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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. tomas representatives had arrived in egypt for gaza ceasefire talks on the table, choose terms proposing a hold to israel's offensive and gaza in exchange for the release of is really hostages and palestinian prisoners. also coming up, tons of media and kenya are on alert as tropical cycling today on a purchase coastal areas, people there have already faced heavy rains and flooding for weeks. the
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we've been following some breaking news from germany. a social democratic politician has been attacked while putting up campaign posters in the eastern city of dresden mathias echo is a candidate in the upcoming european parliament elections. party officials say he was seriously injured and requires surgery according to police at the was allegedly hurt by 4 attackers who had earlier beaten up a green party campaign worker will bring you more updates as the story develops. for more i'm john jointed now by dw political correspondent alex garrison. alex, there's very little information right now, but what more can you tell us about the attack or yeah, the attack happened already yesterday in the evening. suspects as approached to you as that could be leading candidates for the s p. d. social democrats, insects to me. they started to insult them and then a tech to, for no reason. the suspects use massive violence. you've just mentioned that you
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had to on the go emergency surgery and she will have to stay in hospital until the coming week. and according to eye witness also we can say a we're hearing that those suspects that you have mentioned that they could possibly be doing to, to far right extremist groups. but this is not yet considered by annual survey to you. so we just rely on i this reports there and, and very close. uh what you all also just as mentioned, there was another attack against a young man containing for the green pods. it was lucky be less severe tech, but according to police, it is likely that both a tech of attacks were conducted by the same group of suspects. now this attack is not the 1st one on politicians in recent weeks in the country. can you tell us a little bit more about that? yes, indeed. we've been seeing an increase of violence against politicians adjusting sex and the loan. the 30 cases of violence against politicians have been reported just
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this year. more permanent cases of, of violence and those investments include to cases of the, the german economy minister of a topic who was blocked from needing a very, a couple of months back. and just earlier this week and something very similar happens to the vice president of the german parliament cutting, booting gods. so we're seeing these attendance to intimidate members of democratic parties, which is also why members of all the credit parties condemning visa text in general . and yesterday's, a tech, in particular with poverty members of my to you as a kid from the social democrats that even blaming at least didn't direct to the, the far right. a if the potty for that constant use of hate speech over the last months and years and also the prime minister, both sex and you, the conservative politicians may try to catch them. uh, he was quick to condemn these attacks yesterday and said that the text like these
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reminds him of germany stock as the russ alex scares to thank you for the update. turning now to our other top story from last delegation has arrived in egypt to resume the gaza. truth talks, negotiations in cairo, involved the u. s. katara and egypt. the talks are taking place as israel threatens to launch and offensive on the city of rasa to pursue come off militants. it holds responsible for the october 7th terror attacks. some $1500000.00 palestinians are taking refuge in the southern city un and the us have warrant against the operation . the truth proposal is 6 to health fighting and exchange hostages for palestinian prisoners. the earlier we asked middle east expert daniel guerra lack for his analysis and expectations. here's what he had to say. but i think this is probably the last chance that with this consolation with involvement of egypt caught in the
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united states a um, hostage deal could be negotiated to nothing, but it's clear for everyone, the americans have put into huge, have invested heavily. and you put huge pressure also in the is really side. i've heard from the egyptians that they have also changed their pasto and how much they have. uh, of course, always uh, been very critical of how mazda and, uh, and also those, the pressure. but uh, what they have been doing and the reason days is quite of the president. we see we've seen the head of egyptian national intelligence of us combo travel to israel . now we have the most allegation in cairo. so i think everyone is very much serious about the proposal. however, previously the negotiators have observed that whenever they came very close to a deal on both sides as the categories that there is really have the homicide sabotaged it. and i think this, there is, there's great expectations, but also a high degree of frustration. now they're talking about numbers. apparently the
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number of hostages, the even a tearing situation of the hostages. what is important now is that they choose some sort of a deal to prove that the mechanism still works. and i asked the w, correspond atanya claim there in jerusalem about the outlines of this deal. that's why we have to be very careful with out. of course, no official outline has been published as negotiations are ongoing, but in recent weeks that has been you know, reports and over always based on names sources that, that give us a kind of idea of how such an deal would look like. now in the 1st phase, that could last up to 4 to 6 weeks, we could see the release of up to 33 hostages in exchange for yet to be determined, raised 2 of palestinian prisoners that are held in is really prisons. and of course, in exchange for a temporary c, sorry. and then this talk about a 2nd phase, where basically more of the hostages,
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the living hostages would be released as well as the bodies of those hostages that are no longer alive, as well as that during these, you know, weeks then in this 2nd phase, that would be some sort of talks on going about a permanent or sustainable calm. but of course all this means the devil he is in the detailing. we have to wait until you know, the agree on a deal and receive a deal being published over the past 6 months. we've seen so many attempts to make a deal is this time different? and if the current deal on the table falls, what does this mean for the war? i mean, there's a lot of pressure on all sides. they've just hurted and t and is a, was a waiting period this week because all week there was the sense that, you know, the, the waiting for the response a by him off to the latest proposal. and we're seeing the headlines. he's saying it's either a hostage to you or an operation into off off, and that was, you know,
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such as being the last opportunity here by some of the analysts. now of course, this is also meant to be a pressure tool by the is really government to uh, bring him us to agree to such a deal, but we understand major sticking points remain. i'm us wants to see. commitment is rather of a full withdrawal from a gaza by its forces, as well as the return of all the residents that have been displaced to the south, back in the north, to the homes of what is left of it. and also, of course, a permanent end to the war. and this is something that is really tough not really agreed to be heard by mr. ben. you mean antonio's saying again and again that whether or not that is a deal, an operation. rough estimate happen. the w correspondent, tonya kramer, thank you very much. i, a ton of money and 10 year are on alert as a tropical cycle and is approaching the coastal areas,
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areas and tons. and you have already been hit by heavy rainfall and strong winds. authorities of wind residents to take caution as the intensity of the approaching cycle today it increases flood hit neighbor kenya is also bracing for the storm. recent floods in east africa have killed around 400 people and displaced more than 200000 the cycle and is expected to make landfall at the weekend. on the canyon and tens and ian coast. let's go straight to dw corresponded felix marine got in nairobi. thanks for joining us now. kenya and tanzania are bracing for the cycling heading towards their indian ocean coastlines. how is the region preparing for this extreme weather event? so both the canyon government and the design in government have ones people who i in areas that may likely be affected by the psych loan to move to say for areas
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that could them. government has also position policemen and they can now was life savvy. as of the size to either cost a lane where they are petroleum to ensure that they're wanting, that was given to ensure that people are not in the coastline is and he adds to and anybody who goes, i guess the one is, is actually actually is actually taken against them, they can police uh, also uh, bonds or activities. they bond seats out of the bond. uh, beats uh, beats activities in the bond all manner of activities. and of course just to ensure that to add these very lead to the or no casualties. i told you with regards to a visa, both metro logical departments and cannot ending soon, as i know, i've been sending timely updates to the citizens to advise them on travel and other related activities around the course lines of the salon and uh, the course of can you, it sounds like a lot of activity this region has been battling torrential rains for weeks. how
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serious is the situation at this moment? so the situation is being really bad. uh, for instance, and can about 200 people have. so if i died, hundreds of thousands have been displaced in pennsylvania. 150 people have died. uh, quite thousands of them have been displaced down in but on the, on that, that 2 people have died at the same situation in ethiopia, uganda in florida. and so just tell you how dire situation easiest i did during a televised address by then by the can president, president, to the router said that these no parts of the country that i've been spared by the sidewalk. that's how dire situation is being used. felix miranda in narrow b. thank you so much for joining us and stay dry. a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in ukraine,
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several people have been wounded in an overnight attack on car keys by rushing drones. ukrainian firefighters are battling to extinguish multiple fires. the city has been attacked almost every day for months causing fears that russia could be planning a summer offensive to capture it. 14 people have been killed in a landslide and flooding on indonesia as to a waste. the island, according to the countries disaster management agency to rental reign over several days triggered the land slide, which also affected over a 1000 homes. over 100 people were evacuated, springs, opposition leave. a party has urge prime minister wishy soon act to call a general election after inmate huge gains in local elections in england. the governing conservative party at last key councils and regional mer ships. the result have further raised expectations that the labor party will return to power in the next national vote. hundreds of thousands of madonna fans
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are gathering in rio de janeiro for the pop stars. first concert in brazil in over a decade. the free event is being staged, as a thank you from the senior as her world war comes to an end of the concert doesn't take place until saturday evening. the anticipation along couple of combined a beach has been building for days. the stages effect on the world's most iconic beach as rio de janeiro proposed to welcome the fun disputed queen of pop. over a 1000000 people are expected to gather on cobra, combined to beach. on saturday evening. as madonna closes his celebration to with the free concepts, the vogue signal was spotted rehearsing on friday evening with lucas, keen to catch a glimpse of the star. who done the green balaclava, she prepared for such a day show. the
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existence resilient comes that in 12 years and the locals are already in the policy mood. the i have always loved him. i don't know. i grew up with madonna. it's a great opportunity to be here and see the diva live the it's amazing. see my mother in law has everything. she has a great voice. music is political and changes lives. everything about modernize incredible. she's the best city officials said the event is expected to bring in around $50000000.00 euros for the local economy and why we might all be living in the material world. madonna funds,
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not all material goals. that's all for now. up next. how leather seats for cars pose a threat to brazil's rain forest. that song doc film. thanks for watching the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of climate problems. if the care is subscribe to those channels, every friday, subscribe to plan, it's a good the amazon is burning every day.