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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is due to be news live from berlin, the prime minister of israel vows to go into rafa no matter what benjamin netanyahu is saying, the army will enter the southern gaza city with or without a ceasefire deal with hum us. also coming up pro palestinian demonstrators barricade themselves inside of building at columbia university in new york administrators there are threatening them with expulsion, but the students say they're not backing down and we take a look at kenya flash floods. there have devastated large areas are corresponded,
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meet survivors, trying to come to terms with what's happened, the hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing goods in berlin is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country's military will enter the southern gaza city of, proffer, regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with hum us speaking at a meeting with the families of is really hostages. netanyahu's that is real, would not in the war until all of the countries goals had been achieved, including eliminating come off battalions in rough ha. many had holds agreement on a ceasefire. it could avert a rough up ground incursion. the earlier we asked journalists, bollix flooding in tel aviv, why not in yahoo would make a statement on rafa? while sci fi deal is being negotiated, that we've seen
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a lot of pressure coming from the right wing hardliners and nothing else. government bank via motors, they're demanding that there will be no stop of the war. they're demanding the know a responsible deal as they're describing it wouldn't be signed, would come off. they're demanding the entering of profile. not ending this war before the end of the day before entering profits has me. so it means that the whole field obligated somehow to assure v is way to public. and also the members of it is cabinet. that's that it's in the break of the call list, and if that thing happens, he felt obligated to told them that i am still considering drop. i'm still willing to continue this war until the ends until we reach all of the goals which include the illumination of all how much petroleum and it's a rough uh, as well. now, an hour ago, i also had been in a brisk conference there for the some of the families will be hostages from the tick above for him, which is
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a different for him then the families of the hostages for and there are 2 forms of for the founders of the hostages, and they demand an actual military pressure this think we have been in the past 4 months, not putting any military pressure and from us. so how much can reach a deal with us if we're not pressuring yet? after all. so nathaniel, what's also to tell them his, let's say, and be straight with that. those are his voters. after all, he wants to assure them that we will continue this work. and that's maybe was the reason why, how and nothing else has to talk about this. this time journalist bollocks levine in tel aviv. but the united nations relief agency for palestinians is warning that at a time when more aid is reaching gaza, a rough on military, oregon operation rather could severely disrupt those distribution efforts as the crossing at rough uh, a vital lifeline for dozens that could soon be under threat famine is
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looming for more than a 1000000 people here the u. n. estimates billions of dollars in aid are necessary in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into gaza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered cause of your land at the air, often using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced. it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out. and for us is building a floating,
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a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and shelly, we don't have enough trucks. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be some fairly disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like to over to the us now. we're pro palestinian student protests are continuing across university campuses. and in some cases,
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escalating dozens of protesters at columbia university in new york. i've taken over an academic building, barricading it's entrances. same building, hamilton hall was occupied by students during the civil rights movement. and in protest of the beat, no more in the 19 sixty's university says students involved in the current protest, protests could face exposure the earlier i spoke with dw correspondent benjamin alvarez gruber was just outside that occupied building at columbia university. so more or more for these are arriving the code into of the area that you can see here . behind me, there are several groups of fruits. this is a guy the over the evening. and just on the side of this pro does is the only entrance a to compass where essential stuff, but also the students that live inside of campus can enter and can access the campus. drones. all other members of the university community occurred. the bird as well as media, so we have to wait outside to see how this is unfolding. but of course,
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pressure is mounting on the president of columbia university and and while a n y p d, new york police department said that we'll wait until the president or those are in charge of the university. tell them to actually get their support to send the students out. they have said that they will suspense them. and we've also had some reports on that, but we're still waiting on confirmation to know how many of the students that are currently occupying the building that you can see behind may happen suspended from university. benjamin the university has now so that it will expel some of these students that talked before about suspension. how can we talk about, how is it reacting across the course of these protests? so what do university said they say no. several statements to day. one of them see that the work of the university cannot be endlessly interrupted by protest is who violate the rules quite similar to the criticism. good heard from it. they why tell us from washington to, to day a statement where they said that full simply taking of a building is not peaceful. it is wrong. so we can expect that that will also
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increase as a pressure. a is mounting on both sides and one side we have do is, and students in jewish faculty members, we talk to some of them over the past couple of days who say that they feel threatened that they want the university to take concrete steps to take over the building again, but for, for now, no decision has been taken. we've seen other universities taking different, say, decision sending law enforcement police officers into compass grant. do spell the students. but for now, here at columbia university that has not happened based on what you're seeing, how likely is it that we could see the university call in police to clear those protests. there was something that happened that actually spark and made this move and even bigger, replicating to all the colleges and all universities, the president and the, the administrators. those are in charge of the university also know what the pictures to look like. so they are waiting, but others we have to the speaker of the house of representatives. my junk coming to columbia university
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a few days ago. even calling for the national guard to be sent in. so we can be sure that many are asking for the president of the university in columbia to act quicker, not to send out statements, but also and let these protest as to expel them. and to also have that suspenses. but if we see in here from the students that are inside, they said they will not back down. they will continue approaching us because i'm university to dentist. from all the companies that are holding to them profit from is rose, war and gaza. i do to be correspondent correspondent ben. you mean alvarez gruber at columbia university in new york city. thank you very much. and let's go down to some other stories making headlines around the world. donald trump has been held in contempt and find $9000.00 in his harsh money trial in new york. the judge said the former us president had repeatedly violated a gag order barring him from speaking publicly about yours and witnesses in the criminal case. the judge warrant,
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trump that he could be jailed. if you repeat the defense as the outer court has sentenced former by nancy. oh john, punctual to 4 months in prison for allowing money laundering on the world's largest crypto currency exchange. us officials said gel deliberately look the other way as users of the exchange conducted transactions that support a child, sex abuse, illegal drug trade and terrorism. thousands have taken to the streets of berlin. on the eve of the annual made a holiday. we said say that they're deploying 6000 officers to keep the peace made a protest have turned violent in berlin in the past by police a recent years have been more peaceful after they shifted tax tactics from confrontation to de escalation and security forces in georgia. have broken up a protest against a controversial foreign funding bill. thousands of people have been demonstrating in the capital to re see with police deploying to your gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds. protesters oppose
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a bill that would require immediate and civil groups to register as being under foreign influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. opponent say immeasurable, restrict freedom and the rail, georgia, from its path to joining the european union. over to africa were canyon president. william rudo has ordered the military to evacuate everyone living in flood prone areas. that's after the death toll for months. soon rate rains rose to $171.00 people. a combination of factors including climate change has been blame for the floods which have driven nearly 200000 people from their homes. are correspond to felix miranda. it has met some of those forced to leave a shutout was what as raging efforts to find the remaining forties, still ongoing shelter. a cloud of sadness on the victim's faces. many i trying to come to terms with the tragedy that has heat samples. julie's family easy
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morning date on the 4th for their lives and 6 of i. but they have 3 year old taught class was credited to read by the flags, went up to what i searched for him every week, but couldn't find him. if i don't find my baby while he's still alive, i don't know. i felt eva forgive myself. i'm just praying that god drives me more days to stay with my baby. because when i remember the struggles we've had in the damage that has taken place in the floods, i'm wondering with a god saved his life or what happened to him like julie is done for that. i finally found shelter to stay in for the night. we from the place we have that we should begin. she and her husband how fond memories of that 3 year old son isaac, 2 monkeys bought the day on the evening before he was credited every by the flats, unequal on the she was celebrating his food. this day on sunday evening at 10 o'clock and he ate the whole dis, they shake alone and he was going to sleep. but i'll take you to check. i asked him whether he wanted some tea and he said he just wanted to sleep. so i told him,
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happy birthday. so i hugged and kissed him and he went to bed. i didn't know that anything was happening, was it the wolf since we're coming towards us? god is now cut rod, i'm told to it's julie is not alone. can you n g last these business to the flags? his machinery made useless. his college should be covered in mud and direct me i didn't. what do you mean? a lot of things have been destroyed in my business. and not that i was storing some items for drivers, it all got carried away. i might be the fletch broken through one side of the building up on the it came out the other hand carried away. everything that i had in there was, one of my employees almost got swept away, but the security guard was able to save him from being taken by the floods broken down before the such injured. shameful efforts are still going on. nobody knows how much time it will take to clear the debris. family members are hoping they can get to locate their loved ones and have a chance to buy them as president william to,
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to visit, to the areas give affected by the flags. you promised, the government will attribute homes. we settled the homeless and get that children back into school, but he came to the wanting to people living in areas by that ability flooding them up. being that has been done on, on the front jail areas that are prone to run slides and a and flooding. we are asking every can in such areas to leave because the forecast is that green is going to continue. and the likelihood of flooding and people losing lives is read and therefore we must take pre emptive action. the president also asked about people's remain hopeful, even in the middle of the crisis once that's possible. and it's julie hope things to that thought of finding her missing baby one. i'm hoping that i can get to see
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him while he's still alive. the victims can only hope that these cloud of grief and loss is past that the lights kind of cool back to know more and that tragedy would stay away from them. so that's it for me. and the dw news team will be back shortly with more headlines in the meantime, you can find out more online to www. dot com. the stage burst into our is whenever they feel like doing the 1000 kind of for design of fashion and most abusive in the sky is many on including the odds of survival. how do they do in the secret lives of the dogs may 22nd dw,
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