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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from those in a brucell attack on the talk german candidate for the upcoming annual elections tongue slip old off shoals caused the assault on the social democrats. my teeth take a, a threat to democracy off the he severely injured in germany seized, also coming up, negotiated as an agent printing, and told the same to reaching a ceasefire and gone to thomas is considering truth tons, proposing a hopes to ease around preventative care. and exchange for the release of hostages and palestinian prisoners and brazil vases with anticipation as madonna proposed to
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take the stage in regard. hundreds of thousands of excited fans gather is the material. go get sick to cap on the will to the free concert on copeland compound and beach, the i'm tired rate. thank you for joining us. a chancellor, olaf schoultz has condemned and attack here in germany on a politician while he was out campaigning. to use a k was putting up election posters in the eastern city of dresden when he was beaten up and seriously injured on friday evening. okay. as a candidate in the upcoming european problem, collections for schultz is sent to left s p d to my to you is a is one of the s p d's rising stars saying says election to the european parliament 2 years ago. he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. echo was
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confident of re election this year. he was hanging up campaign posters and mistress and suburb one for an identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also entered a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris meant against political figures. trensler shots called for united action against right wing extremism, big life. so i decided that we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. we must never shrug our shoulders when they happen. here are there such as when green party candidates were attacked recently, when we see this happening against the local politicians and the mayors of small towns. democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together in the need much. i know so and give us the minds i gave of state experts say
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there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly works of neo nazis on the screen. right. want they want to on the local level car valves. i'm destroyed democracy and i think the french has never been grades or since reunification and. ready the uh, the start words, by the chance there are very much appreciated when politicians from o, germany's major parties including the far right a f d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's darkest times. i know that we ought to do double use political reporter, alex gast, if the attacks ignore the safety in germany's political climate as well, maybe it's not a shift, but the set climax of the development that we have been seeing over the last months
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and years adjusting sex and you know, and we have 30 reports of cases of violence against all the patients. uh, just this year. and this is part of the big trend in germany in some districts of germany by the, by them to tax against politicians. they have tripled since 2020 investment. also harassment of politicians is also on the rise. with the most prominent example of being the case of the german economy minister of a topic when he was reluctant from leaving it's terry by aggressive from us and something very similar. it happened earlier this week to the vice president of the german problem in country building because we're leaving a containing event. let's not forget germany has lots of very recent history of fluoride violence against politicians. one even mounting and the kidding of a may. uh, like i looked in 2020 uh 19 excuse me, from the conservative party. um,
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this tendency makes yesterday's case so urgent and particularly because it really raises the question, how to protect politicians campaigning for the upcoming elections. the german and chairman has been mc further said that if it is true that there is a political motivation behind yesterday's attack against much you is accurate, then it would open a new dimension of anti democratic violence. and even the german sense of what i saw some that we heard earlier, he has said this is a threats to democracy. and he also agreed basically to what some members of the social democratic party is upset when they were blaming also the far right. if the pod is being eaten director responsible for this attack because of the back once the views of hate speech against political competitors to w as alex cost them. well, in other news, a how much to legation is in cairo for more talks with us, egypt, sion and guitar, a media, it is on the cease fire in gaza. egyptian estate media has said that significant
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progress is being made, but the key stumbling block remains is riley plans to attack the soften gas and city of rafa. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly avow to, to assault hum, us forces de whether on an altar truth these rates, despite repeated warnings from the u. s. u. n. and others that an attack would spill disaster for the more than $1000000.00 palestinians taking refuge, stating german egyptian general is karim l. go. harry spoke with me earlier from cairo, and i asked him about these egyptian reports about a potential cx, 5 brake 3. yeah, the positive about what's happening right now is they are meeting since is this morning, saturday morning and then also there were positive signs from the how much the vacation is a spokesperson a for how much. so some i'm done. who said that they see positive steps the to almost came to cairo is a positive spirit,
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but also say that to the it still has to write meaning that the how most sees in seems to have to be in the bushes. and we have also the head of the ca wouldn't burn since friday. and kyra who is not in kylie's right. who says that the only coming see if there's a positive answer from hama, so everything seems to be ok. but to the suit is it is usually just used to be pretty serious as one of the major sticking points right now. is that the main contribution to the fair to say is that how much is demanding some kind of guarantees for a permit. and since via that this, well, we'd be over and if it was ready for us to just draw from because us troops way because it also guarantees from the u. s, which they don't have to get from these radius. and that's also obviously contradicts that is really well objective for, to destroy a home us and also what the it is right. and what is it then you always saying that
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in any case that would be offensive. so its progress, but it's difficult to see how they were overcome this very basic contradictions. and that was german egyptian journalist kareem held go. harry, speaking to me a little bit earlier. he's a quick loop. now, with some other world news headlines, russia has attacked ukrainian city of khaki for the 2nd time in less than 24 hours . local officials said 6 people were injured off through an industrial area with shield. russia has ran top. it's a tax on ukraine's 2nd largest city in recent weeks, hammering critical infrastructure, and then the a daily basis. and russia has added ukraine's president sort of means a lensky to its list of wanted criminals. the head of ukraine's army is also listed keeps is the move. so it's what it called, the desperation of moscow. his propaganda efforts, russia has already put thousands of foreign officials on his wanted list, including the prime minister of his tonia in the u. k. labors said he con has won
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a 3rd strike term as london man. he beat his conservative party challenge it by more than 11 points. result is getting now the faithful prime minister, risky so napkins rules and conservatives of debate was the local election results in decades. the next national invite is due we didn't as the will the death toll from the city of funding and months lives in southern brazil has reason to at least 56000 is are still missing. rescue us have been rising to take as many people to safety as they can. as heavy rains continued to baffle continues of bad at the region, nearly 25000 people have been forced to flee their homes. so the cost of breaking the roof with the break. this risk is managed to save the mother and her baby from us. a lot of the house
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imagines to respond to us in the solid university. then state the real grunted assume had been racing to help residents escape the flooding and much lights. others have decided not to wait for help any longer. leaving the homes with what they could carry and making their way through the muddy waters. just a foot drummed after escaping the floods may end up in temporary shelter. select this one a trying to come to terms with what they have lost if it is just to live on the table, i lost everything. i lifted some furniture that i could, but i believe i lost everything. i really am desperate is the 1st time this has happened. yeah, but a man of as good confess. you thank you for the 9 other than the one right now. so
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i was hoping that this, i'm just asking god to give me another home to live in. what is it? the flooding has already forced tens of thousands to leave. the homes was bought to levels rise and faust and we'll have it right and expect the search areas could soon become inaccessible for us goods. so we're going to stay in brazil and bring you a bit of a happy story now this one to do with the queen of pomp. and that's because hundreds of thousands of madonna fans gathering and rewards engineer i for the popstars 1st concert in brazil in over a decade. now this free event is being staged as a thank you from the material goal as her will to comes to an end. while the concept doesn't take place until later on saturday, the anticipation alone could think about of age has been building for days. the stages effect on the world's most iconic beach as rio de janeiro propose to
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welcome the undisputed queen of pop. over a 1000000 people are expected to gather on kolpak upon a beach on saturday evening. as madonna closes his celebration till with a free concept, the vogue signal was spotted rehearsing on friday evening with on lucas keen to catch a glimpse of the star. to done the green balaclava as she prepared for such a day show. the existence presently in comes that in 12 years and the locals are already in the policy mood. the i have always loved to madonna. i grew up with madonna. it's
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a great opportunity to be here and see the diva live. it's amazing. you see my mother in law has everything. she has a great voice. music is political and changes lives. everything about madonna is incredible. she's the best city officials said the event is expected to bring in around $50000000.00 euros for the local economy and why we might all be living in the material world. madonna funds, not all. material goals with david david villa is the brazil news director for the associated pressing ratio. and i asked him how the city is dealing with the one and a half 1000000 people expected to attend the concepts. right, so 1st of all, you have to remember that rio is a custom to, to big events. we have had a big firework shows every year and tons and tons of people flooding to the beaches
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. but even so, there's always issues are often issues i should say, muggings and taps and phones, that sort of thing. and so there's been a bit of concern that similar situation could happen with madonna show. they've got, i think reading was 3000 military personnel is we're going to be deployed along the beach and then another 1000 police officers in the area standing by, you know, really though i think everyone is, is, you know, as i said before, are ready to have a good time and those sort of potential security issues would be probably small if they do happen nothing, nothing to worry about on a large scale. this is a remind now of our top story. german chancellor. all i've sold has condemned an attack on fellows social democrats, mathias echo calling the incident a threat to democracy. now it was assaulted by multiple people while campaigning, interest in on friday evening. that's not. that's, excuse me,
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that's all for now. i technology. so safety is up next that softer, so great is more on d, w dot com and on social media to i think the use i'm tired reading building. thank you. have a good evening. the conflict crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, this shadows of jumping. these pod costs and videos shed light on the donkey street . devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the
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schools, tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the biggest.