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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news lies from breland, media reports from egypt. see how mass representatives have arrived in cairo for guys us. these 5 tools need each has a waiting on a massive response to choose times done. we'll see a temporary halt to ease are also offensive in the casa, in exchange for the release of hostages. also coming up for us demonstrations are wrapped in georgia as capital against a law which puts us that's called the russian box, track down and civil liberties. judges, presidents house due to a mutual veto of the bill and canadian police charge 3 indian nationalist of audit, killing of the seats separate as the case that spot maybe 2 months of crisis
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between india and kind of the i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program, exemption. media reports see how minus the negation has arrived in cairo to resume the guys that choose talks spinning with stations involved the us in egypt, the talks are taking place as these are all threatens to launch on the offensive into the city of rafa to the house how many times it holds responsible for the until by 7th, tara tax. so 1500000 palestinians are taking refuge in the southern city, the u. n. and the us have warned against the oppression. a choose proposal 6 to halt fights and for 40 days. and exchange hostages upon us being in prison. this are sending out to the country of georgia where mass protest have
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now entered the fed consecutive week. the protest i am that the government's bill, which critics i do, will track down on civil liberties like freedom of speech. and threats in georgia. so impressions of joining the with in union the you and the us up at the start you out to drop the legislation. housing just people in georgia has been taking to the streets for weeks protesting a bill that could set in media freedom. crowds oppose was a score the foreign agents bill, which would require immediate non profits to register as working for a foreign power. if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad, the so the motivation behind the decision to reintroduce the lower despite the problem is that it would not have been is clearly rushed in style even before examining the law itself. that's
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what many here are calling it the solar russian law. that's because moscow use a similar legislation, declared press freedom and silence critics of the kremlin georgian presidents, and whom is what a beast really opposes the bill. and to be w, she would not let it pass as it did with georgia as plans of joining the you. so this low is pretty sorry by everyone. and it's criticized by your 10 factors by our american partners. that say that this will be an obstacle to the european pass of georgia when we are expecting by the end of the year to get to the possibility to open negotiations for georgia, entry into the european union. while the president in western partners have opposed the law, georgia's prime minister has dismissed their criticism. he says their interference has in fact accelerated violence correspondent
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marietta got them as he told us, more about the division inside the judge and government. as we're currently in spc arrive next to the apartment gates where the tensions have been very, very high for the recent past 2 weeks when the protests and protests as have been coming out on the streets. indeed, it's represents the, the polarization and the georgia society. and confrontation between the government and the president. the president is seen as someone who is citing with the protest us as a pro western leader who's trying to uh to make it easier for georgia to become a human. but she is criticizing a very harshly the government. she even calls them pro russian government. she says that they are actually implementing russian style policies and the government size that etc. or is that there will be another war in georgia. it accuses the west that
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the west is floating in governments. you the revolution here in georgia. so you can see here the confrontation and the polarization between the pro wesson and pro democracy forces. and the government was trying to track the balance as they, as the claimant's canadian police have arrested 3 men over the meadow. a b, c could separate taste in vancouver last june. investigate test that they also probing possible ties between the suspects and the indian government. that he had no immediate response to the arrest about has for mans denied involvement. that kidding has become the centralink diplomatic spots between canada and india. 10 months after hardy seeing the jars killing canadian police have their main suspects . 3 indian nationals living in canada, a beneficial say they're still looking for others who might be involved in the murder, including agents of the indian government. will underscore that today's
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announcements are not a complete the account of the investigative work currently underway. there are separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters. certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. relations between ottawa and delhi have been tense since the jars killing last june. india labeled him a terrorist for his role in the 6 separatist movement, which came to the car of an independent state college done out of parts of india and pakistan. seeks in canada and india have accused the indian government of a political assassination. in september, canada, as prime minister said, there was reason to believe in a conspiracy. over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of
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a potential link between agents. so the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen, or they've seen major india called the allegations absurd and unsubstantiated and expelled dozens of canadian diplomats about the prime minister. and the arrange remotely later told the financial times that he would look into the allegations. but so far, no findings have been released. at least 59 people have been killed as south and brazil and deal with its worst flight in you know, about 80 years rescue as are battling torrential rains and such of thousands of people mission in the state of rio grande into so the downfall is expected to continue over the weekend and authorities want that. several dams on now at the risk of collapse to cost is for p. a to pull families to safety is rising, flood waters reached rooftops. the relentless rain forcing
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thousands to evacuate. milton levels and some cities hit the highest points since records began nearly 150 years ago. and we have people who came here to help get people out of the flood because it's rough down there. i mean, it's very dangerous. there's a strong current and i brought a boat and the most have the most. so we're getting people out there on the best of all of our with studies the down pool began on monday by thursday, the deluge had over whelmed the stem dressing stage map as president, luis, ignacio, literally, the silva is pledging assistance to those affected ok. i want to tell you that there will be no charges or aid from the federal government for health care. there will be no shortage of money to take care of transportation and there will be no shortage of money to take care of food. meaning still coming to terms with the scale of davis sanction locally settlement. think the yellows must be doing
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something different. implant is used to be basically punishing mystical, but i think pollution why something is happening because this is not i'll know boys at that point because no matter a little while or o this has been caused by something else that was a cause are the it's the full flooding disaster any yes to brazil, following rains in july, september and november. that killed 75 people entitled this morning. he was making headlines around the world. let's look at some of them. breton, so position leave. apache has asked prime minister obviously. so not to call for the general election after he made a huge games in local elections in england. the government, conservative policy, last key console and regional vegas. the results have fed on res expectations. i believe a policy will return to pie in the next national vote in
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ukraine, several people having one that even an overnight attack on hockey, if by russian drones you premium firefighters buckling to extinguish multiple fires . the city has been attacked almost every day for months, costs and fee is that russia could be fund any somehow offensive to capture. otherwise, you brains it for a mystery has introduced its new a. i generate textbooks. press enter to make official statements on the ministry's behalf and select her. yeah, she is modeled on a single and former reality tv style. the foreign ministry said that has statements of oil will be written and verified by real people. and that she was created to save diplomats time, the sausage and this was of the left hand side. 14 people have been killed in a landslide and flattened on indonesia as in the west island. according to the countries disaster management's agency to arrange your reign over several days triggered the landslide, which also affected over a 1000 homes of
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a $100.00 people wave acquainted. retaining to i'll top star egyptian media reports see how mass the negation has arrived in cairo to resume guys our piece talks and yeah, we spoke to me these x rays done okay off and asked him to tell us more about the current deal being negotiated. so yeah, the money, i think this is probably the last chance that with this consolation with involvement of egypt caught on the united states a hostage deal could be negotiated to nothing. but it's clear for everyone. the americans have put into huge. they have invested heavily and you put huge pressure holes on these really side. i've heard from the egyptians that they have also changed their pasta on how much they have. uh, of course, always been very critical of how mazda and, uh, and also those, the pressure. but uh, what they have been doing, and the reason days is quite unprecedented. we see we've seen the head of egyptian national intelligence of us combo travel to israel. now we have the most allegation
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in cairo. so i think everyone is very much serious about the proposal. however, previously the negotiators have observed that whenever they came very close to a deal on both sides as the categories that there is really at the homicide, sabotaged it. and i think this, there is, there's great expectations, but also a high degree of frustration. now they're talking about numbers, the 30, the number of hostages, the even a tearing situation of the hostages. what is important now is that they choose some sort of a deal to prove that the mechanism still works. and now i don't know if you've heard the is, but according to some reports, these are all has given him us some sort of ultimatum, right. what influence call this have on the negotiations as well? is there a has given a number of ultimatums and these ultimatums to always in a way to be is because when israel says we're going into alpha. so of course the target to pressure how much but the ones that are, that are basically suffering from this is not home us, it's the civilian population. the find the international community knows that very
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well and then know that an annual operation to it off high school and to come with love with a so it was a civilian, civilian lost us with the humanitarian disaster and potential even war crimes. now, what is being discussed in the art of circles? let's say the circles of the arab league is not only to have a hostage be hostages release, but also to ex patry a to evacuate positive that hamas leadership to another country that's been discussed all across the are well, some saying maybe i'll, julia would be would be able to, to, to, to take them. however, i think these realize need some sort of a victory picture symbolic victory image that proves that they have won the war if they don't want to go into alpha. and that would be, of course, to casual kill. yes, in water, the head of the home us that i'm us leadership and gaza. right. so based on what we know, sofa which side has the at, by hand in negotiations, you think of, or what, at the moment,
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the best of it. you can say that that's why these negotiations fail at the moment, of course, how mas, uh, could agree to this. um, on the other hand, we need to take into account that how mazda is also divided. there is they, the political branch was which is uh, based in doha, threatened also like, by the way, to be kicked out of toys that deal sales. um, on the other hand, do you have the military when we have the, i guess in law enough uh, were really fearing for their lives. and rightfully so, because they know that they are not going to get out of this. they know that even if they get exaggerated, if they can voice, they could sneak out of guys and one way or the other. these earliest will hunt them down. and, and, and, and on the other hand, you have a very and big us and we know this and be with the venue minutes. and yeah, what was says, regardless of a deal, we will go into alpha. now these are, is uh, seen to now comply with the idea that part of the population could return to northern gaza. they seem to engage in the americans that they are also willing to
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sign up for some sort of a cooperation management of gaza. so they wouldn't occupied the gaza strip, but everyone knows in israel, in the region and best in the united states. they've been a many minutes and you all change his mind and has a very tactical relationship to the truth and his commitments. i send you i up to date the climate change of info or a station in the rain forest continued carbon dioxide emissions have risen again the people of the world are we what impact will they think it's changed.