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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the lynn vu ends talk. the quote rejects nicaragua was demands that germany stop selling arms to israel. the international court of justice says the legal conditions to issue such an or order were not meant nicaragua had argued german weapons were being used to a bet. the genocide in gaza will say coming up on the program. israel vows to go into rough uh no mass of was despite the danger to civilians. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the army will and to the southern gaza fits each with or without a ceasefire to deal with some of the
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many cases. mckinnon. welcome to the program. the ones talk quote has rejected a request by nicaragua to order germany, to stop sending weapons and other military aid to israel. the international course of justice and the hague ruled, but legal conditions for making such an order had not to be met. nicaragua had argued that by supplying the weapons germany was facilitating genocide in gaza during the hearings, but instead it had barely exported weapons to israel. since the offensive started following the october, the 7th terror attacks, by whom hama is and if we look at what has a correspondent, lucy or shelton was out the court. and she gave us more details about the ruling here. so we had today interviewing on the so called provision in mattress. so the
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quote has been off by nicaragua, in a case that it brought against germany to indicate these provision emetrius and has asked that, jim, you should stop immediately, all of that and exports to use rail and also that it should start funding. well, again, the court has found today that indeed there is no need to indicate these provision emetrius as these requirements for these are not met. so that means that at this stage, germany is not bound to do anything by the international court of justice and can continue with its behavior as, as it deems it necessary and can keep on doing what it considers to be legally. right. that was our correspondent. let's say schultz and then we can get more from political correspondent here in violin. simon young simon, tell us about the german government's reaction to this ruling. yeah, well the gym and foreign ministry has put out a tweet welcoming this decision. and also saying that no one is above the law,
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that's what guides our actions and point the out the gym and of course is not a policy to the conflict, but it's always been pushing for the as i go to state solution. and also saying that it was the 7th of october terror attacks by a mass that began the spiral of suffering as they expressed it. lea, a gem. and just as ministers also tweeted, the says it's the right decision. but they also have commented that nicaragua, in recent years, has often been on the side of russia and china. so i think pointing that to the idea that this is all parts of a wider sort of geo political context as well. fine. and could you remind view as wide gemini is such a staunch supporter of as ro yes. well, support for the state of israel, its security and its continued existence is of course
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a central tenet of the gym and thinking that stands across primarily from history, from the sense of responsibility that the germans carry for the crimes committed in germany's name by the nazis the holocaust and the other persecutions of the jews. and so that is the sort of starting point for gym and thinking i think where we're talking about mode in the mode is riley stage. of course we're thinking in terms of the, the design to search the gym and he is also a part of, for sort to somehow bring peace to the middle east region, a gym. and he says it will use whatever tools it has diplomatically available to push for that. and germany does also supply to the palestinians, doesn't it? yes, gemini says that it is the largest supplier, a few minutes area, a to the palestinians. more than 240000000 euros was of such
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a has been spent said october of last year. food was a medical supplies coming in by and by land, even by sea. and germany always says, of course that it would does everything it can to ensure that age does not strength and the high end of how mass. but it's also pushing israel to allow more of it. or political correspondent, simon young simon, thank you. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that his country's army will enter the southern gauze. the city of rosa, regardless of whether sees whether a ceasefire deal is reached with from us speaking at a meeting with the families of his reign, the hostages. nothing yahoo said israel would no end the war until all of its goals had been achieved, including illuminating her mouth battalions in russia. many had hoped agreement on a ceasefire, could avert a rough or ground incursion. the united nations relief agency for palestinians or
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unreal is wanting the even though more aid is now reaching garza, any rough military operation could severely disrupt vital distribution efforts. the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for guidance that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people. here the you and estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing the was the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going to gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far,
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aid has entered gauze of the land at the air off and using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the roof, a crossing is real, has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out the us and other countries have been air dropping a for months now. and for us is building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough tracts. so under the current circumstances where we don't have safety, where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only
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a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be some fairly disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground, defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like a house dw correspondent, tanya explained that who's in jerusalem if and you mean nothing? yeah. who's stance on rafa is now jeopardizing a potential faithful had deal as well. that's also being discussed in israel between those who are supporting a such a deal that is currently being worked on through many datas, katara and egypt in cairo. and where a responds by how mosse is actually a way to a for at the moment. uh so, and those of course who are opposing to end the war and those who have set, that is why should not be guided by international impression among them are also
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members of his own cabin that some of the far right members of his cabinet bought a prime minister benyamin antonio has such a time and time again himself that he, as he thinks that the military needs to go into russell to destroy him. us as he puts it in, also to achieve a full victory in this war. something that many israelis are not actually believing in any more at this point in time. and his critics have said he should not have said that. now as a public statement, as it is a closer time why those mediators are a trying to get such a deal a together. and of course it's also devastating for the families and relatives of those hostages that remain in garza. and of course, we should not forget, it just comes a couple of hours before us secretary of state anthony blink, and is expected to revise and it's around his priorities also to push for such
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a deal. uh, as you say, uh lincoln will be in israel or is expected to visit israel soon. does the us have enough leverage to pressure israel not to attack russia? what will influence, can he bring? i mean, his main goal is, as he had said, is to bring both sides, 1st and foremost together to engage in directly, obviously, and to come to a deal and you know, to get to a, at least a temporary cease fire. this is actually to prevent as such an operation on ground operation in golf off in the u. s. and other countries you said it has made it very clear that the pose of such a uh, a ground operation in rough software over 1000000 palestinians that have been displaced multiple times are seeking some sort of shelter. they said that needs to
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be at least a credible plan to bring those people to some sort of safety. there's also the question of age because most of the 8 is still going in through the rafa crossing. this is another very important point on a blinking agenda that more humanitarian a needs to go into gaza. it's still not enough, although it's really officially saying that it has been increased, but 8 organizations say it's not enough. and also we will see him certainly talking more about on a regional level. he just came from a saudi arabia who to prevent any further escalation, also to reach and, and let them use the jury. some correspondence on your claim atanya. thank you. a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the us is warning of a large scale. nasa in suit on the us ambassador to the united nation, says an attack is being planned on the city of el sasha,
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and the del for region will erupt to didn't sit on a year ago, tracing the wells largest displacement crisis in the united states, pro palestinian demonstrations have escalated that protest at columbia university. they barrack hated hamilton, who, which is well known for being occupied during the demonstrations against the vietnam war. in the 19 sixty's columbia university has begun suspending act to this . they refused to take down attempt encampment on campus. and in that protest, and a man wielding a sword has killed a 14 year old boy in the london suburbs with ours. he's safe for all those including 2 police officers were injured. please say they arrested a 36 year old man at the scene. the incident is not being treated as tara related or a targeted attack. and alpine town in northern italy is hosting its annual festival,
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which is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change. and this year the focus is particularly dear to the regions hot, melting glaciers office from 17 country is defended on breast and on a which is also known as bricks and by the towns germans. because to create thousands of light installations shifting lights on the topics the to fact so. so the theme of the bricks and will to light festival is melting. lacy is the public library, local train station and even churches are illuminated by large installations that the altar type will inspire people to reflect on this global challenge. and we tried to combine these to was the i will with that climate change. and i will we though the climate change. so
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right now we change to the wall without the climate change. you our, i'll be a then we thing that the, these i know they'll be over the weekend, try to, uh, get there. it is an issue that is close to him for this small city. nestled in the ops in northern italy x but predict that with the current rates of climate change, the nit bike places could be gone within the next 3 decades. visitors to bricks and say they found the public all show illuminating. it's a totally different way of approaching these very important topics, especially from my personal point of view. i think it's, it's easier accessible if it's just transform it's uh or if you communicate it in the way of art, i think the climate change and also the why they're like so important for us also for the future. so i really,
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really like to rates as if the outdoor exhibition, so big hopes that the festival in spies action to tackle climate change or you are up to date. thanks so much for watching. dw the d big ultima. video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in. yet the supply chains does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw, sleep swear.


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