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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the, the news life from brayland talks to reach is east by ideally and guys i resume on sunday in egypt. sticking points and then it goes. asians remains whether i choose between. these are all in a mass will be temporary or permanent. also coming out german chancellor will talk shelves going to them, so i'm not tackle new candidates for upcoming elections. please see me. suspects has compressed the social democrats and speech and welcome teen and v a while comes to the material girl to co pack up on our beach. the
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do not cops. ok, well for with both of the biggest the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you welcome to the program talks i've resumed on sunday between negotiators trying to strike is east by ideal for the war in gaza. how mosque the negation alley? i met and sat today with us egyptian and kentucky mediators. a key stumbling block for negotiates, as whether a choose will be temporary or permanent from a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly vowed to a sold from us forces in the south in the city of rafa. whether or not each cruise is reached, that's despite repeated warnings from the u. s. u n, and novice that an attack? well, it's spelled is that stuff with
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a more than $1000000.00 palestinians taking refuge that says up to about 7 the tax . the relatives of hostages could not by mouth have been fighting to keep the focus on getting the loved ones home. for the for months, prime minister, netanyahu confirming has been under immense pressure to bring the house to dis back . it is known about the feet of the around $130.00 cost. it is still headed and goes down the number into its board civilians and soldiers to young children among them. but dozens of costs to this, i presume, to be dead at the end of april, from us release features of 2 hostages. one of them was keyed, see, cuz we wanted obviously, and my father today only makes clear a to fool of us, that we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. i don't mind that the lead is
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of this country. watch this video and see how far the crying out. so how the and are use these 5 in the room palostio. so $105.00 post to district on home main lieberman children and doing nations, including 30 type almost during a week long boss and fighting the hopes for the tooth would toyed and on hostages would be the least by both sides. accused of breaking the dumb and fighting dizzy on december 1st, for the families and during months of hope and hock, pig, or ice on the ground and dogs. many desperately hoping for the tooth that would bring back their loved ones. gentlest valleys, sliding into v for told me area wherever seized by our talks, carnegie stand as well as the negation. yesterday you said that the, the date and the day without any uh, car and the only today it will be, uh, the uh,
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the fox will be resumed in cairo while the negation is right there with the mediators. and also the cheaper the, uh, the, they were to be seeing a william burns that now fall. we understand the main point of disagreement is the absolute, the whole sizes are talking about well side from us to think that they will not accept any deal without any guarantees of permanence these by, after the completion of this be phasing all the deal now as right let's say that they did not re enrollment degree to end of the war because that means that some of the data itself in the something that they probably oh, so i understand from what i have been talking get to oh, i'd be talking to uh, in the v as in hispanic radio, special uh there's no, there's no discussion even inside your cabinet about the possibility of leaving
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a to very happy to take it. so a god and in the 5 years time will tell you sides, it will come back with a stronger amunition, stronger with and re in a little bit to do to the side of the door. is that that's what they're telling me . again, this is the main focus of payments and it's very hard to see how to reach that there are some requesting that the us give guarantees to come off, that there will be an individual or something that is not committed to from a distance a dismal star. is making headlines around the world. let's look at some of them. protest against these are also offensive in gas. continuing at universities across the united states, demonstrate as on police scuffle that interested to you, a virginia protest. this also briefly interrupted a graduation ceremony of the university of michigan profile, testing and protest comes, remain in place and a number of other conferences, believing ukrainian unprecedented for the mazda lensky has addressed the nation. on
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the occasion of orthodox east on the celebrates at the holiday, talking about how the resurrection of jesus symbolizes life. over that, you spoke about confronting darkness for $802.00 days, which is how long it's been since russia invaded ukraine for it to get through. here in germany, police the 17 year old has confessed to a street attack on a politician and the eastern city of dressed. and it's still unclear if he is the only suspect he was putting up election post this when he was beaten up and seriously injured on friday evening. police are not, you have commented on the motive, but onto writes alliances. i've called for demonstrations in berlin and dress than on sunday in response to the incident. bye to my to yes. okay. it's one of the s p d's rising stars sitting since the election to the european parliament 2 years ago . he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. the echo was
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confident, the re election this year. he was hanging up campaign posters, mistress and suburb one for an identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on in hospital police say the same man had also entered a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris went against political figures. trensler shots called for united action against right wing extremism fig life. so i decided that we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. we must never shrug our shoulders when they happen. here are there such as when green party candidates were attacked recently, when we see this happening against local politicians and the mayors of small towns . democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together in
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the new months. i know so and give us a good mind. some of that gave of state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violence. and this is exactly what new max is on the screen right. want they want to on the local level, car valves destroyed democracy and i think the french has never been grades or since reunification and. ready the uh, the start words, by the chance there are very much appreciated when politicians from o, germany's major parties including the far right a f d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's darkest times. i last spoke to german politicians, 5 the on the focus, representative both sex any in the gym and parliament to a member of his property was put to the attack this weekend asked how it made him feel. this is the f. you really said so much, he is a good friend of mine's and,
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but at any end, i'm also his head for this democracy now in germany because we see that this whole kind of attacks on people doing election campaign arising up. and i think this is really the dangerous time also for all these they don't know what he wants to see right now. right. you're talking about democracy. does the same at that's a chance of that. well, i've showed said he basically said the incidents like this markets, threats for them across the how would you describe jeremy nice political climb, 18 lights of this attack. i think in this election campaign for the european action . and i think this will also be the case for the elections and all of them for the face. we have a really hostile climate from the right wing extremists and you reckoning parties. and i think this is something that has that for the years ago. and now it was set the time when the words like the last time words from these right wing extremists
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are now becoming also physically mean looking at your own experience. have you ever felt threatened as a politician or not know that ricky, i'm not getting beaten up or something like that, but when you're on the street spends when you're hanging in posts, as of course there were other times people that said of type fees and, and looked and things like that, but most of the way there's, and i think this is really special because this was not by accidents. there were people that were really hunting down these election containers in this way. and i think this was the new quality, and that is also different than the other things we also experience the use, but it was all, all the time to case that, right? extremes were on the run and also doing damage show election contains all posters
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and also on being assigned again. so people, what do you think is given rise to this hostility? you think i don't know. i think when we looked at the debates and last years, we've seen that from the democratic also in some ice democratic things and some words that are not able to say within the population without having to feel like you're doing something wrong. and i think it's, it's really dangerous that we normalize those right when tendencies and also recommend experience. and at some point, i'm just also just people that are on the way and things that way. i to speak it out loud and also check like that's what i think it's really important that we condense these tendencies and speak also keywords of all those. and also the democrats in this country are coming together and standing up for a democracy and also the freedom that we have in this country. right? this is the latest and most severe. i talk with the german politician in recent
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weeks. what do you think needs to be done to protect politicians and indeed create a conducive environment for, you know, people to speak freely democratically i think the most important thing that this doesn't notice also too. so, so we that routine with these petitions with a democratic party is with a democracy all around the country. i think this is the most important that the society really makes mark and saying that we want to defend our democracy and we want to defend the people that are carrying about just because when you look at who puts up those posters, that on the, on the on the conditions and like me like that to you as many people are doing with their this in their free time for democracy. and i think i also have to be typing right for the on funk a member of a gentleman. empowerment for section 8. thank you. very much for your time. thank you. and finally, my doing i gave it had all doing a story for 4 months for
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a huge crowd of adoring fans at brazil. sway must cool back up on a beach that pop idol showcase have best opportunity in thousands of cost human sets changes as the song hits from have 40 yeah, long career. the concept was a go and touch to her world wide separation tool. the . it was the biggest concepts of her career as mcdonough performed to an estimate to 1600000 funds on brazil's iconic copa combined a beach. the free event was both a thank you to have funds on the epic conclusion office celebration till that started in london last year and piece of patient in rio had been building for days on sunset. mcdonough did not
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disappoint on imaginable experience. out of the ordinary. i've never attended such a file for sure. it was fabulous. i o, i say it was a, i think she deliberate a high level so it had an excellent production value. it was a gift for brazil. 18 sounds. how was a wreck to the loan? the beach to ensure everyone could hear her iconic hits, including like a prayer and a holiday. in true, madonna style that comes, that started almost an hour late. it's a little after $1030.00 at night. but the crowd a p and happy to wait to experience one of the world's biggest of a concepts and populates into the night with the legendary queen of paul the
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and that's how we wrap it up. staging from one use of the top of the out the we are all set and we're watching closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. why don't having does get drunk. that causes gravitational waves to squeeze all buddies. how much more do we need again scream for help when.