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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, use live from the lynn vu ends. top court rejects nicaragua, has demands that germany stop selling to israel. the international court of justice says the legal conditions to issue such an order would not match. nicaragua had argues that german wesson's were being used to have bet genocide in gaza. also coming up israel bowels to go into rough or no mass of was despite the danger to civilians. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the army will enter the southern gauze and city with without a ceasefire deals with her mom and kenya, such as the thousands of people missing off the flash flooding. the death toll
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continues to rise up to weeks of extremely heavy monsoon, right? the hello, that how many cubes mckinnon great to have you with us. the you and the top court has rejected a request by nicaragua to order germany to stop sending weapons and other military aid to israel. the international course of justice in the hague ruled the legal conditions for making such an order have not been met. nicaragua had argued that by supplying the weapons germany was facilitating genocide and garza during the hearings ballad and said that it had barely exported any weapons to israel since the offensive started following the october. the 7th terror attack by some of the human history. if we look a correspondent, lucy, a shelton was out the course and gave us more details about the holding. are there
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. so we had today is ruling on the so called provision in mattress. so the quote has been off by nicaragua, in a case that it brought against germany to indicate these provision emetrius and has asked that, jim, you should stop immediately, all of that and exports to use rail and also that it should start funding. well, again, the court has found today that indeed there is no need to indicate these provision emetrius as these requirements for these are not met. so that means that at this stage, germany is not found to do anything by the international court of justice and can continue with its behavior as, as it deems it necessary and can keep on doing what is considered as to be legally right. okay. and so that means jasmine wesson's, exports to israel will continue. how did gemini argue it's? it's case for continue with and supplies so we have heard to your,
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to around 2 or 3 weeks ago by germany is saying that they follow all international legal obligations, which are mainly a international humanitarian law. and how they make sure that this is the case also when they supply weapons to israel or other countries, they have said that one of the reasons for this is that they have a very strict licensing procedure where they really look into the question if they're follow all international routes that they are bound to. and then therefore it's been making a case what they have been giving in factories royal. and they've been saying that they're only very few so called war veterans. but the majority of the things they've been giving to each way very indeed are the military equipment. so these read the main arguments by germany made to roughly 3 weeks ago. okay. the judges did mention dasa in the ruling, didn't like. can you tell us what they said the yeah, they said they're deeply concerned about the situation in the gaza strip,
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especially if the situation for the palestinians and that, and to the risk of, of famine that is going on, that they have also referred to an order status and given before in the case that south africa came, they have, they're also been asking for more international, you many turn a being allowed and together. so, and therefore it's have been re calling on all the states and that they have to follow international humanitarian law. and that they're bound by, by this is for example, by the geneva convention. so what happens next is this the end of the case. it is not the end of the case. there was something that germany has off for that this case would be stroke out from the treasure step, but this did not happen today. what will happen next is that it might move on to the marriage phase before this could happen. there's also put, the question of jurisdiction could be raised. that means that the court behind me,
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the international court of justice is indeed in charge of this case or not. and also this is might move on to the merits face. if this is the case, then the case is likely to k, take a couple of years. let's see a shelton at the international criminal court in the hague. lucy, i think so much i the state of these political correspondence, simon young here in berlin, told me about the german government's reaction to the ruling. yeah, well the gym and foreign ministry has put out a tweet welcoming this decision. and also saying that no one is above the law, that's what guides our actions and point the out. the geometry of course, is not a policy to the conflict, but it's always been pushing for the as i go to state solution. and also saying that it was the 7th of october terror attacks by a mass that began the spiral of suffering as they expressed it in the gym. and just
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as ministers also tweeted these as is the right decision. but it also commented that nicaragua, in recent years, has often been on the side of russia and china. so i think pointing that to the idea of this is all parts of a wider sort of geo political context as well. fine. and could you remind view as wide gemini is such a staunch supporter of his ro yes, well, support for the state of israel, its security and its continued existence is of course, a central tenet of gem and thinking that stems the cost primarily from history, from the sense of responsibility that jim is carry for the crimes committed in germany's name by the nazis the holocaust and the other persecutions of the jews. and so that is the sort of starting point for gym and thinking,
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i think where we're talking about mode in the mode is riley state. of course, we're thinking in terms of the, the design of a search that germany is also a part of for, so it to somehow bring peace to the middle east region. a gemini says it will use whatever tools it has diplomatically a level to push for that. and jimmy does also supply to the palestinians, doesn't it? yes, germany says that it is the largest supplier. if you manage air in a, to the palestinians, more than 240000000 euros was of such a has been spent said october of last year, food water, medical supplies coming in by and by land even by sea. and germany always says, of course, that it would, does everything it can to ensure that page does not strength and the high end of how mass. but it's also pushing israel to allow more of it or political correspondent, simon young. simon, thank you. these ready?
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country's army will enter the southern gauze, the city of rosa, regardless of whether cecil ideal is reached with thomas speaking at a meeting with the families of his ready hostages. nothing. yahoo said israel would know and the war until all of its goals had been achieved, including illumination come of battalions and rough. how many had hoped agreement on a ceasefire could avert a rough uh ground incursion. the united nations release agency for the palestinians or unreal is wanting, but even though more aid is now reaching garza, any rasa military operation could severely disrupt vital distribution efforts. the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people. here the you and estimates billions of dollars in aid are
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necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of aid going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered gauze of the land at the air off and using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the roof, a crossing is real, has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out and for us as building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at
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a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like sam roses with the un releasing works agency for palestine. refugees, and he told me what he thinks about israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu statement on rasa. yes, that's the way there is
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a lot of this as you all as just breaking news north 6th street really extremely concerning. other humans are to be a single best and the only, so the people all gone. i'm the people off rough uh, in the 6 you love that has been a little sense of anxiety over the past few, few days as this deadline has called close close. and if indeed these were both confirmed, we are extremely concerned about the immediate and the longer some future host of people. yeah. some your and ross, i can you give us a sense of loss issues like that the conditions you spoke about this sense of anxiety? how people coping with now? the shadow of this plan? defensive hanging. i them this is our best friend. the conditions have been desperate here for several months. we don't want in a 1000000 the mall living in that sign a lot and most of us have lost the equity. raise many of them, not living $0.80 or
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a nuisance to get uh, you know, tense made of boxes of slot. they and they have almost nothing. we're living through extremely low sanitation conditions. extremely more health conditions. there are regular bobbins that the other day that happened the 9 comes to the sound of drones. drones, drones is really drives i have to just for many people who have already been through so much i, i don't top of this that dealing with the most uncertain future. we already know the situation as, as catastrophic hit or the encouraging and the operation goes i had, it will be, fall, saw was well the wide scale destruction and really a multitude of casualties that's on the, on the ground here for people inside rough. and then we have a major questions about where to go space for them to just show us on how we are
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thinking that's our introducing. we'll be able to assist for 2nd on that point is riley is saying that is preparing to evacuate palestinians from ross. so can you talk to us about the logistics of vass? i mean, would it even be possible as we see what's happening in northern gulf? and we saw what happened in, in the unit several lease on several, several months ago. now when it comes to it's an old and northern gauze of a situation here, it is completely different. but in terms of the scale of the order of magnitude movie long ago was 1500000 people who are living here and also the destination. uh, you know, that the, if indeed this, this does come to pass to be pushed into areas that have already been subject to salvage options over the past several months. and the other important facts. the reason is that a has been getting any sick. all right? saw volumes and we would like but rough curtis, along the border area a has been
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a lifeline for the treasury of a we know that it is in no fix legs or was deterioration in some security conditions anyway we've seen in the well in the recent past and involved on these incentives and people go into that area when we kind of stick your a ton of prof. i forgot it just as bad thinking about what the consequences of something like that will be. it is very, very off. if not impossible, to see how it can be done safely without major casualties, without major loss of life. some of the us is putting pressure on israel to increase 8 to gaza. but again, what happens to a deliveries if there is this event offensive? we're talking about literally, i mean as we know, rather terms of law has been the main entry point. it was a new and complementary set of and also the entry point, it's
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a set. so they all yes of the to be open. this is an error. so then all of the j, c, a, see they are yet the, for the function we have yet to see use just the receive dates of the pallet function and sense of how the a guy from the shares safely in the united stations that needs to distribute around gotcha, and we know we're also not seeing 16 is the volume of a that i'm needed 00 to meet the needs of all the people will be for he will be on the running if this and he happens, let us know. again, it's not just about trucks in a company name is about to view it shut off, it was a, it's a not electricity is about the basics of mine that go beyond what you can put on a truck. some rows from monroe in rafa. so thank you so much for your time. i also spoke to jen list her email, go hurry in cairo earlier,
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and i asked him if the you a secretary of state anthony berlington who's currently in the region will be able to push some aid for gaza. of what he says there is a more a telling you the law states, but he says it's by ponder enough and she says some things like to improve the conflicting for humanitarian workers. and i know i know from there and some of that . so i think to try to say this, this is basically need to make sure that. ready really doesn't came to any terry to work as well as the agents will make sure that the gets to all the people i talked to initially was working with the issue to get a few. and she's saying that to get to that improved in the last the week. but the problem is that most of this, it doesn't, we should also accessibility. it's been a big problem in the she's saying the only things that would solve this problem at
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the end. he's going to be a ceasefire. that would be the relief for terry's affairs because john les kareem. oh, go hurry in cairo, a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world and in the united states. pro palestinian demonstrates as have escalated that protest at columbia university. they barricaded hamilton, who, which is well known for being occupied during demonstrations against the vietnam war in the sixty's columbia university has the gun suspending activists who refused to take down the 10s encampment on campus. and in the protest to and you, your quote has fine performing us president donald trump, $9000.00 us dollars violating a gag order, 9 times the what it was impose to stop him from intimidating witnesses. trump is on trial for allegedly falsifying records to cover up money that was paid to a poor and access to by her silence about in the alleged sexual encounter.
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now kenya's interior ministry says at least 46 people were killed by flash flooding in the countries south west. on monday schools more remained missing. the raging waters swept away houses and caused at a time when large parts of the country have already been updated by weeks of heavy rain. can use president william versa. on tuesday shed a special cabinet meeting to discuss the emergency situation. the government promised help the thousands of people who have lost everything people try to salvage what they can, as the search for survivors continues in kenya's rift valley. the flash flood and in suing land slide submerged roads and homes. authorities warren, the death toll is likely to rise. the powerful flood uprooted many
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trees as the water spilled down stream dropping vehicles and blocking major roadways. local residents are joining the can you read cross society with search and rescue efforts? not new ranking. many people have died quite as we have saved around a 1000 people this morning and we want to come, i mean, not your amo victims, but we don't know if the data that you okay. the thing taken to hospital when they don't be tardy or the disaster struck in the dead of night. those were covering at the local hospital recount harrowing stories about the water carrying away loved ones into the night. almost done, i'm making them my youngest daughter. so was holding onto my back while we were in the water and she was begging me not to leave her. come on duty at, i reassured her and told her to hold onto the nearby flushing debris. well,
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i knew the fortunately she's gone now. that was done, my eldest daughter was in the hospital, you know, the rest of the children the disaster took place in the town of my, my, you some 60 kilometers north west of the capitol, nairobi. police initially blamed the flooding on a burst them. it's now believed a debris clogged gully may have been the source of the tragedy. flash floods and heavy rains of displaced thousands of canyons and recent weeks. the government says health is on the way. we are having a cabinet meeting to be able to discuss 4 additional emissions that my government is going to take to make sure that the citizens who uh victims of the kind of change to today uh somebody floods the supporting must lights out of looked up stuff and investigation has been launched to determine the cause of this latest
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flashlight a w correspondence alex, my ring has sent us this update on the situation in the flood zone. well, the situation is filled by the people's faces. i feel shocked at what has keeps their community these. i lots of activities going on just behind me. series that's had lots of barricaded the roads. i've been caught to just clear. uh, traffic was um, was blocked in now. it's flowing easily on lucas out all over there. just trying to see what happened to that area. we'll just have a shelter where people who are rescued are being held in a lot of them. sad face. these people are being offered psycho social supports by they cannot read cross and families. i've asked some people are praying, some people are just hoping that the a king would be received as in the hospital getting a treatment. so the situation is quite wide. and then what tells us seems to
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loading uh, this is just uh, part of the what does that to walk slowing down stream and they came with a lot of destruction. so people are just trying to clear the destruction. a lot of people that have been hired to ensure that the debris is clear and the place is much clearer. this morning the president has a copy of that meeting and he goes from, i'm going to say, i just feel firestone. nope, i recently involved with anybody of, of food stuff. that was the, i didn't feel for you. so we'd also be coordinating rescue for the remaining people who i actually found. a lot of families have said that they came out missing. so the only thing i didn't see a virus on is the responsible for the rest you they, we have also seen a lot of tens that are coming where people can now be able to sleep blankets. i mean, and the government's has said that they would provide food and shelter temporarily
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show tough for the people as they look for a long term plans. the president has said that the government will be setting aside money to ensure that the victims actually taken care of. so in the long run victim could be hopefully, that's something we uh come out of what that means. you'll just see what parties on comes up with to the democratic republic of congo. now, whether un peacekeeping mission let us go, is leaving off to 25 years. and that's the departure requested by the companies will still receive as worrying some people though, especially in room, most areas like the high ply, so of south key the what in security persists the double use for luxury of the reports. now from eastern the all c it looks like the google is meiza file. the c is in the fight with one of the many groups. so bearing thinking says keep but this is an exist size. they are learning was, again,
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from pakistani please keep pearls before the to continue have their home around that a 3rd to show us my man are learning from a new sco, alimony sco eh, we're preparing from a news goes departure and i printed a bunch of them so we're learning what we'll have to do after they leave it. i think it depends on when they've run through many basic techniques together. and by the end of april, the 120 basically for us will leave the base things if you guys have for me can gauge. was it going good? it's mandy terry. the, the quote was a repeat, the sign includes accusation. so as the payments of sort just set our res, but the defecting team c's had been de jeez, we are getting the if we already see dropped, we've been conducting that training for about 15 days. now. we have bring them in the basic one bedroom, basic uh for uh, a normal safety precautions indeed, or turn link handling with the locals. and they are already,
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since they have the locals. and if you already see it blows their locals and they are better than most and with the local customs and traditions. this is a before leaving. this cam pulls up like any contingent has been, you have to protect since 2020. now some 2500 to year is it for the kids or coming that conflict which failed up again in 2019 with fresh violence between differential called groups. so then i've been forced from that homes. and mainly in that camp i'll scab just use a piece keeper of defaults. minnesota fema, visually, we are very sorry. what was that? what we're sorry to seem a new sco leave her about. but if you need to see, because we're worried that in security will return in a little excited to see if there is a way fled here. even though the congolese military was in our village punk or lot so we have no assurance that they will be able to protect us like i'm a news go did. if i know partition called it does look like if any. so just
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leaving these relates to the chevy for a base for the know when you score he's living, come go because the government ask them to go. so you need that schifflet's or these by to more than 20 years, things a country. so you and so jail, so it'd be gone from south cable by the end of april and from the rest of the country. by the end of the year, a c, w spoke with a democratic republic of congo as newly elected president felix just the katy who was in balance the talks last weekend. one of the issues discussed was the exploitation of his country's vast national natural wealth. his some of what he told the w to just doing the b as it's about the plundering of resources in the democratic republic of congo. i think so, obviously certain amounts of national companies in industrialized countries that were complicit in this. it don't, it's up to the countries, but hostings multinational the good up to them to put the pressure on those
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companies to start with this. and this is the trade shows they're supposed to get people getting the cause of it so, so on. that's a nice it and you can find the full interview on our website, that's the www dot. com. and on youtube menu chips mckinnon. thank you for watching the
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people in june via are fighting over says the money and the economy or the economy . it's very important i will survive, but he allows a complete the incentive since a chinese fish meal factory opens here, everything has changed. now, an impending ecological disaster is threatening the livelihoods of fishermen. what can they do? a co op next on d, w to jim and also make his up and hoping to becomes a market lead is for event and see one day. but the dream seems to be citing
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with cheap imports from china long established brands to you or electric vehicles. and more combustion costs. will the gentleman eat bubble wrap? in 60 minutes on d, w, the name cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug partner. the objective to financially drain has filled out and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series on mos king has paula starts may, 4th on d, w. the, the environmental education is not the child display, but sometimes we can approach climate issues in a ways that the fuse, the people of every age that's really important as to look to the future. hello and welcome to a new, a nation of echo africa. i am present land and legal side, syria, and i am sandra co homes that we know gil hosting from counselor right here in uganda. and this week we have another balance of exciting with.


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