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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this, the dw do's live it from berlin tonight, the prime minister of israel, going to go into rafa no matter what, independence and now who says the army will enter the southern gods, the city with or without a ceasefire. deal with loss. also it coming up to you into the top port, it says it will not order germany to stop selling weapons to israel, saying the facts do not support nickel. rog was claim german weapons are being used to commit genocide and garza. and tonight we're report from the democratic republic of congo. we're after more than 20 years, humans, these papers are leaving. and handing over security to the congo least military plus ukraine stopped issue we passports to military,
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each man in an effort to boost true numbers as the military sufferers more setbacks on the battlefield. the library golf, our view is watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world . welcome. we begin tonight with the words of the israeli prime minister. benjamin netanyahu says that his country's army will enter the southern gaza city of rasa. regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with a moss, i was speaking at a meeting with the families. it is really hostages that in yahoo said that is real well not in the world until all of its goals have been achieved. and that includes eliminating a moss battalions inside rough up a many or hoping that an agreement on a ceasefire could possibly avert
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a rough or ground incursion. as to why asked journalist by league studied until of eve, if benjamin netanyahu stands on rough of, if it could jeopardize a cease fire deal with a mouse. well, how does this mean respond to main demand was since the end of the last truce actually november? is the end of the world because they have no other incentive to release all the release hostages, unless as road give guarantees to stop this war. which means that come off and you remain empowered in gaza now. and it was, of course, means not entering rough uh and for what i understand not one member of this cabinet including guns on issac wold which are more on the central left are willing to give up on eliminating, come off because we know that this is a threat on is really borders, especially through the 7th of october attack, and they cannot tolerate that anymore in case nothing you or others. of course,
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um stats are rough. uh, is save the same that will actually jeopardize that deal unless how much itself gives up on this demand. and maybe, uh, goes into some stages deal, which means that the 1st stage will be and when they turn into stage, which uh, uh, some of the elderly children, women, female soldiers would be released. but that will, eh, and we will understand the only when we get the official, how much was plugged up might come and become a 24 hours. yeah. within the 24 hours. and we have heard from diplomats that there's cautious optimism that a ceasefire deal will be reached this time. considering that, why didn't you think nothing yahoo made the statement that he did so close to a possible home us answer, as well as the last 24 hours that we've seen a lot of pressure coming from the right wing hardliners and then you always government bank via and smokers,
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they're demanding that there will be no stop of the war. they're demanding the no air responsible deal as they're describing it wouldn't be signed, would come off. they're demanding the entering of profile. not ending this war before the end of the day before entering profits has me. so it means that the whole field obligated somehow to assure v is way to public. and also the members of it is cabinet. that's that it's in the break of the call list, and if that thing happens, he felt obligated to told them that i am still considering rough, or i'm still willing to continue this war until the end until we reach all of the goals which include the illumination of all, how much petroleum and the rough uh, as well. now, an hour ago, i also had been in a brisk conference there for the some of the families will be hostages from the tick above for him, which is a different for him. then the families of the hostages for him, there are 2 forms of for the founders of the hostages, and they demand an actual military pressure. this think we have been in the past 4
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months, not putting any military pressure and from us. so almost can't reach a deal with us if we're not pressure. and yet, after all, so nothing you have, what's also to tell them this, let's say it's and be straight with that. those are his voters. after all, he wants to assure them that we will continue this work, and that's maybe was the reason why, how and nothing else has to talk about this this time. so i says, considering the pressure that he's getting from the families of the hostages, but also within his, his own government, we know he wants to stay in power. what's he going to say? do you have a secretary of state entity blinking, who is now in re, is real me? does the us have enough leverage at this point? the pressure is real not to attack or off as well. we're talking in a day that there is a lot of a concern in israel, and it's about some sort of a, a sort of its actual i c, c,
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a risk lawrence. a gains is right to the field. so we're talking about military officials, including the chief of staff over at the id f and also, i guess, nathaniel himself, defense minister, a gallon an old other they know in israel, that's the only country or at least the major country that can help with that specific thing is actually the us to meet, they need, it's a horse support and this stage they also need of course, military and even the uh, the support in the us, the, uh, the uh, the security council. but especially right now the district many do us is a pressure on the ice a seat not to assure a not to issue these a risk lawrence. and from what we understand, actually the us is not a game truck or operation run, but they just want a targeting a target had an operation on how must be tony is another major attack. so we just
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need to wait and see where the, that things will happen. after all, there is a police according to the whole already on going get back to ation with this the. yeah, the next 24 hours is you say the next 24 hours could be critical to all of these open questions, journalist values by the delays tonight until of the following. thank you. we're just before departing. jordan for is real. the secretary of state anthony, blinking, he made the us position on or off a clear argues on roswell, i think our president's been very clear about it. i've been fair about it and repeated it as recently as yesterday, where our focus is right now with, along with the humanitarian effort. our focus right now is on getting a ceasefire and possibly just something that is the most searching thing for the united nations. really of agency for palestinians is warning to even though more aid is male reaching gaza. any rock
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a military operation could severely disrupt distribution efforts? there the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat. famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here. the un estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary and the coming months is real says a is flowing. the only the last few weeks and the amount of humanitarian a going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days, the amount of aid going into gaza will continue to scale out even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered gauze of your land air often using via gyptian port of lariche. freight trucks then head for the rough, a crossing is real,
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has announced it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gait. 96, which allow aid and to northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out. and for us as building a floating, a peer off of gauze as mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and showing we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have safety, where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be severely disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh,
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making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals. and a like. united nations top court has rejected a request by nicaragua to order germany to stop sending weapons and other military aid to israel, the international court of justice in the hague road. that's legal conditions for making that kind of order simply not been met the garage, but argues that by supplying the weapons germany is facilitating genocide in goss. it took the judges only 20 minutes to deliver the ruling and germany's favor. in a vote of 15 to one presiding judge know of salam noted the germany had fulfilled its obligation to the genocide convention. by using all means at its disposal to improve the situation. in garza, the size of the spot with the german legal team welcomed the decision. our arguments held sway in coats and barrow as the quote fund. within clear majority of 15 votes to one. no reasons. for provisional measures,
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the german govern government has always get its actions in this conflict to do justice to the legitimate inches of both parties as best possible within the framework of international law. about nika rog wasn't bassett or to the netherlands, expressed his disappointment, but said he's country will continue to pursue the case and put the thing to point out is that the court only indicated this woman that with the materials they have at this present moment. they couldn't dictate any provisional emissions. and if we look earlier this month, nicaragua brought its case against germany for allegedly facilitating genocide and gaza as one of israel's biggest military suppliers, which israel is face. germany has repeatedly denied the accusations who locked the service at. the court did not grant germany's requests to throw the case out altogether, saying it would continue with
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a full hearing. it could take years before a final verdict is reached. i spoke with michael becker. he's a former legal advisor to the judges at the international court of justice and he explained the reasoning behind today's decision as well it's, it's, it's, it's not quite as cut and dry as that for one thing is, it's interesting to note this was not a closed call for the court to this was a 15 to one decision ruling against nicaragua, as request here. but what's i think significant is that this was a decision turned on the facts. so we have very little legal reasoning in the court's decision. this really came down to the court, finding the germany during its presentation earlier this month had put forward sufficient factual information to really undermine or call into question. many of nicaragua was allegations and accusations, some of which appeared to be based on incorrect information. and maybe came off
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a little bit like exaggerations, which i think didn't play very well in front of the court. and bearing that in mind this case however, it is not over correct? absolutely, this was only about seeking what we call provisional measures. so kind of interim relief, while the case is pending in nicaragua, was asking the court to order germany among other things, to immediately seize all a weapons shipments. arms shipments to israel was quite important here. and this was in your leading part of germany's defense was to say, well, actually, since at least late october, we have not been sending any significant amount of war weapons to israel. so germany having made that represented representation to the court. and i think it actually does a constraint on germany in terms of a changing course. i'm presuming that, but you're absolutely right. this was only about the provisional measures. the court continues. germany will have now
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a chance to challenge the court's jurisdiction, added disability, which they surely will do. and if it goes ahead, nicaragua will have the opportunity to put forward a much fuller record. that challenge is some of germany's assertions at this stage, about the robust framework the germany has in place to provide oversight over its weapons sales. so that means germany could still be found to have facilitated you decided you guys are correct. that's correct. and it's not only about facilitating genocide or failing to prevent a genocide, which is probably the slightly lower bar to clear. this is important. this isn't only a case like the south africa. israel cases isn't only about the genocide convention . nicaragua also claims that germany is in violation of international humanitarian law by doing things or failing to do certain things to ensure respect for international humanitarian law by israel. so by the idea is that by sending weapons
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to israel, you're facilitating violations of international humanitarian law. and that's an issue that will remain the case and it will now be from the garage was to try to show which they weren't able to do at this initial stage. try to show that all germany's representations about her germany exercises a high degree of due diligence to prevent weapons shipments from being used to violate international law. garago now has the burden of trying to show that actually as applied or has implemented that, that regulate the regulatory framework isn't enough. let me pick up on that. the other case you mentioned with south africa, south africa is accusing israel of perpetuating genocide any cause. the court has called on israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocide. so what does that say to you? does it say that israel could eventually be found guilty as well? that the decision on that question in the south africa versus israel case is a long ways away. we now have a 2 sets of provisional measures in that case. so unlike the nicaragua case where
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the court rejected that request, the court has twice indicated provisional measures against israel. and the last time i think the rhetoric, the language from the court was a much stronger, really deeply concerned that one of the judges refers to all the alarm bells of, of genocide going off here. so. so i think we don't know what the outcome is going to be. in that case, it's very difficult to prove genocidal intent. it's very difficult to establish genocide at the level of the state that said, i think that it's probably the case that some of israel's actions, even since south africa 1st filed this case at the end of december, has actually made south africa's case stronger rather than we can in south africa, sorry. do you think the rulings that we have seen so far? do you think they are, they are going to shape the way that genocide will be defined in the future? and that's
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a great question. and i think that this case provides an important opportunity for the court to perhaps revisit the way it's approach to genocide in the past. and it's also the case that the situation and guys that raises aspects of the law of genocide that haven't really been litigated in front of an international court before. right now for example, there's a lot of attention on the situation and starvation of famine in gaza and how that might play into a finding of genocide. so this case will almost truly develop the law of genocide. but whether it develops the law of genocide in a way that creates a slightly more liberalized regime or, or relax is very exacting standards to establish genocide or not. so that's why we're going to have to watch as far over not only the next few months, but in fact a years before there's a determination in that case. ok, michael becker, we appreciate your time and your analysis today. thank you. thank you. here's
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a quick look now and some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world in the u. s. police and the rest of the students. you try to set up a guns that some of their already encampment at the university of georgia. it was inspired by a similar protest camp at new york columbia university student protest demanding universities call for a ceasefire. and guardian and give up is real related investments. are spreading a new york coord his find former us president donald trump, $9000.00 us dollars for violating a gag order. 9 times the order was impose to stop him from intimidating witnesses, troubles on trial for allegedly falsifying records to cover up money paid to a porn actress to buy her silence about an alleged sexual encounter. to thousands of people and protested in the georgia and capital tbilisi, while a controversial bill was debated inside parliament. now that bill would require immediate groups to register as be under for an influence. if they get more than 20
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percent of their funding from abroad, administrators say that it will restrict freedom and that it will drill george's plans to join the european union. a seattle court has sentence former buying is a c, e o. sean pinch out to 4 months in prison for allowing money laundering on the world's largest crypto currency exchange. us officials, sage out, deliberately looked the other way as users of the exchange conducted transactions that supported child sex abuse the illegal drug trade and terrorist. so to the board in ukraine now, where it leads to people who've been killed in several wounded in the latest russian air strikes on her teeth. ukraine's 2nd largest city, which is close to the russian border, has increasingly been the target of attacks in western ukraine. at least 5 people were killed and 30 wounded in
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a russian missile attack on the t black sea port of odessa. one of the buildings badly damaged was this law school, which is popularly known as the harry potter castle, a boot desa. with the front line situation, worsening ukraine is stepping up recruitment efforts. as part of a new mobilization law cube has stopped issuing passports and providing concealer services for military aged man. our next report looks at what this means for ukrainians abroad, including those here in germany, in the queue outside the ukranian passport service in cologne, germany, ukrainian man hid their faces from the camera, trying to get their documents before the new law on mobilization came into force without success, the passport office said it was experiencing a technical failure. that meant that not only draft debaters, but all ukrainians of military age could not obtain documents. sarah had left the
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country legally before russia invaded ukraine. his son will soon be 17 and plants to study at home. the family would like to go back. but be defeated. both my sons and my passports are ready, but i cannot get them in ukraine. they say your passport is in germany and in germany they say we're not giving it to you. we are going to get the name of the technical problems that ukrainian passport services abroad coincided with the 4 and ministries announcement that man of mobilization age would be able to obtain passports only in ukraine. starting on may 18th, all male citizens, if you crane who are abroad, will be required to register for military service. however, it's not yet clear exactly how to do this outside the country and what documents they'll have to submit. meanwhile, lawyers say all mail ukrainian citizens, including those who have lived abroad since birth, are subject to the draft. the german government has not commented on keith's
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decision to stop providing these consumer services. but the interior ministry has said that you create a young man would not be deprived of refugee status in germany. was mine as a team just because i'm confident that this will not affect the status of refugees from ukraine who need protection, regardless of whether they are women. who are the vast majority of such refugees or men. that's what this state is valid directly throughout the european union, precisely because of the flight from the russian war of aggression. so it should not affect it speak. the house disposition is the task. but when dw asked whether ukrainian man could receive german documents with an expired, ukrainian passport, ministry said this would be announced later. ukraine's government meanwhile says that ukrainian men have note only rights, but also responsibilities, including protecting the state. and key of says it is necessary to regulate the
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situation when many men of military age live abroad. on the other hand, poland says it will help return ukrainian men of conscription age when their passports expire. if keep requested in the democratic republic of congo, the un peacekeeping mission is leaving after 25 years of departure requested by the congo leaves authorities. and that is worrying some people, especially those in remote areas such as the high plateau of south kids who were in security for assist, dw, as paul mosher. he reports tonight from eastern new york city. it looks like the communities armies are filed, the season and the fight with one of the many group. so baron thinking says cable but this is an exhaust size. the name was again from pakistani. please keep pearls before the app to continue the home around. the 3rd to show us man are learning
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from a new sco, alimony sco eh, we're preparing from a news goes departure, opportunity budget. i'm so we're learning what we'll have to do after they leave it . i think you're depending on when you and they've run through many basic techniques together and by the end of april, the 120 basically for us will leave the amazing village if we can get to the communities military easy. the quote was repeat, the sign includes accusations of the payments of sort just said i read but the departing team, c's, and they do, we are getting the, if you already see troops, we've been conducting that training for about 15 days. now we have bring them in the basic combat goods, basic uh for the, uh, uh, normal safety precautions and did our turn link handling with the logos. and they are already since they have the logos. and if you already see it blows their logos
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in, they are better than most and with a little bit of customs and traditions. says it's a people living in this camp pulls up by just any contingent as being you have to protect since 2020 now some 2005 hundreds here. is it for the kids or coming that conflict which found up again in 2019 with fresh violence between differential called groups. so then i've been forced from that homes and mainly in the camp. i'll scab just use a piece keeper of defaults. minnesota fema, visually. we are very sorry, was that what we're sorry to seem a new sco, leave her about. but if you need to see, because we're worried that in security will return a little, they thought of the safety is up. we fled here, even though the congolese military was in our village punk or lot so we have no assurance that they will be able to protect us. like most of those go did a bundle with dish called it does look like you said, you saw jewels are leaving. these relates to the chevy for
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a base for the know when you score he's leaving. come go. because the government ask them to go. so you need that schifflet's or these bites more than 20 euro things a country. so you in silverdale should be gone from south cable by the end of april, and from the rest of the country by the end of the year. with the w new spoke with the democratic republic of congress, newly elected president felix cheese. the katy who was in berlin for talks last weekend, and one of the issues discussed was the exploitation of his country's vast natural resources here as part of what he said in an exclusive interview, a definitive steel, the be, as it's about the plundering of resources in the democratic republic of congo, i think so, obviously certain amounts of national companies in industrialized countries that are complicit in this, it don't. and it's up to the countries that hosting's multinational would be good up to them to put the pressure on those companies to start with this. and this is
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the trade shows they're supposed to get people getting the cause of it. so so going that's a nice it was the present and spoke about the new york these relations with the west peace efforts with for wanda as well. you can find the full interview on our website at the w dot com and on youtube channel that dw news. well, that's a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day to night, protests, interest on american campuses. we're free speech and paint speech co op. we'll be right back the
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and the links as of prosperity, luxembourg. look, something is wrong behind the chic facade. housing is affordable for many poverty and homelessness are rapidly growing. and then t o is trying to help. which politicians are standing by and doing nothing. poverty in europe's wealthiest country shows up. in 45 minutes on d, w, the
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updates green innovations, super green and green check the holy gray off electron mobility and green revolution global. so listen to all kinds of problems. if it curious, i'm trying to tell the rest of those channels. we've got new videos every friday tried to plan. it's a do big ultima. video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have kind of raise all over brazilian reprocess 30000 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example, the, the full actually cost awesome comes from illegal capital times in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all that much
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. illegal leather stats may said on d w the it is a long list and it's getting longer us colleges and universities where police have arrested pro palestinian protestors, california virginia, texas, florida, north carolina on campuses from coast to coast. more than 1100 people detain student protests began just 2 weeks ago at columbia university in new york, where reports of violence and anti semitism have quickly tested the limits of free speech. it's also testing the patience of parents, professors, politicians, and the public library, coughing, berlin. this is the day the .


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