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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 9:00am-9:16am CEST

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the, the business deal of the news life from berlin talks to reduce these 5 dealing guys. i expect that the resume on sunday, in egypt. sticking points in the negotiations remains whether it seems between these are all in a mass will be temporary or permanent. also coming out london, may i studied, con, wins the historic that tammy and office of the opposition live up policies from the government. conservatives in britain's last big pause before general electric and german. chances are old off shelves condemn so i'm not tackling the candidates
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for upcoming to you elections. the social democrats will speak to now while some pain. the i am eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. talk side set to resume on sunday, between negotiate this trying to strike a ceasefire deal for the war in guys up how mazda negation met and sought today with us edition and guitar. immediate is, but a key stumbling block for negotiate has this web i choose, would it be temporary or permanent to the prime minister? i think, i mean, that's now has repeatedly evolved to assault on mass forces in the south. and since you a rough on whether or not they choose is reached, that's despise, repeated warnings from the u. s. u n. and i bought a novice that i'm attack would spell these desktop for the more than 1000000 palestinians taking refuge that offense. the also by 7th attacks the relatives of
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hostages cannot by mouth have been fights and to keep the focus on getting the lab one. so a man for months, prime minister netanyahu confirm it has been under immense pressure to bring the house to this back. it is known about the feet of the around $130.00 cost. it is still headed in garza, the number in to its both civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of cost to this, i presume, to be dead. at the end of april, from us release fee to us of $2.00 hostages, one of them was keyed seeker and we wanted obviously you my fault that today only makes clear a tool of us that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home, i don't mind that the leaders of this country watch this video and see how far the crying out. so help the and or use these
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5 in the room palostio. so $105.00 pasta district on home, main lieberman children and dual nations, including code the tie farmers during a week long boss and fighting the hopes for the 2 score toys and on hostages would be released by both sides accused the adult of breaking the dogs and fighting dizzy on december 1st for the families and during months of hope and heartbreak, all eyes on the garden, dogs, many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back the loved ones. gentlest by league slot dean joins me now from the pedal valley. where do the cease by? i talks, country stand as well as the negation. yesterday you said that the, the date and the day without any uh, car and the only today it will be, uh, the uh,
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the fox will be resumed in cairo while the negation is right there with the mediators. and also the cheaper the, the they were to be seeing in williamsburg, that now all we understand the main point of disagreement is the absolute, the full size are talking about one side from us to think that they will not accept any deal without any guarantees of a few minutes these by after the completion of the day that all the deal now is right, let's say that they did not. then we will not agree to end the war because that means that from us would recover the date itself in the other something that is totally oh, so i understand from what i have been talking get to or who i'll be talking to uh, in the, the initial official uh there's no, there's no discussion even inside your cabinet about the possibility of leaving a too heavy ability to so a ga,
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the in the by use time or 10 years time it will come back with a stronger and munition stronger with and re and little bit to do to the side of the door is that that's what they're telling me. again, this is the main portal disagreements and it's very hard to see how to reach that. there are some things that the us give guarantees to come off that they will be an individual or something that is not committed to from a distance. yeah, clearly a lot of back and forth going on that and that's in yahoo has also threatened to invade rafa. with or without deal for have a really impacting the ongoing negotiations, isn't it? so yeah, this is the method, the visions of the sounds of hockey. those are criticizing that they are saying that nothing you are trying to solve because the deal. now we don't see this way, but we also can see it in a different way the either way. there will be
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a consideration of the or something that, oh, bar, or fractions of the more candidates i agree with. now this could also be understood politically from nothing else contribution yesterday. for example, the manager of the security as i'm a big fan of the, uh, on the line that it shows me. uh huh. that's nothing. you know, the person probably wouldn't be responsible. do you, as he said, that there will be something we can do or otherwise let them know what the consequences of that would be? which of course, i mean, it won't be in difficult, right? difficult time stimulus following slide in interview. thank you. that's more stories making headlines around it. well, let's look at some of them. protest against these are also offensive,
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and guys are continuing as universities across the united states demonstrates as in police scuffle, the university of virginia cuts us as also briefly interrupted a graduation ceremony at the university of michigan. pro palestinian protest comes remaining face the number of accomplices, a british ballasting in doctor who spends over a month in guys, hospitals doing the kinds conflict has been denied entry to friends. and i will see to was due to be friends with all me guess on the medical situation in gaza. he says he was blocked out the power sample because of a bond by germany on his entry to you. of the heavy rain in texas has resulted in severe flooding drums and the rest of them in neighborhoods around the houston area to evacuate. what the levels i expect, that's the rise for that with thunderstorms continuing in the region and then solving brazil that to have climbed to 257 from severe flatten and my flights
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thousands are still missing rescue as i've been struggling to evacuated swamp neighborhoods as heavy rains continued to bots out of the region, nearly 70000 people have been forced to leave the homes. the cost of breaking the roof with the brake. this rescues managed to say some mother and her baby from us. a lot of the house imagines to respond to us in the solving for zealand state of real grunted assume had been racing to help residents escape the flooding and much lights. all those have decided not to wait for help any longer. leaving the homes with what they could carry and making their way through the muddy waters. just a foot drummed after
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escaping the floods may end up in time through shelter. select this one, trying to come to terms with what they have lost if it is just to live on the table, i lost every single. i lifted some furniture that i could, but i believe i lost everything. i really am desperate is the 1st time this has happened. yeah. but a matter of as good confess. you know, thank you for the 9 other than the one, but now it was hoping that you have, i'm just asking god to give me another home to live in. what is it? the flooding has already forced tens of thousands to flee the homes with will to levels rise and foster and will have it right and expect to more area is could soon become inaccessible for us because in the u. k. leave us, i think kind of has one in that straight time as london now as conservative policy
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challenge. i buy more than 11 points. the result is yet another faithful prime minister richardson. i am the ruling conservatives after the a west local election results in decades. and historic said term for london's man sat, a ton said he faced to campaign of negativity from his conservative opponents. but he stormed ahead with nearly 44 percent of the vote likely from the bottom of my heart. thank to london. that's the order of my life to serve the city. but i love con, was the fast muslim to be elected lida as a major west in capital when he replaced bars. johnson as met in 2016 con is one of the u. k. is most popular latest and holds the biggest individual mandate of any british politician. his victory in london is the latest in thousands
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of local elections that have gone to labor. a heavy blow to prime minister receives through next conservatives. national opinion polls place labor far ahead. as all lies turn to the you case, next general election waste sites me the most to share is the challenge of working with a labor government and the message for me. selection in london and across the country is time for which students go to an election sooner is expected to announce the dates before the end of the. yeah. he's conservatives have been in power for 14 years. right. knowing that is labeled as popularity keeps rising. the tories look set for disastrous loss at the ballot box. here in germany, john, so that will f sholtes has condemned on attack. when a politician, while he was out containing my ts becca was putting up the election post as in the
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eastern city of dressed and when he was beaten up and seriously injured on friday evening. okay. as a candidate in the upcoming european parliament directions, police have not commented on the motive of the attack, but i'm to ride to lance as i've called for demonstrations in berlin and dressed and on sunday. to my to you is a is one of the s p d's rising stars saying says election to the european parliament 2 years ago. he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. echo was confident of re election this year. he was hanging up campaign posters, and mistresses and suburb one for an identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also injured a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris meant against political figures. chancellor shouts, called for united action against right wing extremism fig life. so i think starting
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this, we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these . we must never shrug our shoulders when they happen here or there such as when green party candidates were attacked recently. when we see this happening against the local politicians and the mayors of small towns, democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together to name me much. i know so and give us a good mind. sometimes i gave the state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly what new max is on the screen, right. want they want to on the local level, car valves of destroyed democracy and i think the fred has never been grades or since reunification and. ready the, the start words,
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by the chance there are very much appreciated politicians from all germany's major parties, including the far right a f, d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's darkest times. now some 1600000 people gathered on rails cool back upon the beach on saturday evening to see the queen of pop mcdonough. in concepts the books thing got help, but the rents to see thank you to has south american 5. it was also the conclusion of has sort of racing for the 1st time performing in brazil over
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the that's all for now. ibex ship looks at house complex reason ma'am. uh, stuff on stage and we have more news coming up at the top of the out the secret live you discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage selling dw world heritage 360. now sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you
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how climate change and environmental conservation.