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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  May 5, 2024 1:15pm-1:30pm CEST

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about what containing in dresden and that's it for now. thank you so much for watching the . every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special in germany recognizes where exactly it was fun. i have learned
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a lot of our culture history. all their travel extremely worth a visit. the one of the most challenging gymnastics disciplines, the palm of holes and he's among the best in the world, the media and how to tune medina on and professional gymnastics terms. he's a senior citizen, but he's simply cannot stop in our media. gymnastics is more than a sports, it teaches pause and discipline. it's a symbol of resilience with this repeatedly threatened nation, and it means fighting against all odds. even old age. the call i'll send me a h as nothing to do with your physical conditions. come on,
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i don't even want to think about when i was startled fits, and as long as my health and my body allowance and as long as i mentally capable to put this strain on myself and i'll, i will continue training it con mazda vendor. since childhood headed to and has had coach so sexy on at his side thought it keeps the thought on. and also like even as a kid, he was highly talent series or all many fearful dunk, although it was always so motivated in training and quick to pick things out. well, thoughts. so training him gives me great pleasure to this day. only my monuments hydrate headed to him lives and amelia, the country in the southern crocuses region, which is still being threatened and attacked even now around. instead of allowing means to live in the capital city, yet have been working chas district of nor key must thief isn't the north of the
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city limits. soviet era, pre fab buildings, and so relaxed and framed the atlas van this is where headed to and met the lives with his wife, daughter and parents in a small house with a gun sided with all at the age of 20. i move to and i never looked back mossey. we loved this area a lot to me and showed us that i like it quiet and massive is a very quiet place. i for the ultimate child tongue use the header to imagine john is practical and tumble, which is evident in his daily schedule. calling for as long as i can remember, it's been the same routine. i wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, no after showering, i have to training and the gym needs to stay there until 2 30 pm. i'm off at the
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office that's set in stone for over 30 years. nice. it's often. yeah, it'd be, yeah, this one, it's all the audio the the gym is just a few kilometers is outside of yet, yvonne center. it's a rhetoric of sylvia times that are seen best today. the gym is named off to the most famous of median to miss all this other young on the 1000, in that as a 3 time a limited champion, was heavy and is unmatched. to this day, they can do the legend and the big i of mine's mission. i always tried to follow in his footsteps and opened them on the desktop. in early september 2023 azaria and died 894. but he went to the gym to just before his death. the limit was often here to watch his train was very
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motivating. she also gave us, on lots of good advice for that is totally shut all level support by the, in the soviet era. the armenians, with the most successful gymnast at the end of the games to this day is the source of much pride here. on what samples of the monroe, your muscles have to be completely warmed up, if it costs most injuries sustained when you're on properly warmed up the hands at mach on that in logics customer a little charlie known off to the us. it's time to start in the 1st health of his career, harder to compete in 6 different gymnastics disciplines. but in the last few years, he has focused exclusively on the panels. beyond
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this, on the top of you need a special relationship to the rest of uh, either on the pommel horse is one of the trickiest disciplines in june asked us most accidentally sent to them that it takes a couple wrong department or something. no, it can be treacherous to go so, you know, but so if you have to get a feel for it, either i can do that. so let's copy mason with net e mail. it starts from on the readable offers, learn about these 2 groups. so the biggest challenge of everything goes through them, but who tablet? i mean, as long as the most people can't even hold that body, that for all the change, especially not swing around on the go to that i'm not in the donkey. i'll tell jim when i left, so let me show up and the size of the
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small, so i'll shut down cuz if katie, without sharing that single minutes of performance and the competition on us, your whole body is on the 10 sites all on both to almost smaller mean that the majority of the work is done by your home, the vote at the entire party work so long decide to keep it. but he decided to incorporate the abdominal and the leg muscles meet the even the soles. if your feet must be 10, all at middle bay, the hot months of years of training, go into the ninety's single, amino outside unless the incom both my mom and the son michel get that training pays off. how did you in is among the best in the world on the panel who's the
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contact? there's not the 1st big success came in 2011 when he won the bronze measure of the european championships and by late by that and then more followed. he was your p and champion twice was i'm once he becomes is that the world championships, so kind of like gosh, part of the like the only at the olympics has that are to and medina on sale to in the middle. he got to set the games in 2016 when he finished full, full use. let's say he was already 35 and a mistake and the preliminary rounds cost him a spot in the fine the, the best nice local get over to your to i finished just the 7th in the end store shop shop the bonus. uh what followed was really tough time. i was down for several months of owning the length of a deep hole. it came home on. now since then,
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a limpid metal has always been my great go on bush and i thought that gus diebold called on i made the nevada him but then his daughter was born and everything changed. the almost done a little said on dante crossman. once i got married, so my wife and we had my daughter, newly, i felt a brand new energy to me was over. let's see. all my in all my level, i was very motivated to show my family that i was still a top athlete. when metals, yes, to give the joint logic and gum made, she get the made the nevada involved, but we're the highest and i'm one of your day to header to and was sensationally crowned european champion once again at the age of 38. when i became european champion,
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i put my metal on to my daughter's neck and gifted into the v that seed on. i think it was unbelievable. on top of that, i had never experienced feelings around the house in scottsdale, with somebody in what's gone, come, cheer clinic from the in the afternoon, children and teenagers come to the ocean as soon as headed to and has finished his training program. he transitions injuries, relatively new role coaching the kids, the, the, the economy value of the quotes. and then i started a few years ago about some i still feel like a proper nova as such
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a train as he can do stuff. so it's me, poor could sport think it's not easy being a top athletes and simultaneously, and coaching models each box. and i tried to combine the 2 of them and by sports and i'm almost there right now. i am training to really gifted kids, make it. they also taken costs and competitions to vote on said mazda of a man, hydrogen even takes time out to coach the kids on the weekend, accompanying them to competitions like the medium youth championships in the small city of vanessa. but the future has medicaid for these aspiring updates since 2020, and on conflict with neighboring country as of, as john has flared up again, the smaller armenian nation struggles defend off its logic counterparts. the, the country feels like the international community is not supposed to get enough of
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feeling familiar to a medians for centuries. now the, the competition goes well. so how do you choose pupils? one wins goals. the advocates of drug see to me, i mean school thought to the i loved my thoughts on on them. i hope that one day i can mental another. all the 2 months is cheapest. yes. and, well, that would be a massive dream come true for me, but the last time that i was on campus, we've gone up the dream to finally live in a free and safe country is not something he wants to talk about. what is left is to do what he's always done. gymnastics also is all the of us. he still feels good and that seems to be kind of stop. yes. and so the coach is often ask him body. so having you had enough at this age with all your injuries on,
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but it doesn't bother him in golf course. are the thing off. i am a good example, but you should never give up. you'll support arlington. the task this both the face . they know if it is always possible to continue training all the mazda of and if you didn't get good results, decide to. yeah, east. maybe it'll happen to you with 33. and the edison gate eclipse. that's on monday hunter, to imagine yon will stop. but his message willing to mean it is a small but strong nation. the how many of you speak more than 2 languages? at least 2 or more languages we used to be taught to speak english. why we we can
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from becky crowns, don't speaking. why he, we have to embrace and why he, what do you do you lose you? i just simply by learning a level language, when i speak english, i said they can do this, pressing this 77 percent on dw, the hard to stick. freedom and freedom of expression came to an end in 1933. berlin. what followed was on precedent persecution. how could it come to them and what to do, young people to think about this barbaric destruction of culture in a 60 minute on d. w. those to know understand can have
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a think like the right to present. do you have any news on instagram? from the no follow up this week on the 77 percent street debate. we used to be forced to speak english. why we we can from becky ground of speaking. so here we have been raised and in, so i really do you, do you lose your identity simply by learning another language when i speak english at church street making means i have to leave or make oh, just behind my family to, to, to, to do not just new phones with the 5.