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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from bell in hopes of rising for the reopening of a major line crossing into gaza. do a secretary of state down to the blink and says who monetary and aid will soon be flowing through the air is crossing. israel's military confirms to dw the board and check point will reopen. today. clinton is pushing for a $65.00 and a hostage deal between israel and moss. and there is hope that could of hurt and is riley invasion of rough off with a 1000000 palestinians are sheltering. also coming off from new york city police play a student protest us from columbia university offices
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and to through the windows of a bank headed building to a risk. pro palestinian demonstrates suspensions are running high on campuses across the us plaza as government forces fight back in me and monte wu speaks to the positions shadow 4 minutes to ship this. the hunter is losing the guy that is welcome to the program as well as military as told dw, it is opening the res border crossing in to allow a more few minutes area and aid to enter gaza. it would allow for deliveries and to know the gaza with a need for aid has risen dramatically since the little stats. it is used to be the
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main passenger crossing for humanitarian workers. diplomat center the list before the war broke out, following the hamas to attack on each route on october 7th. as w, as tanya is near the arrows crossing and sent us this updates. many countries has been pressuring as well to allow more aid into garza, especially into northern gauze of the united nations. have said the situation that isn't men made crisis. i'm standing here not far away from the areas crossing. you may see the timing of the behind me up until october 7. during the terror attacks the crossing was badly damaged. up until then it was mainly a crossing for humanitarian workers for diplomats and for doing this. but also for a limited number of palestinians who had a permit to go to as well or to the occupied westbank. now the opening of this crossing would allow trucks to go in directly to northern garza,
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mainly to garza city. that would also allow them know to drive to dangerous territory too long as they come from the south to the north. what is happening now? they could come directly from the port of a stuart or from jordan a through and then crossing. but it still remains to be seen, how much a israel will allow in, in the coming weeks stewed. i've just done a fan of that. now the idea of consummation comes during us, secretary of state antony blinking, pushed for a ceasefire in gaza and a deal to release hostages. still held by homos, blinking is meeting with the officials to discuss increasing the flow of aid. and as i also met some of the hostages families, as they protested intel of these, it is his 7th diplomatic visit to the regions since the will erupt. it in october last year. and the un secretary general cold on israel's
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allies to do quote everything in the pilot to prevent an assault on rough or israel says the city is the last stronghold of homos, which launched the october 7th. turbo tax. speaking to reporters, antonio gutierrez, issued a strong played force. he's far for the sake of the people of gods, for the sake of the hostages and their families in israel. and for the sake of the region and the why that will. i strongly encourage the governments of israel and how mostly the sheep to reach no and the agreements without that, i fear the water with all its consequences most you've got some of the across the region. woodson exponentially. and joining me now is china low communications advisor for the winton refugee council judgements from jerusalem. a sign up that how with the opening of the risk of crossing make your work and that of other organizations easier to see what we've heard
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a firm thus far. as far as i know, only food aid is, is being it's entering through errands. but of course the people in northern gaza need all sorts of additional need shelter items, hygiene kids, my bedding clothes, the material fuel materials to, to uh, the selling ice and, and sanitize water. all of these things need to be coming in. we have been calling for months now for additional crossings to be opening, but it's not just about getting the crossings open, ensuring that the eat that's needed is reaching out to me and in the quantities that will actually make a difference and help to stem the. the and stop the humanitarian crisis that has been ongoing for the last 7 months. now, practically speaking in the hollow, whether it's a for a to live, it's true areas to risk. the people who needed or well that's,
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i'm clear, it depends on a variety of things. like i said, it's not just about opening the crossings, but it's about having the ability to safely deliver a wherever palestinians are. and so that means i ensuring that that the notification system is working so that she materials can, can access areas and also access the polices that they need in order to, to carry out the distribution. it means that we need the material things as simple as tracks to, to be able to go and fuel to be able to carry out those distributions. which desperately needed is, is not just a handful of trucks, which we've seen very slight increase in the number of trucks entering over the last couple of weeks. but we need a massive surge of flood of humanitarian assistance, thousands of truck moments of goods each and every day and during gaza. now let's talk about the south of the gaza strip as well. how struct targets in rough uh
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again today. what do you know about the situation that the situation in ross that remains dire? there over a 1000000 palestinian still sheltering in rafa and is really a plan there or expected is really ground offensive in toronto would be catastrophic. there simply is no safe place in, in gaza, for palestinians to flee to. there aren't services available for people, water, sanitation, hygiene services, housing and shelters to accommodate an influx of people. the situation remains dire and people are searching for, for everything from shelter to food, to water, in order to keep their family alive. so low that communications advisor for the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. thank you. it's in new york city, police say they have clear pro palestinian protest is from the building of the
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campus of columbia university. bring a day long stand off to an end. the rave came at the requests of the university president office to this is the moment police officers and dried go preached columbia university's hamilton hold. because it says it had no choice, but to authorize the read. to restore safety and auto group, i listed new students and thinking over the building for more than 24 hours ted by to get it themselves inside and hung by the renaming the building. hence holding up for 6 years old by letting them go. gillian, gaza, dozens of those board as those i'd be interested yet they remain defiant. all the quoted amount of these do the groups,
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the columbia withdrawal investment funds from companies supporting israel is government. and i'm this the for students and faculty disciplined over the broad test. i mature students so i feel like it's especially important for me to express my concern about palestinian lives and suffering because i kind of critically stand against the idea that to interest people can not be pro palestine. i. i think the design isn't like insights on anti zionism and anti semitism are not the same thing. and human life deserves to be protected. the burdens has to be expiring, well vandalism, and broken access to the building of these big just released by the most the spokesperson. so damage to the occupied building.
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the police action of columbia comes exactly 56 years of your officers. stepped into the hamilton hollow to arrest board test as occupying the building in 1968 back then they had taken over the whole and other campus buildings to protest racism. and the vietnam or columbia university has requested a police presence under may 17 that's 2 days after the university's graduation ceremony, the student groups vowed to continue the process despite the track down. meanwhile, violence is also broken out. so on campus, at the university of california, los angeles, the accounts of protesters have a tech demonstrate is supporting for the students. they have been confrontations that they pro palestinian comp and police have responded to the you'll see at
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a chance less coal for support. the university has also increased security in the area colleges around the us have been struggling to contain similar protests on thousands of campuses. but our reports of what the blue cross has been following these protests from the beginning. well, them give us some context said, what is it? the protest is one to what, what other demands garrett, we're seeing protests all across the country. so demands are different. and the, the messages from the various protest groups differed slightly. but generally of course, we're looking at solidarity with palestinians and with palestine, calling out the graves consequences to the policy people in gaza. the more than 34000 people, according to numbers, from the most run health ministry, who have been killed by israel compartment and siege of gaza. since the mazda is
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october, 7th, attacked thousands of whom have been children. but there's also a political in us in an economic level here we see in columbia, for example, as well as some other campuses talking about the investment. remember, these universities are huge institutions. they have, in some cases, endowments in the billions of dollars. this money is invested in all kinds of stocks and assets and other funds, including the weapons industry, including connections to israel. not only of course, but that's the target of, of these purchases. they're calling other universities to divest a, to cut their ties, their, their financial ties to, to, to is rarely companies the things that support the, the, is rarely military. and of course, american weapons manufacturers that go to them, supply the israel with military. and now the credits of the protesters have set the student's support to home, also at least playing a mazda of game, so that a valid concern as well. this is, of course, at dice. the question there of course,
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has been incidences sporadically, and they're always on are these kinds of intends, per test movements of violence, of threats, of a verbal abuse of instances of anti semitism. but i think we, in the media, it behooves us, as well as campus officials, we're making these decisions about going after their own students. right there, tuition, paying students, the executive framing of this so as not to play into the hands of other agendas. right? those that might want to frame all of this as somehow from us, or all of this is somehow uh, you know, the anti semitic when, when there's obviously new ones is here and there's gray zones here. and there's a risk of, of a slippery slope into islamic phobia. which of course is something that many sides want to avoid. there's some point there's, there's been pointed out that as there's been a rise in anti semitic incidents, it has also been a rise in hand time muslim islamic phobic incidences and there's enough to kind of
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go around. so i think there needs to be a lot of care when we're, when we're listening to what these protestors are saying, the language they're using. otherwise we risk being a weaponized in all sorts of political directions. now live in protest to us or universes on nothing new. we saw a few pictures the from a while back. he was a little bit of background to which why have those protests ignited something bigger in the u. s. and perhaps globally in the past, right. we've heard that we heard that in the report, that's great that you know, campus protest is not new at university spaces interesting dilemma where of course, they are home to young people which these people tend to be young. people tend to be the most active. the most politically engaged, the ones willing to, to really put their next on the lines in terms of facing arrest or expulsion or other consequences is also places where they're taught about protest movements and, and standing up for what's right quote unquote, what is, right?
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so this is really where the theory meets the practice and then universities find themselves in quite a dilemma whether we're looking at the civil rights movement and anti war protests in the 19 sixty's with regards to vietnam war, the anti apartheid movement in south africa, where there are also calls for development, the black lives matter movement that was not only on the u. s. campuses, but really in, in american cities, everywhere. so we've seen this long pattern. the big difference with this one is in all those previous incidences or protest movements. there was a political side of things where there was a political interest in changing the status quote and when it comes to really changing support us relations with israel. that's something that republicans and democrats are both staunchly on the side of preserving the strong relationship to israel. and support for israel. so there's not a lot of political movement within these. you responding to these protests moving to the much part or a stronger uphill battle for these protesters to make their case vulnerable in blue
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cross to thank you very much for your analysis. as have a quick look now as some of the other stories making headlines today, authorities and turkey have retained around so he made a protest is demonstrating in this bundle they has tried to reach the cities toxeme square that plaza is off limits to protest as often incident in 1977, which sol gunmen opened fire that caused the stampede. the tales of these searching for people bangladesh has seen the hottest april on record with the temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees higher than average for this time of year. the weather forced the government to shut down schools, which kept some 32000000 students at home. at least 24 people have been killed off the part of the highway collapsed and kwan don't
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province a further. so if people were taken to hospital report suggests some, 500 members of the chinese emergency services were dispatched to the scene. the cause of the accident is being investigated. this is this in slides, isn't me? a mom have been winning battles against the routing military, one time in classes across the country, eating many to believe that the government could be at risk of collapsing. but last week, the military set, it had recaptured the town of my, of all the young man miles east. on the boat with thailand to that spot concerns the conflict could escalate, dw, interviewed the for an offense representative of the national unity government of me and ma, that's the country's opposition government. currently in exile. it's one of the world's most violent ongoing conflicts. since the 2021 military cooney, at least 50000 people have been killed in man my. now 3 years into
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a civil war. there are no signs of a beeping in early april down male what the unimportant brunswick point for the flow of goods between pilot and man mark felt under the control of for the deputy it's nick minority group. but as of late april may about the was back on the definitely pest control. the situation remains one of the foreign minister for me and myself position group, the national unity government in an interview. but dw, accused the ministry, one of targeting civilians and the back to the losing the a desperate. so that is fine. they don't even able to, to, to, to discriminate whether it is civilian or mandatory tech at the definitely intentionally targeted to the civilian population. because the desperate and the losing the situation in man monuments enormously complex, which resistance drops a post with a one stop at times of the fighting each other is to be at this particular consent
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for throwing your people in med, most not the kinds state and military is the one who are creating the problem, who committed that crime against humanity and who creating the hate and dividing the community. so they also is using that, that kind of static in iraq kind of dates the also using rominger as it lightens humans. you go ahead and get most plans have been at the front of the humanitarian crisis with some 700000 force to see to bundle dish. after the 2017 track down by the ministry. i also appreciate that you can union the wrong of sessions to the military honda, which is a really good, an economic and diplomatic pressure for the military hunter. and then, but at the same time, we also need a humanitarian assistance for those who are suffering on the ground. because as we
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mentioned that there are more and more refugees that are in creating because of the ministry. hundreds, the 2017 military track down is now subject of agenda site investigation at the international court of justice. that's got more on the situation and me, i'm from the general attention, neil. she is the managing director of berman news international and joins us now from bangkok to engine. do you think the pro democracy groups and a resistance forces can actually over throw the government in the amount or it is difficult to say exactly on the bus. stop them from let's yeah, i'll go by study 7 of the, the, the 3 brian brother who elias last. i'm going to do on fence if we can see that it is really a because the some kind of hope. so we kind of over to the manager on to because like i have to that more than 300 military keep polls to and
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also like um, the important a place that has been taken by the resistance groups. and also like got from the press of the military coup and $10.00 more of those $6000.00 military busing. that has been captured by the resistant groups. and also we can see that from different kinds of events, the military parts of, most of the, the villages on tad, they are losing their willingness to fight against the resistant groups. and also they are emotionally affected from all the, like a, oh, all the kelly and all the like. i live have been given our lives have been losing during the fighting. so we can, we see that the south by like a impactful wind has come to truly over truly the, the military hometown at the same times like um, uh, because the, the,
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from the elias a corporate to a tech. because he, when we want to get that, we can, when we come, said, sees, so the only thing is like a, all the resistant groups have to work together. and then also like a fight against the village are going to. so this may show that we can, we can definitely no, but throw them away to hunt. yeah. know how credible are they all positions allegations that the military junta target civilians. that is the windows and i'm come to light the responses from diminutive on terms. it was very crucial and very like having to say, i'm risky for these the valium, because they normally use like a strike. and also at the lower salary that, that is also very much targeted to the, as the value in the infrastructure. and also villages and not just to is shelley and also bomb me, but also bunny villages, houses a lie that so the so how does a, how one of the glue of will as way of responding. i guess the coordinate that
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attack of, of read up by the resistance groups. so that's why even even within a month like that in here for a low, it's already created about like $15000.00 id please. now that the id piece population reach to more than 3000000. so that is really uh how does a, um, uh, draft full kind of like a inside out of the, the, the bone, me and also the bernie and also at the larry shelly, conducted by the melodies on to the gentlest terms in the other managing director of from a news international. thank you very much. thank you. want to georgia now where the interior ministry says $63.00 people were detained, and 6 police officers injured in the latest night of protests against a controversial draft low that bill would require media outlets and various civil rights groups to register as being under for an influence if they receive more than
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20 percent of the funding from the broad critics say, the law is similar to one used to silence critics in russia as protested, scrambled to safety as to which is police begin cracking down. deploying water cannons, fire into dust and rubber bullets to disperse thousands of people rallying outside parliament. people were injured including opposition. more make is the reason we progress basically. really and people will,
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the, will we be bought, purchased his head, trying to block george's parliament. amid the 2nd reading of the so called russian law standing here to defend the decision, the board you go to or 0, which is the by the commentary on for voting with the 2nd hearing for this legislation, which will prevent george's during separation earlier in the day you see brought in peace, were expelled from parliament. they say they've been unable to us critical questions of the bill. the ruling georgian dream pound, he sees the law will ensure greater transparency. on monday it brought thousands of support, which is to, to please see in
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a show of support opposition. parties accused the government of forcing civil servants to attain to the riley. the highly contagious bill is back before parliament on wednesday was something that i don't think of it watching. dw news is a reminder of our top stories b as really how military has confirmed to dw news that the air is border crossing to gaza will be reopened. today as us secretary of state, lincoln pushes for seats 5 and hostage. the new york police say they have clipped pro palestinian protest as from the building at columbia university. the right came off to the demonstrate as defy the university automates of. to back down all be expelled and they say they've arrested stuff and that's it from me and the news team don't go away coming up.
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