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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the business, the views live from ballot, thomas says it accepts a ceasefire plan. so all the war and gaza crowds of jerry proud of sydney and celebrated reports of the deal box is route rejects what it calls a softened gyptian proposal that is not accepting the task. molden atp floods in flooding and southern brazil, president load of the silver surveys the damage from the air and promises a plan to head off disasters, links to products. the
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gulf is welcome to the program. the homeless militant group says that as accept it's an egyptian katara sees 5 proposal to hold a 7 month old with these rel both israel and washington say they're reviewing bask plan. and then these really official set, the proposal was watered down and unacceptable to israel. despite the comments as announcements, from to immediate celebration in a southern gauze of just hours earlier, israel has all the 10s of thousands of displays. palestinians shouts in the southern city of 5 to leave and head to risk g. come ahead of an expect. it is rarely grounds incursion. now the w is corresponded to abraham, the joints, you know, from the jews of them. uh, we have conflicting reports here from the 2 sides. talk us through what we know. so what we know is that have mazda officials say that they've made
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a phone call to add a category of addiction mediators, indicating that they accept their seats for their proposal for a ceasefire. and since that announcement was, need, we've been getting more details again from her mazda site about what that proposal would entail. and it does seem that it's a, it's a phased a ceasefire proposal that would, in the early stages include a humanitarian truce and the exchange of is really hostages for the palestinian, the prisoners that are currently at jailed in a israel. something similar to the deal that we saw last year in november we saw the release of many is really hostages. and that then that proposal would, would have more phases. that would include a more sustain is,
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is really withdrawal from the gaza strip and eventually rebuilding of the strip. but we have heard reports from is really officials a sorry, and we've heard reports and just really media that, that a proposal would not be acceptable for israel. at the same time. we've heard how much say that that is a proposal that initially came to the table in april 27th. that has not changed a since we haven't heard a confirmation from katara yet or a country officials yet, which is perhaps an indication that this is still far from being set in stone. you remember our audience will remember that in november when that a gibson custody deal, the media to deal came to, to pass. there was a big announcement from petard, but we have heard a statement from the addictions, you know, a pair of freezing thing to hoping that a ceasefire will be reached soon as the united states, israel's biggest ally,
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we've heard a spokesperson for the state department, say the fat proposal or that response to the proposal from, from us is now being studied and discussed with american allies in the region. but i understand we'll be speaking to our colleagues in washington. no, but they'll be, they'll be able to give you more details about that at the same time we have been seeing these images of relief and joy coming out of guys are showing just the level of desperation that people there have a have are in after 7 months of constant bombardment. and how does the news of a possible cease fire has managed to to bring relief, but so far we don't have confirmation that the relief and their joy is correctly placed if you will, abraham that jerusalem, thank you. i am and as i said, we are now joined by the w. corresponded benjamin of our as group who is in washington for us at ben, we've just had a reaction, had
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a reaction from the us of what can you tell us? this is a very me just mention to washington is currently reviewing this response from the from us for a ceasefire proposal. we had a press conference from matthew miller, the spokes person of the state department. he said that the you as is it discussing it with its spots in the region and also that ca, direct bill balance is in the region working on this. but the state department declined to characterize a take a position. it was, his response had got from a mazda it says, washington, it believes that a hostage deal is in the best interests of these railey and also of the palestinian people, state department spokesperson stress betty military operation profile right now. what dramatically increase the suffering of the policy and peopling would lead to an increase and loss of civilian life. and that's also something that we heard from the pentagon. on sunday evening when defense secretary light austin, had a talk with is really counterpart saying that is roads needs
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a plan that he called credible a credible plan to evacuate it civilians and maintained your menu. terry nate and the spokes person of the pentagon said, well, the defense secretary had seen what he called concept from the is rarely side on the plan for the operational golf. how about not? nothing detailed. at this point, while i was speaking with seeing live pictures that from around for the bands, which president by the has spoken on the phone with benjamin netanyahu today, what do we know about that conversation? it was a 30 minute long call. so half an hour that the white house called constructive, the white house said the president by a prime minister benyamin antonio against launching and offensive into sullivan. it gaza city off and i find the spokes person of the national security council. jacoby said the president biden ray to ray did a clear stance on russell, but offered no details on what a clear sense actually would mean, or if they will be any consequences. if israel goes ahead with
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a broader attack on ruffle, we're getting it reports that we have already, it strikes in rough and as we're getting these reports, it remains to be seen of washington will react with actions and not just with concern statements in words using its leveretts as many happened, demanding for months now and, and just to give you one to reaction and congresswoman alexandria across the court . this recently commented on media reports that the you asked last week. put a hold on a shipment of us, made a munition to israel, call it a major development towards it ceased by a conditioning and military. h 2 is relatives not a new the month, but the white house has repeatedly says its iron clouds commitment and support for israel. but that's also something that we heard from the white house today that would also would be open to change in the policy. and that is needed, so that remains to be seen as work closely and following a what is happening in girlfriend solving casa obama. benjamin of ours group i reported from washington. many things been to more than 18
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people have been killed and thousands more are missing in floods. in southern brazil, president lunar the sylvan has visited the region and pledge funding for reconstruction . luna also promised a plan to help prevent exhaust those links to climate change. brazil's president flies low over the cta of portfolio. i agree, the capital of rio grande. so sol, stays is home to almost 1500000 people. but it's the streets as silent as they fill with brown flood water. louise in a seal, lulu to silver broth, most of these cabinets on a trip to the effected region on sunday to discuss rescue assets and reconstruction . lot also said the government is working on a plan to prevent what he called climate accidents. happen to see because we need to stop chasing misfortune. we need to run the tests and pay what
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could happen. periods are for the floods have been raging for a week, treated by torrential rain. more than 100000 people have been displaced. imagine z cruz as still struggling to rescue trapped residents with the floods reaching mesa is high. with the loss of water on the lower side of the city, the boats are already at the level of electricity pulse. we have to cut the power group to be able to cross some of these places. and what else uh, is a little guys. rio grande stores, those golfing, uh, says this is the worst natural disaster in the state's history, but it follows several other major floods in the last year learned and a growing trend of extreme weather events across brazil. for more details, that's go straight to gentlest gustavo boss, so joins us now from fall to a lake right in the south of a brazil. now,
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what more can you tell us about the situation and we are grounded to so where you are right now as well. the disaster is absolutely unbelievable. ready when we get here, we get the dimension of how big and how powerful the waterfall is. right now we're here. busy in delta of with the larry, everything is empty behind the sheets. they look like a lake, but used to be streets and avenues. and that's so many people being affected that so many people in their houses without the possibility of leaving them or not wanting to live. busy fearing that they got dropped or something like that. um, she's terrible. it's impressive. do you think the list is over now? it was more rain expected. i would say the divorce is not over yet because we are expecting more rain. not only put the leg it but also in the countryside a by wednesday. and the problem is what the leg is a region right?
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very many reverse flow. so he's in the, the head of these rivers. that's too much rain. all this water comes through the city and it's gonna rise again. so the forecast is that by wednesday, by you and raven again and the words, she's not over. i don't. so do you think the government has appropriate plans to help the people mostly that help is coming from volunteer volunteer that are risking people. they gets people from all over the country with bolts, jet skis, whatever help they can get, and maybe volunteers that also help in on the rest of the schools, churches, universities that but the demand is so big that the government alone cannot do much . um and they look kind of a little lost with so many demands that they don't know which ones that before. so
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it's a little overwhelming that the, the, the, the impression of the now the present, the, the silver, the has apparently said that he wants to a, prevents disasters like this. it by people taking that seriously. people are very creative right now because of the nothing really was done after the less floods that happened 88 months ago. um there was a lot of money and budgets to do something to prevent situations like that. but nothing really was made. perhaps the government was expecting not to happen so fast and so so then again, but there the many minutes. those were. busy were inputs later yesterday, also talking about how they're going to this to need a lot of the budget,
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a lot of money to prevent the situations. but the situation that they don't have actually a real project for this kind of thing. the jet and this was the best of that was bought it from for so illiterate for us. thank you very much, gustavo. that's got you up now on some of the other stories making headlines today. of the french president, i'm on the way i'm. i call has also chinese either she didn't things except fed global trade rules. believe this hell told doing she's the 1st official visit to europe in 5 years. if you have commission president over the, from the line called on, she to use his influence to hold russia's war against you. crouching thousands of people who have taken part of the annual march of the living at the former outfits desktop in poland to commemorate the victims of the articles, 55 survivors attended this year's event. almost 1000000 of the 6000000 jews,
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motors by the nazis during world war 2 were killed at oceans. german trusts the shows have visited bundles. the soldiers deployed in lithuania, so as observed, nato combat exercises and reassured lithuanian president. the ton us no setup of buildings commitment to defending the baltic states fleet by 2027. some of the 5000 german troops will be permanently stationed in miscellaneous hooks given with us. if you're watching the news for we go, here's a reminder of our top story. thomas says it has accepted a cx 5 plan to end the war in gauze. people that goes up and celebrate the announcement above is, has rejected what, what it calls a suffix exemptions proposal, which is not acceptable. and that's it from me on the
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news team for now. i have a world news update for you. at the top of the hour and after the break, the w tools to the head of the trouble, german pharmaceutical group bias douglas on god office in berlin from me and the new scene for which the music can be destroyed. you can try, but it's impossible to see performed for head lice in our smith. the key was the nazis, the 2 musicians who lives beneath the panel. i saw a film about the sounds of power.