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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin, new york city police clear student protesters from columbia university. the officers venture through the windows of a barricaded building to a risk pro palestinian demonstrators. those tensions run high on campuses across the country. also coming up us secretary of state anthony blinking is back in israel to push for a cease fire and a hostage steel. he says israel plans to open a major crossing to allow more aid into gaza. meanwhile,
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the un chief pleads with israel's allies to do everything they can to pro uh, to prevent and assault on the city of ruffled were more than a 1000000 guys and spar sheltering. plus george's opposition leader is injured. is police clear? thousands of protesters from the streets. it was another night of demonstrations against the drop law. critics say is inspired by russian. the hello, i'm terry martin. good to help you with this new york city. police say they have cleared pro palestinian protestors from a building on the campus of columbia university bringing a day long stand off to a dramatic and this was the moment police entered hamilton hall where protesters had barricaded themselves in. officers can be seen climbing through a 2nd floor window. some report diddly with guns drawled. the raid came at the
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request of the university president after students defied an ultimatum to back down or be expelled. police have been asked to stay on campus until may 17th. more than 1000 people have been detained across over 25 campuses in the us and recent weeks the w corresponded. benjamin elder as gruber was outside columbia is campus in new york police here in new york quote and of the area of the university. we see cars leaving the area, but we were there when police started doing arrest, also coming closer to columbia university. and also when this run with this emergency unit appeared, and then there's more than 20 law enforcement offices into this whole that was occupied by students early tuesday and police is still on the scene. the many police of the many, a unit and columbia university also send out
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a press release of to 9 pm, saying that they requested additional support and told a new york police department to go in a university and to arrest the students. we've seen at least 3 buses with a students that have been arrested and leaving the area, but we don't have a clear number yet of how many students were arrested in who's still on campus ground. let's remember that access was already denied to students into the fact that the stuff and only essential essential stuff. and also the students who live inside were allowed to enter a campus area to us, secretary of state antony blinking has arrived in telling me even said that israel will open the arrows crossing into northern gaza with 8 shipments already on the way from jordan. he will be meeting with officials to discuss increasing the flow of a into the war torn region. lincoln is also expected to meet is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, where humanitarian support will be on the agenda, against the background of cease fire from results and negotiations. at
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a meeting with is rarely present, isaac had sought blinking renewed his calls for from us to accept the ceasefire deal. we are determined to get the ceasefire to bring the hostages all together now . and the only reason that wouldn't be changed just because of the loss of policy. and as we said, no delays, those are no excuses. the time is now and time is now long past due to great hostages. well this comes after the un secretary general called on israel's allies to do quote everything in their power to prevent and assault on the city of ruffled israel says the city is the last stronghold of a mouse in gauze of which a launch the october 7th terror attacks speaking to reporters, antonio guitars issued a strong plea for cease fire for the sake of the people of gods,
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for the sake of the hostages and their families in israel. and for the sake of the region and the why the world. i strongly encourage the governments of israel and the how mosley the she to lead know in the agreements without that i see of the war with all its consequences. most even got some of the across the region. woodson exponentially antonio terrace made that plea, as is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu about to launch an invasion of rafa with or without a deal with home us. the international community, including israel's chief ally, the united states, have repeatedly warned against invading the city and putting civilians at risk. the crossing at rasa, a vital lifeline for guidance that could soon be under threat. the famine is looming for more than a 1000000 people here. the un estimates billions of $1.00 and $8.00 are necessary
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in the coming months. israel says a is flowing over the last few weeks. the amount of humanitarian aid going into garza has significantly increased in the coming days. the amount of 8 going into gaza will continue to scale up even more food, water, medical supplies, shelter equipment, and other 8 more of it is going into gaza than ever before. so far, aid has entered cause of your land at the air, often using the egyptian port of lariche freight trucks, then head for the rough, a crossing israel has announced. it's temporarily opening other crossings at areas and the so called gate $96.00, which allow aid into northern gaza without a dangerous drive through the conflicts out. and for us as building a floating, a peer off of causes, mediterranean coast, that will allow ships to deliver a directly at
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a cost of more than $300000000.00. but the united nations world food program says that getting food to people who need it is complex, especially given ongoing airstrikes and shelly, we don't have enough truck. so under the current circumstances where we don't have a safety where we don't have enough trucks coming into gaza to deliver where we have one check point for now, going into the noise was only a few trucks going and we're not operating at the scale that we would like the efforts that are already underway would be some fairly disrupted if israel does mount a full scale ground. defensive on rough uh, making deliveries even more dangerous for aid workers and goals and a like more of this. let's cross over to jerusalem. now where are correspond to rebecca rivers are standing by, rebecca, israel is planning to open another border crossing that will allow more humanitarian aid to enter a ga so or can you tell us about that?
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i will tell you we've had confirmation from these ready military. this morning that it is indeed going to reopen this error as crossing. today we are hearing um and now they committed to opening this crossing a few weeks ago, coming on the increased international pressure, particularly from the us. so it's perhaps not surprising that the opening of air is crossing today. coincides with a visit of secretary of state anthony blinking blinking of the soul 1st shipment of a trucks that were leaving jordan uh and they will be heading to areas where they will have to be checked there before entering into the strip. that will be the 1st of what will hopefully be many crossings, though it is a temporary opening. no error is crossing walls and traditionally a goods crossing. it wasn't for people to cross in and out of gauze, a particularly palestinians coming to work inside israel, but also international data trays and journalists and they'd like to cross in into gas. or it wasn't actually goods crossing that was down. and karen shut on which
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many of you as well now have been familiar with over the last weeks is that was reopened. now it's obviously been priced at the opening of this crossing has been praised by humanitarian workers and by agencies. but, you know, the crossing and areas will be boosted with the same issues that we're seeing and all the crossings, of course, will hopefully potentially uh, increase the amount of aid that's going particularly and directly into that northern part of the strip which is really facing the worst part that is, you know, what, what agencies are saying is on the brink of famine, it will be able to directly go into those areas. but of course, getting the aid through and it still needs to be checked by israel is still could be pro test is trying to block that aid crossing. and of course we have it still the, the issues with the distribution. once the aid actually enters into israel, meanwhile, negotiations between israel and from us towards the ceasefire on going it. now israel's prime minister says his troops will rage rough uh, in southern gaza,
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regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached. how rebecca does prime minister netanyahu explain how he imagines that a military offensive to be compatible with a ceasefire as well? he hasn't given an answer to that question, terry. i mean unit and you know, who made these comments while he was speaking to representative groups of groups that represent some of the bereaved families and some bereaved families of the site and soldiers. these groups that represent people who are on the move rights of send to the move, whole kish, that has been some of them have been protesting a going into the goals. and so he's speaking to a particular audience. when he made these remarks, he was also making them just prior to meeting to very right wing members of his coalition who have that. in fact, the sort of given these veiled threats to leave the coalition to try to, you know, force the government to crumble if in fact the government does make this se syiaa
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deals. so it's certainly an audience that we'd be receptive to hearing, things like that. i think what benjamin netanyahu may be referring to is that this, even, even if it's a 5 deal came through the truth, would be something along the lines of 40 days. but like with the law cease fire agreement, we saw israel pick out the fighting in the optimal. so perhaps that's what mister benjamin netanyahu is referring to. rebecca, thank you very much. sar correspondent, rebecca rivers in jerusalem. sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. us for us present, donald trump has been held in contempt of court and finds $9000.00 in his hush money trial in new york, the judge said the former president had repeatedly violated a gag order that maurice, him from speaking publicly about 2 years and witnesses and the criminal case, the judge warn trump he could be jailed if he does that again. thousands of taken
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to the streets of berlin on the eve of the annual made a holiday. police say they plan to deploy over 5 and a half 1000 officers to keep the peace with more demonstrations expected on wednesday. may day protest to turn vinyl into the past, but the say recent years have been more peaceful after they shifted tactics from confrontation to deep escalation. george's opposition leader has been injured during protests over the country is controversial for an agent, bill police in the capital to bleed see use water cannon and tear gas to disperse thousands of people. the bill would require media groups and various civil groups to register as being under foreign influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. critics say the law is similar to one used to silence critics in russia protested, scrambled to safety. as george's police began cracking down,
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deploying water cannons, and fire into dust and rubber bullets to disperse thousands of people rallying outside parliament. save when people were injured. including opposition, more make is the reason we progress. basically, as people will, the way before purchased, it had tried to block george's parliament. and then the 2nd reading of the so called russian laur standing here at the board. you
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go towards the europe, which is the surprising materials for voting with the settings hearing for this legislation, which will prevent george's during separation. earlier in the day, people in peace were expelled from parliament. they say they've been unable to us critical questions of the bill. the ruling georgian dream pounds, he sees the move will ensure greater transparency on monday, it brought thousands of support, which is to, to please see in a show of support opposition paths. he's accused the government of forcing civil servants to attain to the rally. the highly contained just bill is back before parliament on wednesday. the tell somebody else you're watching dw news. just reminder the top story we're following for you. new york police say they have
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cleared pro palestinian protestors from a building at columbia university. the raid came up in the demonstrators to find a university ultimatum to back down or be expelled. please say they've arrested thousands. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching. the driven by greed in the 2000 storage of band engaged in various high risk business practices. race for ever higher profit. and then the epic demise of a german institution. the dodge of bank story starts may 2nd on the w, enjoying the views and come and take a look at this out to the highlights every week. email inbox, subscribe. now.