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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the the business dw news line from bell in hopes arising for the reopening of the major land crossing into garza, us secretary of state. and the blinking who was in israel says she went to terry and the aide will soon be flowing through the arrows crossing. israel's military confirms to dw board a check point will reopen today. also coming up, new york city police clear student protest as from columbia university offices and a through the windows of a barricaded building to arrest pro palestinian demonstrates and says tensions around high on campuses across the us
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the i'm good. how those as well come to the program as well as military has told the w it is opening the is border crossing to a lot more humanitarian aid, to enter through knows and gauze on the 1st shipment of a to, to use the rest across. seeing as expected to arrive directly from joan, is well open to the roof off the border crossing with egypt in november and the correctional. i'm crossing on the southern border with the israel in december, the us and other countries. i've also been add dropping aid, and the u. s. is in the process of building a floating, a pip off guns as mediterranean coast, as dw is atanya, same as near the res crossing in gauze as knowles and descent. does this update to
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the idea ending here? not far away from the arrows crossing. that's uh, one of the crossing said, have been closed since uh, october 7th, since the attacks um, this crossing goes into north and garza mainly, it's not very far away from garza city. no, many countries have been pressuring as well to allow in more age, especially into north and garza and the united nations have set the situation. there is a man made crisis. now. the opening of this crossing would allow trucks for age and full commercial goods. a shortage or a new through dangerous territory, while the war of course app on bachman is ongoing. that could come directly from the port of a start or also from jordan through the lens crossings here. but it remains to be seen how much age will come through this crossing, how much age will be allowed in time reporting these early minutes early is
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confirmation comes during us. secretary of state antony blankets visit. he is a meeting with israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was, continues on a seas fun in gauze as well as a deal to release the hostage. and so that's still being held by how mos on the flow of a into the water on region. it is blinking 7th diplomatic visit to the middle east since, as well as military response to the hamas, tara attacks in october last year. from all its uh, bringing the w correspondence rebecca ridge as of joins us from jerusalem. rebecca, what can you tell us about this uh, meeting between blinking then it's in the out well these meetings tend to be close door. there was no press conference following the meeting, but stuff that we are starting to. he had come out of it get hot. is that netanyahu told lincoln that he wouldn't accept any of the cx 5 deal with a mosque maintained the demand for permanency. saw,
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he said that that is something that he wouldn't agree to. and if they stuck by that demand, then the deal would be off and the is there any military would not turn into rough or that southern city? not blinking reiterate to the us position. he said that the us do not think that that is the best way forward, but they do not agree that a ground offensive in russia is necessary and that it would be better handled by more targeted attacks blinking certainly hits and push for as a side deal that's certainly one of the things that has really topping his agend are in this whole middle east to of that he's making, as you mentioned the 7th since october 7. so, you know, you know, that the sci fi was the predominant thing that we're hearing coming out of the meeting, that the 2 men discussed blinking, also praised israel for allowing more humanitarian aid to come through. but he said more still needs to be done. i mean, there's probably no coincidence that there's arrows crossing is due to open today on the day that blizzard blinking visits, given the pressure that us has put on for gaza, of for, sorry,
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for israel to get more into gaza now blinking, it's also met with the families of the hostages, what do they have to say to them? well, there's also another really standard thing, as i said, 7th visit in each time, but lincoln has come. he's met with families on the hostages, and you can imagine the kinds of things that he's telling them, offering them any kind of hope of wisdom that he can saying that the us is fully supporting and behind and putting pressure on for safe side deal that he he hopes that every single one of their loved ones will return home. he in fact said that they us weren't rest until every man, woman, soldier, a civilian young or old is returned and back with their families. but one man who, who does have family in a, in gaza said that lincoln was very honest when he spoke to them. he spoke to media afterwards and said that, uh, the bring him said he was very honest,
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saying that they have little power to put pressure on the safe side deal. so you know, very limited with what he can tell the families, but certainly trying to offer them some hope. the w correspondent, rebecca, which is the reporting from jerusalem. thank you. as in new york city, police say they have clear pro palestinian protest as from the building on the campus of columbia university bringing a a day long stand off to an end. the rates came at the request of the university president of the students defied and ultimatum to back down or be expelled. this is the moment police officers and dried go reached the columbia university's hamilton hold. because it says it had no choice but to authorize the read to restore safety and order
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pro palestinian students had taken over the building for more than 24 hours. kept body getting themselves inside and hung by the renaming the building hills, holding up for 6 years old by letting them go. gillian, gaza, dozens of those board as those i'd be interested yet they remain defiant. all the quoted amount of these 2 groups. this will columbia to withdraw investment funds from companies supporting israel is government. and i'm this the for students and faculty disciplined over the broad test the i'm adjacent to this. so i feel like it's especially important for me to express my concern about palestinian lives and suffering. because i kind of critically stand against the ideas that jewish people can not be pro palestine. i.
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i think that design isn't like insights on anti zionism and anti semitism are not the same thing. and human life deserves to be protected. the board is old, obese expansion for vandalism, and broken access to the building. these pictures are used by the universities, both boston to damage to the occupied building. the tense, bullets, action of columbia comes exactly 56 years of our officers stepped into the hamilton hollow to our export as occupying the building in 1968 back then they had taken over the whole and other campus buildings to protest racism and the vietnam or
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columbia university has requested police presence under may 17th that's duties of the university's graduation ceremony. the student groups vowed to continue the process despite the crack down. meanwhile, violence has also broken also on campus at the university of california los angeles . when counts of protesters have attacked, demonstrate a supporting palestinians. there have been confrontations at the pro palestinian camp and police have responded to the usa. you see a le shotzel us coal for support. the university has also increased security in the area colleges around the us have been struggling to contain similar protests on thousands of campuses. that's have a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines. at least 24 people have been killed off the palm of a highway collapsed in china. is one don't province. i for the 30 people were taken to the hospital before it suggests some 500 members of the emergency services were
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dispatched to the scene. the cause of the accident is unknown. bangladesh has seen the hottest april and reco of of the temperatures between $2.00 and $8.00 degrees higher than average for this time of the year. the weather forced the government to shut down schools, which kept some $32000000.00 students at home to it because the storage is detained around. so the may day protest has demonstrated to get this done. vote. they tried to reach the cities, talk some square. the plaza is off limits to protest is also an incident in 1977, which so government opened fire that, that caused us to m p. that killed at least searching for people the celebrated you as well as upholstered as dice the also of the claim to new york trilogy, which for the philosophical twist on the detective, genre was $77.00 along with food and full books. also also wrote this week in
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europe know 20 years ago today, 10 countries joining the european union by moving customs checks and allowing freedom of movement for the people you buildings in brussels, of mark the occasion illuminated with the blogs flag and those of the 10 most of the eastern european nations that joined back in 2004. and it's been an economics of success story, be on the national board, us to w. business reports are called having pockets looking at one companies, the company that's made a success of expansion. so we're heading to an e, your family, get together about the you wrote the express number for the train, the parts of the germantown of to tell, passing through poland to the check with public at the so called try board a point where the 3 countries meet 20 years ago,
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10 eastern european countries joined the you. of course today there's cake and it's going to exist 3 items. i'm glad that you exist and then we can cross the border without problems. i worked in germany, our family lives and to check with populate them. so child goes to school in germany here to triple us, but it could be better for me to tell me the u. s. and really experience our daughters learning check gets to know another culture and we are discovering what's together with her, which i find very exciting. spun business also receive the boost from the use eastern expansion. companies like glued us in northern germany. the family business produces metal parts for the aircraft in the car industry company both. yeah. the who does work with a check for them to create a joint venture. the more than 20 years ago, a less less d, everything d e u has brought is an advantage. many borders that have disappeared. all the
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customs regulations that have disappeared. people can travel. our apprentices often do internships abroad in the you team research every way we benefit from each other without the you from my point of view, nothing would work anymore. the german company prides itself on custom manufacturing, marketing, and research here, for example, and a i software is being developed in collaboration with the university which would be put to work at the company's check factory. there's constant exchange of technical know how and employees between the sites engineer allows choice, has already worked at the check site himself. these are to the box and just the default. they were already very up to speed. you can communicate with them directly on a technical level that fits very well. the factor in the czech republic, south east of proc here, large quantities, the manufacturer for the automotive industry throughout the u. the advantage low
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energy costs and still lower wages than in germany. the division of labor between the sides makes the operation internationally competitive. the plant manager has been here from the start. business has always been good economically. thanks to the you know, for him, the crowning achievement would be to replace the tech trial of the euro. i suppose the government are those and i would personally like to see the euro, it would be a big advantage for the company because then we wouldn't have to always convert currencies, exchange rates or big risk. so many other for nurse hope for better market access with the euro. while the population is skeptical and equalization, of living conditions between east and west has not happened. but the once poor neighbors from the east, a quickly catching up. and that's it from me and the new scene for now i have a world news update for you at the top of the uh,
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in the meantime. uh why don't check out our website dw dot com. that's local news and background on that got offers in berlin. for me and the whole team the deal. we didn't force it on anyone, but we did sell them such products. driven by agreed in the 2000 star, 2 bank engaged in various high risk business practice. the sides, the bank was basically involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector. well twice a res.