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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from bell, it says it accepts a ceasefire plan to hold the war and gaza crowds of cheering, palestinian celebrated reports of a deal, but these are all reject, swore it calls a saw funds exemptions proposal and says it's bombing home off the targets in the city of russell more than 18 people uh, dead and flooding and southern brazil, presidents the silva surveys the damage from the air and promises to prevent exhaustively to climate change and directions. the job should end 3 years of
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military rule, but opponents of the one site in the central african nation dismissed the host. as of the god as welcome to the program, the homeless militant group says it has accepted an egyptian katara. c 5 proposal to hold the 7 month old was israel. both is one and washington say they are reviewing that plan and is really official said the proposal was bolted down and unacceptable to as well. despite the, as a mazda is announcements prompted, immediate celebrations in southern gaza, just as early as well. have all the 10s of thousands of displays colors, sinews, sheltering in the southern city of rough, up to leave and head to a refugee camp head of an inspect it is rarely ground in person. and that as to how
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these very limited service said that the gun was described as targeted, strikes against a mouse in the eastern part of rough off. now the w corresponded. abraham joins me from jerusalem. and we are getting reports of heavy bombardment and rough off. what do you know to well, the prime minister's office a short while ago and announced that the security, the war cabinet, pardon, has unanimously voted to continue israel's operation in a rough and what is really a military now claims is that it is targeting him. us operatives in, in, in roughly, and that's the southern most or most southern part of the gaza strip. however rough or is huge, we densely populated at the moment over
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a 1000000 palestinians had fled there throughout the course of this war because the southern part of gaza is of course, where israel had urged civilians for a very long time throughout the war. virtually since the beginning to evacuate to as it started, it's operation uh, in the north. so that's a 1000000 people in addition to people that were already living in the roof. i. so as has been the case in this war, even though the military will claim that they are targeting militants, civilians will inevitably be caught in the crossfire. and this of course comes after there was actually a sense of relief and joy tonight in russell and elsewhere throughout the gaza strip. at news that a, a ceasefire proposal had been accepted, a buy from us leadership at the is really a prime minister. has said that even though the proposal is not,
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i'm paraphrasing his statement now is not up to what is real, was hoping for that he would still send a delegation to cairo to exhaust all the options for negotiations. and we've also heard some families of some of the hostages that are still believe to be held by how much in gaza give a statement tonight saying that everyone who said that they've been committed to returning the hostages. i should now re, we get together and try to make this work as they are, of course, also desperate to get their loved ones back. now told us to what we do know about the two's proposal that how must says it has accepted. so it would appear that they would be, it is that it is a multi phased a proposal that would have an initial phase of returning at least some of the hostages is really hostages. believe to be held in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. currently in is really
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a jails that there would be an initial period of about $45.00 days of a truce, the humanitarian truce to allow for that exchange for that afterwards. that a choose a c spy would be extended, and more is really hostages would be exchanged, as well as a bodies of the deceased that are still being held by him. us in guys that would be returned to his real followed then by a phase of rebuilding and, and, and re construction. but again, in whatever, at the exact details, it would appear that that is not something that these really prime minister is willing to accept at this point. however, as i just mentioned, there will be a, is really delegation going to cairo. so this could also a change the united states has said that they are now studying the results
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of this, how much response and to their consulting with their allies and the we just what appears to be there appears to be movement there. and a real commitment, at least from the side of the united states, to try and reach some kind of agreement, a very, very important from jerusalem. a for more on the us of the side of things to w, correspond to benjamin of ours group joins me now. from washington, dc. benjamin we've just, uh, had the reactions from the us. what can you tell us? it's this right. and washington is still reviewing this response. they've got from us to a ceasefire proposal. what the spokesperson of the state department said is that yes, as we just heard from colleague abraham, is discussing with its partners in the region. and you also edited ca, direct a bill. burns is in the region working on this, but the state department declined to characterize to take it, position it towards this response that it got from us. but it's sad that it washington believes that a hostage deal isn't the best interest of both. these rainy and also the police to
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me and people state it department spokesperson stressed that a military operation roughly right now would dramatically increase the suffering of the police thing and people and would lead to increase in loss of a civilian life. and what the reports that we're getting now it remains to be seen how the us it will react. well we got was in a statement also by the pentagon, st. defense secretary light austin had a tow with a his is rarely counter pods in israel needs a credible plan to evacuate civilians and maintain the menu terminate and their washing has not seen details on that yet. now president barton also spoke on the phone with benjamin netanyahu to do it today. what do we know about that conversation to this, right? it was a half an hour call. so 30 minutes, the winehouse called it constructive, and it also set the president by judge to prime minister benjamin netanyahu against launching and offensive in the south and gaza is city of rough are the national accounts. so security council spokesperson, john kirby said,
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the president biden reiterated a korea stance on rough uh, but offered no details on what a korea stance would actually look like. or if there would be any consequences. if israel goes ahead with a broader attack, that might be indeed immune and looking at the pictures that were getting it from a rough side remains to be seen. how washington will react if bill would react with actions and not just with it. concern statements and words, and during a meeting that a president biden health here in washington with jordan's king abdullah. he also set that in is really a talk this what a king of the said it threatens to lead to new and i quote, a new massacre. so pressure is increasing on the wi toes and sen bernie sanders, one of president biden's biggest critics on it. support for israel treated out today saying the president biden must back his was with action asking him to an old offensive military a to as well. was it the correspond to benjamin otherwise, group of the reporting. thank you. as
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the well, the nice people have been killed and thousands more are missing in floods in southern brazil, president little at the silver as visited the region and pledge funding for reconstruction. he also promised to prevent exhaust as links to climate change. for sales president flies low over the cta of portal, and i agree. the capital of real grunge, those sol stays, is home to almost 1500000 people. but it's the streets as silent as they fill with brown flood water. louise in a seal lula to silver burrows, most of these cabinets on a trip to the affected region on sunday, to discuss rescue assets and reconstruction. lot also said the government is working on a plan to prevent what he called climate accidents,
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equity fuel cash. we need to stop chasing misfortune. we need to run the tests and pay what could happen periods or for the floods have been raging for a week. treated by torrential rain. more than 100000 people have been displaced. imagine z cruz as still struggling to rescue trapped residents with the floods reaching mesa is high. we thought there's a lot of water on the lower side of the city. the boats are already at the level of the electricity polls. we have to cut the power grid to be able to cross some of these places or whatever is low guys. rio grande stores souls golfing uh, says this is the worst natural disaster in the states history, but it follows several other major floods in the last year learned and a growing trend of extreme weather events across brazil.
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the gentlest gustavo bustle joined us from fall to a leg earlier and gave me an update on the flooding in southern brazil as well. the disaster is absolutely unbelievable. ready when we get here, we get the dimension of how big and how powerful the waterfall is. right now we're here. busy in delta of with the larry, everything is empty behind the sheets. they look like a lake, but used to be streets and avenues. and that's so many people being affected that so many people in their houses without the possibility of leaving them or not wanting to leave them cheering that they got dropped or something like that. um, she's terrible. it's impressive. do you think the list is over now? it was more rain expected i would say the divorce is not over yet because we are expecting more rain not only but the legged but also in the country side by wednesday. and the problem is, with the leg is
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a region with very many reverse flow. so he's in the, the half of these rivers, that's too much rain. all this water comes through the city and it's gonna rise again. so the forecast is that by wednesday, by and reading again and the words, she's not over. i don't. so do you think the government has appropriate plans to help the people mostly the help is coming from volunteer. volunteered that are rescuing people. they gets people from all over the country with bolts, jet skis, whatever help they can get, and maybe volunteers that also help in on the refugees and schools, churches, universities, that but the demand is so big that the government alone cannot do much. and they look kind of a little lost with so many demands that they don't know which one to before. so
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it's a little overwhelming that the, the, the, the impression of now that presented at a silver has apparently said that he wants to prevent disasters like this, it by people taking that seriously. people are very creative right now because of the nothing really was done after the less floods that happened 88 months ago. um there. busy was a lot of money and budgets to do something to prevent situations like that. but nothing really was made. perhaps the government was expecting not to happen so fast . and so, so then again, but there the many ministers of. busy us were inputs out later yesterday, also talking about how they're going to this in a lot of the budget,
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a lot of money to prevent the situations. but the situation is that they don't have actually a real project for this kind of thing. which in this gustavo, best of the 40, from 4, so illiterate for us. thank you very much. gustavo, scratch you up on some of the other stores making headlines. french president obama and mccaul, as of the chinese leaders, she didn't thing to accept fed global trade rooms. the latest held talks during, she's 1st official visit to europe in 5 years. european commission president also left on the line and called on g to use his influence to hold russia's war against 2 crashes. to try to finish maps, the leader of germany's main opposition positive a sent a ride. christian democrats has been re elected as a policy chem, mass will likely challenge social democrats that will have shots and elections next
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year. the conservative cd use the su block have almost as much support in the opinion polls as germany's 3 governing parties combined. a russ um its a hold tactical nuclear weapons drills near ukraine. the defense ministry says it's in response to threats by west and officials from sunset is does not rule out sending troops to ukraine in britain has allowed teeth to use its long range. mississauga. germany's jones that will have shots has been holding tolts with both of the leaders on strengthening europe's defensive shoals, met with a promise of lafayette lithuania and a sonia and left this capital riga. they announced plans to speed a bombs manufacturer chose also visit the german troops, taking 5 and an 8 to exercise in this way. now. the show of president thomas, no setup of berlin's commitment to defend thing, the bolted coordination while the w as a chief political if it's something that is traveling with the german chancellor
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and sent us her assessment of the meeting with the both the latest by visiting the list when yeah, lots, yeah, on one day. hold on. soul has now been to all 3 politics states. he travels with the greatest t is within nato at this moment in time, facing up against the threat from russia on the day of his visit process. so, so who knows that it is now testing tactical nuclear weapons. something rejected hit by voltage leaders, including the drum and tops that as well as another pulse of threat that must be met with yes, move results, but also with nato building up its potential to, to top down. and he is doing that spite sending some 5000 troops to lithuania by 2027. this way he wants to speed out this process. it's only the
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latest for mind to that time is of the essence in posting back process both in ukraine, but also in the baltic countries. i would say like, who is now reporting thousands of riley. it's against the nationalist hungry. i'm from minnesota to all them in the run up to here, p and local elections next month, all the and has a face, no serious political thread for years. but now a form of government inside that is hoping to mount the challenge. same open is a populist, let's use a game of cronyism and corruption. for years, bonding should voted for prime and it's still big to oregon and the ruling fittest party. but now the father of, for, is taking to the street against a government like many other hungry audience. the only order by the store itself is only interested in hungry to reach his foreign policy goals to your walk out, the migration will make it actually paid. so much you cause about domestic politics,
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not much about funding politics, but about people's everyday problems on how to solve them. pretty might go back in that one for many, hon gary and spend that money on a lawyer. and business man was only known as the ex husband, a former justice minister. he would each bar go who had to step down in the wake of a federal 5 pardon scandal. that scandal resulted in the resignation of hungry school. my president and of maud, your ex wife from our post is m p and read l. c. this your pin, pull them in place. now since then mode, your opening accuses the system. she's been part of as corrupt, of course, problem me civic to obama. quote, the head of a mafia, state money or is steering up the country for the 1st time in more than a decade prime. and it's to all bodies possibly facing a serious challenge. his problem, i'm like in the liberal world capital budapest mode your is not very well known in
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other parts of the country, especially in the east, a rural area, and strong coal built for bonds, ruling fittest parties. that is, i don't know him doesn't ring a bell and it's like a nickel. and what do you think? what's his profession? when you've got full block list out, how can you hear me? not sure. i need a sing or a star for them. you know, i guess you should have that to do a present or prefer you these are that are prominent store by asking mode your if he sees a chance that the government could face an early election, the bible not decide this depends on the results of june. the 9th and which consequences are drawn by feed us. i would do that too far with them, but look, they are not then. he wants a strong and modern hungary, in the european union votes of being counted in the long delay the election and the central african nation of chad. the vote is aimed at
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ending 3 years of military rule, the, but it's likely the current one. so the current ones, elidah, mama, they'd be, will win the contest, and the opposition said the election is a fix. he's already chats entering presidents and now he wants to make it official . his dad ruled chad for 3 decades. and my how much debbie wants to consolidate, the family dentistry draws his show for jobs and it's not easy to lead or transition and chat. so no problem. what's the 3 years? i am sure the continuity of the states, the i present the unity of our country. i preserve peace. i believe i have on my commitment risk. debbie has long said he was committed to not run for president. and when the full start general took the helm,
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following the death of his father and 2021, he promised to hon. back power to a civilian government within 18 months. but he didn't violent protests broke out in 2022. when debbie extended his entering presidency, official reports, claim 50 people were killed in the ensuing government crackdown rights group say the number is higher and included summary executions of protest this event. the global debbie denied to amend the government involvement and due in december last year, chad held the referendum on the new constitution, which the dentist said would be a key step towards the retentive civilian roland democracy. the opposition said it paved the way for debbie to cement, to scrape on power. the list of presidential contenders has shrunk rapidly as opposition. candidates have been banned from running. debbie's main rival y'all. ya
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de la was shot dead in an ami, a sold on policy headquarters in february. human rights watch says he was killed point blank with a single bullet to the head. the only of the remaining candidates is sex. a mess from the current prime minister of chat master on was a former opponents of debbie and the organizer of the 2022 protests. but the surprise twist, debbie appointed him prime minister in january after giving him amnesty and allowing him to return from exile is all upfront for the reality. opponents of debbie say leaving little the real choice which had ins and guaranteeing the as to the thread remains in power and child's elections have a trouble history. and i also knew got it in the i got a bug, how you will code and the chair of the african security section network, whether this one would be any different probably not. because uh,
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as you know, the chat as being and edits buys. and since i really uh for the kids know, as the current president, my, my dbi is a, some of the late president of they do is they be know what was killed. and in fact, you access it, do you have access to power after i'm in constitutional change off the rules and he's been a warranty on the pets also need to re community. that's what happens in fact and the the we just so that's a very important oakland and yeah, yeah. do you know was killed but in fact he was also of the send check your family and we can see that we do have a kind of crime. it rather than it for you to 40, was
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a presently in shot in power. so i don't see that all these political so new system will be put to an end with these new annex. not really mine does what is at stake for the people of jobs. people shot and has been a century and a lot in fact and because that's a whole way be and 93. and it's always as being very difficult for them to really express that all the thinking. we solve that with the 2022 protest, which we're very, very blunt. you know, is there is a match or a difference between the judge. we say what says follower ne, invoking f s o n j, the new jersey because they'll never been shooting all people. but these as being
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the case with the current re he now the country apparently is totally divided. all the election resolves likely to be accepted by all parties. probably not. as that's what he's likely to happen is that there will be a lots of protest which will be expressed by different parts of the political and skate. but what will be as the procedure which will be filled out? and because we know also is that old state constitutions income including the electra room walls and doors, and supervision walls are also more often than not very close to power. yeah, got a by you. ok, the chair of the african security sector network. thank you very much for your
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analysis. thank you. and you're watching dw news before we go. is a reminder of our top story. it almost says it has accepted a c's 5 plan to end the war and gaza published indians have been celebrating. but israel has rejected what it calls a softened egypt sin proposal and says it's forming almost targets in the city or rough. that's it. from the bottom you ever noticed him for the stick with up with us on the back of the brake fluid? the
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shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the for the 1st time in 5 years, china is present in sheets, in thing is in europe, starting his strip by meeting him on a well my call in from the french president has been quite old spoken recently about europe not standing up for itself in the world economically, politically, and not least militarily. and even though china said the visit was to promote development of the china you relationship, it is a confrontation of thoughts with one of the most pro european of europe. solita is i'm gab l f as in berlin, and this is the day i.