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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the business, the, the news life from breland talks to reach us east by ideally, and guys are expected to resume on sunday in egypt. the 2nd point in the negotiations remains whether a truce between these or all that on us will be temporary or permanent. also coming up jem on chance a lot more life sholtes condemns on that. talk on their candidates for upcoming the you elections. social democrats was beaten up while contain the i. i'm eddie michael junior and you are welcome to the program. talks asset to
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resume on sunday between negotiates as strange as striking ceased by ideal for the wind guys up. how much the negation method inside today with us addiction and katara immediate is. but a key stumbling block for negotiates as is whether a choose would be temporary or permanent permanent subbing and maintenance. and y'all has repeatedly vowed to assault on mass forces in the south and city of rough office is whether or not a choose is reached once that's despite repeated warnings from the u. s. u. n and novice done on that tax a month ago, spelled as i stuff with a more than $1000000.00 palestinians taking refuge that says the up to about 7th attacks. the relatives of hostages cannot by how mass have been fighting to keep the focus and getting the loved ones home. for the for months, prime minister netanyahu government has been under immense pressure to bring the hoss to dispatch. it is known about the feet of the around $130.00 cost. it is
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still headed and goes down the number into its blood civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of hostages are perceived to be dead. at the end of april, from us release fee to as of $2.00 hostages, one of them was keyed speaker and lee was obviously my fault that today only makes clear a tool of us that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home i don't mind that the lead is of this country, watch this video and see how far the crying out. so how it plays black and or use these 5 in the room palostio. so 105 hosted his return home mean lieberman children and doing nations including 30 type almost during a week long boss and fighting the hopes for the 2 squad. toys and on hostages would
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be the least by both sides, accused the other of breaking the dumb and fighting dizzy on december 1st. for the families and during months of hope and heartbreak, all eyes on the garden, dogs, many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back their loved ones. gentlest by leaks, let dean instead of you have told me area wherever seized by opposite oaks, kindly stand as well as the legation use. so they said that the, the date and the, the with the any uh. com and the only today it will be, uh, the uh, the fox will be reviewed in cairo while there be some authentication is right there with the mediators. and also the chief of the, of the day went to the ceiling and when younger that. now all we understand the main point of disagreement is the absolute, the whole size. they're talking about one side from us to think that they will not accept any deal without any guarantees of a per minute. these by,
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after the completion of the b. david. all the deal now is rather saying that they did not, and we will not agree to end the war because that means that some of the dates itself in the other something that these very probably oh so i understand that from what i have been talking to to or who i be talking to uh, in the, the, uh, in this room is a new appraisal. uh there's no, there's no discussion even inside your cabinet about the possibility of leaving a to hurry up to take it. so a go the and in the find me use time will tell you, use time, it will come back with a stronger emulation, stronger with, and read in order to do to the $700.00 at that. that's what they're telling me. again, this is the main focus of the payments and it's very hard to see how to reach that . there are some things that you get to come off that there will be an interview or
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something that is not committed to from a distance. yeah, clearly a lot of back and forth going on that and that's and yeah, who has also threatened to innovate rafa with or without a deal for i have a really impacting the ongoing negotiations, isn't it? so yeah, this is the method, the visions of the criticizing that they are saying that nothing you're trying to solve because the deal. now we don't see this way, but we also can see it in a different way. the either way there will be, there will be a continuation of the war. so think that, oh bar or fractions of the work of the re with now this could also be in the student politically, from nothing else to contribute. yesterday, for example, the manager of, uh, security. i'm a big fan of the uh and the,
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the line that it has me. uh huh. that's nothing on the to the other person probably wouldn't be responsible deal as he said that to be a continuation or otherwise. let them know what the consequences of that would be, which of course, i mean it will be difficult. right. difficult times journalist for alex lot in interview. thank you. so let's look at some all stars making headlines around the world. protests against these are also offensive in gaza. i continue in as universities across the united states demonstrates as on police scaffold of the university of virginia puts us. this also briefly interrupted the graduation ceremony at the university of michigan. for evaluating in protest comes remain in place and the number of accomplices in the u. k. leave as a subject him as one
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a fat straight time as london there. he gets his conservative profit settings out by more than 11 points. the result is yet another. the faithful prime minister uses to knock on the root in conservatives. after the west, local election is only that came within the next national vote. within a year, every rain in texas has resulted in severe flooding from to, and the residence and neighborhoods around the houston area to evacuate. what's the level of the expect that's rise? fed up with thunderstorms continue in, in the region here in germany. sounds like life schultz has condemned an attack on a politician while he was out the companion, my ts becca was putting up the election, pushed us in the eastern states. you have dressed and when he was beaten up and seriously injured on friday evening. okay, is the candidates in the upcoming loop? you in parliament elections, police, i've not commented on the motive of the suspects, but on to ride the lions,
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as i've called for demonstrations in berlin and dressed in on sunday in response to the attack on by to monte is okay. it's one of the s p d's rising stars sitting since the election to the european parliament 2 years ago. he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. the echo was confident, the re election this year. he was hanging up campaign, posters, mistress and suburb 14 and identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also entered a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris went against political figures. trensler shots called for united action against right wing extremism fig life. so i decided that we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. we must never shrug our shoulders when they happen here or
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there, such as when green party candidates were attacked recently. when we see this happening against the local politicians and the mayors of small towns, democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together in the new months. i know so and give us a good mind. some of that gave of state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly what new max is on the screen, right. want they want to on the local level car valves. um destroyed democracy and i think the fred has never been um uh grades or since reunification and. ready the uh, the start words, by the chance there are very much appreciated politicians from o, germany's major parties, including the far right a f. d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling
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echoes of germany's darkest times. i added, i spoke to german politician 5 you on the phone. okay. a representative for saxony in the gym and apartments, a member of his property was due to the fact this weekend i asked how it made him feel. this is the f you really said so much is a good friend of mine um, but at any end, i'm also his head for this democracy now in germany because we see that these house kind of attacks on people during election campaign arising up. and i think this is really the dangerous time also for all these the democracy right now. right. you talk about democracy, that's the same at that's a chance of that. well, i've showed said he basically said that incidents like this markets, threats for them across the how would you describe jeremy nice political klein made the lights of this attack. i think in this election campaign for the european
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action, and i think this will also be the case for the elections in alton a 40 states. we have a really hostile assignment from the right wing extremists and you reckoning parties. and i think this is something that has that for the years ago. and now a said that the time when the words like the most i words from these right wing extremists, i know becoming also physically mean looking at your own experience. have you ever felt threatened as a politician or not? well that ricky, i'm not getting beaten up or something like that, but when you're on the streets and when you're hanging in posts, as of course, there were other times people that said i'll type things and, and looked and things like that. but most of the way there's, and i think this is really special because this was not by accidents. there were people that were really hunting down these election containers in
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this way. and i think just like the new quality and that is also different than the other things we also experience the use. but it was all, all the time to case that, right? extremes were on the run and also during damaged or election campaigns with all posters and also on the side of it again. so people, what do you think is given rise to this hostility? you think i don't know. i think when we looked at the debates and left us, we've seen that until you democratic also and some ice democratic things and some words are now able to say it within the population without having to feel like you're doing something wrong. and i think this is really dangerous that we normalize those right wing tendencies and also recommend extremism. at some point, i'm just also gets people that are on the way and things that way. i just stick it out loud and also check like that. so i think it's really important that we condemn
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these tendencies and speak also keywords about those. and also the democrats in this country are coming together and sending a for a democracy and also the freedom that we have in this country. right? this is the latest and most severe i tackled a german politician in recent weeks. where do you think needs to be done to protect politicians and indeed creed conducive environment for, you know, people to speak freely democratically? i think the most important thing that this to be done notice also to show the 13 with these petitions with a democratic party is with a democracy all around the country. i think this is the most important that the society really makes mark in saying that we want to defend our democracy. and we want to defend the people that are caring about just because when you look at who puts up those posters, that on the, on the, on the conditions. and like me,
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like for 2 years from, doesn't many people doing with their this in their free time. for democracy and i think i also have to be type of right probably on funk, a member of the german empowerment plus actually thank you very much for your time . thank you. around 1600000 people gathered on videos. go back to bonham beach on saturday evening to see the queen of pop, my daughter in concepts the, the bold thing got help but the events to say thank you to has south american france was also the conclusion of pass that immersion tool and had 1st time performed in vessel in over a decade the
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that's open now, next up. house lease. i used to stop up scouts. factories in may a ma, that's on ship. because this morning, using our website, d, w dot com, this also moon use at the top of the hour to stay with us, the conflicts, crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geopolitical reality. the on the board is what makes things to the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, this shadows, these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools, farms and destroy lives. what is the mega.