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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from violin. dorn raids at u. c. l, a police have almost dismantled barricades at a pro palestinian camp at the university of calvin, california at los angeles offices has been maxing that following flashes between protesters and counting processes. also coming up on the program a deal for 11 on european commission president, also the fund line officer 1000000000 euro aid package talks over the syrian refugee crisis 11 on hosts. more than 2000000 syrians, many of whom, once he gets to europe and feeling the heat,
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voters across india brave scorching temperatures. is they both in the countries general elections, but will the heat put some people off costing that balance? the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. protests, all he thing off at universities across the united states, causing more confrontations with authorities at the university of california. at los angeles police have moved in and launch the dismantled barricades following classes between protesters and counts of protest is the violence at this university broke house on wednesday after a group of people, some of whom were carrying is really flags attacks a pro palestinian comp. what people were taking a stand against israel's actions in gaza,
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a state of ease. benjamin alvarez group is in new york and he told us more about the tensions on the you see lake campus and other universities across the us. the pictures that we are now seeing coming out of los angeles, as you mentioned, base, a police that went in for many a police departments, not just l, a p d, but also they got support from a other law enforcement agencies like another fornia highway patrol, a laser as a department a that seems that we have also seen in other cities in the us that we also saw in the dallas, texas, the university of texas, also in other universities also here in in new york. but the scenes at autumn folding in los angeles after hours of increasing tension with a huge, a police presence a chopper over flying the area. and of course, it is a, b, l, a p d actually going into the in camera and, and they're having several, a rest of what we're hearing from a media. they are specially of a student led newspaper that it has been covering the last couple of hours. what
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has been unfolding there on campus. let's rewind a little bit to the attack that you mentioned off and instigators. that's how you c l. a called them that attack this pro palestinian and camping. and after that lapd what's called onto campus. all the classes have been cancelled at the university. and the big question will now be how this will unfold. and also what will happen on commencement is expected to have a bigger events with many universities here in the us, some of them with police presence as a university of columbia. here in new york, others still getting law enforcement new and conference being set up. so it's a pretty, a dynamic, a situation, and we expect it to find out more of how these, who these people where that happened, arrested. and also there were other arrests concerning the attacks on the, on the in can men at its campus. a university in l. a as close as what we were talking about that, but i mean, in general, tensions, of spilling over on the day. you talked about the huge police presence in
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a way that we've just seen. it really doesn't look like things are going to come down anytime soon. does it are definitely not, and seeing this huge police increase and also seeing how students and also staff members cannot reach their offices, cannot go into the campus that's it has implications for everyone, for holy communities independently and if they support and if they're to reject the actions that they seeing also law enforcement is, is getting in there and that many things that unfortunately media is not always able to cover to, to have this access to media, to have and also to be able to, to confirm what we hear from law enforcement tier in, in new york we have them a, are speaking of outside agitators, but similar to what we've heard from use the la on this pro just, but they have not still it provided any evidence to support the claim. and that's also very important. when we look at the approaches and we look at those pictures to know exactly the information of how many of those who are being arrested on members of the community,
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our students are faculty members and those who just come there as, as instigators also to attack the law enforcement all the protests and doesn't come . benjamin, thanks so much for that. as the w correspondent, benjamin alvarez grew bet reporting from new york, 501118 set to receive a 1000000000 euro aid package from the you to tackle on authorized migration speaking and babe ruth, you chief us left on the line set. the block will be provide will provide the funding in real time. so 11 on the tightening. it's board as, excuse me, thing with prime minister and the g. mccarthy as well as with and it costs christa, deleted the president of cyprus. cyprus has seen a shop increase in the syrian refugees arriving by boat from lebanon, and has lobbied the for months to extend a to 11 on or 11 on hosts. more than 2000000 syrians of a hoss, of whom have entered the country illegally. loved them 11 on itself,
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is in the middle of its worst economic crisis. many lebanese, say the high number of syrians in that country is making the situation worse. the w's, b, root bureau, chief mohammed traits have reports. now on wanting to up you is that some of you may find images in this report. distressing. the fresh wave of fury at syrians and living on this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of lucas christian party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jacking gang of syria national passed through goods, violence and vitriol that syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, much sled war towards 2. yep. 10 years ago. now if you as being displaced again, this time from living on the model that we are afraid and barely sleep at night.
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and every time someone knocked at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i can't leave home monsters and slow. how's that? i've been receiving threats demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. notice where should i go to manage all of what comes to you? i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted into the military. i'm a clubhouse rec, oscar. none of us that are sort. i'm had a better fit for phone to old. syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens, a few syrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis means the christians. but now the sylvian run shops have been shut down. and many serious companies have left the rent of homes as they took over our businesses and replaced
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as they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committed crimes and murders. an online move in a little sodium. i want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out, try a moment and look at the they took our jobs and disrupted our lives. that the luxury of luck. rock bullock, hired late. i don't know who have a legal status, couldn't stay, but those are here. illegally should leave, but attacking them is not acceptable under pressure by independence. economy collapse and the country's political paralysis deal told her to use our, echoing the sentiments that does not political edge, the security closest and the police to family and strictly implemented liberties low on the syrian refugees depend on hosts. the greatest number of refugees per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students and living on form 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalence of nearly 38000000 refugees in
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germany. and some 163000000 refugees in the united states of america. these sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power shading model. the vast majority of the refugees are sunni muslims. that has been feuding fears of a huge demographic imbalance in a country with christians and muslims chair power equally in new jersey and of political unity. why the political parties are calling for the quotation of syrian refugees? pushing many of them towards choices that is making udall very nervous. i'm not ahead of the long icon stay here against the wind. looks really nice. my water should with down when i don't know what to do, but honestly the final is i'm not that that i had going. i may try to leave for another country head or yeah, i'm on the box. i'm. i know i have no other choice, but has it go through in the gold migrant focus on the with on word migration,
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lead the roots out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase. i asked dw, is mohammed tre today? who felt that report if the 1000000000 euro a package will help lebanon? so this visit body site president and the commission not to be a problem to pave the way for more support from the in you in different forms including a fund of 1000000000 euros announced by a fund a line for developing programs and to improve the balance of infrastructure, health care system and, and education. all this is much needed in a country that has been facing the worst economic and financial crisis. and it's more than history for more than 4 years now. but additionally, the use commission announced that live in and we get more support in terms of logistics and equipment to help the ease, the armed forces and coast guard to the control the boulders and the shores of the
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been known, and therefore limit to the migrant. both saving from the bottom to cyprus and to other european countries. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. today. i'm a colombian president, gustavo petro says his government is breaking diplomatic relations with israel. petra described israel's will, against homos, as genocide. colombia has historically been one of israel's closest partners in less than america, but relations have cooled since the form a member of a left wing guerrilla group was elected president in 2022. china's state media save the death toll from a highway collapse in gun. don't provence has arisen to at least 48 both and 20 vehicles. with trump softer a section of the expressway tumbled down the slope with our he said the incident was caused by heavy rains demonstrates has gathered in the georgia and capital tbilisi from nova nights of process some this comes off to low make has approved
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a 2nd reading of a controversial for an agents low bill requires media and civil groups that receive funding from the drawers to register as being on the foreign influence opponent say it's similar to employees in russia to silence government critics. now media says it is willing to return several villages that hit it has controlled since the 1990s to as advice on the move as part of the why the peace process of to as the by john took control of the disputed region of nicole know car about last year, it's a dispute that goes back centuries. the armenian village is all mostly uninhabited, and only a few people will be directly affected. but local, armenians who live close to the border all angry. the double use funding for child reports now from type of prevents in northern albania, which is right on the border with as a by john a barbed wire along the edges of java's province. here in northern armenia,
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marks where this country ends and azerbaijan begins. for now, i know the time that i was young was born here. life is hard, there not enough jobs, but the land is for a child. she says, her guard and its her pride. she fears the new board to do more cation could put her house, officially, azerbaijan, with the people many here dislikes so much, they called them, took an insult. we are told that this very didn't bridge belong to text when not giving the me the most think dollars the government has promised some form of compensation. she says, but that's not what you want down. what are the, this is my, on the new land, and i don't want to leave the armenians azerbaijan neighbors without bloody his story to wars and many conflicts. in the
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past 3 decades. armenia now wants to give these full full ma, azerbaijan villages back. they are uninhabited, but local geography and administrative borders mean several other nearby armenian villages will be effected. the landing question is only a few square kilometres, but that's not the point for people living in this area. armenians here are afraid losing patches of land in the name of peace. they say the new boat, we literally bring an old enemy azerbaijan, closer, and they're worried. azerbaijan was once more, i mean, he is prime minister and you called pushing and visited last month to tell locals, like condo, there was no other option from on or how the border is a certain guarantee, a piece. but we must always remember that something may not go as planned, but if everything goes as we have planned, we should stay in
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a dialogue with each other. you know somebody, armenia, is it crossroads prime and it's still pushing. yeah. and has been a strategic partner of proteins, russia, but he's criticized russia for recently, failing to prevent its other allies, azerbaijan taking over ned gore. no car of us. pushing young has been looking for security guarantees with the west. how dangerous and effective will it be for armenia to expend relations with western powers to help keep the peace with us or by john without creating a problem with russia? we don't have choice to either. i mean, yeah, uh for the case it was a business that russia is a provider of security, its adults. so you should try to find it somewhere else for me because i budgeted point of view. uh they go is the fee. so the goal is to use the piece agreement as an instrument continuing to push, or that'd be, yeah,
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that's what many armenians even hear in your a bad fear. paul suggested things that concerned them the most, our national security and board durations, those are the sizes we don't want to do the, the we o one p. so we'd, as about johnny's is impossible to negotiate peace in thomas province. so close to the border, relics can still be found from us still a teeth in the 1990s. so in order to similar shell landed here and here is the shrapnel here, here and here. so for the fighting is seen as a real possibility. leo, of course, done yet, is a veteran. he says he fears armenia wouldn't get much help against the neighbors to go to if there's, there's no need as it will be good, we cannot fight the whole world stands by them. so unfortunately,
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i don't know how to get on the new board or put foot the grandchildren school right next to azerbaijan. we are afraid to, we weren't allowed kids to go the youth. that's how the young people leaves just finished. have those who have small kids, people will leave. this isn't the process. opposition. politicians made a trip from armenia as capital. yara vaughan to these little villages near the border to support your use locals. they are worried, lad, that they make a living on may be returned to azerbaijan, and that their farms might end up on the frontline of a future conflict. i spoke to alyssa coming out early and she's from the international crisis group. and i also, if armenia is seizing of territory, could insight leads to piece as well. armenia. and as a result, i have heard held several rounds of bilateral talks over the last couple of months . and the agreement to return is for
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a band and villages that have been controlled by armenia since the 1990s. as well as the beginning of border to limitation is the latest sort of tangible sign that they can come to really difficult agreements. both sides have a reason to want a piece deal. president a news wants to cement gains over the last years, also to curry international favor ahead of bikers hosting of the cop 29 climate talks. and pushing on has made a number of unpopular concessions as your report showed, you know, and wants to deliver on his promise of peace to the people. he really believes this will bring more security. and just before this agreement to return the villages you don't question young had warned that work could start by the end of the week if you're, if i'm refused by cruise demands, which tells you a little bit about the, the in balance of power in those negotiations. okay, so you'll saying that it is
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a positive for both in our report we hud armenians. their express fear that as a buyer on may 1 more land in the future. is that a realistic scenario, or do you think as a by john is, is happy with the current outcome. so i mean, but who is definitely happy with a lot of concessions from the army and side in the last months. and it's, it's in a strong position at the moment. there remains a number of disagreements and claims to territory, notably on a transport core and, or between has there been gone and that's ex craven. the hit you on. so, you know, we're, we're not there yet in terms of a peace agreement and it's hard to say, but i think it's important to also say that any kind of peace deal, i wouldn't, we shouldn't expect too much for it permit, it's likely to be spent on details and why it's a set of general principles, but after 30 decades of conflict,
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that's really quite significant. and the bi lateral pop process of peace talks now between your volume but clue is the only game in town. so if that doesn't work, it could really spell more trouble. okay, but just to sort of get a sense of, you know, the balance and all of this, it does seem to mean he has been quite isolated in this conflict. i mean, would you say that most got, essentially turned its back on your van on, i mean, is capital in all of this. and this is so why? so that certainly how people in your hands feel about it. and, and, you know, the political lead are incredibly angry and disappointed at moscow. i mean, i was there in december and, and it's, it's 5050 it's, it's very strong emotions. there is a number of reasons. ah, no. russia is really bogged down in ukraine at the moment. they want to keep close
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relations with a therapy on there have been tensions for months. um, you know, before, even as i mentioned, we took in a put in a car box and its military offensive. this fall between the kremlin and the deer of on and by chance administration. so it's not a surprise, but we're seeing most recently, russian peacekeepers pulled out from regarding a car about a head of the end of their mandate, which is just us. and they've never been popular with the crew, but who has always wanted them out. so it's just a sign of where russia sees and it's, it's, it's wait at the moment and that's not with the are gone. all right, so alyssa, dekalb and now from the international crisis group, we'll have to leave it that the thanks so much for your analysis. thank you. a flooding has devastated parts of southern russia. i'm catholic stone in recent
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weeks and tens of thousands of people have been displaced visit but as was the level full scientist, say, a different crisis may be surfacing and it could be toxic sludge was receding. but while it wasn't the crisis at being people here might still be in deep water. russian independent media and environmental. this say o uranium mines have been flooded, leaking radioactive material. alexei schwartz is a physicist ecologist, i know position active as to why he 1st reported on the issue years ago. i mean, it was a lot of radio new clients have entered the total river know about his all to uranium has entered the river to to be when the alpha particles to pay by the us and get on the skin because for inside the body then they cause cancer then use month, old use dish. i forgot the total river is the water supply for cool guy and going
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to school and human and many other city is nearby. who mean you get the know you're going to the visitor to the boat? the russian nuclear energy authorities at russet tom called the reports deliberate to miss information. on april 23rd state media published the response that quoted saying the facilities uranium deposits are located at higher ground and away from the water. the slots has not affected them. there was no threat to flooding, and the situation is being monitored. but active is say, that's only half the truth, it studies crush them. it's appropriate minds that are leaking our old minds. they are uranium test binds from the 1980s, which is within that same deposit. and we just put these mines were drilled in the eighty's and we spent a few years ago, rose at home, started drilling nearby, and those mines that are at higher ground you think that's true? died the providence category. some of these 2 card it. we walked through the old mines on a dry day and there was water drip bank where your water is radioactive. exactly
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what i'm used to rows that told lying they lied about your noble when you and they're still lying about uranium mining items should be able to print your mobile world. this is just for that we showed on the scientist fair a large number of people will be exposed to radiation and it could make them ill. for now, the region is baffling, the direct consequences of the flooding, but soon they might have to deal with what's below the surface from flooding to heat because parts of india have recorded the hosses april on record as a heat wave scorches, the country indians are braving the searing heat has a vote in the countries general election are growing consensus low. the rising temperatures may put people off from going to the polls. it will or india and its ongoing elections off feeling the heat, water for hydration umbrella associate here in india's capsule valley. it's not all that bad,
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but of course you can see what's an ice cream then does every with 10 projects. yeah. still below 40 degrees celsius, but in the country, south and east. the moment has a tough thing at 45 degrees. and use outlets have even reported about several just due to heat strokes. it's also affecting polling here in less than my restaurant tends west the top to provide shade to both as, as they went to the pallets good to me. so everyone feels very hot indeed. and the sunlight is very strong, very pretty. but despite the harsh conditions, we are coming to vote and then people are getting dehydrated to what they must still show up. but i know, you know, it's also hitting campaigning bod, last week, indian roads minister and it didn't get to the collapse during a public speech. ex, puts a worried about the increasing the unpredictable. whether be our shooting motto on time. the range we are seeing lot more heat waves frequently to waves in different parts of the country. so there is a way to run to me lactic trend. now, every new york is setting
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a new record. a new trend of that is what is symptomatic of the logic climate change that is happening. so cosby, property co consequences are going to be shipped the election commission of india is that the heat might this you 8 voters from turning up in larger numbers. they are phone the task force to monitor the temperatures and to ensure safe conditions for voters compared to the last and when elections in 2019 both to so now it has dropped by roughly 3 percentage points in the 1st 2 phases of voting. that doesn't seem like much, but in the world's most populous country, this number as fall from in significance. but he's the only reason. holidays and the wedding season, i believe tough process. zip as well. and there is a sense of fatigue among indian boats as, as many belief prime minister under movies when as a solve, i'm confused actually do some voters that might be cooler air insights. the metro and lots of go department will likely low. and that's doing just in time for the
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upcoming podium day next week. with that he will off today's next focused on your it meets the environmental activists facing tesla's giga factory in gemini. i'm any kind of a huff that's a whole new scene here. thanks so much for watching. delete
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the someone has to do it. alexander is the only radiologist and has shown all of his colleagues have left to see us the contested ukrainian region. but he stayed working in to can x every day. he tries to save his patient, focus on europe. next, on d, w 8. whole mass tourism is putting
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a strain on soft to roll and it's residents to sedona lights went viral, millions of wanted to visit the netscape world heritage side. now locals, one to raise the number of side is a world heritage site in things to south to old sites for the future. in 45 minutes on d, w, the dig ultimate video companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess 30000 hides a day 90 percent of that is for the forward market. the auto industry, for example,
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the, the full actually cost awesome comes from initial cattle farms in the m, as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain. profit. all that much. illegal leather stats may said on d w the, this is focus on europe. i'm larva lola, welcome rushes. invasion is testing the limits of ukraine's army. it is, forces have been making gains, rushes, military release. these pictures allegedly showing their advancement as they strengthen their position on the front lines. ukrainian soldiers have had to retreat. they are counting on billions in