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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news my from funding israel reopen is a lifeline for the people of gaza. desperately need humanitarian aid is now slowing instantaneously through the arrows crossing, which has been closed and self service, $710.00 attacks. this comes as the secretary of state holds more tools for these really 5 minutes and benjamin das and yahoo in jerusalem on to me blinking, adjust the medicine group, how much to accept the cx 5 proposal and exchange for the release of hospices. georgian lawmakers advanced a controversial part of the influence that no critic save restricts basic freedoms
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and could be val to basis folks of joining the. the i'm feel good. you're welcome to the program is rails. reopen the arrows border, crossing into northern garza, which had been closed since. how must is october 7th tenant attacks. arrows is the only crossing on the territories. no. agencies has been calling for its reopening for months to an out of the supply of desperately needed food and medicine. the hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of family. reopening also follows us demands that as well do more to address causes humanitarian crisis and is ready. the spokesman said it was hope the arrows crossing would remain open. this is the 1st day reopen ever as crossing for a robust and continuous the route. for instance, a few minutes aaron,
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a into gaza, as you can see behind me, those of the curse crux 5th came this day from jo, them fan. we're going to run this crossing hopefully every day. last is shina low from the norwegian refugee council. how much difference reopening this crossing will make to well, that remains to be seen as of now, i believe only 30 trucks have reportedly crossed into northern that is nowhere near enough to meet the basic needs of the population that is on the brink of famine and have been starving for the last several months. on top of that, we're increasingly concerned that well area is, is opening and there discussions of opening this maritime corridor up to 2 crossings in the south. rafa and karen shall loan processing could be closed in the event of. c a. c rough uh, ground offensive, and so were concerned about, well,
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one of pressing may be opening. there's potential that others could be closed in and none the less with the, the amount of a that's been trickling in over the last several months. it's nowhere near enough to address the humanitarian needs of gaza and the n. well, more 8 may be blowing in, we need trucks. we need fuel to be able to distribute that day, and we need access safe access to communities throughout all of garza. in order to deliver the aid, and so those are things that we still need to continue pushing on. of course, we've been demanding for increased crossings to be over winning over the last several months. and we are glad to see that additional one has opened. they're still concerns, but not enough. he will be getting in to, to find off them. and in northern garza, china low from the norwegian refugee cancel the juice, while us secretary of sites on sunday blank. and his have more talks with his right . the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem, and the secretary of state's been urging how modest to accept
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a truce of exchange for the release of hostages. he also pressed mister nath in yahoo to increase a deliverance to gaza and repainted us concerns about israel's proposed ground invasion of the southern city of rough sights of this extra estates towards several sides in southern israel with defense minutes to you of government including the count them shall on board the crossing to see what a trucks bound for guns are inspected and was basing it is miles uh, stalled pulse anthony blinking uh how much do agree the ceasefire quickly. israel is made very important. the compromises and the proposal that says it's on the table demonstrating its desire and willingness to get disagreement and get it done . now this we've been saying it's on us. how much has to decide whether it will take this deal and actually advance the situation to the people that it purports to care about in gaza?
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there is no time for delay. there's no time for further haggling of the deal is there. they should take it a lot towards building tanya treatment and jerusalem explained how things stand in those seats. find me go stations as well. that's also being discussed here. actually it's a, it's a way of waiting periods right now was this really guffman, but also of course, the relatives and families of those hostages in gaza. but also people in goals are waiting. now, what it will, i must say, they're still waiting here for an official response, but i am asked to this a proposal that was submitted submitted to them by the egyptian and country, a many a test. and you know, this is also of course what you heard from the secretary of state antony blink. and he was also, you know, just to push for more humanitarian aid, outgoing,
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and took also, but also for a immediate cease tire. that includes the release of hostages, and what do you understand from egyptian sources? is that how must have asked for multiple reputations also for guarantees, as it's reported as a concerning the return, many of people that were displaced the beginning of the war now, 7 months ago to the sol, so they can return to their homes in the north of what's left of the homes, and also when it comes to the withdrawal of, is there any forces from gaza that has been one of the major sticking points and these and negotiation and of course also talks about a permanent a sci fi. so there's a lot of speculation on how such a deal would look like, but they're also not the encouraging signals coming from israel from a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is cabinet that is some
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a position among his far right. members to deal, they want to see the war continue and also from a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself, who had said that no matter what, there will be a military ground invasion, rough weather, that is a deal, or whether there is no deals that have been a really criticized a by some hint, as well as saying just doesn't really help to come to do so this is a very core so times and in recent days it was some courses optimism, but the longer this goes now this of course concerned that it might not work out, but especially for the families and relatives of the hostages, but also for people in gaza. were waiting for a ceasefire. okay, thanks tonya tonya kramer in jerusalem. well, take a look now. uh so most doors making headlines around the well well stop in the united states when police in new york city has cleared a building at columbia university that has been taken over by pro palestine
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demonstrations. offices detained around $300.00 people, the right time at the request of the university president of to protest as defined, an ultimatum to back down will be expound. least 24 people have been killed as part of a highway collapsed in china is gone. don't provence. so the 1st seat we're taking, the hospital report suggests around 500 members of the emergency services were dispatched to the scene. the cause of the incidents being investigated. british government says it has rounded up the 1st group of migrants for the protection under the so called rwanda. at the home office. i posted a video of, of right as an undisclosed location. human rights groups of printers lives, the new law which allows the people taishan off on the authorized microns. tens of thousands of people have routed across fronts as part of the global protest. a mock made a police use t, a guest to disperse processes in paris. the routers were organized by labor unions
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with demands including a higher wages and peace in the middle east. it's as a georgia and the lawmakers of approved a 2nd reading with controversial foreign agents law is requires immediate and civil groups that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as being on the foreign influence. protest is confronted police outside parliament in the capital to policing. they say the bill would restrict the basic freedoms under similar to low being used. the silence government critics in russia lodge protests against the legislation and become a regular occurrence in the country. it was on the account to match the joins us from to police, say, a welcome maria. what's happening that now the assessors are still coming to the parliament square. we can see finally the people
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with loved ones coming here and waving european and georgians like they feel very disappointed by the boarding process. but the time of the decision to adopt the law . are they the bill in the 2nd hearing. but people say that they cannot protest further. at this point, the right police left left to the, the area after the casing. and the, from the problem in the building, before the building was inside code defense, the they were demanding a voltage in favor of the bill. lots of disappointment, lots of anger and uncertainty about the future. they say that they're very worried how the future you are, is going to look like some say that these for an agent fail is going to make them no friends with russia. that's what we heard from some of the process.
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and uh, yes, at this point it's still a developing picture here in georgia because the bill in order to become a lo, it has to be a go through that final hearing. okay, so now that is, it has been approved twice of those 3 times. uh, is there any way that protesters tons still staffing the well as we have seen, the last call says it is spelt the government from adopting the bill in the for us to hearing. so it's quite unlikely the must protest. all these unnatural preference the governor a to drop the bill as they did last year. for instance, newton see that the revising anti watson groceries. the process of george and government, the big 10 asked independently without looking at what size was the
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that it was essential for georgia to have funding for me to receive the cryptic, say the would be used to track down understand the limits of position paper. the silence the of additional media as well just right before the elections in october 2024 and that the election actually can make a difference when you for when we discuss about the position so that if it comes to the power, they will respond to certain people to print to select the right where we're having the technical different. we'll try another question and see if we can get past this. it'd be technical difficulties. it could you please explain to us why this legislation is so consigning to people that
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it's important to the, to actually look at this. the contents of the relationship between russia and georgia are the 4th a war in 2008. and the rest of the troops are still in georgia, so break away reach us the everything that is is very, very closely and very sensitively here by the georgia. more than 80 percent of to just want to be part of europe. and they think and know that to be a country in the u. m. plus various countries, they need to do that way as much as possible from russia. that's what they testers telling me here at the square. thank you for that, maria and maria has a mazda into the leasing of you are paying union is celebrating 20 years since its biggest of a round of, and lodgement on may. the 1st 2000 and full 10 countries joined the block,
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moving customs checks and the line and freedom of movement. the best success, the buildings in brussels, illuminated with the flags of the block, and those of the 10. most of the east european states who joined new member states increase the new size and population by nearly 20 percent is reminded about top stories at this. israel has reopened the error as border crossing into northern garza and it had been closed since of the october. the 7th, how much tire attacks agencies have been calling for? the reopening for months to supply badly needed food and medicine, the hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of funding in casa us secretary of state. and to me, blanket has met with his right, the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem, impressed that mister netanyahu to boost the flow right into gaza and thomas, to accept a seems flat proposal and exchange for the release. the remaining hostages. that
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