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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:02pm CEST

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the secret lives of the inside stops may 22nd on d w. the . this is the w news. these are our top stories. egyptian media reports say a last delegation has arrived in cairo to resume the gaza. choose talks the negotiations that involved the u. s. guitar and egypt are taking place as israel threatens to launch and offensive on the city of ruffled the u. n. and the u. s. have warrant against the operation. a truce proposal 6 to health fighting for 40 days and exchange hostages for palestinian prisoners. canadian police have a rest of 3 men over the murder of a c, except protest in vancouver. at last june, investigator said they are also probing possible ties between the suspects and the
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indian government. hardy, seeing that new jar was a canadian citizen and wanted by indian authorities for ledge to terrorism, delhi had no immediate response to the arrests, but has per month denied involvement. pain. several people have been wounded in an overnight attack on hard seas by russian drones, ukrainian firefighters are battling to sting bush multiple fires. the city has been attacked almost every day for months causing fears that russia could be planning a summer offensive to capture it. you're watching dw news from berlin, you'll find more on our website, dw, dot com, the, the, the,
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the, it is some of the current key, more people than in such a passion life. the types of in part that's the, that's the best the best and find out the daily story. info, migraines, reliable news to migrate wherever they may be. in the world of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop dreaming. i'm next to take action dw global, easier for them 2024, a bunch of any practice.