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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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the supply chain process, all that massive. illegal leather stats may stood on d w. the it is a long list and it's getting longer us colleges and universities where police have arrested pro palestinian protestors, california virginia, texas, florida, north carolina on campuses from coast to coast. more than 1100 people detained student protests began just 2 weeks ago at columbia university in new york, where reports of violence and anti semitism have quickly tested the limits of free speech. it's also testing the patient's appearance, professors, politicians, and the public, and bring coughing. berlin, this is the day the
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we're seeing across this country, people coming out by the thousands and solidarity of palestine. i know there are people here who think possibly that they are calling for peace at a ceasefire. the and unfortunately the folks on the green today are really just doing some of this work for them. as far as police presence. that's up to the colleges and universities, as for them to decide they tell us we're going to come tonight. we're going to come today, we're gonna come tomorrow. they're just tiring us out. east. we're open scare tactics . re nothing going on there to the desk. october 34th. so i was in house to, in this also coming up the you ins, top court refuses to order germany to stop exporting weapons is real welcome. today's proceeding our argument and their role as
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opposed to firms within joy. there's $21.00 know reasons for provisional measures which i'll review is watching on cbs in the united states and to all with you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with protesters and police in the united states on campuses across the country. police have begun arresting people connected to pro palestinian protests more than 1100 people have been detained since the 1st campus demonstration of that was 2 weeks ago at columbia university. in new york city, and that is where the situation escalated on tuesday. pro palestinian demonstrators barricaded hamilton hall, a building well known for being occupied during demonstrations against the vietnam war. in the 19 sixty's, which is a columbia university said that it will expel students who have occupied the building. the president believes it, fortunately, taken over
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a building on campus. uh is absolutely the wrong approach. that is not an example of peaceful protests. and of course, as we do right and noted, hate speech and hate symbols also have no place in this country. a small percentage of students shouldn't be able to disrupt. yeah, demick experience this, the legitimate study for the rest of the student body. i'm not aware of any evidence of either a intelligence world or a law enforcement about a bad ask. here's this is not protected free speech. what this is doing is violating the rights of others, jewish students who are merely on campus trying to get an education who are playing by the rules. they kept their impeded from going to class. they're impeded, they're told not to come onto the university campus where they are paying tuition and they have valid id cards to be when you, when you cross the that rubicon. and you begin to threaten the lives and intimidate
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and harass people to the point where they can not engage in their freedom. then that is or ever more on the pro just i'm joined now by ethan berman. he's an adjunct professor of legal law school in los angeles. he also hosted his own radio talk show of focusing on current events, especially in the united states. that's where we got to know ethan ethan. it's good to have you back on the program. talk to me if you would about the student protest situation in california where you are well, it is widespread. it's a u. c l, a u s. c. it's in san francisco at berkeley. it's out a campus called you see humboldt, they've been relatively intense. your seal a has kind of breed breached into a minority of the prep. protesters there who have are not just protesting the war in israel and gaza, but have gone after jewish students as well, which has become problematic. and i,
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i will be very curious to see how the department of education approaches what the universities who receive federal funding will do in the future. i want to talk about that in just a moment. let me ask you, 1st of the, how do you explain the genesis of these student protests? i mean, it was only 2 weeks ago when the 1st protest began on the campus of columbia university in new york city. hasn't been that long as well. there's conflicting reports about the genesis whether or not they're clearly for many decades are a strong anti war sentiments on college campuses, particularly here in the state of california. they really grew out of the 19 sixty's up at berkeley in san francisco bay area. and so there's always been here, but there has been some speculation, and i don't know if there's any, anything founded in it, but that there might be outside influences that are helping to organize some of
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these protests or some of the non students who are coming onto campuses that are maybe not just straight anti war protesters, but they have definitely grown and they are causing their own set of issues because the 1st amendment is not in on limited amendment. there are limits and especially on private property. there are definitely limits to what pro gestures can do and you bring up a good point that a lot of the people that we've seen on college campuses, they, they may not be students and people, all the people that we see protesting. we assume most of them are then in mind, columbia university. it has one of the largest jewish student populations of any college university in the us. this is where calls to divest from is real, seem to have found the loudest voice. does that surprise you? it doesn't necessarily surprise me. i think it's a,
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it's deeply disturbing though. however, when you bring up that specific point about the jewish population, columbia university used to have a jewish quota all the way into the 1960. so we're talking about civil rights in the united states. it wasn't just a black population that was red lined in the united states and was also the jewish population. and so the civil rights movement was actually a combination led by black leaders like reverend martin luther king junior. but jewish leaders were a key part of the civil rights movement. sort of see this happening at columbia. and in particular, right, i haven't heard anybody else point this out yet. alexander hamilton was the most pro jewish founding father of the united states. and that's the whole that they happen to have taken over. and columbia is hamilton home? yeah, that, that hall was also, i'm a, a focal point for a student protest during the vietnam moore as well at columbia university. and you, and i have talked about this before, you are jewish. and when you look at what's happening right now,
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there are claims of anti semitism. i mean there are chance that we're hearing that we can't repeat on the air here that are considered anti semitic here in germany. and this is happening on college campuses in america, where people traditionally have expected you to find a hot bed of liberal thinking. how did this happen as well that that is something that shows you all or just will want to spend some time dissecting in the future as we look back at what is happening today. but for too many jewish people in the united states, it does feel reminiscent of the early 1930 is the breaking of windows at hamilton hall, the trapping of, of jewish students. so they cannot enter buildings. this is deeply resonance with the many jews in the united states. it is very upsetting to manage use. so
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while the majority of protesters i believe are acting in good faith and what they believe to be an anti war stance, there definitely is a percentage whether their students are outside agitators that are bringing in a strong anti jewish sentiment. maybe if you to explain um from an american point of view ethan american jewish point of view, we have seen your students at columbia interviewed who are part of the protests, who say that they are protesting and that they are anti zion is saying that you can be an anti zionist and not be anti semitic. does that compute with you? you know and any time you can always find an example of an isolated the individual who does not represent the group. the jews are zionists almost the, the, almost the total majority is greater than 95 percent as high as 99 percent in
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various polls. it's a core to our belief system. so when i hear the term anti zionist, jude, that's anesthetic goal. we just had passover pace off at the said or would show is a reminder of the x it is we talk about returning to jerusalem. this is from thousands of years ago. so when i hear anti zionist you, that might be what they believe, but it's not a core jewish belief in any way, shape or form even barren, giving us valuable insights and what is happening across the united states on college campuses at the moment eastern. thank you. thanks so much, frank. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that his country's army will enter the southern gauze of city of bravo with or without a ceasefire deal with a moss of speaking at a meeting with the families of his really hostages. nothing yahoo said that is real
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well not in the war until all of its goals have been achieved. that includes eliminating her boss battalions in rough or or more on this. i want to bring in journalist as amy circle. he is standing by for us in jerusalem saying we get to see you. we know that how boss is considering and his really truce proposal at this very hour reportedly. so why is benjamin netanyahu? why is he talking about a rough invasion now to the neo as being the talking about the flushing vision for quite a long time now must tell you that the large part of these really public does not believe that he's actually intending on the going into a rough or, you know, a, they would say that, you know, if you want to sure, sure, don't pull. and they say that the deal has just been talking about. and
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he's been trying maybe to pressure how much. maybe he's trying to give the illusion to these riley public that he's doing something in gaza. many is or early is believe the, the more in jobs actually ended. and they don't to hear much about the ongoing and pain in gaza. but they do know that many of the troops have withdrawn from the gaza strip. so the prescription is ready, is it maybe in january already the war basically has finished? and the yellow is just a, giving out these empty yes, threats, continuous. what that means, interesting that you, you say that because we, we are hearing that the relatives of the hostages. they say that they are encouraged by a possible incursion into bravo. we hear that members of the board cabinet definitely want this military operation to happen to the fact that it's perceived
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that this has a lot of talk in the wall. does that have to do with the pressure from allies such as the united states, secretary of state entity blinking, he's in israel right now and we know what the, his stance is on rough. so. sure, for sure. the american parisha is a, a, and an actor here and the, these riley public is now realizing that it's not so easy for his road to going to offer. it's taking a long time. and we are ready for you. and we've seen it in the public opinion polls that was published a today by these really public television. there's a shift in these early public. the public doesn't believe that this really is going for a victory in the gaza strip. mean the 65 percent,
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but i'm reading your don't believe nothing. you know, uh then when he says that we're close to the victory in the gaza strip. so there's a lot of distrust here towards an attorney at home. so we're doing things move from here. then sammy, i mean, oh, we don't have resolution to the situation in gaza. there is really no plan for after gaza. so what, what does this rarely public expect to happen next? so surprisingly again, in the, in a phone that was published today, we see that the majority of the public there are now interested in having a did with have mice and having a prisoner swap in releasing the hostages in the releasing palestinian prison. those and a we even see that there's
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a growing number of those who support and enter this more because the believe here is that it's going nowhere. the nathan yahoo is the only thing that is a interesting him at this stage is he's political, the survivor, and nothing else is called within his own government between 2 cops. as there is a one time headed by a dom, i've been v and a smoker. each of these to represent the, the far right and they're saying that if israel was not going to offer, they would leave the government. and all the other hand, you have guns and others where saying that if there won't be a deal, then they will leave the government and that then you cannot decide. yeah, well the next 24 hours it could be crucial if and when we hear a yes from us concerning a ceasefire offer,
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we will say send these over with the latest in jerusalem tonight. same you as always. thank you. the you ins top court has rejected the request by nicaragua to order germany, to stop sending weapons and other military aid to israel. the international court of justice in the hague rule, that legal conditions for making that kind of order simply have not been met. them says that her uncle argues that by supplying weapons is real as to germany is facilitating genocide and gauze. during the hearings, the german government said that it has been fairly ex, forwarded weapons to israel. and since the offensive started following the october 7th, the terror attacks, by how long we look at what has us. alright, for some legal analysis now enjoyed by some jeffrey nice. he worked at the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia between 19982006 he lived the prosecution of slipping. i'm the lowest of which the former president of serbia mister, nice, it's good to have you with this again and i reading this correctly,
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that the court today said that it looked at the facts and based on the facts at this time, it can not give a nicaragua, what it warning completely correct. it's a shorter and where it's so that sort of holding judgment. it certainly doesn't achieve for nicaragua, what it wanted to retrieve. it does look allows in way of favoring one side, robert of this horrible concrete. it good identified 2 things 1st that nicaragua compressed the head with its case against the israel, against germany. if it wishes to on the basis that germany may have become involved in the supply of them's full use and what is their number of who walk maybe and on rules will come conduct of conflict, but not at this stage,
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sufficient evidence to prove a need for protective measures and the whole so left without comment. vulnerability of states, general b to i, c, c and r c j. international court of justice jurisdiction full for example, provision of arms to israel for it's coming back to the war. yes, it was a bit of a holy document. i want to pick up on that it just a moment, but i just want to be clear this case. um, it continues and does, does that mean that the court could eventually rule against germany at a later stage? a new drug of his case against germany, which he ledges breeches of the genocide convention by germany in respect to its provision of weapons and continue. whether that will actually happen, i think, is
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a matter of a future consideration. but it can continue as germany tried to have it taken off the list as accord spaces and the court refused. mm hm. what's, what's your read on this mister? nice, do you think that this is basically, you know, the end of this case? i don't know whether it's the end of this case and i'm not sure that i have an overall view, but it leaves states that are supplying weapons to israel in the position that they know they may be pursued of international court of justice by any of the statements of party, the genocide convention, if the stage is able to establish the subject stages in the possession of knowledge,
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knowing it knows that these weapons may be used from the full conduct of war. so that's one part of the read out. the other part that i think is that is quite a helpful thing from germany's point of view, but also from the point of view of other countries. it's really saying don't jump to suit, could be said of nick around drawers. i believe it's being said in respect to alleged reflection by nicaragua or russian interest. mm hm. but it's jumped too soon. it's tried with insufficient evidence, almost on emotional grounds to bring this case against germany. and we'll, we'll, we'll have to do is to do the touch also some, the high emotions that can be generated by this awful conflict conductor with the evidence. and i think the, perhaps the most valuable element is this josh would ovary. and on both sides
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is to set aside the motion. look at the evidence is around the country. is the reason and also confident whose the, whose the bad responsibility isn't didn't the court isn't the court doing exactly that they did the court today and its ruling said that it noted that germany had reduced significantly the amount in value of weapons. they didn't have sent to israel since the october last terror attacks me as proof that germany is not trying to arm a country to commit genocide. that's a non emotional observation. correct? well, i found the old a pretty fin folks when i listen to it and then when i eventually found it on the website, it was sites navigations besides the history of john, those provisions of weaponry. both its various licenses that are required. the website is provided and the weapons requested to be
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a ground to their license. i think the submarine and some of the aircraft i think for which we know provision their licenses if we are being granted. and to that extent, it certainly seemed to have given a decision based on german who's calling about. but it doesn't say as in terms, it's simply set, solve the evidence, the judgement is provided and says it logical there's no, there's not enough evidence. and that's why i go back to the original position. i think this is a holding position. i mean the words quite a tablet thing for the quote to have done. as it goes, it goes, it con, goes a comp reverse. the early decisions made in january brought to as a result of what south africa did. right? that respects that but it doesn't change the position very much. but the rooms everyone they go to on to the geneva convention is the sign doctor. and that
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genocide convention who signed up please. let me, let me pick up this. i'm the case with south africa. i'm just reminder of you or south africa is accusing is really perpetuating genocide in the gaza strip. the court has called on israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocide. so does that mean that is real, may be found to have committed genocide in gaza? i mean, is that question still to be answered? no, it doesn't i'm. it's understandable. the short found and that it in the woods of journalist and commentators, is that there was a pro zable crisis genocide established know what the quote found was that there was a plausible, by the way the word crucible is fine. it's a word used by the international court of justice and about the quotes. it was a plausible case for finding the rights of the goals and people not to suffer genocide where at risk of
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potentially immediate impairment. mm hm. so it was very slightly different, but significantly different from a finding of crucible genocide being committed, that's as not being fine. okay. and it's very important for the listeners and viewers to understand that us in the way these he is drunk slowly. i want to ask you before we run out of time and mister noise, the us media reporting that the international criminal court may issue an arrest warrant for is really a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we just, we don't have much time here. i just wanna ask, do you think that that will happen it begins to the law may be issued. that's very good news. not because it is particularly is judy against not in yahoo. i don't express an opinion about that. but because it shows
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that the international code is not going to be in too many today to in doing its job in respect to lead is great. so supported lots of orgy. so does that extend its good news? whether it's going to be issued or not? i don't know, but it's beginning to look as though it's quite lucky. and that i think is also good news when measured against what may be said about the international criminal court. that is being very slow over the last decade also to conduct investigations, to say things about the state of israel. oh, okay. um it's been very slow. oh, okay. and now perhaps it's realizing that its reputation is going to be dependent on buying side on being seen by the public at large to do its job regardless of who the alleged defender may be. ok, so jeffrey, nice as always,
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mr. nice, it's good to have you with us. we appreciate your analysis tonight. thank you. you're most welcome as well. the day is almost done, the conversation continues online and we will see you next time. the
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the this is very, is live it from berlin tonight, the prime minister of israel, vowing to go into a rough end no matter what benjamin netanyahu says, the army will enter the southern gods, the city with or without a ceasefire deal with almost also coming up the you in the top port says it will not order germany to stop selling weapons to israel saying the facts do not support nicaraguans claim that german weapons are being used to commit genocide in gaza and profile of city. and demonstrators barricade themselves inside the building and columbia university in new york city, administrators are threatening to expel them, but the students say they're not backing their.


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