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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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this is times to close enough faults to these ralph expensive in gaza, in exchange for with ease of hostages and dependents. daniel listed in prison, also coming up london may ask for the con, wednesday historic bedtime in office of the position leave up parties from the government from san francisco inadvertently elastic polls before expect a general election and the german child is not old enough. sholtes condense on the attack on the candidates for upcoming the elections. the social democrats was
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beaten up while contain the i am eddie micah junior and you welcome to the program. talks asset to resume on sunday between negotiates this trying to strike a cx 5 deal for the war in gaza. the how mazda negation met on saturday with us junction on guitar. immediate is, is it shows the media has said that significance progress is being made. but the key stumbling block remains. is there any plans to attack the solvent guys on the safety of dropbox from it is southern. i mean it's, you know, has repeatedly filed at west salt on last fall so, so let's see whether or not they choose is reached, got to despite repeated warnings from the u. s. u, n, and novice that on that topic. what's abilities asked us for the more than one meeting at a senior, i'm just thinking the refuge that since the october 7th attacks the relative,
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so possibly just getting up by almost having fighting to keep the focus on getting the life ones cool for the for months prime minister netanyahu government has been under immense pressure to bring the house to dis back. it is known about the feet of the around $130.00 costs . it is still headed and goes down the number into its blood civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of hostages, i perceived to be dead at the end of april, from us release features of 2 hostages. one of them was keyed seeker and we want it obviously, and my father today only makes clear a tool of us that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. i don't mind that the leaders of this country watch this video and see how far the crying out. so how do i play
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and or use these 5 in the room palostio. so $105.00 hosted district on home main lieberman children and doing nations, including put the tie farmers during a week long boss and fighting the hopes for the 2 squad, toys and on hostages would be released by both sides accused the other of breaking the domes and fighting dizzy on december 1st. for the families and during months of hope and heartbreak, all eyes on the ground and dogs. many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back their loved ones. from on this let's bring in journalist korean l go harvey in cairo. hello tyrene. thanks for your time. the sessions have been going on for a while now. where do the ceasefire talks kind of expand as well? we have the end of the proposal on the table and this proposal talks about the
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several phases of the exchange of hostages. spanish speaking in is ready. prisons the 1st the what the weeks include 10. 20 is really awesome. is this an exchange for $500.00? for the students in is reading the prisons and that should happen within 3 weeks after the agreement. and then there should be difficult to take up to 10 weeks when and that is legal. sions is right. and how mazda about a permanent display. and then that would be of the exchanges, vacant phone. and what's also in on this proposal is that the and 400000 philistines, misplaced part of things, as it goes through with be able to return to their homes from this house to the north. that would include them, is there any was drawn from the so quick necessary inquiry though, which is cutting because of stripping to, to and so that's,
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that's on the tables. but so how does that lead to the press? you don't know exactly who the, what is the substance of the negotiations. so many aspects to this particular negotiation going on. how mazda official has said that wouldn't be a choose, that that's no end the war in gaza. what are the chances that these are i would agree to that this is one of the biggest sticking points is this set like it in this proposal business that is just the 2nd phase. how much wants to have some kind of guarantees that it may be also through the u. s. is that then this is going to be a permanent ceasefire and media end of the role in that was drawn or is ready to some of the causes for this of course, something that is difficult to achieve because the contradicts the, the is rating wall objectives of for destroying how much and also going to the right. meanwhile nothing yahoo has threatened to invade rafa with or without
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a deal. so how could that impacts these negotiations? what that would render negotiation? so it's basically meeting this because of that, how can you negotiate oppose a ceasefire and at the same time, say like in any case it would go into what i thought, i think was also happening, is that both sides really trying to increase the pressure with this kinds of statements and also the, the sinks to the, to the price. for example, i also thinks is a really strategically placed on one side or the other side in order to improve the negotiations positions in order to put the pressure and onto the other side. and of course, that is really threats to go into it all is also a way of increasing the pressure on how much in this negotiations. okay, colleen el, go higher in cairo, egypt. thank you. you're welcome bye or less. they've got some more stories
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making headlines around the world to test against. these are also offensive in gaza . i continue in not universities across the united states. then with straight as and police scuffle that the university of virginia for just as also before the interrupt that a graduation ceremony at the university of michigan group kind of thing and protest comes remaining please. a number of other campuses, apprentice products. thing in dr. who, who spends over a month in guys us hospitals doing the kind of the conflict, has been denied entry to friends. because on, i will say that was due to be friends with all me. cuz on the medical situation in gaza, he says he was blocked as the powers that bought because of a bond by germany on his entry to you. a heavy rain in texas has resulted in severe flatter crumpton, the residence in neighborhoods around the houston area to be backwards. what's a level as i expected to rise for that with them. the stones continue in in the
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region to south and brazil, and i'll where that, that total have climbed to $257.00 from severe flatten and mot slides. thousands are still missing. rescue as have been struggling to evacuated. swamp neighborhoods, as heavy rains continued to baptize the region, nearly 70000 people have been forced to feed their homes. the, the cost of breaking the roof with the break. this risk is managed to safe, a mother and her baby from a lot of the house imagines to respond us in the solving versus even state of real grounded, assume had been racing to help residents escape the flooding and much lights. all those have decided not to wait for help any longer,
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leaving the homes with what they could carry and making their way through the muddy waters. just a foot ground. after escaping the floods may end up in time through shelter, select this one. trying to come to terms with what they have lost it is just to live on the table. i lost everything. i lifted some furniture that i could, but i believe i lost everything. i really am desperate is the 1st time this has happened. yeah, but a man of his confess, you know, thank you for the another doesn't the only one now. so i was hoping to not do. i'm just asking god to give me another home to live in. what is it? the flooding has already falls tens of thousands. typically the homes was bought to levels rise in fost and more heavy rain expected. more air is good,
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some become inaccessible for us because now in the u. k. leave us study kind of has one eat that straight. tim, us, london, there he gets his conservative pottage settings up by more than 11 points. the result is yet i'm not of the faithful prime minister research, so not the routing, conservative subsidy of west local election results in decades and historic said term for london's man. sorry to con said he faced the campaign of negativity from his conservative opponents, but he stormed ahead with nearly 44 percent of the votes. likely from the bottom of my heart. thank to london. that's the order of my life to serve the city. but i love con, was the fast muslim to be elected leda as a major west in capital, when he replaced bars. johnson as met in 2016 con is one of the u. k. 's most
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popular latest and holds the biggest individual mandate of any british politician. his victory in london is the latest in thousands of local elections that have gone to labor. a heavy blow to prime minister receives through next conservative national opinion polls placed labor far ahead. as all lies turn to the you case, next general election waste sites me the most to share is the challenge of working with a labor government. and the message for me, selection in london across the country is it's time for your students to go to an election sooner. easy expected to announce the dates before the end of the. yeah. he's conservatives have been in power for 14 years. that is labeled as popularity keeps rising. the tories look set for disastrous loss at
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the ballot box. yeah, in germany sounds a lot. olaf schultz has condemned an attack on the politician. while he was out competing with the 2nd was putting out the election post as in the eastern city of preston when he was beaten up and seriously injured on friday evening. okay, is the candidates and the upcoming european parliament elections? police are not commented on the motive of the talk about the rights alliances. i've called for demonstrations in berlin and dressed in on sunday to my to you is a is one of the s p d's rising stars saying says election to the european parliament 2 years ago. he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. echo was confident of re election this year. he was hanging up campaign posters, and mistress and the suburb one for an identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also entered
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a green party work or just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris meant against political figure as chancellor sholtes called for united action against right wing extremism fig life. so i think starting this, we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these we must never shrug or shoulders when they happen here or there such as when green party candidates were attacked recently. when we see this happening against the local politicians and the mayors of small towns, democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together to name me much. i know so and give us the minds i gave of state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly works of neo nazis and the spring guide want they want to on the local level. car
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valves, um destroyed democracy and i think the fred has never been um uh, grades or since reunification and um the uh the start words by the chance there are very much appreciated politicians from o. germany's major parties including the far right a f d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's darkest times. let's check out some sports things before we go. rail moderates have extended to our records. if i went in it's betsy 6 spanish, the title funds got it in downtown moderate to celebrate the victory. you can see that people day and yeah, thousands. see celebrates the victory over a month with a title and came up to a 100 warranty. a match on saturday. yeah. closest rivals possibly or not last real
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fast, but a multi to about the season. you're still in with a chance of winning the champions the that's all for now. next reports on this next stage, and for me on use of the top of the out the how many platforms can you handle single attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel modern man because if we do too much of.