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tv   The Far Right and Neo- Nazis  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 5:15pm-6:00pm CEST

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he's also remaining, austin said from me and the news team say to him for documentary now on the french post by far right groups across gab offers in berlin . the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains don't matter to the deal industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw good 10 in the fish mountains, bavaria b, e for folks tell a tag 2021 and is commemoration day. so the victims of armed conflict,
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right wing extremists from across the country, marching in memory of nazi wal criminal, rudolph hands who was buried here. a parade is organized by default, right? body death was a to thank you think it was russians, lunatics. people tend to do this sort of thing. it's the same. every yeah. unbelievable to never forget today and tomorrow. the site for a better germany for the fatherland, for the people, for the homeland uninsured, the margins with folk songs tonight, the party behaves itself. there are no riots,
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but according to domestic intelligence dedicated to a vague, the 3rd way is dangerous. it's one of many neo nazi groups on the wrong. so across europe, the anti democratic and open the racist that go is the ethnic cleansing of europe. these a violent extremist, remember that if you're in this meal you, you'll end up in prison sooner or later. i guess people see they film the acts of violence and show off the weapons the fun french, arians come right? so it's time to take stock. how many white people are there in your neighborhood to?
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they are also capable of mazda in 2019 to 27 year old, neo nazi shop, 2 people in jaila, germany, outside of synagogue. they connect via social media, even on dating sites. for white people only the the old far it is our alarm and we didn't meet to play cards. we were out to kill in france, germany and eastern europe. the fall right poses a growing threat to freedom and democracy. the me september. the 21st 2021 outside of paris courthouse journalists have gathered for the stats of the trial of
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6 full members of the entre right group. oh i asked. the young man are accused of planning attacks on mosques and politicians. one of the targets was drawn, luke metal shown, then the leader of the leftist le phones also meas, potty, even from essex. i have to understand these young people of losing their lives. so talking about sending people, i'm fine. conflicting the product of interior administer kristof customer has it's a full length. it doesn't have the quote sentence, the group leader to 9 years in prison. so going to z, confessed, and now expresses ramos, according to his lawyer today he distances himself
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from xenophobia homophobia and racism. these notes are left us now, but nor a mind that's just politics. logo on those in agree to give us an interview, but only on his terms, which he put in writing. there's in the mountains of 50000, you wrote contractual penalty. we reject as times low going. those in grew up in a middle class family. now, my se, se a friends his mother is willing to talk to us, but doesn't want to be recognized. very soon. we lived here until 2017, until the de la gong was arrested. we're going to to feed into food. a logo on the
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scene was just a teenager when he began embracing nationalist ideology is what we might be g. my was one day. he asked if he could go to camp with some friends on weekends . i thought if an keys finally found some friends, he should go and he was young, but the camp counsellor street for met at the time and told me there was nothing to worry about. drums turned out to be from the revolutionary nationalist use in the 6th position. this semester and i just brought it to the renewable, but little gone was patriotic in a positive sense, you know, full of ideas, that violence didn't play a role at that point. and it was more about political ideas. when i was young, i was more of a hippy, but she wanted to reinvent friends. a new nationalistic friends. but this reinvention wasn't going to be peaceful. busy trying to buy a gun on a neo nazi website, which had a swastika logo, is user name was french soldier,
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communicated with a use a moon load. the if i can have such material, the future of friends will be changed. the distance and money is not a problem. the negotiations went on for weeks. for an a k 471000 euros is too high. i take them up to 600 to 700. understand the iris being called at the border and taking 5 years in jail. on june the 20 falls 2017. he wrote for the moment we stay on this. but for the next time your contact in croatia should lower the price. how is late to the special unit of the french police? stormed a apartment room for you. it was brutal. like in a movie, a nightmare. 15 people with helmets and machine guns are my daughter was telling me
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we had to unpack everything we, they trans, the whole house upside down and searching everything. just every single coming to play music industry to show you the scene was sentenced to 9 years in jail. for a membership and a terrorist organization for planning attacks. meanwhile, in the capital, another incident, a kind of blow up of the in the central terrace, the former audience indian rugby play. yes, it is equal. i wonder who were still dead in a box. see that's all on march the 19th 2022 and the who came to the aid of a foreigner who was being harassed by 2 men. after a scuffle and a non comp bouncers separated the men. but they returned and shot about lou louis literally or a well known figure in the ultra right scene was arrested a few days later in hungry. the
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paris december, the 20 to 2020 to 3 kinds were killed and 3 others injured in an attack outside a cottage control center. the community was in shock to 69 year old perpetrator was motivated by his in a phobia. october 12th 2022, a 19 year old shot dead to man outside and l. g p to cuba in process lava and fled to seen his father was a known right wing extremist. shortly afterwards, the young man committed suicide. after posting on twitter, feeling no real grants, isn't that funny? the crime generated a huge response on social media with uses declaring the intention to carry out copycat killings, hate speech. sprint like wild fire across message in apps, a neo nazi forums. including this french language,
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neo nazi website, journalists are explicitly on welcome here. the journalists are the lowest form of life on earth. with a heinous of organized journalism, there is only one solution to consistently refused contact. the site has several 1000 uses and hundreds of thousands of boasts the older users have pseudonyms. the 1st rule is no sharing of personal information. the 2 members have violated the rules and exchange email addresses. they are now banned.
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we discover a website that sells the rice memorabilia, supposedly genuine military metals insignia was awesome. s s membership cons propaganda. post cons the collection is was around $44000.00 euros. the, the scientists, illegal distribution and sale of nazi objects is prohibited in many countries, including france and germany. but if a site is operated from abroad, police are powerless. the legislators basic yeah. one, yeah, of course i'll do here is what the problem is that the search engine operators don't do their job. they don't remove things even though they should. another big problem is the investigative scope. so we have specialized teams in the field of cyber security and they have the means to trace and no risk perpetrators. and on my
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mobile, i found that the law, but there are simply far too few investigators. it's an impossible task anymore. i was born among the items for sale, assigned photos of nazi offices. the we discovered that one of these man is still alive and living in short, god born in 1925. he served as an s. s officer. beautiful pictures of me, edward by signs these photographs. yes, indeed, the thoughtful young get hot sample is widely admired among right wing radicals because of his s as past or people the op. be a big i wanted to send the photo and somebody to saw his windows, i even get. there's only goes to check or something. it's amazing as in
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familiar with the feel and then a hungry holiday has done on gum, that all connected to to higgins will be good for some. and he speaks openly about his time in the assets and keeps these metals in a small box the pieces because he says it's i there, this is the vol from s s batch. the you will on your left up wrong. cuz he, i in the all, in cross country i was awarded for fighting the out that came to ended up in big colon of the symbol joined us as pun, subdivision. that's nice. in 1944, but he says that was off to june 10th the day, the division mass of good an entire village and also to a france killing 643 men, women and children. the
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federal denies. he's units responsibility for the mass again, as opposed proof, he shows us a book by a convicted french calling to cause denial. the young people still then signed photos of him. he says, if it is pushed a defect, i think it's positive that young people want to examine the past. that's my research, historical and diag. it's as fast as the tool and by the time never expected to take off. i guess it was as to the in a region that france and germany photo of a through wild history today, it regularly serves as a meeting place for right wing extremists, some whole pagan ceremonies,
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others commemorate the german armed forces in february 2023, all star to his band, a neo nazi festival in alsace, an inside agrees to talk to us a sub 10 years in prison for races, types of crimes, and austin, a rent called, but least, little doubts about his mindset. the no one died in the arse and attack because someone woke up, an alarm was raised in time. everyone was able to escape. swastikas were left at the scene. now about 40, the man has served his sentence, it is ready to talk. he says he won't give any details about present. it wouldn't be found anywhere other than this meeting place. is receive us tonight or
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the police may get to see this way this. i'm suspicious. you're filming, i'm filming. i don't want my words taken out of context. do you have your version? i have my washer. i grew up in social housing, enjoying the neo nazi movement at a young age. now most of this, when i was young, i was what's called skunk. i felt last until i met people with an ideology. do you want us to move to the more i became part of the so called extremist meal, you excuse me, some more. i felt that is not possible to live along side gardeners who were the best solution to it in the early 2, thousands. it became a skinhead and the fun of neo nazi bands, the openly insight violence. the
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he fell into a spiral of hatred and violence and turned to crime. or some of those, if you're in this meal you, you'll end up in prison sooner or later and see it's tightly organized like the military even in jail. who stock did this ideology? i spread my ideology in prison. i wanted to convert everybody who's more. i think that's the sort of thing you normally hear from jihad is so well, it's the same guess you let them aside, then more people will support those. of course, the look to you today. he and his associates pursuing a long term plan. they want to emphasize right, the whole of society, starting with security services. we don't want to infiltrate the army,
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the police and the penal system, and spread our id always you, there must be one of the one to operate under cover and restore order. last, what sounds like the opponents of a hollywood thriller is already becoming a reality. in 2021 report is uncovered, a scandal in the french army. thousands of soldiers were found to be neo nazi sympathizers. the idea of the far right extremism had also been identified within the police forces of north ryan westphalia. the regional interior minister, habit oil appear before the press. on september, the 16th 2020 thousands of officers had spread nazi propaganda and hate speech and track groups. testing these are pretty savage and smog, this strikes at the heart of the police, and am i not fussing? it's a disgrace. and for the interview, we are talking about the worst,
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most disgusting form of neo nazi, the racist and n t refugee hate is fine to show that's on december the 7th 2022. the german police launched a major raid against the high people. got 3000 offices searched more than 150 houses, and apartments 25 people were arrested, including former officers with a k s k who were among the ring leaders of an attempted to the domestic intelligence officers had been tracking the group for years. the, the police confiscated weapons, i mean nation at extensive propaganda material. the also or it is also targeted, an association called who in the town. the group is made up mainly
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a form of police officers and soldiers. in its promotional videos, the group presents itself as a charitable, professional network, the thought, in fact, it's a power, a military organization with strict rules and bizarre rituals. an investigation by the bone and daily newspaper tots describes one of these rituals. the key is handed esco filled with red wine symbolizing that he has survived death. he drinks that enhance back the scope. the highly respected members are awarded a wolf's ring. the ring belongs to the network in the event of retirement or death, the ring is returned and given to a new candidate. natasha denies any links to neo nonsense.
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the frankfurt november the 25th 2021. a former soldier is on trial for planning, an act of violence against the state. he's believed to have ties to detail on the fly we have from french television, phone and often box the foam, a soldier known as franco. a started at one of the most prestigious military schools and france. he then became an officer in the german army, the 0 to use defining attacks on high profile figures. what do you say to that city phone? believe a lot of it's a load of rubbish. that you will see for yourself wants to try. and as of course, why do you think you'd be an accused?
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subject to another time i have to go february the 3rd 2017 franco a was arrested in the bathroom at vienna airport. he'd been trying to retrieve a concealed weapon, a german police investigation found that franco a had been looking into the anti racist on the day. and tonio foundation the public prosecutor, believes that frank co, a had been planning an attack on its president, annette sec. honda, the nobody can enter officers on this, they have registered in advance or say exactly where they want to go and so on. you can't just bring the due balance. someone will open the door. those days are designed. in april 2017, the police arrested franco a again, among other items they seized 23 swastika badges. police established he was
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carrying these items which could potentially serve as evidence, due to the circumstance and the dangers of flight and suppression of evidence. an arrest for it was issued, a franca was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison for planning a serious violent offense endangering the states. the strict con frank declaration is deputy head of a state office for the protection of the constitution in boston, beth, and back. his job is to assess the fall, right print in germany in. so vitamin this thing that doesn't, augustine does sign up stock ticket for the states that we have to assume. there was an abstract danger that there was still a possibility that in a worst case scenario, these groups could carry out attacks against state institutions, migrant and or political enemies, and then kick and me con. or what i didn't put in addition gauge, not
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a fundraising. and then discounts, that even offerings question to if they're starting point as right wing extremism. it is of course crucial that we work with the police at an early stage to prevent any attacks. and they can be that. but it's, i think, in the, in france to both our twos are concerned about a possible infiltration of the police and ami they've targeted a website few would expect to have ties to the file, right? a dating website. the but it's exclusively so white people it's called white date the, at the time, assuming the site over 6000 users. but they're not just looking
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for love adding personal contact details as against our terms. it would harm our smith and expose your data to infield traders as parallel universe featuring all manner of extremist profiles, blood and soil illusions to the arian race. swastikas. another profile depicts europe under nazi rules. we create a fake account and lose a user to a date in a powers pock hidden camera records the meeting the how's it going? hi, how are you here? so you were in the army. yes. as a color that belongs to the army. the co probably take me on a lead french university. that's also
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a military school. it's motto is full homeland science and glory. let's talk politics, silver, quiet way. the mind clearly wants to avoid crowds through the country calls itself democratic for the fact is that i have very little political influence. that's what i want, which is why it's important to me to meet people who think the same way. the young man assumes that the dating website is being monitored by the police and is afraid of being exposed police services exchange information. if the f b, i find that it's something about a frenchman, it'll pass it on and then suddenly throw on your doorstep. so we get going to the exit. let's go the walk through all
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sort is make it this website met you validate is spokesman for the french police union, s i c p. i would think this we're clearly seeing creeping rather gloves. ational tv. just as increasing identification with bodies that do not correspond to those of from this interviewer or humanity, that's also going to do the arguments they do not. the operator of the dating platform declines an interview request. thank you for your generous offer. however, i prefer to stay anonymous and do not see much benefit in cooperating with mainstream media. i'm also not a nationalist, just pro white the just one latent the interview request is posted in a closed internet form. the logo of the french tv channel m 6 is put in 3 brackets, a well known code in the fall, right, seen the 3 opened and 3 closed
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brackets name, a symbol used in social networks to identify jews. putting m 6 and brackets means it's a jewish television, which is the balance is tell me, was that indeed the channel is seen as an agent of the zionist world conspiracies, jews who control the media, the entire economy. and the politically lead to immuno. somebody property, he gets it. yeah, that's anti semitic. absolutely. in the meantime, we had contacted by the convicted neo nazi from alsace. he'd like to talk to us again on his terms the, i don't know you very well. i saw so blame folding in. then i thought there's no point, i just have to trust you because i insist that you don't film the surroundings,
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not going to a bunker. you can films out here and nothing else. she to me on you and the bunker is hidden in a forest. the man wants to prove that he's no lone wolf, but part of the movement. he tells us about the new generation of neo nonsense motion that a strong one when it comes to mind generation is to go to a bit more line. division of this generation is more low profile the way they look the way the active. but they're growing and number every day. and there's a smart mason presenting. there's also the or a comb right is waiting in the old world war to bunker. he calls himself captain. almost sick often. my name is captain digital, i'm $22.00. i'm from northern. i was actually not so nice. i'm
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a national point of contact. this guy's myself on purpose. the police don't normally walk around like this. it's not the image i want to convey my own safety. i have to remain anonymous for my security and what i mean, even when he attaches the microphone, we noticed he's carrying a gun. probably so far, but my problem to go to the security, you never know what might happen if i prefer to play it safe and you shouldn't have seen that. it's just protection to keep it. i'm a recruiter. i've made lots of young people who think like maybe i may, people have policies. are we talking one thing leads to another. i bring up the topic and start discussing, you know, these on just because my job is to bring like minded people together, the dispute i want to show them of the life goes on. maybe the cute are executive for, for the need. for me, the future is quite small boxes of my country and the whole continent as the races will be moving. i don't want to be
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a minority. i want to be represented by my own kind. i'm a rece by people. both extremists refer to a mental with a lot of influence on social networks. he believes the race wall is coming along with a global domination of white people. just from this man as well known in the movement, i don't know him personally. he shuffles between hungry and romania and his name is daniel. come for sign of. don't you ever heard of him? converse on a in his mid. thirty's is active in various francophone communities and has 10000 followers. photo show him giving the heil hitler salute. this video was made in 2015, one month off to the shelley at the attacks. pricings now it sees the fullest run, it keeps coming soon. months, months, months let's try
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a different thing. delivery time, let's see. would see like this. he films us in a call through the window. the protection will end. you have the power, the military weren't going to seen. it goes forever. maybe $1.00 to $60.00 is that most police commission and my to valet knows the video one cause you know, these are kind of indication typically our protection would be taken by police protection to an additional explicit is right. that easy. i come to prosecute you thief, moving down the road with this. some people put a separate bellow canvas on a reliance on provocation. in 2016, he appeared on web t v, the channel of convicted french comedian and file rights activist. do, don't a next to him? is holocaust denial alone so hot? no.
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it came to blows. compass on those pronouncements proved too radical, even for a holocaust denial and races such as alarm so hot. the tv boy made columbus on a famous in the fall right? seen in 2019, he launched a new movement light of the brave compass on our left front and moved to what he called a white country. the book arrest the remaining capital almost 35 years off to the phone of the dictator. josh high school architecture is all that remains that the communist passed in recent
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decades, the country has seen a steady, exeter set. the younger generation the percentage of foreigners in romania is just 0.3 percent. i need some videos or let me see some of that for delivery. so this is a grades on the people are too lazy to cook all the takeaways delivered by locals, romanian civil so the ordinary workers, the romanians, sometimes molto benzo ukrainian just from neighboring countries. the former that very, really foreign is that's is a lot about the people here. so the population needs how much in is it mainly romanians and i like that. oh, i grew up with so compass on. always willing to be found a father of 2. he wants to make a good impression. here in his adult at home, he produces live shows and youtube videos, right wing monologues on current affairs. that last several hours
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the he tells these, follows the t v. crew is visiting him. and we just shows on the bottom, on being films as i speak to you, one user is asking whether the journalist could jeopardize my project. one of those, i'm not insane. i leave an inconspicuous life in romania and i know how to behave, sale the years for but congress, on a, as in thomas in 2016, he appeared together with a french neo nazi really hail nazi hartline is higher french area fail. some people are seattle online, the mind use is various pseudonyms including local mo, knock and junk fraud, 88 football road. in the video, he runs about the rice and doesn't hold back with anti semitic and races tight
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speech a compass on a 1000 to contradict him. she only want to be so you run $67.00 nationalist or racist website. this is the appointment. that's right. but some of the national i speak to a more of a race has to exactly or even a white supremacist long. maybe even the supremacist to the compass on a and no call, no knock belong to a movement called swab a loss, a dangerous group. 12 a loss promotes the dissemination of terrorist writings. 12 a loss claims to be merely a news aggregator. the website clearly aims to spread extremist views. the 2 neo nazis of sense parted ways going to move, not move to give way. he felt safe from french investigators.
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he had no idea that war was imminent. he proposed a meeting at my don square and gave the that to you is supposedly his real name. he knows the french will socrates. i'm watching him because there's a neat, absolutely, multi kelley. i think the whole subject will be absolutely multiple people. they'll more, i no longer have any ties to from you, but i still have a network of comrades, especially in the police team, and they keep telling me there are lots of people in phones getting wound up about a home and who would like to have me arrested fortunately might be on the outside, the european union will tell them up on this. yeah, i can see that it was more just cl, do all the oil being he continues to inside hatred and violence against minorities
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and to anyone who thinks differently, do you want to stay here longer, or should i still own kind of, i will stay in ukraine as long as i have to see for your thoughts, my life now just send me an appropriate amount of that with a few profit and racial gets i would like from, you know, what i said can make it any way to set up the, the problems that france has myself or we want to have here for another 20 years. i've onto gwinnett club from cisco broken gwinnett to all of assess pool for you a few them. you're going out to dr. luck of the office of the russian invasion of ukraine. he fled and returned to france that he was immediately arrested and charged with racist agitation and incitement to hatred. the in
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a letter he wrote among the traditional supervision. i took what metal i can say from the palms as a tower suspect i have no papers. bank account, phone or computer. i was canceled. all these neo nazis delusional idealogues who belong to isolated extremist circles. all signs of a new wave of terra, you know, going nosy to try to procure weapons online, remains in prison. as it turns out, he too has met columbus on a on the street. the media keeps trying to make a connection between me and logan, just because i met him once. said he was never part of late because i'm not saying these to clean myself. if they were a connection, the police would have the know me by now he's most likely to buy the home. i always had doubts about he's guilty to the device. so to he did was search online for most
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created by that and then 2 weeks later, firearms and the police are the reacted table. ok. so to some things that i didn't call and he said we'd become monsters. you see, uh see if he'd really wants it to go through with it. i can damn the question, but i think he said that in cool to get to launch a sentence, people upon the the conference on i was canceling these wording. he cannot complicate, condone acts of terrorism, such as those committed by no goal. nosy, in prison is seen loans at qantas on a spoken to the reporters about his case. he wants to talk, we speak to him from his mother's house. this call may be monitored or recorded.
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hello. hello. how are you? i'm okay and you, i'm good. cool. i'm here with the journalist waiting. ok. so you can probably guess that we didn't need to play cards. were i to kill, to wanted to blow up most. she wanted to get weapons to kill people, to shoot drug dealers. so we wanted to attack. so last a small dog should eat nazena is something a 9 year sentence, i think is a very long sentence. i think i should have been given 7 or 8 years, but i also think i was judged democratically. so i understand and accept this sentence. molly angle. nadine has expressed remotes. violence is a personal choice, which i did. i did because i wanted to move it to the topic,
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but i see that anyone who wants to become a terrorist don't do it by doing that the your mother visits you in prison and starts crying task. when you regret everything you've ever done to revise laguna, laguna z pains, he is reformed, easy to be believed. but when he still pose a danger off that he's released from prison, how many of it is becoming radicalized in germany alone, domestic intelligence puts the number of violent fall right extremist, at 14000 patriotism, everything foreign of democracy and freedom. those is a major threat to western society, the the
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the business dw news line from ballot. israel reopens, of vital lifeline for the people of gaza that they need it assuming that terry and aid is once again flowing into gaza through the air is crossing which has been closed since the october 7th. so a ton of this comes up to a secretary of state anthony, blinking, oldest prices, thoughts with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. lincoln judges the minutes improved from us to accept the cx 5 proposal in exchange.