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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, do use live from the lead. gemini, chancellor. it contains a virtual attack on a top candidate for the upcoming elections, full of souls. goals are your thoughts on social democrats? my to you is a threat to democracy off piece of the engine in germany's east. also coming up, negotiate as in india to resume talks, i ended reaching a ceasefire and got the how boss is considering to a truce tons, proposing a hold to israel is offensive day and exchange for the release of hostages and palestinian prisoners the
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on jared raid. welcome to the show. a leading politician from germany's social democrats has been attacks while campaigning in the eastern city of tristan, but he has a cap as a candidate in the upcoming european problem. in collections, the chancellor will love salts was sent and left as p. d, a was the top 12 putting up campaign post as potty officials say it was seriously injured and required surgery. well, a ton for all our salts has condemned the attack as a threat to democracy. fig. like subject starting, we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. since we must never shrugged our shoulders when they happen here or there. such as one green party candidates were attacked recently. or when we see this happening again, it's local politicians or the mirrors of small towns. democracy is threatened by
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acts like fees. and that's why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together. i know to give us a good mind. so i was, i gave the state will, i felt that, well, earlier i spoke with you on this case, he's done these right wing extremism here in germany. at this point, there is no official confirmation yet that the attack was politically motivated. but i asked him what he made of the information so far. well the signs are pointing up. ready to a thirds of violence and they have been many more instances in the state of sexually. most of them not as violence, the not as brutal as this one. but this is why a political motivation is yeah, most likely. now you harness you just mentioned a day, germany has seen a number of file rights attacks recently. and in recent years and the domestic intelligence agency to say is that file right extremism is the biggest threat to
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jem and democracy. if you were to explain what germany's political climate looks like right now, what would you say as well, there was already a peak in 2015 and 16 um during the summer of migration where we have the large influx of immigrants to germany, to europe, and, and this sparked or, or violent climate them on writing it's, we missed and we snap see is a similar wave that started last year, a mobilization based on different issues actually of the war and ukraine, but also and migration again the brother and bought the bread and butter topic off the stream. right. and um, it looks like that the elections, we have state elections coming up in a sec for me. um in september and now the europe convictions and um the local um elections in, in june. and it looks like that the extreme right is using this as
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a acceleration for, for their mobilization. just but let's flush this out a little bit. what is the effects of all the sold the potential effects of all this on, on democracy as well? a part of this very not the same as a tech because it's a leading figure, a leading petition of the s p d. we have seen in recent years, um, increasing numbers of the techs on may are so small towns that usually don't get paid for this kind of jobs. um, out of yeah, uh, community leaders in small cities all coming from the extreme right. and this posts or puts um, democracy on the local everywhere. you know, people train democracy get to learn democracy is their neighborhoods where de, i'm experienced democracy comes on to friends and business exactly works um neo nazis and the spring right. want they want to on the local level, car valves,
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um destroyed democracy and i think the french has never been um, uh, grades or uh since reunification and um the uh the start words by the chance there are very much appreciated. so based on everything you say, could i take it to mean that you, you don't believe authorities and germany are doing enough to tackle, to tackle this thread. we do have a certain problems regarding the speeds of the law enforcement um shows when it comes to dealing with right wing x from the wireless. and you know, if you could make somebody up to 2 years. so also the judge will say, okay, this has been 2 years ago. let's go with 6 months on the, on carol, instead of a fos conviction with a at present time just happens again and again, it has a different reasons. there's not enough focus on right wing extremists brands, but it's also a part of it is also just a. yeah,
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not the staff am in the a lot of things. i'm a services and thank you for your insights and your expertise today that was rivaling xtreme is an expert. johan is keith from the university of logic. thank you. thank you for having me. is turning out to the top story. maybe i to is from the us cas, are an egypt meeting with a how much delegation in cairo, a foot talks i ended reaching a cease fire in gauze of israel says it will send a delegation as well. but only if it sees positive movement during the, towards the talks are taking place as israel threatens to launch and offensive on the city of rough onto pus you. how must militants, but it holds responsible for the all type of savings, tara tax. some one and a half 1000000 palestinians are taking refuge in the southern states, the you in on the us of warned against the operation. now the truth proposal is 6 to hold fighting and exchange hostages for palestinian prisoners. well,
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since the october 7th attacks the relatives of hostages, kidnapped by him us, i've been fighting to keep the focus on getting their loved ones hard. for months, prime minister, netanyahu confirming has been an immense pressure to bring the cost to dispatch. it is known about the feet of the around $130.00 cost. it is still headed in cost of the numbering to its board. civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of hostages are pursued to be dead. at the end of april, from us release, fee to as of to positive, $1.00 of them was keyed seek a new one is obviously you. my father today only makes clear a tool of us that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home item onto the delete as if this country watch this video and see how far the crying out for help the
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and are you satisfied in november last year, so 105 hosted district on home main lieberman children and doing nations, including code the ty, farmers during a week long boss and fighting. the hopes for the 2 school toyed and on hostages would be the least by both sides accused the adult of breaking the dumb and fighting dizzy on december 1st. for the families and during months of hope and heartbreak, all eyes on the ground and dogs, many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back their loved ones. we can cross now, so you can respond, and tanya claim that injuries latania high the tell us what is the licensed on the safe fire and hostage negotiations as well. there is a sense that, you know, the, the talk side, the critical stage right now. and that comes maybe also because throughout the day
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that has been reports in many the hour of media that there is some kind of, you know, that the deal would be close. but of course you have to take those reports with the crating of sold this. nothing official, yet you understand that the most of the cation is now in cairo. again, with the many ages from egypt, katara, and also the united states and is a, has said, are some officials who have said that they're still waiting for. the official responds by him off to that proposal that has been actually going on a week and such a proposal could include the release of 33 hostages against a certain number of publishing and prism this housing is ready, prisoners and docs will be done within $4.00 to $6.00 weeks of a temporary cease fire. another proposal also says that could then go into a search into a 2nd and a search phase. and we have no official confirmation of those proposals. cedrin, of course, at the moment we had just have to wait and see how close both sides actually are.
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and it's a critical phase, as you say, tonya. now we have seen many various attempts to reach a deal over the last 6 months. is this time any different as well the house being even more pressure, especially by the united states, but also the sense of urgency and we're seeing tonight again, it's such as a night, like in many a months in the past month. and we've just seen that also in the report, tens of thousands of his babies out in the streets calling for a such a dear calling also for elections, but also for the civilian population in a garza there. and during now 7 months of war, they're going to see a cease for it now um in it. so this phase now has been described as a sort of lost opportunity. there's always, they say there's a choice between either a deal or a ground operation in rough off and at this stage it's still really unclear the,
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some of the major sticking points, such as what the mazda months concerned. the full withdrawal of israeli forces from the gaza strip as well as a permanent and a to the war. and that has been some is very senior officially. it was quoted today when all these reports emerge, saying that the deal would certainly not include the permanent ending of the war. so you have to wait and see, it's not done until it's done exactly. it's not done until it's done. that's how dw corresponded. atanya claim my desk. thanks tanya. so let's take a quick look now at some of the world news headlines, natalia and n g always there is he does rescued id save and painful from abolish in the mediterranean, say off the cost of libya rescue as that goes on board. the crowds of vessel had run out of food and water. according to the un i've a 3000 people died last year trying to reach your via the mediterranean kenya
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and tanzania are on the list which has tropical storm. had, di, makes its way towards africa's eastern coast areas in times. and you have already been had 5 black counts and heavy rain. recent flooding across the region is killed some full 100 people and displaced. mold in it, 200000 in the u. k. labels to the con as one a 3rd straight to him is mayor of london. he bases conservative party challenge of bi mode and 11 points. the result is he has a knowledge of faithful prime minister really soon, actually, the ruling conservatives off to date with local election results in decades. the next national vice east you within the you come the general electric well, hundreds of thousands of madonna's fans gathering in rio de janeiro for the pump stars, 1st concert in brazil in over a decade. the free event is being staged, as a thank you from the material girl as her will to a comes to an end. while the concept doesn't take place until saturday evening, the anticipation alone could pick about
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a beach has been building today's. the stage is effect on the world's most iconic beach. as rio de janeiro proposed to welcome the fun disputed queen of pop. over a 1000000 people are expected to gather on kolpak upon the beach on saturday evening. as madonna closes his celebration till with a free concepts, the vogue thing was spotted rehearsing on friday evening. with lucas, keen to catch a glimpse of the star, who done the green balaclava as she prepared for such a day show. the existence presently and cons that in 12 years and the locals are already in the policy mood. the i have
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always loved to madonna. i grew up with madonna. it's a great opportunity to be here and see the diva live. it's amazing. see my mother in law has everything. she has a great voice. music is political and changes lives. everything about modernize incredible. she's the best city officials said the event is expected to bring in around $50000000.00 euros for the local economy and why we might all be living in the material world. madonna funds, not all material goals. so you know, what cdw do you see is a reminder of our top story. german chancellor of salt has condemned and attack on fellows, social democratic months. he has a cooling the incident,
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a threat to democracy. and it was assaulted by multiple people while campaigning interest up next after so right count report on the activist taking on tesla in the hopes of saving a forest on the edge of the building that softer. so frank here on to w, thank you for what the, every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive. your guy to dismiss.