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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news alive from valid hopes are rising for the reopening of a major land crossing into gaza. us secretary of state down to the blinking sir, assuming that terry and aid will soon be flowing through the air as crossing as well as military confront. so dw, the boat, a check point may open today. also coming up, new york city police clear student protest is from columbia university offices entered through the windows of a barricaded building to arrest pro palestinian demonstrates assess tensions are running high on campuses across the us. the
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get out of the office. welcome to the program. as well as military it has told the w, it is opening the arrest border crossing to a law. most human. it's already an aide to enter through to know of the northern garza, the 1st shipment of aid to use the arrest crossing will arrive directly from jordan . israel opened the rough uh border crossing with egypt in november. and the crash alarm crossing the border with these route in december. the us and other countries have been at dropping age, and the us is building a floating age pip off causes mediterranean coast. that will allow ships to deliver ages directly a w, a tonic sam a is near the risk of crossing and send us this update from that. i'm standing here not far away from the arrows crossing that's uh,
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one of the crossing. so that being said, since uh, october 7th, since the attacks this crossing goes into northern garza, mainly it's not very far away from garza city. no, many countries have been pressuring israel to allow in more age, especially into north and garza and united nations. have said this situation, there is a man made crisis now the opening of this crossing, which allowed trucks for age and full commercial goods. a short, a journey through dangerous territory was of war. and of course the app on bachman is ongoing. they could come directly from the port of a store or also from jordan through the lens crossing, see it. but it remains to be seen how much age will come through this crossing, how much 8 will be allowed in town next time of the reporting. now the idea of confirmation comes during the us secretary of state antony blinking,
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pushed for seats fund gaza at the deal to release the hostages still held by her mos blinking this meeting with officials to discuss increasing the flow of phase and as the ultimate some of the hostages family is, as they protested, until a beef. it is his 7 diplomatic visits to the region since the boy abrupt it in october last year. shina lowe is the communications advisor for the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. and she explained why the crossing needs to be open, or i think what we've heard from this thus far, as far as i know, only food aid is, is being is entering through areas. but of course the people in northern gaza need all sorts of, of additional need shelter items, hygiene kids, my bedding, clothes, material, fuel materials to, to the sour, nice and, and sanitize water. all of these things need to be coming in because we have been
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calling for months now for additional crossings to be opening. but it's not just about getting the crossings open, ensuring that the eat that's needed is reaching power, means in the quantities that will actually make a difference and help to, to stem the, the, and stop the humanitarian crisis. that has been ongoing for the last 7 months. now practically speaking in the how long will it say for a to live, it's true areas to reach the people who needed or well that's, i'm clear, it depends on a variety of things. like i said, it's not just about opening the crossings, but it's about having the ability to safely deliver a wherever palestinians are. and so that means i ensuring that that the notification system is working so that she materials can, can access areas and also access the polices that they need in order to, to carrier distributions. it means that we need the material things as simple as
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tracks to, to be able to go and fuel to be able to carry out those distributions. which desperately needed is, is not just a handful of trucks, which we seen very slight increase in the number of trucks entering over the last couple of weeks. but we need a massive surge of flood of humanitarian assistance, thousands of truck moments of goods each and every day and during gaza. now let's talk about this south of the gaza strip. is how struck targets in rough uh again today. what do you know about the situation that the situation in ross that remains dire? there over a 1000000 palestinian still sheltering in rafa and is really a plan there or expected is rarely ground offensive in toronto would be catastrophic. there simply is no safe place in in garza, for palestinians to flee to. there aren't services available for people. water,
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sanitation, hygiene services, housing and shelters to accommodate an influx of people. the situation remains dire and people are searching for, for everything from shelter to food, to water, in order to keep their family alive. so low that communications advisor for the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. thank you. the new york city police say that it has cleared pro palestinian protest as from a building on the campus of columbia university, bringing a day long stand off to an end. the rain came at the request of the university president of the students defied and ultimatum to back down. it'll be expelled. this is the moment, but as officers and dried go preached columbia university's hamilton holding the call. it says it had no choice but to authorize the read to restore safety and
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order pro palestinian students. i thinking over the building for more than 24 hours. good bye to get it themselves inside and hung the banner renaming the building, heads holding up for a 6 year old by letting them go. gillian, gaza. dozens of those board as does i'd be interested yet they remain defiant. all the quoted amount of these do the groups this from columbia to withdraw investment funds from companies supporting israel as government and i'm this people, students and faculty disciplined over the protest the same as your students. so i feel like it's especially important for me to express my concern about palestinian lives and suffering because i kind of critically stand against the idea
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that jewish people can not be pro palestine. i. i think that design isn't like insights on anti zionism and anti semitism are not the same thing. and human life deserves to be protected. the burden says old will be expiring, well vandalism, and blocking access to the building. these pictures are used by the universities, both boston to damage to the occupied building. the police action of columbia comes exactly 56 years after officers slept into the hamilton hollow to arrest board, just as occupying the building and 1968 back then they had taken over the whole and
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other campus buildings to protest racism and the vietnam or columbia university has requested police presence under may 17 that's duties of the university's graduation ceremony. the student groups vowed to continue the process despite the track down our portable in blue cross has been following these protests. and you told us more about that for testers. demands or garrett, we're seeing protest all across the country. so demands are different and the, the messages from the various protest groups differed slightly. but generally, of course, we're looking at solidarity with palestinians and with palestine. calling out the graves consequences to the palestinian people in gaza. the more than 34000 people, according to numbers, from the most run health ministry, who have been killed by israel compartment and siege of gaza. since the mazda is
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october, 7th, attacked thousands of whom have been children. but there's also a political in us in an economic level here we see in columbia, for example, as well as some other campuses talking about the investment. remember, these universities are huge institutions. they have, in some cases, endowments in the billions of dollars. this money is invested in all kinds of stocks and assets and other funds, including the weapons industry, including connections to israel. not only of course, but that's the target of, of these purchases. they're calling other universities to divest a, to cut their ties, their, their financial ties to, to, to is rarely companies the things that support the, the, is rarely military. and of course, american weapons manufacturers that go to them, supply the israel with military. and now critics of the protesters have set the students are supporting home, also at least playing a mazda of game. so that a valid concern as well. this is, of course, that dicey question. there of course,
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have been instances sporadically, as they're always on are these kinds of intends protest movements of violence, of threats, of a verbal abuse of instances of anti semitism. but i think reading the media, it behooves us, as well as campus officials, we're making these decisions about going after their own students. right there, tuition, paying students, the executive framing of this so as not to play into the hands of other agendas, right? those that might want to frame all of this as somehow from us, or all of this is somehow, you know, the anti semitic when, when there's obviously nuances here. and there's great zones here. and there's a risk of, of a slippery slope into islamic phobia. which of course is something that many sides want to avoid. there's in point there's, there's been pointed out that as there's been a rise in anti semitic incidents there's, there's also been arise and anti muslim islamic phobic incidences. and there's
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enough to kind of go around. so i think there needs to be a lot of care when we're, when we're listening to what these protestors are saying, the language they're using. otherwise we risk being a weaponized in all sorts of political directions. and that was the w report of william little craft to george, and i'm the weather. interior ministry says 63 people were detained, and 6 police officers injured. and the latest night off protests against a controversial draft load. the bill would require media objects and various civil groups to register as being under for an influence. if they receive more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad. critics say the law is similar to the one use in russia to silence. critics protested, scrambled to safety, as george's police began cracking down the deploying volta cannon's firing to dest and rubber bullets to dispute
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thousands of people rallying outside parliament. save when people were injured, including opposition. more make is the reason we really, really and people will the we just bought purchased his head, trying to block george's parliament. and then the 2nd reading of the so called russian law standing here to defend the decision the board you go to or 0. which is the why the parliamentarians
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were voting with the 2nd hearing for this legislation, which will prevent george's during separation. earlier in the day, people in peace were expelled from parliament. they say they've been unable to us critical questions of the bill. the ruling georgian dream pounds, he sees the law will ensure greater transparency on monday, it brought thousands of support, which is to, to please see in a show of support opposition paths. he's accused the government of forcing civil servants to attain to the rally. the highly contagious bill is backed the full power midnight on wednesday. and a reminder of our top story, this is really military is confirmed to dw news that the arrest border crossing to gauze will be reopened. today that says you have secretary of state, lincoln pushes for cease fire and hostage. that's it for me and,
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and his team for now to go away coming up, adult film looks at x of states working in christian communities in europe. don't miss that kind of it's invalid. thanks for watching the do you big ultima video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest? the letter for luxury cost often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the view industry. the illegal of the stats may said on d w. good news to them.