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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm CEST

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of the the this week on the 77 percent street debate, we used to be forced to speak english. why we, we can from becky ground on speaking. so i here we have been raised and in, so i healy, what do you, do you lose your identity? is simply by learning another language. when i speak english, i church which means i have to leave all my coaches behind body fun barely me to to, to, to do not just new phones with my father.
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hello and welcome back to the 77 percent. this week we are in one of my favorites, which is in africa. there is the long times in the now did you know that the over a 100 languages spoken here and yet? so he remains a national language, in fact, tons of media until recently was only one or 22 countries in africa to have that. so today we are asking, why is it that we choose these impose languages when we have so many to choose from who but a 2 assets, then some fellow tons and he is. and i just want to start with a general question, rachel. and by the way, i know we're having this conversation in english, which is the entire point of this debate. so just by show of hands, how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages? that's almost everyone on the panel who speaks of these 3 languages, at least really well, at least for ok. so let's start with you. the last man who is a student here in terms of the a he's actually from. 5 from gonna so
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a club. so what languages do you speak? so i speak english now decide you alex s b. i kind of a cheat analysis. this house that you also see casa, so for language, so how many languages do you speak? 2 languages, which ones are they in english? okay. so is it normal for most times and he has to be speaking at least more than 2 languages. i can speak for it as it is, but i think yes, usually the standard 2 is usually disbanded, but most often it's one say, okay, so when we think tons of media normally, the 1st thing that comes to mind is just the beauty, but also the use of this, what he language, can you tell me how he became so prevalent in this country? historically? i think it's due to just the history of the healy, of the course has been the place to bring people together persians or hands of the european so. so a healy was the only literally the language abroad this people together. so you would have an arrow because the ceramic purges squared you who can speak to the
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office. so they had to form a language that everyone would understand and that's how so he was born, which is i some of the phrases some words do. so he leaves me, make a rabbit corps are kind of like it or at least and so, and so over the years kind of builds up that way. so they've been tribal wise, you would have as a bunch of language, you'd have some phrases in this drive. also mimicking some phrases as well. so obviously it's a concerted effort, not just by the politicians, but also the people of times when you have to speak. so he be right, but obviously this has also brought some challenges film on because uh well many people just speak to like you've been not entirely able to communicate with the rest of the blow. right? yes, one of the people defended us. so he, from the background from the origin was best for people who are like, you may be going to school. we have, i did, i got to you need it's lynn english. ok. so talk to me a little bit about how it is in terms of mia every, let me speak to you because you're a teach at a private school. the language of instruction is ideally supposed to be useful.
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healy until you gets to secondary school. am i right there to options in the private sector? that is where english is mostly spoken as the medium of communication waiting. the government's website is mostly spoken as the medium of communication. so that gives a chance for most events, keep running the language and gets used to eat and the groves, but when they reach 70, when they get they get to secondary. suppose that is when they sense using one language and that's his english as the meat of a communication, isn't this difficult to though? i mean to have that super hard transition, the part tell me about the experience. it's really difficult because know when a child is speaking my, the mother language is so human and then that you, you, you being to use another language english. it's really hard for students to build up with 2 languages. yes. so it's really has, right. so i'd like to ask the question to someone who has a ph. d, or is doing a pc? is what healey? yeah, it's me dog sounds we have language is obviously along the locals,
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along with the swahili language and the kinds of language it's and do we have lots of lenny lots of language as much as much as we can. but when it comes to the language of instruction, for my opinion, i think we should instruct, there will do she was ditch student to you're using the language. what do they know? and for my side doesn't yeah. i think it's a bit just white white sway to because it's known if the student loan to the to, to it's not up to just one second said available. so ditching using and the kind of language it's me is uses pop, those who lose a lot of energy. and i'm telling you read and look just to, to do the phase. and just kind of given to just been up most of just as long as you're not coming to because you're raising your hands there. also, like i said, over a 100 languages spoken in this country. so what's the place of those quote unquote, by the time actually that the things uh, basically how do you use the in tribes. okay. and therefore it's likely happens to
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be the mainland with business booking in wisconsin. and for that reason, each unites us brings us to give us some settings and that is a to these weights we've spoken in, in this country. yeah, i also wanted to speak about the shipping from the time able to stick with that isn't usually there's some, had she during the 1st 2 years because the kid on the people has to try to transform. he will have so language, but it must be a so that they can pop up with the education. and oh, that's okay. but the sub to years, they usually on the same level because the set speaking and at even control themselves in education vision on the english language. okay. maria, i work in publishing. so we see a lot of people who are i'm not degree days. so you have someone who's graduated from college who really reads per year and, and this is almost always, that should be due to the fact that they only have to learn english in um, in, in seconds. or they only have had to learn. so he's in maybe only primary and then
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they have to abandon it. so by the way, before we get too far, i just want to tell our audience that there's been numerous studies that have been done with support. the fact that early childhood learning is actually better if done in a medium of instruction that the child understands. let me hear from you as well as the boxes on countries and these people are trying to get to that actively based on the why that's language become very so in order to enforce that interaction, we mean 1st linux, the language, i say english language size. if someone came for me being that idea, now south africa for reason is bodies in the fact as with any doctors. ok, sure. so during that, this is a really interesting point. she's brought up, which is where the hierarchy of language is. right. so he said that when it comes to business that home speaking to your people, help on a pallet you use this way. but when it comes to business, english is the preferred language. why? and so he's also in the official language. in most cases, we have bundled no language. so he, when switching for job searching for the,
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for the opportunities, you must know english. you also speak, you saw, he has such a national language, but it does, it actually helps you to move to the high levels. when he was sitting for different opportunities and the sway as my m. c. d a, when we moved from the frame i live a, we do a bundle in our long. okay, so we're talking about abandoning the language and yes, the people who i think top dollar to learn the language. lillian here is from zimbabwe and she's doing a must of him. so he, so what got you thinking? this is the language i want to use. even as the terms of me as themselves, they perhaps is not the best language of learning at the moment. well say for me i, i still that you sway healy is getting used for my own kind of thing. let me just say that i'm the mother. so if, if there's like a tiny bit as well. okay,
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congratulations. yeah. so i assume that this language is going to give me explain to people police force because they now but was, was setting to then uh it's use this to me specially to this is being forced to them to. so he is one feeling with the suspending, assessing that well they didn't tell you needs the chinese, you're teaching the gym as you have teaching. well, the goal for those languages most who don't have anyone who's speaking now would say just to to go for keith. why he left is also in a 15 language up. that's an interesting what you've used, forced to learn. so like you do, you think that we are hosting of the applicants to use the national the, the native languages, the, the african languages. so healy has always been new, will actually go, you know, it links people together. i think what's happening right now, even with the savings, then you know me language is a you and in the ac is that we understand that it links the voice more than
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a language is a culture. so being african people relate to. so the healey speakers because you relate to the culture in itself. well, just the language. yeah. so that's why we have a we really being honest with ourselves. yeah. if i'm to speak wonderfully, as i can kind of really want to make fun of tons of me is because of your proficiency of, of swahili. i mean of english, we internalize the self hate so that we judge people based on their ability to just be a board language. let me get some thoughts, the zip. all right. okay. uh, go ahead. i wanted to say uh in san antonio, when you speak english, when people look at you like, why intelligent and honest 6. so he oh, when you can speak english, there was look at you a jingle, how is him thinking english foolish? alcohol is like you're for cuz you don't know english, so it's, it's, it's really, i don't really get it out for these. uh, we say speaking english as, as being intelligence. well, while it's, it's along with everybody can just you didn't,
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can you come in any language and can be what it doesn't? doesn't really matter. yeah. yeah. really. yeah. was it just to, to research on the highlight your language actually was kind of to change. we actually have writers just language. we have english and then we have showing that they haven't did that. so now like english is being until white because it's the medium of communication. thank for the whole country. we don't have like additional language which is our own downwards. we only use english assembly, you know, communication. so if you're missing someone from another ethnic group and you said present can speak english to kind of slow. yeah. kind of holding. so we actually have that pay like just send me a 2nd to just come to evelyn. i read that teaches a sometimes horrible to students who don't speak. so he who employs the and shame as a tool to try and encourage them to learn. is this true to you see what happens is, as my friend said, that english is being termed as they say,
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the means of intelligence. you see and not speaking english, you seem like you're, you're, i'm useful. okay? and that's, that's the comes of really becoming this kind of just moving as okay. and my advice to the government, they think since they decided to have these 2 sections that we have, they have the schools and private schools. i think we should also continue events on the similar level because that will give an option to of a tutor and started with the site the language to keep on using it. and perhaps that will do it better. yeah, for i shall i still you really shaking your head when i asked about this shame question. uh oh good. did you have an experience in secondary, i remember when what school there was a room to speak english. and if you don't speak english for the day, the punishments and everything. so normal punishment like, you know, you will call, you know, 650 a couple of speak to to couple of 6, you know,
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punishments in there. so we had really to, to call using english, try not to speak with you at all. wow, well, day from wanting to evening, maybe later on in the morning and there the dmitri, that's why you were sick. so he a little. yeah, but i mean, this must not be good psychologically for anyone who's trying to learn the language . right. let me hear from you see, we used to be forced to speak english. yeah. of why we we can from becky ground of speaking. so here we have seen raised and in, so i healy, so you reach in secondary school and find yourself that you have to speak. you'll really need to speak english as your best language. so we're getting confusion at the end of the day. you know, because the teachers, they, they, they, they, they the, the, the school they haven't explain why, what, what are the importance of
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a student to speak these uh english. but they will see you at the end of the day, you have to speak english for monday to do it evening. then you find yourself, you are hungry, you are not yet. and you are ending up hating this thing, school english. so i really like what you said about it even makes you, you know, sort of don't want to learn english in it to a certain degree. yeah. but when we draw so healey, as you say, or when we don't see it as valuable, what do we lose as a society? when you don't seeing swahili or if you don't write in swahili, what do we lose? of the culture lose our stories growing up. we as you know, tons, onions, historically we being started have been passed down to us by your oral traditions or like we have grandfather's grandmother sending us stories. and so he but then you have someone who now has to abandon home to go to school where they're not being told go stories. these are he then no longer reading it is really the no
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longer right jesus or he, you, you, you lose your identity. i was actually think all these discussions going on. there's a sort of like a culture erasure that's happening where people forget who they are. so you, you find yourself unable, i'm actually a victim of that unable to, to relate and connect to your own language. so that loss of identity comes across as you recall it sophisticated because you learn english, you able to communicate internationally, but really is a loss of self and in the identity of who you as a person and really should say to really be seen because uh, someone said here, when them most students who are not really assessing very good because of numbers area and then we don't get a lot of people. that's a professional in many areas like in industries i learned moving to center everything. so we were, you find that we have to get another people to come over to do our stories,
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to rachel books, you know, to make our film to do everything for us this way. she said we are losing our own stories like who are raised on. so if you can speak for yourself and because you don't have a long which is on, so let me have some, you mean the, like for the a c, h was i me leaving your language of friends and let me someone makes you thinking, i think would make to court your things. retain late right now. for example, the bullet, the, you know mary. the diary. yes. yes. to do that and the bearing of the dates, those are the 2 culture things which i know right now. but a lot of the things we were, they were doing big things like it for us. okay. we don't to anything about that, but do you, do you lose your identity? is simply by learning another language or is it because because i mean, i speak multiple languages, right? i have not stuck to being equally or kenya and or an african. well,
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the problem is that when you live along which, you know, sites, it's like the people who the language like with the problem comes. so when i speak english, i try to just like an english person, you know, 18, they can visit. this means i have to leave all my cultures behind and it's like that once i'm landing up, all right, so let me ask last month then when he started learning. so he did, did you find yourself making decisions that were different from say, perhaps if you're speaking a lot, by the way, when you dream, what language do you dream? and i think that seems right now and even speaking that kind of the house side kind of looks like. mm hm. yeah. let me ask the arena here because when i'm looking at the 1st industrial revolution, everybody using the digital space as what he is saying, he will get presented, but not enough, right?
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are we losing out on perhaps making leap and bones that's active because we just look speaking the language is uh, we need to localize the tools. we need to localize the content so that they can be accessing swahili language. i mean this way we can be able to save a lot of age and to make sure that the next generation comes in plain language. i would say that's remaining isaac bottles picking our local language. we just make technology for us because the technology, the money market for sticking a movie at the future, interiors with the site and doesn't young's alice thunder along with this one even . and that was made made before these, this bypass, they would, yes, transform those technology meets our language the months. so the fact that that comes for me from i've been active language, we have been forced to add that to technology rather than take longer. this one that i totally get 2 points and be 200 millions because of so
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a healy on the continents. surely it should be adopted. yeah. so, so i totally get you points. um, so back to you creating in your mother's tongue. it's like you, you, how does that compare to when you perhaps think right in english as an artist by that is for sure. so it's really easy when you, when you seem, or when you producing or when you're acting in your mother language. because you're being yourself, you know, you're being, you're living and then you're on scan messing. now. so find out what i mean by you . and we're not going to, when i talk with you to him, we by and cannot go to the volume, but he will fly before i can give. is that a focus or heating? so the name of because reading is still fun. you that he's the budget is the owner, enjoy the music like, you know, came up with the so many i know for the oh that's i'm castillo, what you're the one you, i'm good. you can still find, i don't know, like how you met test is only 20 new likely to sign you up and we buy, you can we use that you to an access or are seeing now you find it?
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wow. raffle. ok. i like that. so we need to the piece of the language just because it helps us tell us stories one point going and a big by using the been force. yeah. is that still got those? the so slow? you think we're not free as a people because we speak these lower languages know really about the survey we've for, for the device. so i'm looking for using english. i'm looking for the button important to me. i can do like elizabeth fairly well, you know, look as a body slot, a early me to go to the do not get new phones the la you. if i just wonder what to go, no worries how body up with you when you were love. you change it is like you fight on. so could you not to have fun? you phones, it bother. you have both chevy from the use of the words to embody folder it was a while ago your phone. i have got the model of your to example. could you look it
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up like when i'm ready for the photos? i have to walk tomatti. what was about we have to get as possible. you can use the jello. yeah. well, you have to talk to modify, like i'm thinking about the hobbies. so why do you when you have both c o one, you'll get low. wonderful. just wasn't working. what your rough? why didn't well physics? why do you want me? i just want to do what i want to for force because these are the is a can do is a little bit and use this. what do you, what you don't, those are the don't, did you go? did you push the button the please don't to rustle up underneath. there must be multiple to just was is that separate the younger couple of them? i really, really love the passion that you're speaking here about. but i think we need some practical steps. yeah, i think you know, they do well with all the speaking of them. other tongues, perhaps a lingua franca, which is an african language and then english. but that's not the reality today. so how do we shift this thinking?
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how do we get more people interested in applicant language is what people speaking them writing and then seeing them doing the base in them. let's have some ideas. so i think uh, on my side i'll do more localized things. uh, do you to tools and did you get to contents into our language into so he and this is the very best way to present this language. it is the very best way for people to live in the digital spaces. okay. you had another point for me, which will be our site calling language. we have this, whatever we are doing as me and said that we should emphasize using all along. so from there, when we transform them that on we move them valerie to natalie to nod track visions to the colleges. so typically we are doing, we do it through the phase of our okay. i like that somebody does. yeah. let's hear from you at the box and when i see a honda comes, what are you talking about? so he will, it's only lucy, so he but you also losing out and that's his language is for now we have
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a native language. is he does any of that dying, for example, kindly language. lots. most of us know that kind of language. it is from the eastern bunch of people in africa, the 1st language to be spoken and he so he does spoken by 15 countries and not only the east africa, but also into western africa into central africa, the some country speaking. so he and we have to for once the, he, i to a level that all of the african countries have to speak. so he, he's defies to them which to be spoken. he ate africa, south africa, the teaching. so healy is what. yeah. they were simply adults of the to the one. let me hear from you final final thoughts. how do we preserve this language? new language is okay. so i think these 3 okay. got them in the kitchen. constituents in particular do conference that should work together. government should make the realities in making us what healey as our main language, but also accessibility to percentages. but also the technology company they should have the different accessing produced media device or products like apps that should have also put in. so he as a part of many windows up, well,
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so we have lots of, you know, if it doesn't really have another free created this what it does on it. they have a d s o, maybe to have design sorted. but we have to preserve those with within those ideas because you have to be in the end because even the inefficient yelling sort of an efficient jelly they named is still going to move it. but they don't know how to use that man. just sort of got them into the kitchen, go solution integral you composition up to get them from watching oscar longer to let me get the last 2 points. these one from you and marian will finish with you agree that a good from lots of out of this one. let us draw up the ideas that when you speak english, you'd be looking like your intelligence and wealth and everything that has done that our you so i really to go by like you so i you to get up to speed to see us, why healey miller africa, let's as use it to be sure what the speech of what children that the, the child, what community so that we can promote it more you swahili recording. sure,
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thank you so. ok, so maria, somebody's in the, in addition to everything, as those just said, i think another thing we need to do is also change our mindset on what we su would be a quote unquote commercial. because i think that when the world, if you give the world permission to show you that you're not cortical commercial, the world to show you that if we are adamant to make contents, to create books to, to present our stories in the language that preserves who we are as a people, the world who make room for that, we just need to do it for us. so all of us have the collective responsibility to promote the language is that still the most viewed list to us. and also we have the, we, we, the world will make room for that if we do it, i like that. and i think that's a great place to rock this debate. we started with the simple question, how do we change this narrative? i think you've given us a really good answer because preserving language is,
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is preserving our selves who we are as ask because i sent any son says i'm the the
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or the kind of always insignia to start over sized run. see with god saying, i'm always wary euro man in 30 minutes on the w, the new will tell. here we are happy, the box was a story. we have a getting
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a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 90 minutes on the w, the we are all set and we're watching closely in the we can use the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see perform for head lice in
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housemates jewish tennis need to alaska by face the was the nazi's favorite conduct the in force and do musicians who lives beneath the panel of the swastika. the volume was music so imposed into the national session. users of the arts were to be used as part of the meditation. assume about the sounds of power. i'm inspiring story about survival, things to music in the home. i usually search the tenants now. well, i was the only ones i was super lucky. music under the swastika stuff may 25th on dw, the
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. this is dw news live from berlin, a top candidate in the upcoming european parliamentary elections is seriously injured in, in salt police, a mathias echo of germany. social democrats was attacked by several men walk in painting in the eastern city of dresden. germany's transport calls it quote, a threat to democracy. also coming up from us representatives arrive in egypt for gaza sees far talks on the table, choose terms proposing a halt israel's offensive and gaza in exchange for the release of his really hostages and palestinian prisoners.