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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw news lived from berlin, a top candidate in the upcoming european parliamentary elections is seriously injured in a salt police, a mathias echo of germany. social democrats was attacked by several men walk in painting in the eastern city of dresden. germany's transport calls that quote, a threat to democracy also coming up from us representatives arrive in egypt for gaza sees far talks on the table. truth terms proposing a whole israel's offensive and gaza in exchange for the release of is really
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hostages and palestinian prisoners. the eliza kent, thanks for joining us. we've been following a developing story from germany. a social democrat politician has been attacked while putting up campaign posters in the eastern city of dresden mathias. aka is a candidate in the upcoming european parliament elections. party officials say he was seriously injured and required surgery, according to police eco, was allegedly hurt by 4 attackers who had earlier beaten up a green party campaign worker. for more i am joined now by dw is political, corresponded alex garris. alex, what can you tell us about this attack? if you have the attack happened yesterday and suspects if used, if you have just mentioned, they have to approach mateo,
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sec of the leading candidate. because for the social democrats, they started to insult them and then they started to attack him for no reason, but suspects used mess of filings. so he saw such a sunroof fractures, and he has to undergo surgery and we'll have to stay in the hospital until the coming weeks. and according to i witness those full suspects that you have mentioned um, just from the appearance state coach meetings to find a ride extremism. but this is not yet consumed by police for any of the already. so we're still relying bear on on eyewitness reports and very close to this attack yesterday. but another attack was happening begins, the young man containing for the green party that the tech was lucky, the less severe. but police says it is likely that the group of suspects is the same. that has attacked much. yes. and germany's cancel off shells
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has just commented on the attack saying, incidents like this, mark a threat for democracy. are we seeing a shift in germany's political climate as well? maybe it's not a shift, but a set climax of the development that we have seen over the last months and so and do use just and sex and the alone. this you already 30 reported the cases of violence against politicians have been reported. and this is indeed part of the big trend in germany. in some districts, we have seen violence against police or cases of violence against politicians, cases of violence against politicians that have tripled over the last 4 years. and harassment of politicians at every level is, is also on the rise. um that we have seen lots of attempts to intimidate politicians with the most prominent example of the case of,
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of german and economy minister at rub. a topic was blocked from leading a fairy because very aggressive, almost a has has blocked him there. dw is alex scarce. thank you so much for joining us. turning now to our other top story, a home last delegation has arrived in egypt to resume the guys at true stocks. the negotiations in cairo involved the u. s. carter and egypt, the talks are taking place as israel threatens to launch and offensive on the city of ross side to pursue from us militants. it holds responsible for the october 7th care attacks. some 1500000 palestinians are taking refuge in the southern city. the u. n. and the us have warned against the operation. the truth proposal is 6 to health fighting and exchange hostages for palestinian prisoners since the october 7th attacks the relatives of hostages, kidnapped by her mas,
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had been fighting to keep the focus on getting their loved ones home. the, the for months, prime minister, netanyahu confirming, has been under immense pressure to bring the cost to this back is known about the feet of the around $100.00 and 3rd, the cost is still headed and gone. so the number into its board civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of cost to this episode to be dead. at the end of april, from us release fee to as of to positive. one of them was keyed seek a lot of the you, my father today only makes clear a tool of us that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home item onto the delete as if this country watch this video and see how far the crying out, so how the and are use these 5 in of,
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in palostio. so $105.00 hosted his return home mean lieberman children and doing nations, including for the type almost during a week long boss and fighting the hopes for the 2 school toys and on hostages would be the least. like board sides accused the adult of breaking the domes and fighting dizzying on december 1st. for the families and during months of hope and heartbreak, or eyes on the garden, dogs. many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back their loved ones . earlier we asked the middle east expert daniel garr lock, how he viewed this latest round of c spar and hostage negotiations. i think this is probably the last chance that with this consolation, with the involvement of egypt, the car and the united states, a hostage deal could be negotiated to nothing but is clear for everyone. the americans have put into huge. they have invested heavily and you put huge pressure
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holes on these really side i've heard from the egyptian so that they have also changed that pasto and how much they have. the of course, always been very critical of how mazda and, and also those the pressure, but what they've been doing, and the reason days is quite unprecedented. we see we've seen the head of egyptian national intelligence of us combo travel to israel. now we have the most delegation in cairo, so i think everyone is very much serious about the proposal. however, previously the negotiators have observed that whenever they came very close to a deal on both sides as the categories that there is really at the homicide, sabotaged it. and i think this there is, there's great expectations, but also a high degree of frustration. now that talking about numbers, apparently the number of hostages, they even and terry and situation of the hostages. what is important now is that they choose some sort of a deal to prove that the mechanism still works to a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world,
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kenya and tanzania are on alert. as tropical storm today makes its way towards africa's eastern coast areas and tanzania have already been hit by blackouts and heavy rain. recent flooding across the region has killed some 400 people and displaced more than 200000 italian n g o says it has rescued 87 people from a boat in the mediterranean sea, off the coast of libya. rescuer said those on board the overcrowded vessel had run out of food and water according to the un over 3000 people died last year trying to reach a year up by the mediterranean. canadian police have arrested at 3 men over the murder of a 6 separatist and vancouver at last year. investigator said they are also putting possible ties between the suspects and the indian government. daily had no immediate response to the rest, but has for months denied involvement. the killing has become the center of a diplomatic spat between canada and india. 10 months after hardy seeing the jars
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killing canadian police have their main suspects. 3 indian nationals living in canada. but officials say they're still looking for others who might be involved in the murder, including agents of the indian government. and will underscore that today's announcements are not a complete the account of the investigative work currently underway. their a separate and distinct investigations on going into these matters, certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. relations between ottawa and delhi have been tense since the jars killing last june. the india labeled him a terrorist for his role and to seek separatist movement which aims to carve an independent state college done out of parts of india and pakistan. seeks in canada and india have accused the indian government of a political assassination. in september, canada, as prime minister said,
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there was reason to believe in a conspiracy. over the past number of weeks, canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of india and the killing of a canadian citizen. for dave, sing, major india called the allegations absurd and unsubstantiated and expelled dozens of canadian diplomats about the prime minister and arrange remotely later told the financial times that he would look into the allegations. but so far, no findings have been released. and earlier i spoke with dw corresponded id, but in delhi, asking him how likely india would escalate tensions in minnesota. i believe they're both domestic and diplomatic implications that can be unfold around the recent developments on a deep signee just killing fuss the wait to see. but the timing of these
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developments is happening. joining the, the people election peter to media, and it's likely that this issue of the rest of the team and nationals in wyoming that keeps getting the new just make it escalated. it can actually work in favor of the ruling party as issues like this one gets very easy for decides. all tools exports of setting the boss that there's a possibility that the bgp mean leaves such issues around the larger national security, matthew risk and fluoride, the public. and we need to also remember, you know, that in the previous, actually 2019, the pgp use the national security flag. that was one of the many factors, but the weekly. so it won't be surprising, get this issue, catch the heat and in maybe few hours or days from now. but i'm curious, i mean of course, that's a big country about how, how is the stick separatist movement perceived by most people in india as
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well. so this no resonance on the ground for the 6 separate just a moment. the media motorcycle reported on this issue from the northern state up and job, which is a sick, a don't need to state. and what i have weakness, that the whole separate this movement constantly movement has taken a backseat. mostly because there are more pressing issues, like there's unemployment. there is a form of distress and there's a truck epidemic. so people are not actually interested in these dis purposes. casanya movement issue. so however, there are some radical 6 separate as groups who keep the sentiment alive, but it doesn't get any traction, but the look of. so we can say, i mean there are 4 kits where you can find them for tooth seems types of for the moment, but they're not active at all. so what is interesting is the human test residents internationally. all right, 6 dice for canada. again the yuki waste 6 of my dreams doing the heights of insurgency in the 1980s. got it a deal,
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but thank you so much for joining us. give hundreds of thousands of ladonna fans are gathering in rio de janeiro for the popstars 1st concert in brazil. and over a decade the free event is being staged as a thank you from the senior as her world tour comes to an end. all the concert doesn't take place until saturday evening. the anticipation along couple of combined a beach has been building for days. the stages effect on the world's most iconic beach as rio de janeiro protest to welcome the undisputed queen of pop. over a 1000000 people are expected to gather on cobra, combined to beach. on saturday evening, as madonna closes his celebration to with a free concept, the vogue senior was spotted rehearsing on friday evening with lucas team to catch
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a glimpse of the star. to done the green balaclava as she prepared for such a day show, the existence squealing comes that in 12 years. and the locals are already in the policy mood. the i have always loved to madonna. i grew up with madonna. it's a great opportunity to be here and see the diva live. it's amazing. see my mother in law has everything. she has a great voice. music is political and changes lives. everything about madonna is incredible. she's the best city officials said the event is expected to bring in
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around $50000000.00 euros for the local economy and why we might all be living in the material world. madonna funds, not all material goals of the that's all for now. up. next is our series mapped out looking at mounting tensions among the world's biggest nuclear powers. thanks for watching the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of children to which you have you have a one the front porch and the unexpected side to side. do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good, concrete,