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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the, the news line from the us presidents condemns reason to unrest as pro palestinian demonstrations. sweep across college campuses. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. to advise and just demonstrations, to avoid violence after police re, the protest comes, but you see i make more than a 100 arrests. also on the program, your paying commission presidents, us going to fund the line office level on a 1000000000 euro aid package to help stem the flow of syrian refugees into your the country has more than 2000000 savings around 45 percent of the population
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focuses across india brace scorching temperatures to take possibly countries general election. but will this 40 degree feet put some off casting that balance? the unfilled hill welcome to the program. please have cleared a pro palestinian incumbents. i'm interested in more than a 100 demonstrates as the university of california los angeles, the office has moved in overnights and dismantled barricades following classes between opposing groups of protest as violence fight on wednesday after a group of people, some of whom were carrying is really flags attacked of pro palestinian camp where people had been demonstrating against israel's actions in causes. us president joe biden said, protest as had the right to demonstrate, but not to cause chaos. there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education right
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to get a degree right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for enter semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind. whether it's ad i semitism from a phobia or discrimination against arab americans are promised to these americans. it's simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america, but corresponds and benjamin alvarado strube that has been following the processing the us and joins us from new york city by police also broke up protests at columbia university and the last barrel said, a welcome van. that stopped without intervention from the president. what else did he have to say? he emphasized the importance of peaceful protests in the us and said that there are 2 american principles that are put to the test here on one side and freedom of
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expression and also for a peaceful protest on the other side. and the rule of law saying that both of them need to be upheld when he finished this remarks and was about to leave the oval office where he gave his remarks. he was asked if the protest ecologist across the country would lead to changes the policies in the region. he said no, and he was also ask if a national guard should intervene something for example, speaker of the house. and my johnson ask for when he visited columbia university a few days ago, something the president biden also is said, no saying that he would not ask a national guard to intervene. and is this presidential intervention likely to have any effect the students are going to continue the approach as i say, the many of the administrations of the university. so now the best thing from is riley, a companies that, according to them, are profiting from israel's war in gaza. we have commencement coming up huge events at the university, so we can expect and protest to continue. then in the end,
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it's also a problem when it comes to public resources that we will look at columbia university . for example, you have police officers, several of them on security guards, guarding the or intern system. the question is how long that will continue. also use c l a in los angeles where police entered interested many of those who were in being come into the it's a matter of resources to for how long that can be. it police officers on college campuses. but we can expect this protest also to continue. and what are you hearing about suggestions that protests have been infiltrated? don't indeed hijacked by different interest groups. there is still information that needs to be released by the mayor of a new york a who was speaking about this outside agitators and also of the n y p. d. of the new york police department. there is the difference of course of those who are protesting inside campus and those are protesting outside campus, as we've seen over the past couple of days. and the interesting information here that we're still lacking is that those who have been arrested inside campus to get
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their information of how many are members of the university and in columbia. they've been arrest ultimate other colleges because if they access to a college campuses was severely restricted for a central stop. and those who are living inside even a media getting access was a quite difficult. so that's the information we're looking for. but of course, there are people who are interested to just join a these protests to attack either or demonstrators, old law enforcement, but we need it to make the difference here and hoping it to get more transparency by outdoor it is a later on. okay, so you say a public university, anyone can enter the campus, so i guess how secure can i keep it though i'm or i protest expected tonight of the know a many, a police departments involved the highway patrol, not just l. a. p d with is this was a really huge and bolt over hours in hours and police silvers flying over the area until they went in there. this is a really dynamic situation and we see situations evolving. you encampments coming
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in and also police clearing them. we also have pictures of a university of texas in dallas. the situation here in new york seems to be call on the but this is a really dynamic situation and we can expect that approach as well. it continues, this is this an inspection with the way that has been dealt by many offices of the present administrations of the, of these universities but also of a they to, to involvement huge police presence in and outside campuses. and because this is, of course, some thing that is affecting wholly community is called it communities, regardless of way that people support all reject what they seeing by being temperamental by be a counter protest. as of we've also seen on many colleges across the country. okay, thank you for that, that benjamin alvarez group in new york as well. how must have said that it will send another delegation to cairo for most east by adults as, as the palestinian militants group continues to study
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a honey gyptian proposal to end the fighting and casa israel. as well. cabinets also have been basing to discuss the truth still, as well as funds for a ground offensive. i'm a, some guys in the city of rafa. well that's those negotiations continue. the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip remains die even is more a to end says the besieged territory in recent days is continuing to trickle into the strip of our ad drops while on wednesday. is rivalry opened the border crossing into northern casa, for a few monetary groups have been urging is radio stars you select supplies and surviving arus crossing for months. the when has warned repeatedly that causes a desperately short of food and other essential supplies with nose and gas. in particular, on the brink assignment with the surgeon and missed a call that dallas has just returned from his 2nd visits to god. so since the was doctor is be working with emergency medical things from the international rescue committee and medical aid for palestinians. welcome to as dw, we'll come to watch,
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you saw an experience in a moment. first though, a tell us please. what made you decide to leave your practice in london? i've had to a, was that of the pictures that we will. so the, i think the suffering that we see on tv and be touch stories about where our great pull i, i've been going to gaza for a number of years as a chair. all the and educational chakiya that works with the medical schools in, in palestine overall. and the, this, when this happened, katie, there was a big jewel. i took my annual leave from work and decided to go for a couple of weeks in december, january, and then went again back in april. i think when you go that you realize what the need is. it's huge and, and anything that i can do and may or my colleagues feel the same way. we would be more than happy to provide. and so inside, but you obviously have been watching and monitoring events closely. what you've seen on the television uh per pay for what you've actually experienced. no,
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not the tool you think the pictures are always elizabeth sanitized. the real picture, it's very difficult to see lies or recorded. we saw a lot of social media posts about this, but also more than anything else. it's actually what people tell you when you go there. and the story usually gets from talking to the patients that we have to deal with and their relatives as to what they're going through is certainly much worse than unexpected. and what did the have you give us a, give us a draw a sense of this crisp, this picture. and so the stories, particularly some patients i spoke to and their relatives were stories for example of trying to regain some dignity was on a battery getting some dignity. people wanted to go back to their homes that inevitably in many cases, destroyed. one of the cases is of, of a young man who worked with us when i was the in april. he was our help, but he was, he would look off to our things in our room in the hospital because we stayed in
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the hospital for 24 while the whole, the whole time for 12 days. he went back to find his home, and con, units of to these, ready for his left hand was destroyed. one morning could mean to say that his house, which he bought, that when he just before october was completely destroyed. stories of people traveling to pick up their belongings and tried to find out what's left of their homes and then being targeted and killed on their way journey on their way to, to the, to their homes. and we definitely receive them is patients, people who are out there to new schools, who happened to be in the school and it was hits and we receive the whole family as, as, as casualties either dead or injured. i talked to people like the ones who look wrapping and bodies in the hospital of the dead. i spoke to the man who wrapped the bodies of the world. central kitchen stop who were killed only 2 days before we arrived. so the stories are a myriad of, with the tragedy and, and, and the stuff that you really don't come across in your normal life. according to the international rescue committee, only 12 of gauze,
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$36.00 hospitals that are even partially functioning. how did you decide where to go and how you could most make yourself useful or it's, it's uh, it was a very important point for us when we went in that particular initiative in january, but also back in april as to where we would end up going now it's a complex equation, the our, our entry into guys that is determined by these ready authorities, but also by egypt. and then the palestinian house ministry will tell us where the most need is. but again, it's very much on movement, is very much controlled by co got these very authorities as to where we can go and where we can, how we can move. and so our, our a most to go to the hospital, which was in need of, of medical attention, emergency medical teams, deluxe, the hospital that we went to in data. but in the center had that need. there are teams that go to the other major hospital. the european hospital and i will just add that though the numbers we talk about that being, you know, maybe 10 hosp to the test, those functioning. these are not really hospitals. these are what we would call in
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the u. k. clinics or perhaps glory, 5 general practice or surgeries. these are workers, hospitals are the only real hospitals that have a unit or 2. and so how do you carry out medical procedures and a was that what happens when the bombs start dropping? do you have enough medical supplies to actually do your job properly? you adapt, do you have to adapt it? i think like any or situation one has to be very adapting and also learn from the local teams who tell us how they've been working for the last 6 or 7 months. so no, i did not have all the equipment that i normally have in my practice in the u. k. a, but i'm on the subject who deals with the abdomen. the gods, the chest. and i can make, do with things, don't have enough experience to be connected with things, but it is it idea that it's not as a consequence, all the patients that we had had chests that had started wound infections off to the subject without exception. and these, when the prices are awful, they can affect your survival. but also we were using equipment that was designed
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for a single use equipment that was donated in some cases by uh, by other other teams that come in. and we were using them $1020.00 times. these are designed for single use and they were not being sterilized because it's sterilized ation facilities on not up to scratch and not working in the way they should do. and so when you go back i hope i do i a my, my a but as i said this to my colleagues is always leaving i left with a heavy heart with you because i felt a lot of guilt leaving nothing. i can leave a leaving them. i said i would come back of course, but i really hope to come back at the time when the ceasefire upon and si fi is in place. thank you for sharing your insights with us. but it's such an i followed by law surveys and return from god. thank you so much. thank you. now israel's foreign minister has accused to okay, of blocking is riley imports and exports. israel cash. so they actually buy to cash president vege of type other one is breaking trade agreements. the post of the
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statements on the social media network exciting. this is how it dictates it behaves . disregarding the interests of attackers, people in businessman and ignoring international trade agreements, this account is also said he'd instructed officials to create alternatives to try to attack a. so let's get a little from the correspondent, don't ann jones in a stumble. welcome, dian. so i'm has this being as vista cessation of trade and import into to okay as being confirmed. and what else do we know about this? well as of yet with this story has come from the bloomberg news agency site, the tech issue, officials who says o as of today thursday or impulse and x bolts to israel have ended. now that hasn't been any confirmation for many homes, including the tuckers president, a gap type load one. but these riley's have appeared to confirm this and have
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a strongly contend the action. now turkey has maintained trade relations with these rail. i, in spite of the very far your rhetoric coming from texas president of the one who is routinely condemned is ralph. but the same time behind the scenes trade was largely unaffected. and in fact, in 2023 by the actual trade accounted for around $6800000000.00 of which tucker strikes bolt accounted for $5.00. and that was very contentious among opposition. ok, so i don't have double standards, particularly as it sounds as to that much of the, the ex, bolts from tuck you with very sensitive including aviation fuel steel which critics of other one say, what being use of these really war machine now off to the big set back in march, the collections we tug on so many of institutional support is abandoning him, especially the religious photos. old ones government announced that $54.00 items were banned from being exposed to the east route, including aviation fuel. now we understand that the, the old one has gone
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a step further and has now bind e x bolts to israel, although no one himself hasn't said anything of yet. i need release of news for an inspector, news agency, relevant domestically which is raising question. possibly one wants to give him some wiggle room or possibly stepping back in the near future is likely to be a popular move daria to well, i'm down to the, i'm on the, he's religious voters. this will be very much welcome them type. you've seen numerous protests where you've seen brandy uh secular, and religious people on those trees condemning trace of israel is israel. organs garza has cross tucker's political boundaries. there is, you need, you need, if a cation in support of, of gauls, a gang sees rail, and so old ones, dawn, so it's under a lot of pressure to tighten up. his thoughts against israel now has to be set. this move is unprecedented. even in 2010, when the a is ray, the security forces killed 10, took the citizens who were on a boat, trying to deliver a to garza tuck. he was suspended. monkey was diplomatic relations. trade continued
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on affected, and in many ways bought to trade as many wasting. it's a glue that holds the 2 countries relations together, times of high tension. if turkey he's going ahead with sation of all trades, this will lead to may to long term effect. so on the relations with these well, many and this is random already said that this could cause irreparable damage. a key thing the will be with a will expose from as a vice on to israel will continue to flow cuz most of us go through tucker's port of j home. and the israel is one of the major impulses for mazda, a bunch of unavoidable that will be a key concern of these red. whether that, why it will continue slowing. i'm also being indication of how serious the key on applying pressure on these ro, okay, facts about done and done in jones, in a stumble. so we'll take a quick look now it's of all stores making headlines around the well well starting georgia way i demonstrate is that gathered in the capital to be easy for another. and i to protest at the low make us approve the 2nd reading of a controversial foreign agents low the bill because media and civil groups were
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funding from the broad to register as being on the foreign insults opponent site, similar to a know in use in russia to silence government critics. bavarian community of more now has held the memorial service for to do crazy. and so just with them to death last weekend and they wouldn't, jeremy for rehabilitation, police have detained a 57 year old russian citizen. you're paying commission to present sort of funds a line hasn't noticed that economic package from that but on which she's also aimed at coping irregular migration into the a you speaking in bayville, which is that the would provide a 1000000000 in your house and 812111 including assistance for the time in the countries board has to, he'll be things with prime minister and that jamie kazi, was a company, a bike, because the trust do need to do need to need is the president of a member of the cypress, the cypress is dealing with
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a shopping increase in the number of city and refugees arriving by boat from lab and on. the answers lubbock, the you for months to extend aid at 211111 these host more than 2000000 syrians. that's more than the withholding half of whom enter the country illegally. even those that level on stuff as it was ever economic crises, many lebanese cyber high number of syrian migrants in that country is making a bad situation worse. the w is a baby bureau chief mohammed to china. i'd say reports, and you may find some of the images in his report. distressing the fresh wave of fury at syrians and living on this time it looks much more serious. the recent mother of the local christian party official, allegedly at the hands of the court jacking, denzil serial number of notes has to go fight and then spend victory. all that
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syrians independent, including displaced, refugees, mohammed floods, war torrents, 2 years, 10 years ago. now if he has been displaced again, this time from living on the bottom of the novel room and we are afraid and barely sleep at night, but there's a 100. we'll see that every time someone knocks at the door and we fear that someone has come to attack us, do not. i'm unable to go to work or to the supermarket did after not lose. i can't leave home nonsense and slow the i've been receiving threats demanding. i leave the neighborhood within 5 days. this is where should i go to manage all? that's what comes to your model. ok, so i can't go back to cereal box with him. i'm wanted and would be immediately drafted into the military. oscar, none of buttons are, that's what i'm headed back to as are falling. to old syrians and bows have moved. you must leave your shops and residences by friday at the latest. you've been warned. for tens,
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a few assyrians have lived in this neighborhood together with the minis, mainly christians. but now the city and run shops have been shut down. and many syrian companies have left their rent as homes as they took over our businesses and replace this. they come into 11 and illegally and are increasingly committing crimes and murders an online move. hello. sort of, you might want them out in any way possible. i mean, i just want them out, i a moment little they took our jobs and disrupted our lives. that the lecture look a little higher. the, i don't know, the legal status can stay, but those are here. illegally should leave, but attacking them is not acceptable. under pressure by independence economy collapse and the country's political paralysis deal told her to use our, echoing the sentiments that gotten our political edge, the security closest and the police to family, and strictly implemented lebanese low on the syrian refugee depend on host the
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great this number of refugees per capita of any country into what more than 2000000 students in lebanon form 45 percent of the population. this would be equivalent of nearly 38000000 refugees in germany. and some 163000000 refugees, the united states of america. the sort of numbers are very significant in the context of depend on security and power shedding months of the vast majority of that i could use our sunni muslims, that has been viewing fears of a huge demographic imbalance in a country where christians and muslims chad power equally in the rear seat of political unity whitefield, political parties are calling for the quotation of syrian refugees pushing many of them towards choices that is making utah very nervous. a lot of had that a long icon stay here against the width of the libby. nice lot of should with down with i don't know what to do, but honestly the fun is i'm not that that i hate going. i may try to leave for
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another country that are we, i'm on no bucks a month. i know i have no other choice but has to go through a legal migrant focus on the with on what migration for you to roots out of reach the dangerous c journeys to you will only increase what correspondent terry shows and brussels can tell us more about the use of a steel tron cut migration to it shows welcome savvy. why is some brussels announcing the steel with lap it on now as well? this been under a lot of pressure from e u. member cyprus, to do something about the increasing number of syrian refugees that are making their way to cyprus. so cyprus says that in the 1st 3 months of this year, more than 2000 people arrived. whereas last year, over the same period that only saw $78.00 arrivals. so that's really been a big increase and in fact, cypress actually refused to process syrian asylum claims. now saying that it simply
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couldn't deal with the high number. and meanwhile, as nissan, mohammed's report 11 on his under extreme economic difficulty, it simply doesn't have the means to deal with, with hosting more people or stepping up border controls to stop them from leaving for europe. so it seems to be just the right time that you didn't have a choice, but to help loving on. meanwhile, of course, european elections are underway. campaigning is underway for the elections of june 6th through the 9th. so with migration at the top of the voters issues list, this was also an opportune time for the european commission. and european commission chief versa, live underlying to show that she was doing something about stopping more people from coming to europe. so, um, it was a combination of these factors that made now the right time for europe to announce this 1000000000 euro a package for 11 on. yeah. 1000000000 you're, i'm sounds like
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a lot of money. i'm how will that help level and what will they spend you us uh yeah, the you will uh, allow this money to be spent between now and 2027 and a lot of it will go to 11 on and it will help the education system that health care sector will help in reforms in the economic and banking sectors. but in truth 3 quarters of that, 1000000000 euros are going to work on the refugee crisis and not just in love in on, um, as, as we've been explaining, a lot of this money will go to helping keep those people in love and on and helping loving and deal with it, they want the, the use border control agency front techs to step up is cooperation with lebanon. again, to stop those people from ever leaving for the european union. so whilst it sounds like it's going to help 1111 on very much needs that money. this is also going to help the european union. okay, thanks for that. terry dw teddy shows in brussels are coming
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up next on dw news africa. the presidents of the democratic republic of congo tells d w. one of the most elaborate gadgets, the smartphone, it's being used in the is made using illegally acquired blood middle calls from the tech john. select apple to take responsibility plus a forensic investigation into and the movie and the mask. it shows the harvest, commissioned by german colonial soldiers, victims defends and support for it to be recognized. as a james told me, a laboratory will have fact as well, and just a moment of process that was full on our website, c, w dot com, youtube, and social media channels as well. fox, the don't about 12 years. put somebody off of the
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the, the, the view will tell you we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w, driven by greed in the 2000 star, 2 bags engaged in various tie risk business practices. toys ivank was basically
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involved in every shady scandal in the banking sector worldwide. a raised for ever higher process, and then the ethnic, the minds of a german institution. the deutscher bank story in 45 minutes on the w, the do big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. i have time to raise all over brazilian reprocess 30000 hides a day. 90 percent of that is one of the forward market. the auto industry, for example. the letter will actually cost awesome comes from initial capital times in the m as in. yet the automobile industry doesn't care about the supply chain.
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profit, all that much. and eagle, as a starts may said on d, w, the best as data being used as a got coming up on the program, could some of the world's most popular smartphones have been made using blogs, minerals, the president of the democratic republic of congo, believe so. you can use as the tech giant apple of building its flagship products using illegally acquired minerals in a trade, which he alleges one that is facilitating. why would you want to negotiate with a come and see who's doing business on the fax? it's dead congolese on your telephones. you have in your countries contain the blood of the concrete that a phone was of a, you know, the funky end of a song by.