported by rolanda. do you plan to meet around as president polk? i'm in the days to come? we are good morning, dave, get the there's currently in the initiative. be taken by gold and president bush. well, the rent's who's being appointed mediator in this conflict by the african union. yup. see there's a, there's
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a leader and he's already put forward piece initiatives on several occasions, but they've all being sabotaged. every single was sabotaged by government and his regime to basel the, the know some of them on down the, if you really, it's a final trust right. it's not that there was now what we believe to be a last chance, and i want to give peace a chance as much as possible. i'm doing the restaurants that update the page for you. but obviously that's not because of weakness. and we're not always going to be patient like this wishing piece once. i also had done that be the 25th of us because of the 2. does that mean that you are still prepared as agreed to meet paulk again? is it to show the cause on the home phone to what it is. i mean i've always said that i never meet the m $23.00 a month. i'm sure that the because as i said, it's empty show. it shows a fuck these fabricate to,
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to justify aggression against my country. on top of the d. c. was just a mom is just the feel like it. i see on the a quantum of the that i am busy make on the day the real aggress. the real criminal is pull coming up. and i want to meet him not to beg him or to negotiate and the thing with him for the dom on it's to ask him and tell him clearly i to why that he's a criminal. that enough is enough now, and that he is a little game is known to everyone is a to me, it's enough what he's done to my country and my people, and it's time for him to leave the territory, the soil of my country, the 30 to i'm to some of them won't be it comes, you mentioned the multinational companies apples, but maybe others to what do you expect from them cause that on the opposite that may be, i'm is surely. and this is the slide that you'll find out the investigations
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continue. obviously, good. so i mean, the most serious thing is that these minerals are extracted from the congolese subsoil at the price of blood on the, as i said by using violence and terror for you to make the populations living in these localities. fleet alfred the san possible, if they find then that transported a long trail was fine motorcycles to relent, but one to a lot. and the, the stumped by an international n g a. we quote all that which obviously itself, segments the fact that the blood minerals pauses them off as if they were minimal, its mind. and orlando passing from they fit by sequences. if they didn't, you know, explain one. it bought, i got man cool to gummy, even have to go to say once that the cold time and whose country is a better quality than in the deal. see if they read then will continue to call is
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you please, you know, that was near as it ended. so let's get back to the situation in the democratic republic of congo. but right now we're talking about the minerals being mind to the east of the d all say. so let's focus on the east. according to the o, c, h, a. since the beginning of this year, more than 358000 people have been newly displaced. and they say that the number of displaced people has reached around 7100000. and this is largely due to the armed conflict in the cables and tories good. what is your response today to the people living in the displaced persons camps. and we're going to keep bothering him, but we're just hoping to go home to see to about me. i the do, if all goes well and i pray to god that it really continues like this. the a tory case will be resolved in the months to come and will be able to smoke the piece nicest. what data it has to, i don't get enough people that know just be north keyboard, where the issue is the plundering of results is from the d. c. in complicity with
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certain multi nationals from industrialized countries. not, not the be understand these it. so that's it. what for sure, that something else going on. and so it depends precisely on these countries which are home to these multi nationals, they meet the national now it's up to them to put pressure on these companies to stop this solicit trait because of it so. so one that's a nice it know, some repairs on the phone with the representatives of the d. c. some. and we're open till discussions. apparently, we'd rather talk about exchange about when, when partnerships with all these multi nationals, you know, so not then let them make do with this. mccarthy. traffic is not data is taking place at the cost of us citizens like about the surface area of a lot of heat the policy by putting on a need. mr. president, jeff just expressed an expectation to the countries that have most multi nationals,
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including the united states. i guess as long as the kids are in the case of apple. so what exactly are you waiting for? what kind of sanctions, what kind of influence would the american government have to for the med political, velma, america, and zip on. i'll take a look as long as you know, i don't know, in this case what sanctions could be applied. sounds of it's up to the to just reach and think about it. there was surely penalties and convictions for complicity in crimes. it seemed well not. so i'm not expecting a specific sanction so such from den just that goes as long as i know that these are countries with the judiciary is free, independent, efficient on it, does it what this kind of just is to touch this type of traffic and the traffic is your to good is on the level the companies will, thirty's are ready to only discuss upon the ship to exploit these minerals and when, when model that back to now. yeah. oh, expedite this is assuming that
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a demo debit gotten, you know, got, you know, was of a mazda, is it because of all these misfortunes, method, this wealth has cost us that i have to capitalize on it by saying we must adult being aligned to extraction. the quite simply data in their big stocks you onto some from on the pano mean they take home interest that processed elsewhere. and then they come and sell us the finished product. we're going to be a little bit and remember we want to develop our own value chain in the dream, ourselves as far as possible as it can extend l street a. sit down the path to now. yeah. and then in what i quote those when, when partnership goes out. so i think we'll be able to find how much it was ridiculous by creating jobs, south bronx, and tracing wealth on them. and at the same time,
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have partners will also benefit from this publish it. so it will then i'll set up an audio by example. so apple will negotiate directly with the d. c. that's going to be the democratic people, of course, with the democratic republic of congo. why would you want to negotiate with a common c for who's doing business on the backs of debt? congolese is offer you telephones, you have in your countries, contain the blood of the concrete. just get a phone, a good was of easy, normal be content. another song, big one where they pick on law is and how do you judge the memorandum of understanding that was concluded between the european union and rhonda in february to promote the development of sustainable and resilience value change for role materials that you plan. you have coming up in, it's like awarding a prize for war and village. you'll be scandalous that the european union validate such a bargain of the file bucket and much on that it's disgusting much on the c.
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c. they would probably do payments. you've just talked about a bonus, right? but that's a very strong time. why don't you think about rolanda, the donors united states? don't you think that rolanda is given more weight than the d. r. c on the international stage would be your best bet. i see when and see, but i see no budget to mail you all the domains of under no, not a tool, but look since 2022. when do you aggression again, they don't see and we immediately denounced it wake or not. you see that the narrative has changed and i think the new so it is only been a year and a half since this happened. a lawyer as rolanda has been fooling the whole world for 30 years. and they know that they'll have to have been know to have it. uh so you have to give us time to make comments of that complete silence in our country. obviously i find that very lead us who wrote this country it was already known as
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on today. we recognize that even the army was completely disjointed, so we couldn't and disorganized, that it was unable to stand up against any kind of regression of this f, as i to say is i c o. s. okay, and on who are you penning your whole life for a process of reconciliation, a post that pro says that will lead to peace because of that. and that you said that you also wanted peaceful the people who live in the east of your country in particular, was hoping to on home to keep in your homes. if you say about poke a gamma of what you said about him here. who do you think can be that person? yes, once you pull that sort of give you an uh, a surgery with says give them but they both got me. well, whoever comes off to pull good guns down then he's not a tunnel. just have a baby. i hope that you're off to him. that will be a head of state who can understand the meaning and merits of living in peace with
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neighbors or the v of on fabrics. it was a mess. people have seen certain places, no m, f, c, c o, c o c s the, how bad is climate change for us in the short on? so it is very hello and welcome. i'm so i think everybody annual watching equal. now let's get to the no nonsense. 9 indian states are among the 15 most widely regions to climate change and 80 percent of our population lives in districts that are active risk of climate and use as often freaks loves storms, droughts,
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devastating extreme weather events. how.


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