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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from the land. the un top quote rejects nicaragua, was demands that germany stop selling to israel. the international court of justice says the legal conditions to issue such an order will not mess nicaragua had argued with german lessons, were being used to a bench, a genocide in gaza. also coming up israel dials to go into a rough and know mass awards, despite the danger to civilians. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the army will answer the $7.50 with without to cease 5 deal with come on. and you try and stop say, showing possible to military age men in an effort to boost true numbers. this as
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keyed substance, set facts on the battlefield, the new keeps mccain. and thanks so much for being with us. the you and the top court has rejected a request by nicaragua to order germany to stop sending weapons and other military aid to israel. the international court of justice in the hague rule, but legal conditions for making such an order had not been met. nicaragua had argued that by supplying the weapons germany was facilitating genocide and gaza during the hearings. butlins said it had fairly exported weapons to israel. and since the offense of started following the october, the 7th terror attacked by come look at what has actually been lights and for our correspondent lucy shelton is out the court in the hey,
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just see what more can you tell us about the quote, the ruling a yeah, so we had today a viewing on the so called provision in mattress. so the quote has been off by the colorado, uh, in a case that had brought against germany to indicate these provision and mattress and has off the gem. you should stop immediately. all that in exports to use, riley, and also that it should start funding one run again. the court has found today that indeed there is no need to indicate these provision emetrius as these requirements for these are not met. so that means that at this stage, germany is not bound to do anything by the international court of justice and can continue with its behavior as, as it deems it necessary and can keep on doing what it considers to be legally. right. okay, and so that means german wesson's exports to israel will continue. how did gemini argue it's? it's case for continue weapon supplies. so we have heard to your,
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to around 2 or 3 weeks ago by germany is saying that they follow all international legal obligations which i mainly a international humanitarian law and how they make sure that this is the case. also, when they supply weapons to israel or other countries, they have said that one of the reasons for this is that they have a very strict licensing procedure where they really look into the question. if they're follow all the international routes that they are bound to. and then therefore, it's been making a case what they have been giving in factories royal and they've been saying that they're only very few so called war veterans. but the majority of the things they've been giving to each river indeed are the military equipment. so these read the main arguments by germany made here roughly 3 weeks ago. okay. the judges did mention the in the ruling, didn't like. can you tell us what they said?
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yeah, they said they're deeply concerned about the situation in the gaza strip, especially if the situation for the palestinians and that, and the, the risk of, of famine that is going on there. they have also referred to an order status. and given before, in a case that south africa came, they have there always have been asking for more international humanitarian aid being allowed and together. so, and therefore it's a been re calling on all the states and that they have to follow international humanitarian law. and that they're bound by, by this is for example, by the geneva convention. so what happens next is this the end of the case. it is not the end of the case. there was something that germany has off for the this case would be stroke out from the dresser step, but this did not happen today. what will happen next is that it might move on to the merits face before this could happen. there's also put, the question of jurisdiction could be raised. that means that the court behind me,
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the international court of justice is indeed in charge of this case or not. and also this is might move onto the merits face. if this is the case, then the case is likely to k, take a couple of years, let's say a shelton at the international criminal court in the hague. lucy, i think so much i to is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country's army will. and so the southern gauze and city of rough uh, regardless of whether a seaside deal is reached with from us or not. speaking at a meeting with the families of his riley hostages, this and you all who said israel would not send the war until all of its goals had been achieved, including illuminating homeless battalions in russia. many had hoped that an agreement on a ceasefire could avert a rough or ground incursion and in right and is really official told the news agency a f p. the government will wait until wednesday nights for hamas to respond to
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a truce for proposal for potentially sending invoice to cairo, the ceasefire towards the united nations release agency for palestinians on ro is wanting the even though more age is now reaching garza any rough uh military operation could severely disrupt vital distribution efforts. the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here the u. n. estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks at the amount of humanitarian a going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of aid going into gaza will continue to scale out even more food, water, medical supplies,
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shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered gauze of your land and air, often using via gyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced. it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which a lot a aid into northern garza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out the us and other countries have been air dropping a for months now. and for us is building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we
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have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be some fairly disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals. and a like. i often w correspondent, tonya excited. my in jerusalem is benjamin netanyahu. stones on rough, uh is not jeopardizing ac. so i do a while that's also being discussed in israel, between those who are supporting a such a deal that is currently being worked on through many ages, katara and egypt in cairo. and where a response by how mazda is actually a way to a for at the moment. uh so, and those of course, who are opposing to end the war. and those who have said that is why should not be
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guided by international oppression. among them are also members of his own cabinet . some of the far right members of his cabinet, spot of prime minister benjamin antonio has such a time and time again himself that he has a he thinks that the military needs to go into rafa to destroy him. us as he puts it in, also to achieve a full victory in this war. something that many israelis are not actually believing in any more at this point in time. and his critics have said he should not have said that now as a public statement, as it is a crucial time why those mediators are a trying to get such a d a a to get then of course it's also devastating for the families and relatives of those hostages that remain in dawson and of course we should not forget,
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it just comes a couple of hours before a us secretary of state antony blinking is expected to revise and it's around his priorities. also to push for such a deal as you say, a blinking will be in israel or is expected to visit israel soon. does the us have enough leverage to prussia is route not to attack rough. uh, what, what influence can he bring as well, i mean, his main goal is, as he had said, is to bring both sides, 1st and foremost, to get it to engage in directly, obviously, and to come to a deal. uh and uh, you know, to get to at least a temporary a ceasefire. this is actually to prevent a such an operation on ground operation uh, in uh, golf off in the us and other countries. you said it has made it very clear that the pose of such a uh,
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a ground operation in rough software over 1000000 palestinians that have been displaced multiple times are seeking some sort of show to they said that needs to be at least a credible plan to bring those people to some sort of safety. there's also the question of age because most of the 8 is still going in through the buffer crossing . this is another very important point on of lincoln's agenda that more humanitarian a needs to go into gaza. it's still not enough, although it's really officials saying that aid has been increased, but age organization say it's not enough. and also we will see him. certainly talking more about on a regional level. he just came from a saudi arabia who to prevent any for the escalation, also in the region and let them use the jury. some correspondence on your claim, atanya. thank you. now, sam roses with the you and relief and works agency full palestine refugees. he told
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me what he thinks about as rails prime minister then you mean, and that's in yahoos statement. yes, that's the only thing we're hearing that is a lot of us, as you all, as just breaking, using all the cx extremely extremely concerning. a few minutes. our could be a secret lesson only. so the people all got, i'm the people all wrapped up in the 6 you love, that has been a little sense and a desire to over the past few few days as this deadline has called close and close that. and if indeed these were both confirmed, we are extremely concerned about the immediate and the longer some future host of the plan. some your enroll. so can you give us a sense of what the issue is like the conditions you spoke about the sense of anxiety, how people coping with now? the shadow of this plan, defensive hanging, either them this is our best friend. the conditions have been desperate here for
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several months. we now want in a 1000000 people living in a sine, he's that long and most of us have lost every race. many of them are living in his hands or a nuisance. a get uh, you know, tends made a box of slow all day and they have almost nothing. we're living through extremely low sanitation conditions. extremely more health conditions. there are regular mom and that the other day that happened, the 9 a comes to the sound of drones, drones, drones is right. drugs. i have to just for many people who have already been through so much i, i don't top of this that dealing with the most uncertain future. we already know the situation is since the catastrophic hit or the incursion and the all right. she goes, i had, it will be fall, saw was with the wife, scale destruction and really a multitude of casualties that's on the,
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on the ground here for people inside rough. and then we have major questions about where to go. space for them to just show us on how we are thinking that's are introducing will be able to assist for section on that point. israel is saying that is preparing to evacuate palestinians from ross. so can you talk to us about the logistics of vass? i mean, would it even be possible, as we see what's happening in northern gulf? and we saw what happened in, in the unit several lease on several, several months ago. now when it comes to northern northern gauze of the situation here, it is completely different. the incentives of the scale of the order of magnitude movie long ago was 1500000 people who are living here and also the destination. uh, you know that the, if indeed this, this does come to also be pushed into areas that have already been subject to salvage orleans over the past several months. and the other important facts. the
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reason that a has been getting it is a gauze red saw volumes and we would like but rough curtis, along the border area a has been a lifeline. so the trick a little of a, we know that it is in no fix legs or was deterioration in some security conditions, any way seen in the well in the recent past and was on these incentives of people going into that area when we kind of stick your a we cannot provide for the it goes back thinking about what the consequences or something like that would be it is very, very uh, if not impossible to see how it can be done safely without major casualties without major loss of life. some of the us is putting pressure on israel to increase 8 to go to. but again, what happens to a deliveries if there is this event offensive? we're talking about literally, i mean, as we know,
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rather terms of law has been the main entry point. it's a new and complementary set of and also in the entry point, it's a set. so they all yes of the to be open. this is an error. so the normal, i'm the parent that the j. c o, c, they are i, yes, these are the function we have yet to see you use just the receive dates of the pallet function and sense of how the a guy from the shares safely in the united stations that needs to distribute to around god we know, we're also not saying once this is the volume of a that i'm needed suited 0 to meet the needs of all the people will be for, he will be on the run if this and he happens a lot of that. so again, it's not just about trucks in a coming in is about to fuel. it's about was a, it's a not electricity is about the basics of life that go beyond what you can put on a truck. some roads from monroe in rafa,
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so thank you so much for your time. let's take a quick look now some of the other stories that making headlines around the world today. and in the united states pro palestinian demonstrates us have escalated that protest at columbia university. they barricaded hamilton, who well known so being occupied during demonstrations against the vietnam or in the 19 sixty's columbia has the guns suspending it to this. they refused to take down the 10 encampment on campus. and in the protest, at least 6 people were killed and a shooting out a sheet like mosque in west, and that's kind of stone or monday. the telephone government says a gunman, stone, the mosque, and her out provence. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. the so called islamic state has frequently talkative, she writes sites, in the reason region, a man wielding a sold has killed assessing your old boy in a london sub of authorities say for others, including 2 police officers,
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were injured. police say they arrested a 36 year old man at the scene. the incident is not being treated as tara related or a targeted attack to the war, and you cry now where at least 2 people have been killed and several wounded in the latest russian ass strikes on how keith ukraine's 2nd sissy is close to the russian border. and has increasingly being the target of attacks in west and ukraine, at least 5 people were killed. and 1st he was wounded in a russian missile attack on the key blacks. the force of odessa, one of the buildings badly damaged, was this law school, commonly known as the harry posts a call full of a jessica. with the front line situation listening, ukraine has been stepping up recruitment efforts as part of a new mobilization. lo keep has stopped issuing passports and providing consumer services from military aged men on next report. look at what this means for you,
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for indians. a broad, including here in germany, in the queue outside the ukranian passport service in cologne, germany, ukrainian man hid their faces from the camera, trying to get their documents before the new law on mobilization came into force without success. the passport office said it was experiencing a technical failure that meant that not only draft debaters, but all ukrainians of military age could not obtain documents. sarah had left the country legally before russia invaded ukraine. his son will soon be 17 and plans to study at home. the family would like to go back. but the feelings to both my sons and my passports are ready, but i cannot get them in ukraine. they say your passport is in germany and in germany they say we're not giving it to you. we're going to the name of the technical problems that ukrainian passport services abroad coincided with a foreign ministry is announcement that man of mobilization age would be able to
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obtain passports only in ukraine. starting on may 18th, all male citizens, if you crane who are abroad, will be required to register for military service. however, it's not yet clear exactly how to do this outside the country and what documents they'll have to submit. meanwhile, lawyers say, oh, mail ukrainian citizens, including those who have lived abroad since 1st are subject to the draft. the german government has not commented on keith's decision to stop providing these consumer services. but the interior ministry has said that you crania and man would not be deprived of refugee status in germany. as mine, as the tennessee says, i'm confident that this will not affect the status of refugees from ukraine who need protection, regardless of whether they are women, to either vast majority of such refugees or men. that's what the status is valid directly throughout the european union. precisely because of the flight from the
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russian war of aggression, so it should not affect it speak. the house disposition is the task. but when dw asked whether ukrainian man could receive german documents with an expired, ukrainian passport, ministry said this would be announced later. ukraine's government meanwhile says that ukrainian men have note only rights, but also responsibilities, including protecting the state. and key of says it is necessary to regulate the situation when many men of military age live abroad. on the other hand, poland says it will help return ukrainian men of conscription age when their passports expire. if key requested. i also military analyst frank language of this new mobilization role is the onset to boosting ukraine's military . it's not beyond so it's a component. the onset is another component,
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the major component would be to encourage more volunteers and that means improving the offer for those who have not yet uh volunteered for the flag is worth remembering. the preceptor. one uh volunteers with 10 pressed man of the kind you're saying now not or not report this one, it is the opposite base. and i'd like to make as well is that i was in key of last week and it took me about 10 minutes to count equivalent to a rifle company and one of the welfare areas of k a. and it's very clear that 30 many people of other people not married. nope. with, with children didn't count those kinds of people. less than 10 minutes. i counted those people that should be the talk. it's perhaps before trying to press unwilling people outside the country. so there's a whole package of measures. this has been this mobilization last taking a long time to go through on. i suspect it's gonna take a few months to, to, to get into into some kind of routine as you,
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as you see. and one part of this mobilize ation law is the fact that the age of mobilization is being reduced from 27 to 25. let me just a quick question about that aspect of it. is that going to make a big difference? a lot of people talk about the, the, the fact that $18.00 to $25.00, which of course are usually they, they operate, takes off all the combat soldiers, those people are not subject to mobilization. the reason it's not, it's very simple on you, not is because you can't has a real demographic problem at that age. but eventually they'll fall within the that the $25.00. yeah. mobilization limits, but i've just come back to it. there are plenty of people in ukraine who are not yet mobilized to me, that you kind of should look at those and encourage them to volunteer the best way to do that stuff. them good conditions, good training, good pay. i'm good cash that they'd be willing to, it's a very few of those things apply right now. you know, i mean, i saw one of the to brigades on advertise in key of individually and one brigade
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without the causing the fact as a competitive edge that they offered 60 days training. everybody should get that time to try to get shouldn't be something that's uh, you know, that there's also some kind of edge. and the moment things look to be on and stop it from the outside, a little bit disorganized to put it mindfully. yeah. and we still are in, in our port, obviously there are a good number of ukrainians, a broad will of the countries actively support ukraine's and mobilization efforts. so for example, if you have a ukranian mine who's abroad as possible, has expired, will the country he's in, send him home again? or this way it is in the polls as a support indicates the set date. well, but look, it's not a good look. is it deporting man who came as refugees? that it's code 5 to 9 and in terms of the console piece of caustic streaming on that he possibly dial got seriously injured. that's not a good look. and it is,
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was saying that, i mean, i know people who are ukranian people who are overseas and no one can understand that position. i'm not one of those to say, well, you must go and fight for your country. there are plenty of people within the voters who are not yet touched by the ukrainian armed forces and particularly it pops in the let's put it this way, the middle classics. mm hm. frank, he said that there is a sort of an air of disorganization about all of this. looking ahead. i mean, does ukraine have a clear strategy for achieving its goals? and this will what was the most skis? 10 point plan, which includes the return of crime a at on bus and puting in the international criminal coal. so relevant tribunal. and candidly, none of these things are going to happen. so the answer at this point is, you know, i think the credit needs to be under the pups, even more importantly, the west. i've been arguing this now for the 18 months to develop a strategy and, and advocate for the strategy is realistic and attainable. there are precedents
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historically for the, it's worth remembering that ukraine has already won this war to the extent that is preserved, it's suffering. the question is, the extent to which territory will be, will be ukraine. and right now, the 10 point strategy is simply not achievable. and that's an unfortunate fact that it's very, it's very difficult to say, but that's, that's the way it is. currently, always appreciate your analysis. thank you so much. that's millet treat x, but frank led, which thank you. this is a quick reminder of our top story for you. the international courses justice has rejected a request from nicaragua, for germany to stop selling arms to israel is that the legal conditions to make such an order would not match the correct to a had argued german weapons were being used to event a genocide in goals and with that, you are up to date to stay with us because coming up next globe last looks at the
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major challenges facing schools around the world and examines how the education crises in brazil, india and kenya might be solved by many kids. mckinnon. thanks so much for watching the delete the
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i a lot of i me think i got stuck with these guys quoted isaac, give somebody who knew, but i would scroll down. millions of people around the world can't attend school, even though the un defines the human rights education for everyone. but how global on next, on d,
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w and a wing sis of prosperity, luxembourg looks something is wrong behind the chic facade. housing is affordable for many poverty and homelessness are rapidly growing. m n t o is trying to help with politicians are standing by and doing nothing. poverty and europe's wealthiest country. close up. in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroyed slides. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as
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depression today? history? we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, research persistent. uh, some people treat us as it were inferior because we can't read or write to it. but i see it this way. you mean we, we are all the photos by somebody not being able to do us a b c's o times tables is no measure of intelligence since about having proper access to education. millions of people worldwide miss out from school. and yet education is a human rights news in 2020 to 250000000 child.


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