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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the news my from that israel reopen is a live lines of the people of gaza, desperately needed humanitarian aid is now being allowed into the tattered, straight through the air as crossing which had been close and self service 7 tara attacks. now this comes as the us secretary of state holds more towards where these ray, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem on to me playing can adjust the militant group, hama to accept us between spot proposal and exchange for the release of hostages. also on the program police in new york city to be clear, student protest us from columbia university offices and to through the windows of a fabricated building to arrest pro palestinian demonstrations. george's capital
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saves another nights of violent protest, demonstrates as in tbilisi clash with police after lawmakers advance a bill, the critics i could to the royal george's hopes of joining the in here. the 5 ok welcome to the program. israel has reopened the arrows border crossing into northern gaza, which had been closed since how masters, october 7, tara attacks, arrows as the only crossing in the territories north agencies. so if in calling for it to be open for months to allow the supply of desperately needed food and medicine to hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of funding. so i delivers of only arrive by crossing rafa. and ken, i'm show on the u. s. has repeatedly demands of israel do more to address costs as
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humanitarian crisis is right. the spokesman said it was hope that arrows would remain open. this is the 1st day reopened as crossing for a robust and continuous route, for instance of humanitarian aid into gaza. as you can see behind me, those of the cursed trucks, 5th game this day, from jo with them. and we're gonna run this crossing hopefully every day as china low from the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem. how much difference reopening this crossing will make? well, that's a means to be seen as of now, i believe only 30 trucks have reportedly crossed into northern that is nowhere near enough to meet the basic needs of the population that is on the brink of famine and
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has been starving for the last several months. on top of that, we're increasingly concerned that well, an error is, is opening and their discussions of opening this maritime corridor up to 2 crossings in the south. rafa and karen shall loan crossing could be closed in the event of a. c rock the ground offensive, and so we're concerned that, well, one of pressing may be opening, there's potential that others could be closed in and none the less with the amount of a that's been trickling in over the last several months. it's nowhere near enough to address the humanitarian needs of gaza and the n. well, more 8 may be blowing in, we need trucks. we need fuel to be able to distribute that a if we need access safe access to communities throughout all of garza in order to deliver the aid. and so those are things that we still need to continue pushing on . of course, we've been demanding for increased crossings to be over winning over the last several months, and we are glad to see that additional one has opened. they're still concerns,
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but not enough able be getting in to, to fight off them. and in northern garza, its shiny logo from the norwegian refugee council, will us secretary sites on to be blank and his have more talks with his right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. secretary blinking has been urging him off to accept the truth and in exchange for the release of hostages. he also impressed mister netanyahu to increase i deliveries to god. i repeated us concerns about israel's proposed ground. invasion of the southern city of rafa. lights of the secretary of state towards several sites in southern israel with defense minister, you of government, including the count them shall on board of crossing to see what a trucks bound for gauze are inspected. was speaking of israel's portion of ash dog and to be blinking time asked to agree the cx 5 deal quickly. israel is made very important. the compromises in the proposal that says it's on the table
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demonstrating its desire and willingness to get disagreement and get it done. now this we've been saying it's on us. how much has to decide whether it will take this deal and actually advance the situation to the people that it purports to care about in gaza? there is no time for delay. there's no time for a further haggling of the deal is there, they should take it by correspondent, tiny kramer in jerusalem. explain how things stand in their seats. finally, go stations a while. that's also being discussed here. actually it's a, it's a re of waiting periods, right? now was this really guffman, but also of course the relatives and families of those hostages in gaza. but also people in goals are waiting. now, what will, how most a say this still waiting here for an official response. but i am asked to this
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a proposal that was submitted submitted to them by the egyptian and country a many a test. and you know, this is also of course what you heard from the secretary of state and tony blink. and he was also, you know, just to push for more humanitarian aid, a going into it also, but also for a immediate cease tire. that includes the release of hostages. and what do you understand from egyptian sources is that i must have asked for a move. however, if occasions also for guarantees as it's reported in the concerning the return, many of the people that were displaced the beginning of the war now 7 months ago to the solves that they can return to their homes in the north of what's left of the homes and also when it comes to the withdrawal of, is there any forces from gaza that has to be one of the major sticking points and
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these and negotiation and of course also talks about a permanent a sci fi. so there's a lot of speculation on how such a deal would look like, but they're also not encouraging signals coming from israel, from a prime minister benyamin that's in y'all's cabinet. a. there is some a position among his far right members to deal they want to see the war continue and also from a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself, who had said that no matter what, there will be a military ground invasion rough of whether that is a deal or whether there is no deals that have been a really criticized a by some hint, as well as saying just doesn't really help to come to do so this is a very course of times and in recent days there were some courses often isn't, but the longer this goes now this of course concerned that it might not work out, but especially for the families and relatives of the hostages,
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but also for people in gaza, we're waiting for a ceasefire. ok, thanks tonya tonya kramer, interiors and my mom in the united states. the matter of new york city has defended a police crime down on pro palestine demonstrates as a columbia university. i got them set the campus protest had been co opted by what he described just outside agitators and the police had to intervene overnight, officers rather than occupied building on campus. interesting. nearly 300 people. the action came at the request of the university president of to students defiance ultimatum to back down all be expelled. this is the moment bullets officers inside go preached columbia university's hamilton hold. because it says it had no choice but to authorize the read to restore safety and order pro palestinian students
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and thinking over the building, but was good bye to get admin serves inside and hung the banner renaming the building. hands on a for a 6 year old by letting them go. gillian, gaza, dozens of these board as does i'd be interested yet they remain defined on the quoted amount of these do, do groups the columbia would draw investment funds from companies supporting as government? and i'm this the for students and faculty disciplined over the broad test time address students. so i feel like it's especially important for me to express my concern about palestinian lives and suffering because i kind of critically
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stand against the idea that to interest people can not be pro palestine. i. i think the design isn't like insights on anti zionism and insights them into them are not the same thing. and human lights deserves to be protected. the board is old. will be expiring, well vandalism, and broken access to the building. these big just released by the universities, both person to damage to the occupied building. the tense columbia university has requested a police presence under may 17th. that's 2 days after the university's graduation sermon to do with the student groups vowed to continue the process despite the
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track down a lot, not responding to benjamin alvaros group as folks and me from the columbia university and tell me what was happening following a turbulent night indeed, the students purchasing outside of university valid to continue there is a group, a chancing, also same columbia university. also, those who took this decision saying hands of our students criticizing, it seems it unfolded to your yesterday evening when and why p d entity is occupied, whole molding 280, a risk not only here in columbia university ready for combine. it's to the rest of the world, so made it a city college. and now the big question of course, will be what will happen with those students? will they be suspended in house if this will unfold? but for now, the approach is outside to that. we've spoken to said they will continue it, protesting it. what they called was an over reaction by a police and also by the president of columbia university of is sending in n y b twice, only a few days. and a couple of weeks ago who was new york man,
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eric adams talking about when he blamed external actors and professionals for the escalation on the columbia, kansas that's a very good question. unfortunately, it's difficult to answer that on one side because media access has been severely restricted, we could not end to to see one does arrests were made. and also because we don't have a breakdown from n y p d from your police department telling us of the service so many were affiliated with the university. how many were not affiliated with the university. even a student, a journalist who has been covering this and who have that access it, that many of us don't have it. that's remember that to say that campus was a basically on locked in, allowing only those who are living inside in essential stuff to actually enter a campus grounds. but there was something else that was quite remarkable in the press conference that they gave to day. one of the offices of the police departments showed a lock saying this is what professional spring 2 campuses. but after
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a quick research, it was shown that it was actually a by clause. there was an advertise also a by a columbia as public safety department. so we're still waiting on the details there to give is exactly a the information of what the out centers want a where there were allegedly also inside of the whole. but of course, we need to make the difference between those purchasing instead in protesting outside. and that's something we also seen over the past couple of days that we've been covering the situation here at columbia university. the columbia, of course, not the only us compost facing the saw itself, student protests. so we likely to say a more rates on campuses across the country. definitely, and also you're in new york, the other universities will see the buses of n y, p d also being being taken there. we can expect that more of this process will happen . we also those seeds also unfolding on u. c. l, a in los angeles where you saw a these group attacking those where they are indian camp. and so we can be sure
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that not only here in new york, but also in many of the cities, the discussions are ongoing and how it, pres, all offers of the president of the university of those administration of the university will react to this quote as well. we can expect, at least here a while we're seeing that columbia university, the students that are purchasing outside will continue to vote and press a university telling them to the best from companies that they say, profit from israel, osborne gauze. okay, thank you. have a ben, benjamin, a veterans group in new york? 66. great look. no. it's a more stories making headlines around the world. the manhattan district attorney's office. that's full of hollywood, producer harvey weinstein, will be retried in new york. actually, he said 2020 right conviction. was over to him. last week he appeared before a judge in new york city and after he'd been subbing a 23 year sentence on aging, women have accused him of sexual misconduct. to the british government says it's collected the 1st group of asylum seekers with the port tyson under the so called
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rwanda. at the home office, posted a video of a right as an undisclosed location. human rights groups have criticized the new law, which allows the deportation of unauthorized migrants. tens of thousands of people have brought me that trust from, says father global protests to mon main de. please your gas to disperse demonstrations in paris. the routers were organized by labor unions with demands including high wages and peace in the middle east of georgia, we had lawmakers of approve the 2nd reading of a controversial farm agent's law. it requires media and civil groups who receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as being under our influence. processed as a courtesy facing off against police outside parliament in the capital to bring say, they say the bill would restrict basic freedoms, obvious, similar to no being used assignments. government critics, in russia lodge protests against the demonstration have become
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a regular occurrence in georgia. correspondents, various kinds of maps that joins us from the georgia capital tbilisi a welcome, maria. what's going on? all right, looks all right. looks like where i got a couple of technical problems that we'll see if we can come back to that story at a later. now that will go to, can you read all thoughts? is that say at least a 169 people have been killed more than 190000, displaced by catastrophic flooding. its original rains that hit the country this year have been called the most intense, in which recent memory the w screenings were ring. i spoke to some people who been forced to leave their homes and money. don't know what's happened to their loved ones. shots had was what as raging
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efforts to find the remaining forty's as the loan going of the shelter load of sides listened. the victims faces many. i trying to come to terms with that tragedy that has heat samples. julie's family, easy morning, date was the 4th for their lives and 6 of i. but they had 3 year old taught class, was credited over here by the floods to what i searched for him every week, but couldn't find him. if i don't find my baby while he's still alive, i don't know without ever forgive myself. i'm just praying that god drives me more days to stay with my baby. because when i remember the struggles we've had and the damage that has taken place in the floods for you, i'm wondering where the god saved his life, or what happened to him like julie is doubtful of that. i finally found shelter to stay in for the night. away from the place we have that we should begin. she and her husband, how fond memories of that 3 year old son isaac commodities bought the day on the
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evening before he was credited every by the flats, unequal on the she was celebrating his food this day on sunday evening at 10 o'clock and he ate the whole dis, they shake alone and he was going to sleep, but i'll take you to check. i asked him whether he wanted some tea and he said he just wanted to sleep. so i told him, happy birthday. so i hugged and kissed him and he went to bed. i didn't know that anything was happening, was it? the waters were coming towards us. god is cut out on the boat to julie is not alone. kenzie lost his business to the flags, his machinery made useless. his collar should be covered in mud and direct me i didn't. what do you mean? it's on a lot of things have been destroyed in my business. and not that i was storing some items for drivers, it all got carried away. i might be the fletch broken through one side of the building up on the came out the other and then the carried away. everything that i had in there was one of my employees almost got swept away,
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but the security guard was able to save him from being taken by the floods. and therefore, the such and retrieval efforts are still going on. nobody knows how much time it to the safe to clear the debris family members are hoping they can get to locate their loved ones and have a chance to buy them. as president william go to visit to the areas do for stated by the flags. he promised the government would attribute homes, he settled the homeless and get that children back into school. but he came to the wanting to people living in areas by little boy flooding them up being that has been done on, on the front dining areas that are prone to run slides and a and flooding. we are asking every can in such a petty as to leave because the full cost is that really is going to continue and the likelihood of flooding and people losing lights is read and therefore
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we must take pre emptive action. the president also asked about people's remain hopeful, even in the middle of the crisis once that's possible. and it's julie hope things to that thought of finding her missing baby to the safe and go by to uh, correspondence. uh maria kind of mindset in the georgia in the capital to please see which to see more protests, south depaula and passed a 2nd reading of this controversial foreign agents. hello and welcome maria. what's going on then? now? well it's getting crowds times here with every minute that for you here at the parliament square. as you can see my on the background, there are ambulance cars arriving on the, on the sides. they're treating people against the, against these tiers to guys. and the purpose phrase that the rise police has been using against the protest of rights police is currently fabricated inside the you
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know, you out of the parliament and there they are firing that to you guys and the protest . those are just next to them. but uh, they are trying to storm the apartment building without any success, at least point. uh they saw the slow slide just next to the rise, please. so we can see that it's, it's escalating an underground people gets angry. yeah. because the government decided to pass the bill in the 2nd hearing. okay, and what we're looking at. so a lot of pictures as you speak, but now the george's problem into the prove the 2nd reading of this farm agent said, hillary, it's a ton of processes actually stopping well, it's quite unlikely cause the government seems very dense her minds to make it work . this time wrong. last to last year the government has to withdraw the little because of the pastor from the streets on is national press. ok. uh, but uh these here are the uh,
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moving parts and makes it very clear that they don't really care about the opinion of the brussels, for instance, who just size uh the, the, the, the, the bill inside the georgia. you assess, it would be probably my safe suit. they failed the common loss. uh so uh, definitely see receive that something that is coming to force against the professors. and as the, some of the experts are telling me that it is essential for the morning party. it's a to, to make this bill a lot uh cuz it's gonna have them in the next elections in october. the bill will actually silence the opposition and the stigmatize the n g as an election, what's called so it's a more about survival of the current government. us. some experts tell me ok, thank you for the acceptability correspondent, very, i got the mazda into play c,
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that's the warning ukraine, where no one knows exactly how many soldiers have been killed in the chaos of advance and retreat. bodies of soldiers from both sides are off from left behind, a correspondence this being to say how such change locate and identify the dead. what's out explosion, loading me and his team have come here close to the front line to find the bodies of soldiers. their work at a new search site usually begins like this clearing the area of explosives, some of them booby traps. yeah, and those are these, the russians usually leave surprises everywhere. they can even be under the bodies . it's generally accepted that hundreds of thousands of soldiers have died in this war. already. many of their bodies still live here in the rural areas of eastern ukraine. it doesn't take long before i've loaded mirrors,
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team find something. who is most of the young people here had chickens, ducks, cows and pigs on the farms. when they had to free, they couldn't take them with them and the binding the animals. my experience tells me these are not human bones well people scully, a little further south. another team lays out what they brought back from a search operation. they found 10 corpses in a forest, much of it was too disturbing to show here. sometimes the soldiers carried vital clues with them. uh for the moment or 2, if we have a notebook with some phone numbers here. this is probably his daughter's contact to cover with this information, so it should be easy to establish the identity or even the smallest physical remains can be enough to identify ukrainian soldiers. there's an
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extensive dna database local dealer for online because we've found tiny pieces of fingers on teeth and fragments of all kinds of bones and the faces of animals. if there's any chance to identify a person that we don't shy away from anything, what it's important that everyone is brought back to their families. the more alexi says they can tell what side soldiers were on from identifying features like tattoos or boots. these today are probably russians provide which they kill us, but we remain human because every person should be buried with dignity. good. back with a lot of me is team. many hours of searching have paid off. they found the remains of several soldiers based on the location. florida near concludes that these are also russian bodies. he says they might be able to exchange them for the bodies of
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ukrainian soldiers found and occupied territory to the bottom. you can make sure you put them in a bag and store them later, special offices will come and use them in exchange processes. volunteers here know there works gifts, grieving families the chance to bury their dead. it also gives them something for the future. having an official declaration of death makes it easier for relatives to claim financial support. it's your paying union this celebrating 20 years since its biggest of a round of enlargement on may. the 1st 2410 countries joined the block. removing customs checks the long freedom of movement for the citizens. the buildings in brussels have been illuminated with the flags of the block and those of the 10. most of the eastern european states are joined. the new members increasing in use size and population by meaning 20 percent just have to remind you of our top story
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at this hour. israel has reopened. the arrows poured across thing into know who jobs that's been close himself to over 70 talent tax agencies have been calling for development for months to supply food and medicine to hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of stomach in guns. next to hit on d, w at the day today and taking a closer look at those of process on us universe becomes. and so that's the, the
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increasing service strength in europe, a young generation of neo nazis becoming even more radical or that goal is white supremacy. and or even willing to kill for who all the idea not to complete the fall, right? neo nazis in 45 minutes on d. w. the
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comes out to the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now, code name project, cassandra, re determined through our investigations that has below was operating like a global drug car. not somebody normally see a terrace organization. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. suddenly we have in las vegas to attack at a terrace organization. finance. the idea is the fall, the money, the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i was scared, but i mean, as well as not a whole lot. they want to do actually, of money. i wanted to take down their findings. they had from life themselves. we needed to reveal that so world and to their own people invited the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016. so the opportunity was,
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was 1st our 3 pa documentary series on last day has paula starts may 4th on d, w. the . it's like the 6 days a of a, a jen? people have been saying is police breakup, compass protests against israel's war in gaza and pro israel count of private test . back in the sixty's, we were told that the demonstrations against the vietnam war advice and injustice with the work of radical left advertises. so do these comparisons stand up and what is it about this conflict that is let such a fire under these young people. i'm feel gale invalid and this is the day the
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