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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news live from berlin talks to reach a ceasefire. deal in guys that resume on sunday in egypt. sticking point in the negotiations remains whether a cruise between israel and tim off would be temporary or permanent. also coming up german chancellor all off shows condemns an attack on a candidate for upcoming new elections. police say, a teenage suspect has confessed that social democrats was assaulted. walter and paintings, and real welcomes the material girl to cope up on a beach. the
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donna kept her world tour with possibly her biggest ever concert the melissa chance, thanks for joining us. cox have resumed on sunday in cairo between negotiators trying to strike a gaza see spar deal last delegation has been meeting with us injection and guitar . a mediators, a key stumbling block is whether truce would be temporary or permanent, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to launch a ground offensive into the southern city of rasa. whether there is a choose or not palestinians in that city tensely wait for what might happen next. as these datsuns watch the destruction of the neighborhood negotiations that we
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determine the future of taking place. a few 100 kilometers though, we entitled that assumption of dog foot a sci fi d has ignited for many, the longing to return home. i'm going to see if there's a great sense of hyphen anticipation as we have longed for months for the negotiations to succeed. so we an old at this place, people can go back home while you're in for stability and bringing an end to the will end of destruction. we have witnessed knows that we are very hopeful god willing. we will rejoice when we return home, even if we remain in attend like this one. what matters if we return to our homes, the many hope a few side would in the bombing and allowing food medicines and other supplies that can save lives. not as must be a grandfather has found a good meeting for his family of 16. the fort distributed by the chat at the word
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central kitchen is helping them survive with the democrats. yeah, sometimes we have lunch, but we don't have dinner. and sometimes we have breakfast, but we don't have lunch. we must manage is that and what type of food we get from outside is enough. we should have it to myself. and so i called the job, they used to be trucks, but now there are no trucks. we haven't had vegetables for a month and a half is coming up. and they haven't called the the u. n. c's box of the gaza strip out experiencing from in the almost 7 months of war has made the delivery and the distribution of speed extremely challenging. but now a possibility of a heart and fighting seems really to many dozens who for months have been living to death and destruction still have hope for better days.
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for more on this, let's bring in journalists, carina l go harvey in cairo. thanks for joining us. what are you hearing from the 2nd day of talks? yeah, talk to ongoing since yesterday, and they are still continuing today. they are talking as we speak. it is almost indication together was the egyptian and comfortably negotiators and the head of the ca, william guards who is not present is this rate is indication who are saying they only will come to cairo if there is a written statement from almost as accepting these really conditions, whether it's on the table is basically a suggestion for a similar to face the exchange of hostages. and the policy is, is really prisons. and to do what is under the base is how long the
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ceasefire will be or what kind of guarantees will be that the ceasefire is going to hold. how much came in quite positively set the positive steps. but to, in the last hours we heard the a few negative comments from all sides saying that the it is. and it's, and you all personally who's entering the talks in cairo. so you have how mosse saying that there won't be a truce. that doesn't end the war in gaza, and then it doesn't sound like something that is really would agree to this is the opposite sticking point. that it's a contradiction basically, how much is it asking for some kind of guarantees for permanency side. and they want to have these guarantees from the groceries as from the texas and the categories. and also from the americans who have to get this card system, said some of these ratings. and of course, that contradicts the primary. oh state to,
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to well objected for all for this on you all saying he wants to destroy a mazda and if he wants to continue or he wants to move into the on going into a and the total fences in the hot bed of course, doesn't seem to get that so that to how to become that it's difficult also the other speaking point is that how much is asking for the is there any i'm going to withdraw from because it goes a strip so that people can return back home from themselves where many of them and i'll let to displaced and, and it's a go back to the house. it's so difficult to see how this can be really rich. and, and does he said in a 10 yahoo, threatening to invade rafa with or without a deal? it doesn't sound like a viable negotiating position. is there any leverage from saying that? can you talk a little bit about that sticking point? it almost made it very clear that the,
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when there will be no offensive in the off, it could be over was to be over was the, she's fine english actions that would be no more exchanges of hostages. so at the same time, of course the thing out just announcing this, for instance, no matter what it is, that is negotiation. so it is, there is an agreement. so this of course is also contribution. probably maybe also we how is a side who's trying to put book pressure on how much in order to accept the they are proposing. so there's a lot of things to the sessions at the, to the, to the media. we should have basically designed to great price on the other sites and to, to make some strategic interventions say in order to get some advantages in this negotiations. and maybe some of the words to the says publicly also, or some of the things that i need to also the basically the intention is to make
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some strategic reservations for just get some advantage. in the negotiations. karim l go harvey in cairo, thank you so much for joining us. you're welcome. now, benjamin, nothing out whose government has just voted to stop the guitar, a broadcaster out 0 from operating within israel. the decision follows a law passed by the is really connect that, that allows the closure of foreign broadcaster is considered to pose a security threat. and that the war in gaza is really media say the block can last for 45 days out. his ear has covered the ongoing war from both gaza and israel. so let's look at some more stories making headlines around the world. protests against israel's offensive and gaza are continuing at universities across the united states . demonstrators and police scuffled at the university of virginia. protesters also
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briefly interrupted a graduation ceremony at the university of michigan pro pallet stay in, protest. camps remain in place and a number of other campuses ukrainian president vladimir zaleski has addressed the nation on the occasion of orthodox easter. we celebrated the holiday talking about how the resurrection of jesus symbolizes life over dad. he spoke about confronting darkness for $802.00 days, which is how long it's been since russia waited ukraine. for to stay. here in germany, police say a 17 year old has confessed to taking part in an attack on a politician in the eastern city of dresden. 3 other suspects remain. unknown mathias echo was putting up election posters when he was assaulted on friday evening. police have not yet commented on the motive, but groups against far right extremism have called for demonstrations in berlin and dresden on sunday, in response to the incident. and despite too much, he is okay,
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is one of the s p d is rising stars sitting since the election to the european parliament 2 years ago . he's made a name for himself as an advocate for democracy and civil society. the echo was confident of re election. this year. he was hanging up campaign, posters, and mistresses and suburb one for an identified men beat him so severely he had to be operated on a hospital. police say the same man had also injured a green party worker just minutes earlier. these were just the latest in a series of incidents of violence and harris meant against political figures. trensler shots cold for united action against right wing extremism, fig, life. citing starting. we must never allow ourselves to become comfortable with acts of violence like these. we must never shrugged our shoulders when they happen here or there, such as when green party candidates were attacked recently. when we see this happening against local politicians and the mayors of small towns,
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democracy is threatened by acts like these, which is why shrugging them off is never an option. we must stand up together in the need much. i know so and give us a good mind. sometimes i gave of state experts say there's little doubt which groups are behind the violins. then this is exactly works of neo nazis on the screen, right. want they want to on the local level. car valves um destroyed democracy and i think the french has never been grades or since reunification and. ready the uh, the start words, by the chance there are very much appreciated when politicians from o, germany's major parties including the far right a f d, have condemned the brutal attack on monday is eka. but many are seeing troubling echoes of germany's dark as times. and earlier we spoke to german politician
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fabi and a phone call, a representative for saxony in the german parliament for the social democratic party. in light of this latest attack on a party colleague, we asked him about the political climate in germany to i think in this election campaign for the european election. and i think this will also be the case for the elections and all of them for the face. we have a really hostile climate from the right wing extremists and you reckoning parties. and i think this is something that has that for the years ago. and now instead of the time when the words like the hoss time words from these right wing extremists are now becoming also physical, i think just as a new quality, it does also different than the other things. we also experience the use. but it was all, all the time to case that writing streams uh were on the run and also drains imaged . are we looking conventional process and also being assigned against our people?
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and finally, madonna gave it her all during a historic performance for a huge crowd of fans at brazil's famous corporate combined a beach. the pop idol pulled out the stops with dozens of costume and set changes as she sang hits from her 40 year long career. the concert was the crowning touch to her world wide celebration tor the
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if i were just having technical problems because that report of course you couldn't hear the reporter sound. let's just i'm going to stand by and see if they can. um nope, nope. the control room is telling us that no, we cannot, we'll have to play it the next hour. so before we go, some sports news and re real madrid has extended the re record record. by winning a 36 spanish league title fans gathered in downtown madrid to celebrate the victory the title. when came after madrid won their match on saturday and their closest rivals, barcelona, lost. we all fans could have more to cheer about this season. they are still in with a chance of winning the champions league is a reminder of our top story. german chancellor all of shows has condemned attack on fellow social democrat, mathias echo calling the incident quote,
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a threat to democracy at got was assaulted by multiple people while competing in dresden and that's it for now. thank you so much for watching the every jenny, it's one of the surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special thoughts in germany
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recognize where exact.