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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am CEST

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to do they do it, the secret lives of the inside. stocks may 22nd on d, w. the body of work we see how british paints or at least the more uses her physique as a paint brush. a fairy tale destination in austria. why bob issue is worth a visit this year and a cold dog for dessert. we find out how the german 3 how to one just made and it's not in the oven. fall this in more coming up on your own mac. the
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. we started off with one of the most popular attractions in germany. the many are 2 of one deadlines which attracts more than $1000000.00 visitors each year with the world's largest model railroad. recently, prince albert of monica was also on hand with princess sharleen and their children . the world family took a look at the latest edition, monica in miniature, including formula one, racing. this is the world's largest model railway with new things comes to me being the guy has, is asian of recreating the monocle ground pre with a real little formula. one cars are missing an order again from these are you can't . and so any tank into these tiny cars, it's impossible. some 1200 trains slipped through germany, europe, and the world. all of this is down to a childhood dream of these twins. and they've just opened up
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a brand new area. stay tuned as we um. so the most frequently asked questions about how goods the new tool wonderland. for example, would you guess that employees have hidden little surprises and stories everywhere? we'll show you the best hidden jim slater. the, the display has 16 and a half kilometers. subtract the. there are also around 300000 figuring 5000 buildings and some 500000. that'll be the lamps that lies up at nights, which comes every 15 media to a one to run this house in old warehouses of hendrix pool. and over again in 2001 since then, the founders have come from expense and then launch the miniature was. today, the attraction is around 5 times its original size.
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the they had it for that exact measurements of the idea of march held to the impulse towards fleet, which we always had a good speed. we played so much as children to me and i really hope that for many people we can, we will, we cannot instinct for police on this thing. i can perhaps get lost and the problem is all every day. life by lee is the most important thing. there is like realizing our dreams is so important and can be so happy. what comes over the principality of monica, and francis prevents amount ac pots admitted to of on demand as always, in 187 scale on one side to 11 the fields and from spend on the other. monica densely built up space. everything. the city's state is famous for can be experienced here in miniature luxury dilemma and wealth in addition to the former habit, the formula one so it could disclose. so tired of this to the home,
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i'm because we have a big team that loves to laugh. it's very creative as that goes to the world with their eyes wide open, or dest federal fits with monica, nicole, a city that is completely crazy. if you want to put in that way. and then with a huge number of teresa, all versus good and bad. you can criticize it or dream about it. i so it has all in or dollars every emotion in the city through and do the stuff i don't want people to see how it works and yet, and i want this little thing 20 of them to be able to drive is the one this lou dire and speed up really go head to head and then spike comes again. are these are, these are on that vision was always alive for me. i have to say only a year ago, i thought it would be impossible to do this cares. and this team worked on this dream for 11 years. the principal works by a magnetic field located under the car and on the trunk, self program software controls electrical impulses, so that attracting and repelling polls direct because along the track there was
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a technical challenge often on the brink of failure to caring code, giving up wasn't an option invest versus we knew how to look at the work and go to venice. so you can't vary that idea that it force, if you imagine it working, and people standing there in amazement asking themselves of the own, how does it work from stone? and then you can give a big smile analysis any of the new tools london and has 14 different wounds and seen areas. one of the most popular is to stick to the city. that stuff is equally fascinating. configuring diplomats with 45 different airplanes land and take on this one country in particular, that seems suspiciously popular. we like switzerland because we're swiss. the
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mountains are simply enormous. the top of the adjusted discovery diminishes with century produces real chocolate at the price of about the escape. the issue of windows that are hundreds of these rigs where the person who built something has an some we brought their own self expression into it. i was looking recently and you can spot some heater in there, actually discovered this one by chance. i thought, what's that? well, the most recent recent car is a tractor. seek and you shall find whether it's 50 long stalking at home in billy billy kuta levels and vince wherever you look, we need to move on to this full surprises. the can chronic pain be turned into an opportunity? yes, according to british artist lane to more, after a long history of illness, she quit her job and turn to art. she's come to terms with her physical pain by
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developing a unique way of painting, phone faulty contacts in the name of aren't more likely to on want, but it is called in all just as a late demo is what has to do with chronic endometriosis. but 1st, why does she use her body as a paint brush? painting in and of itself is an important process. and it's a process that i always fully immersed myself in and, and it's always been something i tend to for comfort carrying out performances is also something that this is a powerful way for me to reclaim my own body and to do something and produce something that hopefully impacts other people to let use to apply the pain directly to her faulty. but today, she uses a different technique in her studio in london, she used as a arms to create a transpired image on paper and then slips the pigments onto it by use. see it
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backed up, which is from god. now it's got to be good for the skin. um, so i'm not destroying my skin by making what, but most importantly, in terms of the look of the what i just find it far more interesting than using paint. the somerset house of santa london october 2023. as part of the applicant on fat, the works of $170.00 artists from african countries and the diaspora around display adelaide is represented as well. why is her presence in this exhibition so important? this fact feels so important that policy is because so many of us you wouldn't find those x rays. you might find this in some of the other major office. so this is like an amazing opportunity to have what showcase in front of an international audience. and in the sense of the out loud reading in london,
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and it feels like kind to me, it's just very special born and raised in london took on a and parents populate, started applying biology and worked in the pharmaceutical industry. why the t design to become a full time on test 5 measured and demetrius in 2000 and so at the illness was aiding me on, on the know the advantage of the illness was that they gave me time to really delve into my food off, which was out, so by the time you go to 2005 people started by and what, and by this time i was on no time 6 and then 2006. i made the decision to lease that in the past. the, as in the pharmaceutical industry, and focus 100 percent on on. and how has allied managed to cope with the chronic abdominal pain of and dmitri osis and engage with an illness autistic lee. because of the pain. in my experience with the pain that
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the kind of active there's some kind of friction that has propelled me to move forward. so it is that this constant fight with my body to remain strong, so that i can keep doing the things i did during one of the ranking, a visit to gonna add to light found photos of the full bask, which incorporates into off symbols, tax objects such as lice, from the colonial era, she now was mainly with each cyan, a type technique. how does it work? is like a really old sites graphic process where you paint the guess and make these 2 chemicals together. and then you've, you've paid the, the paper or whatever surface you're using with it and you have so many drive in the top. and then you expose it to easy like using based process. a ways produces lou images. adelaide has developed to own techniques to make up pictures,
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so telephone, but it's a well kept secrets about a is an important tool and paintings and performances in her early career. she would never have thought despite the illness, she'd be able to live off on the fact that i get to do this. and this is my life is ridiculous. it's like a dream come true on the slight delay tmo sees hot as a journey of healing, which is also meant to encourage the viewer to reflect the the are stream region of the jobs come. my food has been named the 2024 european capital of culture in our 2 part series duramax report, or one of homo shows us some of the highlights. after visiting how stuff she now takes a look at. but issue the issue lies in the center of his eyes. come a good. it's a small time and was also one of the biggest spots for stolen nazi arch during the
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2nd world war. and it was a summer refuge of the hapsburg emperor. my 1st stop here in that issue is the kinds of villa, or emperor or isabella, to amber, friends yourself and and presently is a bit better known as sissy spent a lot of time here. i mean, it is a beautiful view and it would be even nicer if it wasn't as clarity because you can just see the tips of the mountains up there. so covered in snow guard, the a lot of history went died in this room. this is where france yoseph signed the declaration of war on serbia, in 1914, which ultimately led to the 1st world war. the frontier served and loved to hunt.
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and the walls of this villa are covered and is trophies. the villa is still owned by hapsburg descendants who actually live in half of the house, while the other half in the garden are open to visitors and walter on the topic of royalty. it's time for a visit to the town, not confectionary. this is one of the few places allowed to so sweet to the imperial court. the . this is the famous which is actually a huge slab of chocolate, but we're just getting slices to try to bed.
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we have the not one size, it's definitely going to be enough to rich. it's a prowling based sweet treat that empress to see herself used to trying to explore some of the cultural exhibitions on for here well being of your cultural capital. the time has made a point of re purposing old spaces that were more or less on used. and it's giving them new life this year. which is exactly what they've done with this old factory. this huge factory used to be where a lot of the salt in the region was produced and that was empty space is being re purpose as a huge expedition the theme is increasingly salts. artists from all over the world have their works on display here. this piece by japanese artist is made up of 6 tons of souls who look at it long enough and you lay your eyes and focus.
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does get a little bit tricky the you can even give it a go yourself. although it's not quite as easy as you might think, the be exhibit to use. so it's a great works of art that focus on the impact of human kind or nature. the aim to create awareness around sustainability the for my day here in the region draws to a close. i have one left to stop. this is my final stop was the day get to the castle. there's also a brewery celebrating the launch of a beer that was designed in collaboration with the nigeria. so it's pretty cool, right? let's go check the pop up events like this one will take place throughout the year . nigeria and artist and michael also incorporates culinary experiences
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into his ours. and he collaborated with the econd bank. prarie. here in nearby is to create a signature peer called and us, it's a different for the regions, cultural capitalist, agent. honestly because of those is really living up through college, those types of state that i seriously recommended. definitely what here's the we've got some hot tips for your bucket list. most romantic spot check best if for police check, as well as the coolest sculpture travel and prices way cold dog or cold snout that doesn't sound like a yummy truck like cake, but these are different names for one and the same dessert, a mix of chocolate and buttery cookies, which has a long tradition in germany and elsewhere. these are buttery biscuits smothered in
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chocolate for a no big treat. in germany, it's called title hot or cold dog or a kite dish. nelson cold snouts. this dessert has cult status. oh, well no, it's wonderful. it's just tasty. yeah, it was my favorite is it is meg loaded with calories, sheets, chocolate and taste wonderful. novel. and how do you make a head talk slice and how did it get its name? let's find out. for them, a head to berlin's eye, to bucks to the cafe. this man knows almost every thing about the hedgehog slice he's been making and selling the desert since 2017. my name's with the marshall events, and i enjoyed making something that peace others and a goodly attention. and once a week over whips up the desert all by hand. the he
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uses cocoa and meal sugar, coconut oil, fresh eggs, milk and lots and lots of biscuits. but in fact, we make sure the oil is liquids, but not too hot. so 50 degrees is up to a cindy. scott send off the modest we heat the mills, so it was hoped that doesn't boil over. first to cocoa sugar and almonds mix together, the customer has to be stirred for a few minutes. separately is nice and mixed. in the meantime will add some more ingredients. the liquid coconut oil has to be added very, very slowly to the cocoa paste ingredients should all be mixed together smoothly, so they form a totally homogenous paste. they subscript this. the next step is the milk. here again, it's important to have a little patients and the dump it all in one is less to
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go in or the eggs is looking good, then drain it. well, we don't want to waste any of this page sufficient. now it's time to layer it off the lines of low pan with clean film and alternates a layer of cocoa paste with a layer of biscuits beach. this is the feel important to have something underneath the binding, the crackers fix it. but why specifically, biscuits takes the name of the city. so a couple little of the moisture left in the pace and stuff enough on so that later on we can slice them like a key to cell in our coffee house on the coffee. nice who the stacks. 8 layers of biscuits and then pours on. the topic and finally we scoop in most of the piece from above and along the sides and carefully press it in on to it enough for me that fills up all the other spaces we have inside. and we
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end up with a cracker and chocolate structure may not always be completely eaten, but it's fairly regular, not t stadium is ago, jones having biscuits. so lou will be a little boring. and so a bit of chocolate time go on a lot of by the hedgehog slice goes into the fridge overnight. variations on the classic are being created all the time. split 1st. where did it get it's german named cold dog. it's thought to have originated in the mind with the shape of the mind cards called horton's or dog, resembled that of the low as used to make the head talks lice. so who invented in real and ever find out for certain ones are either from the they say this recipe was created sometime in the early 20th century to run my name, the stuff my interest on that had to do with the availability of basic food staples on whole staffing and few, many families were happy just to see the children get up was on meet on their boat
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and and of course and i had talked slice is good for that still is why does this prelim cafe offers new variations alongside the classic such as hedgehog slice with mint or peanuts, or with white chocolate and new good crunch. at least 10 versions are on the menu here. and which one is the best seller? the classic, we also get some older patrons and for them had shop slice is really a bit to their childhood side when it was basically a staple. in most homes, one from us at 500 calories for peace. the hedgehog flies is not a light snack. it's officially beyond retirement age, but shows no signs of aging. you told me on one of russell's best known landmarks, it was made for the expo in 1958 and shines just as brightly as it did back then. this is the i told me on belgium's most famous land lock put good to know. it's not
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actually in the shape of an atom. am you today to find out what it is and what's actually inside it's 9 votes? via telling me and consists of 9 spears. each one weighs 250 tons. wow. look at how futuristic this loves. to learn more about the secrets of the actual him, you need to agree brief from belgium. that when you see this, you think this is an active oh, they told you that this isn't not them while you're close to. it's because it's a crystal was at them saying it's so and it was the thoughts by mr. walter again. what was the president of the middle industry and the iron kristen and launched a 165000000 times was designed by all context andre and drawing pulled back for the 1958. well, it's fair to give a positive image to the peaceful use of atomic energy. the
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world exhibition was 6 during 6 months. and the also the have told me to have to be broken down enough to 6 months. like all the other presidents that we're here to make a place for other activities. so, but because it was really something special that it was so successful during the world fair to that. and also what they can offer to it was low being and also difficult not say maybe 6 months later, and then they agreed and added more 6 months. and finally it says, it's no wonder they didn't have the heart to tear down the at home. you also look spectacular from the inside. it continued to break records even offered was built back then this 35 meter escalator was one of the fastest in europe today. you can take an extra ordinary ride on it from here to spear the the yeah. okay,
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good. it's a nice and lie here to congress. yeah, you can just take the rain a little bit, visitation out of the stairs. are you right? fortunately, that's all. it's an elevator for the 92 meters up to the top. here i learned the secret about how they are telling me i'm always look so good. yeah. tell me i'm is always so shiny them. what is the secret behind that? well, that's the secretive veneers that you see here. the people hanging on this, we used to clean them and they do it once a year. although austin's that innovation, the outside skin is made of uh, you know, it still needs to be cleaned once a year. and then they also, a group of output is to do it. then they are hanging on the seas and cleaning them via telling me and was renovated in 2006. what is the best kept secret of this
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building? well, something really amazing and also for myself is that by the renovation, they changed the outside skin from the menu to it looks stainless too. so the dominion plays with 2 centimeters effect. but this mean you didn't waste anything. so they had to keep it. the stainless steel as soon as possible. so they now are all the one point to be the basis. but even then you have told me to do the, the more weight then you may imagine. so you're basically telling me that they're telling me, i'm just going to fetch over the years. that's correct. yukon to enter every spear, but you can still see a lot from exhibitions to a light show and even a restaurant. but the best of course, of the incredible views is with them. we do to the end of another
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edition, your be sure to follow us on social media for more from the world of lifestyle and entertainment. as always, thanks for choosing in and join us again. next week, the
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business the, the news life from berlin talks to reduce these by getting guys i expect that the resume on sunday, in egypt. sticking points in the negotiations remains whether it seems between these are all in a mass will be temporary or permanent. also coming out london may, i saw the con, wins the historic that time in office of the opposition leave up policies thumbs. the government, conservatives, and britons last big polls for general electric and german child support overlap shelves condemns on.