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tv   HER - Women in Asia  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 8:15am-8:31am CEST

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northern garza, which had been closed since from us as of october 7th, the tax agencies have been calling for the crossings. reopening for months to supply food and medicine to hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk assignments . and gosh, i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the w and news. thanks for watching the 1st into our is whenever they feel like it don't let us know. feeling a fashion and most of the pieces in the sky beds have most of many on, including the us of survival. how do they do it?
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the secret lives of the inside. the us may 22nd on d w. the night with the old surprise of how much life was under water and on. i saw it on me, word dogs and got some but how does, but because you had them think i did it and then then then we got through our own lucky lucky our identity e. it's wrapped in the health of our thieves. it's about keeping why life wide, but i'm also on top of the ad. have been petty, i guess the
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of the i love this the so much and i want other people that love it and they want that joy to be, couldn't be just that the work that we're doing and see if and if i the school with having course of 15 years old and allowing but down that and i was so surprised at how much life was under water and how much color. and i have been with everything since that time and off i sat, i was born in civil or a state of the day and now living in the coffee and i am the executive director. and she's wanting me to stay for the a to a lot of teaching, a lot of meetings, a lot of stakeholder mobilization. so in the under water it's take my quiet
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the, there was a dog who had a disease working 9 distemper. and um, you know, just watching it die without getting any kind of really, you know, dead suffering should not be that this was in the early 2007. my name is i may have been jo, ma'am on the founder and president all for ask your child to be addressed. all i saw it on me were dons and gotten but you know, sort of those are the 1st one uh that i started through that school in 2014 when the uh,
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snow turbine was enforced. nobody part of the, of the month of what's going to happen with that. so suddenly you'll have a whole lot of condos that job binding and eating last year, getting into road accidents. so that's when we started doing more large on the move on the more that between the onset that had the problem, that with them i was just yet one to myself. but these up wiley and a young on temple 90 in any size to for that. oh, set up my see was yet my get my this out the truth. so i am, i'm you would be what again these high c number. good. so a damn. i said, i've got them because don't, don't ones that are by stop while the up do you know, an exact how us up and yeah. and we would have buses to get the water.
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the no messiah mc mc. sorry. you saw it on the hill. one was built was a fussy south while the ad because develop besides, i'm not sure now to keep that he sense. so i think i'm going to be on the when he to been because with them then they will be introduced at the site. but that gives me a focus on to the plus the sub. but i'd be happy that got a non for this i'll tell ya when. when do these let the young sadly have adela good . yeah. good. yeah. and then going to see this happens, hung up, they have been done, the
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i always thought i would work in the earth. and then in college i volunteered for a coastal cleanup. and that was the 1st time i saw how much trash was going in the water the . so that's how safe is it being see, started this and from there i started doing a lot of campaigns education programs. the cfo bmc system mission is to empower citizens more than half of filipino with live near or by the coast lines when we have programs in coastal communities. we take out the community smart gate and we always do
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a survey of who here is going out the circle for the 1st time and 60 to 90 percent of the motor east there. anthony, that this scandalous knowing that we are the 2nd largest archipelago in the world, we should all be finding our way to this you spending time in to see and understanding what the help us to see means to our economy and our ecology the, the sometime i'm pretty quick in the last day, but kind of yeah, the to month or i would put my 99 me my money but saturday and i did. who attends? who might that? yeah, it would be propane, keep them cool. down. put them on. so yeah, i'm going to be then how does because you had them thing go to them,
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put then then then pick up will around like you like yeah. the i like that that down below me. yeah. for them i did the when coming in. so you end up don't want the one, but the one that i'm how manage human because that then because you have to be signed that. yeah, so i've got to be, when you book on what i can tell them because it's debbie debt separate the separate them. yeah. the the in 2007, when i started, it was literally nobody providing emergency services or any kind of on the move. i
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mean, you know, especially domestic animals the, and this is what we do in gender. so rescued are you having to be reading to do and educate or you don't risk doing anonymous on for you or you bringing the animal into the rescue center because it needs additional helps. so it's good for here where it's undergoes, do you have the dish and then is it going to be introduced back to the rise and or the touch situation you kind of respond to is, you know, a contract situation where you're trying to make the good mitigate or conflict that's happening know that for example, could be um, you know, maybe
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a leopard made a live stop kids and people are angry, you know about it and you're trying to mitigate that. the, i hope that the one the we can say we saved the b and fees and, and re re brand ourselves. but my that always says anything worth doing cannot be done in one last time. the so i will do my work and make sure i faxed it on to other people at the younger generations who can continue doing the work that we do and build on the of the
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the one of the visions that i have is to develop a network of remote squads. um and this basically means to provide employment to locate papers who are passionate about friends are going to have a died conserving, why life and skimming them a quick thing. them the, it's about keeping you know why life wide, it's about sending them back to the why we're not as you the and the best part is when you would release them back out. they don't even don and look at the
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but i'm also on top of the adam. i'm going to be a party. i didn't daddy were also my thoughts on best buy for so from here, when the somebody put the gun. when bowman, i need to apply this type of yet and but of my son in law, separate the suspect would one quarter, but would one go to bank? i'm sick, been on my new c a then uh to get young suck, keep the and things like ali mendoza. the left body ends up while the ad. so but the hot in which month, but i've got just a month that i don't with then young window the focus of this i thought so. i mean you got a month suspicious stuff. let's stop with sponsored washing. yeah. 3 piece i've
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seen. yes. alonza one key when we took up on the, on the germany's email below teeth is on
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a respond clean track. for the 1st time in hand bag. com batteries will be recycled . critical role materials such as nicole cobalt will be used in a closed loop. environmentally friendly and self sufficient made in germany. next on d. someone has to do it. alexander is the only radiologist and has shown all of his colleagues have less to see as a contested ukranian region. but he stayed working in 2 clinics every day. he tries to save his patient, focus on us. in 60 minutes on d, w. comes is crises,
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was every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the do you use organic products, save water, right to bike, only by secondhand clothes and furniture stream last, rely on green energy and use a heat pump. then your on the way to becoming sustainable and climate friendly teaching a low cost is 18 percent of whole c o. 2 emissions in gemini. some say that heat pumps are ideal, but buying and insulating houses is expensive and therefore controversial. a single lodge facility could be a solution to heat. many has today
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will also be taking a look at green.