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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw, use life from bell in a doing right. you see a la police move in that a pro palestinian protest at the university of california at los angeles is a life of pictures that you are watching. offices have been massing that following clashes between per testers and counter protest. it's also coming up on the program a deal for 11 on european commission president of the fund, the lion office 1000000 euro aid package. at talks over the syrian refugee crisis 11 on posts, move in to 1000000 syrians, many of whom, once it gets to europe. and media says it is willing to return land to as advice on,
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but on medians living on the board, and say that i agree and worried about what that will mean for the future. the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. protests. all he's seeing up at universities across the us, causing more confrontations with all sorts. he's using live pictures from the university of california at los angeles, where police on now moving into dismantled barricades, following classes between the pro testers and accounts of protest. and now the violence at this university broke house on wednesday, when a pro palestinian come faced off with other students, protest is taking a stand against israel's actions and gaza. that calling for that academic
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institutions to find not sleep, divest from israel. okay, we can get more on this. the very latest from los angeles, which on list jason compet. donya is following the story. he works and be seen use radio and i hot radio. good to see you. thanks for joining us. tell us what is going on there. right now, right now doesn't go police officers are descending on the campus via to try and break up the camp. that's been there for about a week and a half, 2 weeks maybe. and it doesn't look like they're being very friendly about it. it looks like they're going to go in and they're going to end this tonight, or this morning. i should say they're getting in there and they're just going to clear everybody out of the campus grounds. there's been lots of complaints from jewish students saying they have these camps. they're not allowing us to get to our classrooms. there's been viral videos of students trying jewish students trying to
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just walk past the pro palestinian camps and the pro palestinian supporters are now getting in front of them and, and physically blocking them from getting to school. and the california governor came out yesterday and saying that he condemned the violence and condemns uh, the big camps on all campuses saying that free speech only goes so far. this is beyond free speech. and when people are getting hurt and people are launching the fireworks and the crowds of people that goes beyond what 3 speeches intended to do . so it looks like they're not going to, they're not going to play around any of this morning. okay. and when you say that it doesn't look like that being very friendly. i mean, obviously this is very heated situation. eagle, reggie, how will the police deal with this? because presumably many of these students will try not to be moved away. right. so usually what happens is there is a line and police officers in riot gear,
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so as you can see, elements, bullet proof, bass, bullet, proof pants, the whole shebang, right? and then they have a giant shield in front of them and what they do, and it's like something out of a movie, there's a, there's a line of police officers with shields in front of them. and then there's a line of officers behind them with shields on top of them. so it kind of looks like this. and they make a barricade and they just, physically for is people out of the way. it is. it's what is necessary when people are biding back at you attach, you know, we're seeing a real escalation here. just remind us again why all things escalating? why are they getting so heated in the way that we're seeing now? so they, they're a campers who of state claim on the campuses around los angeles. they're pro palestinian, and they, they want the universities to stop doing business with businesses that do business with israel. and that's about as simple as i can as i can for that. so the
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university which is basically a small city of the university, has ties with a company that has ties with israel. they want to get rid of those ties. and the university is like, hey, world business, just like any other business, we're going to do business. that's best for us and sometimes that's a is rarely company or a china company or a us company. it doesn't really matter. this shouldn't concern you and it has nothing to do with uh there's no political measure here. it's just business. and the pro palestinian protestors don't believe that and they're fighting tooth and nail to get something done about. okay, and just to clarify, jason, when we say protest, as we're talking about students from u. c l, a here. so these are all young people who are out protesting as well. we don't know that for a fact. well, we are finding out is that most of the people who are getting arrested on college
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campuses across the united states or not students of that university. they're not students at all, which makes it really interesting. it's like these pro, there's the professional protesters, right? that just show up to be a warm body in front of a camera. so it looks like there's more people, there's not, uh, and when that happens, these people, the usually are the outside agitators that cause the records that cause the chaos. they're the ones that show up at the campus and you know, are you shooting massive fireworks and the crowds of people are throwing water bottles, adams police officers, most of the time the student protesters or the student campers, whatever you want to call them. and they're usually more of the doc file type because they're, you know, they're 1920 years old. and to be honest with you, it's their parents money that are putting them through these elite colleges here in
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los angeles. so why would they want to screw that up? right now i'm ready to, you know, go fight a police officer. alright, jason compet, don't you a journalist in life. thank you so much, jason, for your time. thanks. are now the european commission president, most of us on the line has announced an economic package economic aid package, the 11 on and has urged it to tackle illegal migration to the block. speaking by root. she said the you will provide a 1000000000 euro a package to the country and we're ton for 11 on tightening. it's board is she's meeting with the prime minister in a g. mccarthy as well as nicholas chris dooley, this the president of u. member cyprus, because of its location in the mediterranean sea. cypress is dealing with a shop increase in the number of syrian refugees arriving by boat from 11 on and has low b, the u some months to extend a to, to let them 11 on hosts. more than $2000000.00 syrians of
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a hall who have entered the country, illegally levin on itself, is in the middle of its worst ever economic crisis. many lebanese, say the high number of syrians in the country is making the situation was the w's bay root bureau. chief mohammed to write a reports now and a wondering 2 of you is, but some of you may find images in this report. distressing. the fresh wave of fury at syrians in liberal around this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of lucas christian party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jackson gang of syria measurements has to go fighting and spend victory. all that syrians independent, including displaced refugees, the sled war towards 2. yet, 10 years ago now he feels being displaced again. this time from living on the
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model that we are afraid and barely sleep at night. and every time someone knocked at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did not move. i can't leave home monsters and floor i've is there. i've been receiving threats, demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. notice where should i go to manage all? that's what comes to you. i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted into the military. i'm a clubhouse rec, oscar. none of buttons are. that's what i'm headed better for you. as opposed to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens, a few syrians have lived in this neighborhood together with liberties, mainly christians. but now the civilian run. shops have been shut down. and many
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serious companies have left their rent is homes as well. i mean, they took over our businesses and replaced this. they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders, an online move in a little sodium. i want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them outside of the moment, little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives about the luxury of luck that bullock hiretech to live. i don't need those who have a legal status going to stay, but those are here illegally should leave, but attacking them is not acceptable. under pressure by independence, economy collapse and the country's political paralysis. they told her to use our echoing the sentiments that gotten our political ads, the security closest and the police to family, and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugee to depend on host the greatest number of pressure to use per capita of any country into what more than $2000000.00 students in lebanon formed 45 percent of the population. this would be
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equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. the sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power shading months of the vast majority of that i could use our sunni muslims, that has been viewing fears of a huge demographic imbalance in a country with christians and muslims shared power equally in new jersey and of political unity waiver political parties are calling for the quotation of the syrian refugees pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. a lot of had that a long icons stay here against the wind locally beneath my water sewer down when i don't know what to do. but honestly, the thing is, i'm not the headphone. i may try to leave for another country the way i'm on. no bucks a month, i know i have no other choice,
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but has it go through in the go to migrant focus on the with on word migration for the roots out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase and joining us now is the altar of that report. very, very chief mohammed. sure ha. and the w's, terry sills, who joins us from brussels. mohammed tell us why the you is making this announcement now. i mean, we know that the syrians have been taking refuge in lebanon for a long time. slides simply because the cypress is under pressure and is pressuring the, the, you in the time. so to understand how serious is the influx of strategies is affecting the cypress. we have to look into that these numbers presented by the interior ministry in in cyprus that suggested that more than 2000 people arrived in cyprus by boat, between january and april of this year,
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compared to only 78 people arrived to cyprus in the same period of time last year that is nearly 30 times more effort g, effigies in it in the year. and that's why cyprus is ringing the bell and putting the, putting some pressure on the e u 2 ton. and now i to live in and, and help living and manage the longstanding refugee problem. i understand, terry, if i can turn to you, can you tell us about how this 1000000000 your age packaged is practically going to help lab and on as well. that's how the european union wants to portray it. anya, as helping levon on with 1000000000 euros, which is entirely in grants. so that is of course, some good news for b route and it will be helping leaven on they say in terms of helping improve the education sector, health care, they're going to help with reforming the financial and banking sector. they'll be new training and equipment for levins armed forces, but in fact,
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some 3 quarters of this money is actually going to go towards helping the refugee crisis inside lebanon. and for the european union, that means tightening the borders and increasing cooperation with front x. the use border control agency because within the use interest is keeping those people 11 on and not allowing any more of them to leave attempting to get to the european union . so while this package may be a per trait as being $411.00 on, it's also very much for the european union. okay. know how to talk to us about this suggestion that the presence of so many syrians is actually burdening the economy? is that a fact? as it is, i mean if we look at the, the numbers, the city and communities are 4 and 45 percent of the population and i'll flip it on today. this is quite a burden on dependence economy and infrastructure. for example,
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a recent count by the minister of interior and independent shows that more than 35 percent of prisoners in devon, on our cdns and prisons are already over crowded and present. those are that facing unbearable conditions that are already in other aspect. on another aspect, cdns are a on the page, and therefore they are much more a higher than given ease because it's cheaper. and this is leaving the bodies with much less jobs. this has been creating a rage and, and, and, and from hosting communities as well. but all of this is really only the tip of the iceberg in independence at fading state, the inability of the ruling elite to deal with many layers of problems and on all aspects like economic, financial, political, social, the list goes on. so keep going. cdns has been a lot of the used by the been used. politicians are frequently blame the, the business crises on, on the syrian refugees, more than one point. 5000000,
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a city and effigies. and this rhetoric has been further fueling into communion tensions. i see terry, but the eu has of cool struck deals with other countries, hasn't that touchy egypt to help manage the refugee crisis in time. this aid package to lebanon really help control the numbers of refugees who are trying to get into the the as well. that's clearly what a leaders are counting on, and they have seen some success with this model. as you mentioned in turkey, where increasing border protections and improving the situation in the camp, expanding the cans inside turkey meant more people were kept there rather than getting in boats and trying to make it to the european union. but as mohammed explained, this has to be made attractive to the lebanese government as well. and that's why this money and, and did these uh, this assistance in lebanon's own,
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socio economic conditions is so important. but again, let's be honest, the european union needs to show that it's doing something on migration ahead of european elections, which are coming up in just a few weeks with migration to be one of the top, a top issues there that voters are going to be deciding on and you can't ignore the fact that the is really how mos war is creating even more refugees and some of those have ended up 11 already. and that's something the european union is worried about. so this package is something that you leaders very much hope will stops, will stem the tide. human rights activists are not so thrilled with these conditions, but we'll just have to see how this works out with lebanon. terry schultz and behind the chair, i'd say thanks to you by so much for that. now armenia says that it is willing to return on several villages, but it has controlled since the 1990s, to as advice on the move as part of the white apiece process. often as
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a by john took control of the disputed region of nicole in a car box last year. it's a dispute that goes back centuries. the meaning of villages are mostly uninhabited, and only a few people will be directly affected. but local armenians who live close to the border all angry dw sunny patrol reports now from douglas province in northern armenia, which is right on the border with as the pleasure a barbed wire along the edges of travelers. providence, here in northern armenia, marks where this country ends and azerbaijan begins for now huddled comrades, young i was born here, life is hard, there, not enough jobs, but the land is for a child. she says, her guard and it's her pride. she fears the new boy did the medication, could put her house officially, azerbaijan, with the people many here dislikes so much they called them to uninstall us. we are
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told that this very didn't bridge belong to text when not giving the me the most think on is the government has promised some form of compensation. she says, but that's not what you want down. what are the, this is my, i mean, the land, and i don't want to leave the armenians, azerbaijan, our neighbors without bloody history to wars and many conflicts. in the past 3 decades. armenia now wants to give these full full ma, azerbaijan villages back. they are uninhabited, but local geography and administrative borders means several other nearby armenian villages will be effected. the land in question is only a few square kilometers, but that's not the point for people living in this area. armenians here are
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afraid losing patches of land in the name of peace. they say the new boat, we literally bring an old enemy azerbaijan, closer, and they're worried. azerbaijan was once more, i mean, he is prime minister, a new called pushing young, visited last month to tell locals, like condo, there was no other option or how the border is a certain guarantee, a piece. but we must always remember that something may not go as planned, but if everything goes as we have planned, we should stay in a dialogue with each other. but many armenians very things could escalate full, suggest the things that concerned and the most our national security and border issues. those are the inside. we don't want to be the we o one p with as about johnny's is impossible to negotiate peace and thomas province . so close to the border, relics can still be found from hostilities in the 1990s. so in order to similar
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shall landed here and here is the shrapnel here, here and here. so for the fighting is seen as a real possibility. leo, of course, done yet is a veteran. he says to fierce armenia wouldn't get much help against the neighbors to go to if there's no use, it will be good. we cannot fight the trouble. the whole world stands by them. so unfortunately, i don't know how to get this isn't the process opposition. politicians made a trip from armenia as capital. yara vaughan to these little villages near the border to support furious locals. they are worried land that they make a living on may be returned to azerbaijan, and that their farms might end up on the frontline of a future conflict. has gotten some analysis from alyssa to calvin l in london.
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she's the deputies are the deputy director of the europe and central asia program of the international crisis group. that's an independent organization. looking to piece welcome list. that's a d w. how may i ask you, can this agreement bring a last in piece to, to long standing, so those as well armenia. and as a result, i have heard held several rounds of bilateral talks over the last couple of months . and the agreement to return is for a band and villages that have been controlled by our media since the 1990s. as well as the beginning of border to invitation is the latest sort of tangible sign that they can come to really difficult agreements. both sides have a reason to want a piece deal. president a news wants to cement gains over the last years. also to curry international favor ahead of bikers hosting of the cop 29 climate talks. and pushing out and has made
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a number of unpopular concessions as 0 report showed you know, and wants to deliver on his promise of peace to the people. he really believes this will bring more security. and just before this agreement to return the villages you don't question young had warned that work could start by the end of the week if you're, if i'm refused by cruise demands, which tells you a little bit about the, the in balance of power in those negotiations. okay, so you'll saying that it is a positive for both in our report we hud armenians. their express fear that as a buyer on may 1 more land in the future. is that a realistic scenario or do you think as a buy john is, is happy with the car an outcome. so i mean, but who is definitely happy with a lot of concessions from the army and side in the last months. and it's, it's in a strong position at the moment. there remains a number of disagreements on claims to territory, notably on a transport car and,
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or between has there been an ex craven the hit you run. so, you know, we're, we're not there yet in terms of a peace agreement and it's hard to say, but i think it's important to also say that any kind of peace deal, i wouldn't, we shouldn't expect too much for it permit, it's likely to be spent on details and was post the general principles, but after 30 decades of conflict, that's really quite significant. and the bi lateral pop process of piece talks now between your volume but clue is the only game in town. so if that doesn't work, it could really spell more trouble. okay, but just to sort of get a sense of, you know, the balance and all of this, it does seem to mean he has been quite isolated in this conflict. i mean, would you say that most sco essentially turned its back on your van on, i mean, he is capital in all of this and this is so why so that's certainly
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how people in your heart and feel about it and, and you know, the political lead are incredibly angry and disappointed at moscow. i mean, i was there in december and, and it's, it's 5050 it's, it's very strong emotions. there is number of reasons. no, russia is really bogged down and ukraine at the moment. they want to keep close relations with a therapist on there have been tensions for months. um, you know, before, even as i mentioned, we took in a brand new car box and its military offensive this fall in between the kremlin and the diarra vine. and by chance administration, so it's not a surprise, but we're seeing most recently, russian peacekeepers pulled out from regarding a car about
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a head of the end of their mandate, which is just us. and they've never been popular with the crew, but who has always wanted them out. so it's just a sign of where russia sees and it's, it's, it's weight at the moment and that's not with the are gone. all right, so let's the coming out from the international crisis group. we'll have to leave it that the thanks so much for your analysis. thank you. and here's a quick reminder of our top story today. protests all hastening off at universities across the us, closing more confrontations with all sorts sees you'll seeing live pictures from the university of california at los angeles, where police are now moving in to dismantled barricades. following flashes between protest as the count of protest is now the violence of this university broke house on wednesday. when a pro palestinian come twice with other students, protest is a taking a stand against israel's actions in goals. are they cooling to the academic institutions
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to find actually die best from israel? with that you opt to say thanks so much for watching the w. c. it was some of the next hour the
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someone has to do it. the yours is the only radiologist in hash on all of his colleagues have less to see is the contested ukrainian region, but he stayed working into clinics every day. he tries to save his patient, focus on europe. next on d, w 8, hold on increasing terroristic threat in europe, a young generation of neo nazis becoming even more radical. that gold
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is white supremacy. and they're even willing to kill who all their idea not to complete the phone rights. neo nazis in 45 minutes on d w, the names cassandra re determined that hezbollah was operating like a global drug car. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series on ma skiing. has paula stats may 4th on d w. the . this is focus on europe. i'm lara. baba, lola, welcome rushes. invasion is testing the limits of ukraine's army. the total forces have been making gains, rushes, military release. these pictures allegedly showing their advancement as the strength in their position on the front lines. ukrainian soldiers have had to retreat. they are counting on billions in a to arrive quickly from the us and europe.